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<br /> COVk�IAMT�
<br /> 1, ��ymK+t�. Borrowe► �yrNS to m�ke �il p�ymonta on th� secund dobt when duo. Ur�l�a� Borrowsr end lerx�x�pna oth��wlo, any
<br /> ixchiiiw�of Intirsst a�prk+dpil iico Oeto�nt�n����d than to princip�ll.lf prtl�il�x��paym�nt o}ths se ur�d dsbt occ i fo�iny n��sondlt wbll
<br /> not nduce a�xcu� amtf4tA� �d debt I�p�id In full.
<br /> `:• p�' �,L�' � ��"iis n�nts,�rx1 oth�►ch�rp���ttrlbutabia to tl»prop�rty wh�n due�nd wfll d�imd titl�
<br /> _•��A�t '� �{r� li�n o}thl�d��Q o}tru�t.Undar msy rpuin Barowa to issqr��ny riphto,cldm�or
<br /> �f�„��� ������ �.b� y� pply I�bor or m�t�ri�t�to Improve or malnt�fn the{xop�rty.
<br /> �.��.Borrow�r wIH k►ep ths prop�ty Msur�d urtd�t�rm�acc�pt�ble to E�nd�r�t Borrow�r'��xp�ns��nd for Und�r'� b�n�tit. All
<br /> {ncw�nca poUCl::t�stllncludo a ctni+AMrt mo+t0epe clnuee in f�vnr of L�nd�r.Lond�r wfil bo n�m�d n bN p�y��or a�t�In�urad an my euch r
<br /> �M���y,A�y�M�r�pracNds m�y b�•ppIi�d,witNn L�rM�r'�di�cntian,to�Iti�r tiw rrrto�atbri or r:patr ol tho demsa^d property
<br /> a to tM��cund d�bt.11 L�ndN nquk��mortOW���u���,�rav�r prN�to maintaln�uch In�wana fa��lanp u L�nder rpuin�.
<br /> 4,hop�rty.Borrow�r will kap tM p�opMry in poc►d conrfitinn�nd m�k��II np�lra ru�ombiy rMCUnry,
<br /> 6.Exp�N.Bo►row�r uprw�to p�y NI L�nd�r'��xp�na�� Inchxfl:tiQ nuon�bl��riorn�ya'iN�,if 9orrow�r br�rkt�ny cownant!In thl�dMd _
<br /> of trust a in�ny obl{p�tfon�ecund bY thl�dMd of trust.�orraw�r wfll p�y tM��artfount�to l�r�r a�provld�d In Covsrunt 9 0l thl�dpd ot
<br /> tru�t.
<br /> �.IMp s�1nM�Mq,UnNrn Barow�r fk�t abtslns L�nder'�wrltt�n con�lnt,ilarowM wiN not m�k�a�rmit�ny ch�r►yu to�nY prlor
<br /> I�m�p YOrrow«',���iaMw to miki p,�ti«�whi�dv�.��atbrN und�r eny pr�a mo►tp�W� dMd ot truat a oih�r ucwity �IrNmrnt.
<br /> 7�� ���n�i�M h�11q, /aroww'���Inrn to I.�rMN th�nnto�nd pAflts of ttN p�opN`Y.UnM��dnr�ow�r e+d L�ndK hsw�prMd
<br /> othK�w�i�MMi�wFtin�l� �atovw� m�y colMot�nd retNn th�nnt��� brq��Ilorrown Ir not In d�twlt. If @orrow�► ddwlU, 4�M►. L�nd�r'�
<br /> p�j�MiO f kii to tM a�o tio rrnaM01�qm�tM�P�op�'tY�i��ir p ca�x1t co,t'i,nd iraniyi'cfiii t aommliibni�io nnt�i,�i i�ndt�dy o1M�r
<br /> �Ky�N�t�d��paMN,TiM�NnNn�q�maMt of nnt�w�l tMn�pply to p�ym�nt�on th���cund d�bt u Movid�d In�ov�nYnt 1.
<br /> e ��w�e1����� ��(,h�t p�yMapnMnp,Borrow�r���ppprrrN�to r.omaly with tM provlslon�of�ny I��s�If thl�dMd of trutt I�on
<br /> ur�d�w��i+t���w1 ua�tie M ollM con�domtr�un�a pi�i�l�unFt di awbOrint m,Bcrrowor wIM perlt►!m�II of Borrnw�r'�dutb�
<br /> 0.Aud�o�Ny ot L«W��p M�lbrM fq�anawK. If Borrow�r f�ib to�riwm�ny of BorrowK'� dutl��ur�►thl� dNd ol tru�t, LstW�r rrNY
<br /> ��i�on w�t�°p�rcopKty �dNctontk�u�idtu r�iat ci►�i�id on ki i riu�onNsM min�LindKym�y do wh t�wr�is ni�iuyr to protict U��i
<br /> ucwity fnt�rnt In tfw propwtY•Thl�may InckxN compMdnp th�consuuotbn.
<br /> UndK'�fNlur�to p�rtorrt�will �ot R��clud�L�xNr hom�x�rcisinp eny of It�otl»r rlpht�urxl�r th�law or thl�d��d of Vust.
<br /> sntl WiM�b�r k�t�iit fian�d�t�o(�p��ym�I nt untN�pNd lii�fuM�t�tM fntKi tr ita In iNiotdon tM iiiwiid dib���I b�du�on M�m�nd
<br /> 10. D�twk�nd AeeaMrMkn- If Battow�r faN� to mak� �ny p�ym�nt wh�n dw a bn�ks �ny cownant� ur�► tNs dNd of uust or �ny
<br /> �j�{m���yn»nt�r�d m�yukiv ki,tt i p�or�inrmo sil�iind in�y otMrimedNs�mitt�byir�►plicab�N i�w�of tM s�cur�d d�bt w+d
<br /> �a�.����i����prson,�Yi�t�to t�teMnui.����of tM notic��uf d�fault�nd s�Is b�ant to e�ch prwn who I��pwtY
<br /> �Z.�K p��,�}��M�r pivok�s tM poww oi t�N,tM TrustN shall flrst ncord In tM oHlce of tM rsyistu of dNd�of each countY
<br /> wh�nin ttw uuat prop�rty a aom� PM�cr p�rc�l th�rsof i�situat�d�notic�ot detauk wntalMn�tha infornutbn rsqdr�d bY I�w.TM TrwtN
<br /> thsN dw m�fl eopf�s o}tM notle� of d�fauk to th� Borrow�r,to�aeh p�non who 1��p+wtY h�r�to, �nd to other a�sons ��pr�saib�d by
<br /> �pplicabi�I�w. Not I�a�th�n on� month after the Trustee ncnrds tt» notics of d�fauk, or two monNu If tM t�u�t Sxop�rtY is not in anY
<br /> kwxxporMt�d cky a viN�u�d N us�d in tKmin�op�ratlons axrbd on by ttw trusta,tiw TrustN�hall pfw public�utk� ot s�l�to tiw psrcwu
<br /> ��tldK.M is�qukb by 1M�FKm Nom���iadNPr�otectiTonsAct�.Tr�uitN s�furtll o�ffi�tM pro�nY�In�two��ipa�it�piiNiia rpuir�b t+PPNcaWi�l�iwt
<br /> L�ndM a�iby d�ostp�msY Pur�chn�ths�oWnY�t ar►Y��bY Public anrwune�rthnt�t th�tim��nd Maa of eny pnvfaK�Y tcMduNd aN�.
<br /> Upon rrc�Ipt of payr►�+nt oi tl+�pica bFd,Tru�t�e�hall dellwr to tM purehaar Trustes'�d�ed corn�yirq th�propKty.TM ncftial�eontNrNd In
<br /> TrustM'�d�rd ahNl W prkna facb�vldience of tl►�truth of ttN�t�t�r►»nts contairnd tMrNn.TrwtN shall�ppiy tho proca�ds of tfie�+N In ths
<br /> rN uWtat�imin�ti�i�1b1 toiq sumi s�ui��blr�thi�i�died of�t�uat�endc( 1 ths bitinci i1 a Ybto the��sons lepilly ininNNd to rec�ei�vsyft.fNt and
<br /> 1�,Fx�olowr�.At L�nde'� optbn,thls de�d of trwt may b�foreclosed in tM manner provld�b�r appticibt�I�w forto��closun of mortp�W�
<br /> on nal P��Y•
<br /> �4,��1o� L�nde�rnay snter tM prop�rty to Inapect It if L�ndsr pives Borrower not{e�Mfonhand.Tlw notlae must�tat�tl►�nawnabl�
<br /> cws� of r L�nd�r'�irnp�ctbn.
<br /> 16,Cp�d�wllen.Borrow�r wu rn to Under thep�oa�d�of any�ward or claim for d�m�pe•cann�at�d with e cond�mnation or othK t�kin�
<br /> ot��a��y p�o}�pr�y.�uch proc«ch wlll M appllad��proWd�d In Cov�nant 1.ThI�anbnm�nt Is subJrctto tM tNms of�Mr prbr
<br /> Nc�xhY spr��t.
<br /> 1�.Wdwr,By sxKCi�ln4�ny renedv�wil�bN to I.�nc1K,L�ndK doe�no4 G1v�up any rlpht�to I�tsr ua my othe�nm�dy. By not�xKCi�k�p
<br /> �ny rM'wdy upon yortower'�d�twk,L�nd�r do��not w�iv��ny ripht ta I�t�r considar th�swnt�d�fwR If ft nspperM W+�n•
<br /> 17. Jokit�nd Ew�r UNb�tY;Ca�1p�w�r iueeNSCrs�nd AtMpm So�x�d. All duHU und�r thls dsed of t�uat Y� loint and s�wral. Amr
<br /> gortoyvK who co•slprn Mb a�a of tru�t but does not co-sip� tM ur�lYinO dabt Inauum�ntltl do�� �o only ro 9nnt �nd conwy th�t
<br /> Bono�wr'�krtM'�et M th�propwty to the Tru�tse unda th�t�r�mfy�cof thfs d of tru�t.in�ddhion,�uch a BorcowN NrNi tlut tM L�r�nd
<br /> d�ibt wf�thout�th�t�Bor�row ii��nt and withouyt re ei ai rtp that Earowir hom th�t�ms of thii dwd of Vu�t chu dNd of trust a th�s�cund
<br /> TM duW�u�d b�n�fin of thia d�d of truat sh�M bind and bensfit tM�uccasors�nd�alpns ot Und�r�nd Borroever.
<br /> 1�.Notic�.UnNs�otf�wia rputnd by Isw,�ny notic�to Borrow�r�half ba plven by deNvKirp It or by milNr�y R byartiti�d m�ll�ddnsNd ta
<br /> gprvoyy��t th�prq�rty�ddrN�a�ny otMr�ddr�s�that 8wrowsr hr� Ivsn to Lsndar.9arowsr will pIw�ny rwHce to�.uKNr by cKtfifrd
<br /> W nnt to �ndir i�d d r�ii iiit�t�d on p a y�1 of thb ii��idtof uustt��sss whlch Lend�r hu A�aipnat�d. Any od►er notice to UrKNr sha11
<br /> Any nOtice�hdi M d�em�d to h�ve 6�en pivm*o Borrowsr or lsndar wMn ptven In 11�manner st�t�d�bove.
<br /> 10.Tr�hr ot tM Pro�rtY «���tici�l k�t�t in tM Barow�r.If all or sny pan of tM prop�rty or sny IrKe�sstln k Is sold or tnnatwnd
<br /> withpvt LMWK's prior written conunt, Ls�nd�r may d�m�nd imm�diet� paltm�nt of the ��cund d�bt. L�nd�r m� at�o d�m�nd Imm�dl�t�
<br /> d�mind paytm�inBMrtM abov�itwtbns I}it ti prohib tl�d by fsdsril liw as of the diti of th(i�deed�of truit nsterred.�w�vsr, Under may not
<br /> =p,p�pqw��. Wh�n tM obtiq�tion sscund Ey thi�de�d of tru�t ha�b��n pald and Lsnd�r has no furthu obYpatbn to m�k��dvinc�s
<br /> und�r tM Irwtrum�MS or Nmern��acu►�d by this d��d of trust,tM Trust�e�half upon writS�n rsqu��t bq the L�rxN►, neonv�y ti»trust •
<br /> ai,�,stneTio�ii�tlidf{id�8orr�we�{hilltpiy i iy ncorditlonBcoits H'�wcc�uor in int�ntt,tlw truat d�sd rnd th�not�or otMr�Wd�nc�of tM
<br /> 21. Succn� TnutN. Lender, �t Lender'� optlon, m�� rameve Trust�e �nd �ppolnt a succetsor truitse by tiut, mailinp • copy of tM
<br /> �ub�tkut{on of tru�tee n requfnd by�pplicabl�I�w,srxl t ron,by filin�th��ubatitution oi uusta�for record In the ofucs of the replst�r of dNdo
<br /> iucc�iad to�lytha Powe td t�e!�s�hor t�y en 1 Utli of the Tru�tee�nimetd Int�he desd of trust and ofiny�iuccesaor�truitee.of the praperty,�helf
<br />_- fPa��2 0/?1
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