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<br /> This DEED OF TR.UST is m�dc this 9th dsy of Max, 1997, by and among NOItMAN L.BENTi,EY �
<br /> and DUNA L. BENTLEY, husbsrd �ed�ife, hereina�ter referred to as"Truston," whether ane:or more,
<br /> whosc�wiling address is Pott O!1'ice BoY 4SS,C�iro, Nebrs�sics 6�2�;THE STATE BANK OF CAIRQ, a
<br /> Nabra�k� 'Ba�ki�s Corporntion, hereinufter referred to as "Tru�ta," whose mailing address is Bos 42�,
<br /> . �oira,:�Nclbr�ic� 68�2�; and TS� STATE BANK UF eAIRO, A Nebr�l�a BA�ksug Ccu-�rcratfcc,
<br /> � hezeira�s�3er�eferred to a�"Bao�eficiary,••whose mailing�ddress is Boi 423,C�uiro,Nebr�u�lca 6�24.
<br />. For valuable considaeation, Tn�stors irrevocably grant, transfer, convey and assign to Trustec, in tru�t,
<br /> with powa oP sale, for the benefit and saurity af Baie6ciary, UIff1Ef ntld 3l1bJOCt t0 tI1C tC(!1'IS ltfa COIUItt�Qt)b O�
<br /> � this Deed of Tn�st,the following described real property located in HALL Couaty,Ncbresic�:
<br /> � Lot Two(Z),Black One(1),First Addition to Ceiro,Hal!County,Nebnska;
<br /> together with all buildings,impravernmts,fixtures, strests, d1Cy�,passaB�aYs, ��,ri8hta. privile�ea�snd
<br /> �"'l..s.�:.,.-�tar.;M.�s^.Mt�:�ar�r.,s*±��.9�annal nrnn�rtv that mn��c or here�fter I�eCOme atllntEil�el Dait Of EuCh
<br /> building�end improve�nents,�ll crops raisod therean, aad all watu rights, �ll of which, includi�g replacemaits
<br /> snd edditians thcreto,are Y�ercby,decured to be a parx af thc real estate conveyed in trust haeby,it be�ing agreed
<br /> th�t�Il of the foregoing sha11 be h.ereinaRer refarred to as th�"ProCecty."
<br />.,; �
<br /> E; . � .
<br /> ? •. Paymait of�iadebtedness tvidaaced by Tni�tors' note of even date herewith in the p►indp�l sum of
<br /> ` 525,000.00, togethcr whti interest at the rate or rattn provided thaein, and arry�nnd All rc,nev�r�ls, modiScaiions
<br /> � arid exteasions of such note,iboth principal and intesest on th�note being paynble in accordance wit}c the tama
<br />- set farth thaein, which byr this referecxce is hereby made a pArt heroof; and atry and �ll li�ture tiidvuras and
<br /> rdadvu►cea to Truatnrs hereswder pwsaant to oae o�o more promissory notes or credit agreerna�s,�n called
<br /> .' "Nate"); � �
<br /> b. the psyment of ott�ar sams advmced by BeneSci�uy to protect the security of the Note;
<br />- e. , t6e pa�fornzence of all Gave�antc and agreame�ts of Trustar set forth herein;and •
<br /> d. . xll preaa�t �►d �uture indebtodnex� and obligations of Trustors to Bax,ficiary whether direr�, indirect, .
<br /> , absolute or couting�t and whether arising by note,guarenty,averdraft or othetwise;
<br /> 1. To psy whar due,the principal of,and tLe interest on, the indebtedness evidecwed by the note,c�rga,fea aad all other
<br /> ;i. sunue as pra�vided ia the laan inmumarts.
<br /> Z. Tcaetucs�rc ihe o�vr�ers at'the proQaey ond luve thc right end authority ro eacecute We Deed of Tiust in nr,s�OCt w tho
<br /> . ��S'.
<br /> 3: To pry, w6en dne. �Il ta�es, snocisl as9esamente and all c�ther charges against the property, before tlne same b000me
<br /> . deli�qumt. Tnialars�all pay all taxss and�caasmaNa swhich rt�y be levied upon Henef�ciacy's interat l�neln a tq�an thia Daed of
<br /> ` Tn�st or the debs sa�vred hsrebY.without naa=d W any law that�y be cnacted impasing paycaent of tl+e whak ot uy put Wanmf�
<br /> ' upon tLe Bendici�y.
<br /> � �. To keep the improvcmcnts naw or baesRa iocatod on the property insurod agait�st damage by fire�nd sudt��er littxude aa
<br />'; the Ben�dary mry roquire,in amamts and oompanies aaQept�ble to the Bene6ciary,Such insuruwo policy sh9ll ooauin a a�ndrmd
<br /> � mortxarte claux in favoc of�ficiary. Tniator ai�all promptly renair, malnwin and replax the pr�perty or any prrt thereof,sa
<br />-� tt�at,exoept for ordinuy wear and tear,thc property stiall rat de�eriorata
<br /> , S. In the event the prq�erty,or any part tfieroof,shall be taken by eminent don�sin,the Becrd�cian,�is entiticd to oollect and
<br /> . rooeive aU oompenaation which may ts�paid fnr any property taken or for damagos to prope�ty not tajcan,and the&nefciz�ry slwti�
<br /> apply�vch cnmpCnsattan,at its option,eitt�er to a ral�ction of the ir�dCtxodneas socured hereby,or to repair and res�wre the pmperry
<br /> so Uken.
<br /> 6. 'fhe Bene�ciary may, but sLall have no obligation to, do any act which Tnutots have aaroed but �'aileti to do, nnd tlta
<br /> Beneticiary may also do any aci it doems �oessacy to pzotect thc lien hereof. Tnutors agroe to n�y,upon dcmard, any sumB Qo
<br /> expcncled by thc Beneficiary for Lbe abave piupoces,811d allY SLLttl SO CXpC11dOfI BI13U bC aclded tn tbe indebtedncxs scxurcd I►eraby and
<br /> become sxurad hy tLe lien I�aeof. Tt►e Beneficiary shall �w incur vry liabiliry boc�use of anything it may do or omit to dn
<br /> IK:teuuder.
<br /> 7, Thc Bene�ciary shall t�ave tt�rig�,p�oaer and aut}tority during thc oontinuanoc of this Deed of Tn�st to collaa tho�unta.
<br /> issuea and pro6ts of the pmpecty and of�cy personal pmperty(ocatcd thereon with or without talcing posscuion oC the prope�ty
<br />