.�.--A....._._...-.--�•_-......e..��� _ . �3 7' �� .
<br /> NE�a�s,�a ��C�MENTARY .
<br /> S;��`,',P i ra.:�C
<br /> F�s� 31971
<br /> � .
<br /> 5 �
<br /> :�_ Y E.YECUT�R'S DErD
<br /> ��
<br /> KPa06�1 I;LL ��•i�_7 BY TIiESE PP.ES�i�;T5: That L?1��LR�Ir ?^TILIIEL'��I, as ��ecutor
<br /> of the estate of WII,LI�1r1 H. T,-IIL?:ELi�!I , Deceased, anc� pursuant�
<br /> to the �lirection and aut�ority grant�d him �y the� Last T�7ill and
<br /> Testar.ient of r4i11iar1 H. [•7il'�el�i, i:� consic?`ratior of `^��e�ty-
<br /> five `�'}1011S�iT1C: and .Tdo/lOn �ollars (r2'S,nn!; .nn) in hanc? paid to
<br /> .�in by tlie Grantee hercay grants , conveys an<� conFir?:ls u�to °OB�RT
<br /> t•IILHEL`TI, the follo�aing described. prenises, situateu• in :�all
<br /> County, ^Iebraska, to-�.:it:
<br /> The North i�alf of the riort?�east �?uarter (^;l/?;>�?�1/4) of
<br /> Section T���e_n.ty-eight (22) , To�ansnin ��aelve (12) Tlorth,
<br /> Range len (10) T�7est of the 6th P.'�1.. , Hall Count��, Vebraska.
<br /> together witn all teneMents, �ereditamer.ts anc: annurtenances
<br /> thereunto belonging, anu all the estate, ricrh+" title, ir.terest,
<br /> � claim or aerland erhatsoever of the said testator of, in anci to
<br /> the sar.le, or any �?art thereof, bu� subject to any existinr utilitv
<br /> or gas lines, publie r_oaGS ancl ea>e:�ents of reeorc�.
<br /> `in i1:1t'�� ��."`Ji� 'i'� 1��)LU t:7C' d�nV� Ci°SC?"1}:)E'.� �Y'P^11S�S U:7t0 }=1C
<br /> S�z1C,': ZO;)t�Y'i: i'<ilnelMi d:1C. t0 =1].S :lnl1"S di1C. d�s1C?T2S f�iC'V°Y'� c�r;G
<br /> t.ze Grantor '_ierebv covenants that the ??re;,�.ises are free and clear
<br /> of any lien or encu^lbrance causeci. b�.� any claim for taxes levied
<br /> against t�ze es�ate of �ti�_llia;; 'r7. ��Iil`:e1_ni, Deceas�c',, a.nd �.oes
<br /> :iere?��� ��a.rrant t:�at as rxecutor z� ��ill def�nc? t`�e sai.: brer�is�s
<br /> ac�lai?:s� ld`7fU1. Cl.d'?�1S dTli: C�2I'i311GS Of all 1�2Y_SOIl� C��71?':1`l�? 7����
<br /> t}irour,h or ur_der i}.
<br /> I�, ?,,-I�_,,,;SS r,iIER^OF, LaVerne T•�ilzelmi, as FYecutor of t'_:e
<br /> estate of ;:illia*_n ?i. �rli?'��lr:i , 7eceasec:, has cause�' ±'_:e�e pres�r.ts
<br /> to be �:_ecutc� t:�is ;".; � dav of Januar:l, 1_'71.
<br /> �` �--�%y--:--t
<br /> :_�!.�r��:i�y�=-� _` ___________.____
<br /> Executor o� t'ie Esta�� of 'v;illia^i
<br /> Ii. Flil"?^1T�i, Decease�i
<br /> �J�li-'��li', �JF i':._,�l�:s�fl �
<br /> {SS.
<br /> CGliiviY OF �iALL }
<br /> On tnis /�'� day of Januar��, 1971, ;�erore r.�e, a ?�;otary
<br /> Public ;�it�iin anu for s�id Countv, nersonally anpearec_ LaVerne
<br /> �'JllilE.,'li',il� LYE'CUt.OZ' O� til�' E,'S{�Z.t� of t°�illian ;1. ;ill'tlE'.�;'_ll � i�E'_C:L'c"3SP_C:�
<br /> to rle �no���n to k�e tne ide:�tical perso:� �a'_�o signeu the �orec�oinc�
<br /> instrunen� anr ;� ackr.o�rle�iged tize sa;^e to be =:i; volu>_zt�ry act
<br /> c717G Cie�'�: aS S�:Ci1 �Yecutor fOY' t;1G 113CCS d27C; 7uYtJOS°S t'_1t,Y'�111 1'.;cntioned.
<br /> I,: �`:I 1:`:��:�i ��Fi;:���T'� I :�dVE ii�'Y'C'i1P,�O S�i. Ti1V :7dI7C: dT::: Of f 1C1d1
<br /> - seal : ;:ie c�ay and year last above writter..
<br /> � --_-�-�1-
<br /> ' _ = ,—___�3 o t a r< </}?u� l i c ------
<br /> , �
<br /> �� _
<br /> ,: .v� cor�:�ission expires : _ , �.wr%� ��g�-------- � -
<br /> '� �
<br /> FilEd �^� fEbJfd February 3, 1971 4�Q9-���;���`1�.� Deeds �
<br /> ���� � ''�,'�'`--- ��''�-��-:� i eg�ster cf ��2Bs, �lali �o��,4y, K�braak�;
<br /> Ras� Ann 1z��k��n
<br /> � �r
<br />