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<br /> �7'.�' ���i��»�
<br /> Unless ot'nerwise agreed in writing,all insurancc procer,ds shxll be epplicd to the rc.storaUon or repair of�he k'roperly
<br /> or to rhe Secure�i Debl,wh�etlxr or nat then due,ai Lender's optiun.Any Applicution of pracecds to principal shall not
<br /> extend or past�xme the dt►�cintn of thc schcduled payment nor change thc amount otany p�yment.Any exa:ss will be
<br /> paid to the(lrantor,If the Property is aoquired by Lander,Grantor's right ta sny i�isurance policrits anrl proa:edy
<br /> resulting from damago tn the Praperty b+:fore the acquisftion shatl pass to Lender to the extent af the Secured Debt
<br /> immecliately�Cfure tf�e ac:lu{�ltion. �_
<br /> Zp. EgCRp'W ImRTAXF9 AND INSURANCE.Unless othenvise:provided in s+sepazute agreement,Grentor will nut
<br /> be reyuired to�ay to I.ender funds for taxes and insurance in escrow.
<br /> 21. FiNANC1A►1,AEPOR'!'S AND ADDI'L10NAL DOCUMEMS.Grantor will providc to i.ender uposr. �equ�st,any
<br /> financia!statement or information i.,cnder may deem reasonably necessary•Grantor agrees to sign,deliver,and Cde
<br /> any udditional documen�s ar ccrtifications that L,ender.may cansider necessary to perfect,continuo,and preserve
<br /> Grantor's obligations vnder this Security Instrumcnt and Lender's lien status an the Property.
<br /> under this Secucity Ingtsument are joie�t and individaal.If Grantor signs this SECUrity Instrument bu�dc�es not sign an
<br /> evidence of debt,Gta�s3ar doc9 so on3�� to m�rtgage Grantor's interest in�►e Property to secure payment of the
<br /> Secured Debt and Ge�n'tor does nat agree to be personally liable on the.54acured Debt.�f e�is S�cunty Instrument
<br /> secures a guarnnty betti�t;.=n I.ender and arantor,Grantor agrees to waive a�y rights that may pr�vant Lender fram
<br /> bringing a�►y action ot cl�im against Grantor or any party indebted und�r tha��1��i�at�on.These y ghts ma�ylh�l�,�t
<br /> arc not l�mite�to,ar,y�nti-deficiency or one-action laws.Grantor agrees thaY Lender and an party _ tY
<br /> Instrument raay extend,modify or make any change in the terms of this Security �nstram�nt ar amy evcd�:nr,e of debt
<br /> without Cirantor's consenl•Such a char.ge will not release Grantor from the tenms of this Security Instntment.'Ihe
<br /> dwies and bcrnefits of this Security Instrument shall bind and beneCt thc sucxessors and assigns uf Grpnwt and Lender.
<br /> 23. APPL[CABLE LAWi SEVERAB1LtI'Y;IN'I'ERPRETAT[Ori.This Sccurity instrument is governcd�ay thr.Isws of
<br /> the jurisdiction in which l.ender is locmted,except to the extent otherwise required by tho laws ottl�e jur'�sdiction
<br /> where the I'raperty is locxted.Thi�Securily Instrument is complete and tully integreted.'Thie Security lantr►►nnent may
<br /> not be amendcd or modiCed by�ral agreement.Any section 1n thia Securlty Inatrument,wttuhir�nente,ar�ny
<br /> egicement related to the Secured Debt f.hat contlirts with applicabk law wiU not bc effccti�e,unksis th�t law expre�ety
<br /> or impiiedly penniq the variations by written agrcement.If any section of thi�Secudty Instrumtnt c.a�nrat I�r enforoed
<br /> according to its terms,that section will be scvcred and will not affect thc enforxabflity nf the nm►afnckr af thia
<br /> Security Inattumcn�.When�ver used,the slnkular shall include the plural aad the plural tha singulnr�n�r3��+��
<br /> S�;:a3ir.�cS:��•�''^"—`ni�hi�Security Inatrument are for convenience only And ere nal to ba ea�cd'tn intcrpret or
<br /> de�ine the terms ot this SecvrilY Instrument.1Time is of the ess�nce in�h�s�ecwiry Insirw�����t•
<br /> ?A. SUCCESSO�t'i'RUS'i'EE.I.cncier,at Lcnd:r's option,may from timc to time rcmovc Trustu and appoiet e
<br /> successor trustce without any other formality than the designation in wdting.The successoi tcuetee.wit6aut
<br /> conveyance of tho Pruperty,shall succeed to all the title.power and duttes conferred upon Truurisee b�r t6ie Security
<br /> Instrument and applicable law.
<br /> 25. NOTICE.Unkss othorwise required by law,any notice shaU be givcn by delivering it or by mailing it by Cu�st claes
<br /> mail to the appropr�ate psrty's address on page 1 of this Security Instrument,ar to any other ac�dress des�gnatuf in
<br /> wtiting.Notice to one grantor will bc decmed to be noticc to all gruntors.
<br /> Z6. WA[VERS.Exccpt to the extcnt prohibited by law,Grantor waives all appraisement and homest�ndexemptwn r8f►L�
<br /> relating to tbe Praporty.
<br /> r (�IEit't'ERMS,If rhecked.the following cue applicuble to this Security Instrumeat:
<br /> '��] �ye 4/Creik,The Sccured Debt includes a revolving line of credit pravision. Althouglt the Securea DeUt
<br /> m�y be reduced to a zero balance,this 5esurity Instrument will rem�in in effect until relaas�d.
<br /> ❑ Core►tnetlo� 1.os�•Th�s Security Inst�u,nent secures an obliga¢:ion incuned for the con�tcuctioa of sn
<br /> icnprovement on tht Prope.xty.
<br /> ❑ Fixtree M�.Grantor grants to I.ender a security interest in all goods that Grantor owns now or in the
<br /> future and that are or w,ll became Cucures related to the Prnperty,This Security Inst�niment suffices as a
<br /> finaasin$stateasent and any carbon,photographic or other reprod�xuon may be 6led of 7ecord for purposes
<br /> of Articlm 9 of ib�Uniform f:ommercial Code.
<br /> ❑ �t4�,�erc.'ihe covenants and agreements of cach of the riders ch�cked below ar� incorpaxated iato and
<br /> su�pl�ment and amend the terms of this Security Instrument.[Check all applicable boxes]
<br /> . , ......,............................
<br /> ❑Cond�min�um Rider ❑Planned Untt Development Rider Other......................
<br /> Q �����r�
<br /> SI4NATUR�S:By sig�ning below,C3tantor�grees to the terms and coveaantg contained in this Cecurity Inrarument end i�
<br /> any attachmer�t�.Grantor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Secudty Instrument on the datestated on page 1.
<br /> �,f� �/����� ��� 05/22/97 ��,� (�.:..�.�.�.I�... OS/22/97
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