fllel fOt�4Qf��ru�� 1971 � !�:ol P ..
<br /> ,r,��� ... � �4, ie Smg 1_ 63 ot Deeds . �
<br /> P�-��., ���-� -�—�-;-,���;,;;i�,,;,,_,,.,.Reg��e� of �eeds, NaR Coanly, Nehraska �
<br /> The grantor MAYER INVESTMENT CO.
<br /> � corporation organized and existing under aud by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska
<br /> in consideration of THREE THOUSAND FIVE HiJNDRED & no�100 _ ($3�500.00) DOLLARS
<br /> recei�-ed from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, conve�• and confirm unto
<br /> Glen R. Fredstrom and Linda Fredstrom, husband and wife,
<br /> as joint tenants ���ith right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the follo�i-ing described real
<br /> propertv in Hal l ............... County-, Nebraska:
<br /> .....................................................
<br /> Lot Four (4), in Block Five (5), in Kay—Dee Subdivision
<br /> in part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
<br /> (SW4SY�) of Section Twenty-One (21) , Township Eleven (11)
<br /> North, Range Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M., in Village
<br /> of Parkview, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> � ._ , � {.
<br /> �
<br /> ,�._ +_+F f
<br /> .. ,.,
<br /> -�.;= � , ;
<br /> ' . ''� 0
<br /> ��/
<br /> . '1'o ha��e a>>�1 to liolil tl�e abo�-e desci•�be�l prer�uses together ���itl� ali tene�netiis, bereditaments and
<br /> appurTenances tllereto belonging lu�Y.o tl�c brantees an�l to tlieir �ssigns, or to the }.eirs and assigns of the
<br /> surei�-or of them forever.
<br /> _1n�i rri•antor for itself and its successors does I�ereb�� co�•enant� �i•ith the gra.ntees ar.d «�ith their
<br /> ��,si;n, ,����i ��itl: tl�, lieirs and assigns of the survivor of r]iem t�hat �ra�itor is la«-fi�11� seised of said
<br /> I�re�ni�e,; tkiat ti,ey r�re free from eneumbrance
<br /> ihat �rr��;tor has �ood right a�ld la«f't;l aiuhor�ty to convey +he same; and that gran±or ��arrart:s and
<br /> «-ill defend t]ie title to sairl premises against the la�r-fu1 elairr�s of a11 perscns �ahorn�oev�r.
<br /> It �s the intention of all par�ies hereto ±,�at. in t6e e�-en±. of tl�e ��eath o' eitl:e� of !i;e �rar�tees,
<br /> tht entire fee simple ti+le to the real es*ate sllali �•est �n the snrc��,-:i,� �rxnt<:e.
<br /> In rritness �vhereof, grantor }�as liereunto caused its rorpo��ate seal to be affi�ed azid these ��re���nts
<br /> si�nned b}' its F'i•esident.
<br /> llatE�a January 20, 7�3 71
<br /> . � !��_ �,��" � �� ��;_� .�-�\
<br /> �", 1,r ..... .. .... ^.Y:� .... .................. C��.... �resident
<br /> �-1,_�-�z}, �,�,�` Nebraska Hall
<br /> ................................................... ......... Coi!nt�- of ............................................................:
<br /> Befo�c me, €t noYar�- public qualifie�l ior s.�i�l connty, 1�erso:�ally ea,ne
<br /> He rbe rt F. Maye r, J r. President of
<br /> Mayer Investment Co.
<br /> , a cor��oration,
<br /> i:u�����aj �t�; �nic io h�� �,,,� I'resiclent au�l .identieal j,crsoi� �,cho si���ed tli,: f�_�regoi�ig instru.�nent, and aeknow-
<br /> ](��1���•tl��tJi��e�ECU±ion thereof to be his voluntar�- act� an�l �lec�7 as siu•h officer and the ��olunYtir�� a�t and
<br /> _il��c�l �t sazd ci��?g�ara'��ior. and thai its eorporate sez�l i��a;; Y.'r�c,eto afti�ed l;�� its authorit��.
<br /> ' . ���':tn�,�ns z��y }ian�l aud notari<;l scal or .........Januar�'...20,............................ 19...71........
<br /> '�'` : - ` .... ...�.:..:.:...:::..... ....:...: ' -� ....:.... Notary Public.
<br /> , .
<br /> - . • ......... �:........
<br /> ..., ,,., , .- , � , _
<br /> � �'.; + .., .'. .
<br /> My commission egpires ...:L�:.c.:..r..-:.:.:::-:..`.:::�....!.::j......, 19.�.�.....
<br />