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<br /> F�. All future advanccs from I..ender to Grentor or uthcr fututi obligadons nf Grantortc�I.en�k:r uncJcr nny pram(ss��ry
<br /> note,coniract,guaranty.ar other cvidcncc of deht executed by(irantnr iu Cs�vnr of[.cnder cxecuted a[ter this
<br /> Security Instrument whe�her ar not this Security Instrument is specificaliy r�.terenced. If more th��n une penon
<br /> signs this Security Instrumertt,cach Grantar agrers that ihis Securiiy Insirumcns xill sccure ell[uturc a�tvnnccs an�!
<br /> futurc obligation�that arc givcn to or incucred by any onc or morc arantar.a�ny onc ur morc Grantor�rnci
<br /> othc�s.All futurc advances and nihcr futur�obligatioi�s ar�sa;cu�.:d by this:�;c uri�y Insti-umciit cvcn ti�uugii all or
<br /> part may not yet be advanced.Ail[uture sdvances and olhcr futurc obllgations a:e securcd as if mndc on the dato
<br /> af this Security Instrument.Nothing in this Security Instrumcnt shall constitut�e cc�mmitment to mnkc additionul
<br /> or tuture loans or advances in any amount.Any such ccxnmitment must bc agrcedto in a scparatc writing,
<br /> C. All obllgations Grantor owes to Lender,which may later arise,to the extent notpr�hibited by law,including,but
<br /> not limited ta,liabilities for overdraits relsting ta any deposit accaunt agreemenibetween Grantar nnd Lender.
<br /> D. Aq addItiunal sums advanced iutd expeuses incurred 6y I,endcr for insuring,�reservin�or othenvise protccting
<br /> the Property and its value and any othr,r sums ad��u�ced and sxpenses lncurred tay L.ender undcr thc tcrms of
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> This Securlty Instrument will ttot secure any other debt if Lcnder fails to givc any reyuired notice of the right of tescission.
<br /> 5. PAYMENT'S.Grantor agrees that all payments under the Secured Debt will be paid when due and in accordanoe
<br /> with tk�e terms of the Secured Debt and this Security Instrument.
<br /> 6. WARRAN'[Y OF TiTLE.Cirantor warrants that Grantor is or will be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by tt►3s
<br /> Security lnstnunent and l�as the right to irrevocably grani.convey, and scll th�Property to'�lvstee,in t�tist,wiih
<br /> �pc�bver af sale.Grantor also wazranu thai the Properiy is unencumbered,except for enwrnbrances of rewrci.
<br /> 7. �R�OR SECURITY IM'ERES'I'S.VVith regard to any other mor+tgage,deed of tnist,security ngreement oY azher lien
<br /> docume�t tl��t�ieated a pdor security intr,rest or encumbrance an tT,�Property,Grantar agrees:
<br /> A. Ta papke all paytpents when due�nd to perfarm�r comply witt�a4 covenants_
<br /> }3. To promptly deliven 3o L.ender a�y notices th�a�G�rentor receives from th�i:�older.
<br /> C. Not to allow any modification or.extension of,nor to request any future advanas under any note or agrcement
<br /> secured by the Iien document without L.ender's prior written consent.
<br /> 8. CLAIMS AGAINST 1TTLE.Grantor will pay all taJ:es,Assessments,liens,encunibrances, lease payments,ground
<br /> rents,utilities,and other charges relating to the Property wlien due.Lender may requlro Grantor to provide to Lendcr
<br /> copies of all notices that such amounts are due ar�d the reccipis evidencin�g Grantor'spayment.arantor will defand
<br /> title to the Property against any claims that woald impair the lien of this Securitv Iastnuacat.Grantor aarecs to accion
<br /> to i.ender,as requcsted by Lender,any rights,claims or defcnses Grantor may have ega inst�artics who supply labor
<br /> or materialx to maintain ar improve the Propeny.
<br /> 9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE.Lender�r,a�r.at fts option,declare the enti rebalance of the Secureci Debt tu
<br /> be immediately due and payable upon the creation of,or contracS tor the creation oi,any lien,encumbrance,transfer
<br /> a�r sale of the Property.'I'his right is subject Yo thc restrictions imposed by federal!aw(12 C.F.R.5�1),as applkablo.
<br /> 'C'his covenant shall run with►he Pruperty and shall remain in etfect until fhe Securcd Dcbt is paid in fuli and thls
<br /> Security Instrument is relca�scd.
<br /> 10. PROPERTY CONdITION,ALTERATIONS AND INSP��TION. Grantor will kecp thc Property in good
<br /> condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary.Grantor shall r�a�camniit or allow any waste,
<br /> impairntent, or deterioration of thc Property.Grantor will keep the Property frec of noxious weeds and grasses.
<br /> Grantor agees that the nattue of the occupancy and use will not substantiAlly change without Lender's prior writton
<br /> consent.Grantor will not pernut any change in any license, restrictive covenant or e�ement without Lender's prior
<br /> written�onsent.Grantor will notify Lender of aU demands, proceedings,claims,and ections against Grantor,and of
<br /> any loss or damage to the Property.
<br /> L,ender or Lender's agents may,at Lender's option; enter the Pro�crty at ar�y �easonable time for the purpo3e ai•
<br /> . inspecting the Property. Leader shall give Grantor notice at the time of or be fore an inspection s�sc3fying a
<br /> reasonable purpase for the inspection. Any inspection of the Property shall be e ntir�ly for Le;nder's be:ncfit and
<br /> Grantor wi11 in no way rely on Lender's inspection. �
<br /> 1], AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If GQantor fails to perfarm ariy duty or any of the covcnants contained in 11�1s
<br /> Security Iastr+unent,Lender may,withaut notice,perform or cause them to be perfi�rmed.Grantor appoints Lender
<br /> as attomey in facc tv sign Grantor's name or pay any�►anount necessary for performance.Lender's right to pertbrm for
<br /> Gxant�r shall not crcate an ob(lgation to perform,and Lender's failure to perform will not preclude L,ender from
<br /> excrcising any of L.endcr's other rights under the law or this Security Instrument.If anyconstruction on thc Praperty is
<br /> dlscontinued or not carried on in a reasonable manncr,L.ender may take all steps neccssary to protect Lender's
<br /> security interest in the Property,including completion of the construction.
<br /> l2. ASSIGMIfENT OF LEASES�1VD REM'S.Grantor inevacably grants,convcys nnd sclls to Trustec,in trust for tho
<br /> bcncfit of L,cnder,as additionel security all tt�e right,titic and intcrest in and to any and all existing or futurr, lcases,
<br /> sublcases,and any other written or vcrbal agrcemcnts for the use and occupancy o(any port9on of the Property,
<br /> including any extensiuns,renewals,modifications or substitutions nf such agreements(sll refened to as"I.,cases")and
<br /> rents,issues and profits(all referred ta as "Rents"). Grantor will promptly providc Lcnder witli true und correct
<br /> wpies of all existing and future Lcases.Grantor may collect,rcccive,enjoy and usc ttse Rcnts so lnng as Grantor is not
<br /> in default under th�tecros of this 5ecurity instrument.
<br /> Grantor acknowledgcs that this assignment is perfectcd upon thc rccordin�of this�ced of Trust and that L.cndcr is
<br /> entitl�d to notify any of G�antor's tenants to make paymcnt of Rents due or to bc:come due to L�:nder. However,
<br /> I,cndcr agrces that only nn default will Lcndcr notify Grantor end Grantor's tenants amd rnnkc dcmand that all futurc
<br /> Rcnts bc paid directly to L.ender. On recciving notice of defnult,Grzintor wiil eudorse und d,.liver to Lender anv
<br /> payment ot�Kents in e►rantor's possession and will receive any Rents in trust for L�:ri�er and will not commingle the
<br /> Rents with any other funds.Any amounts collccted will be applied as pn�vided in tl�is Security instrument.Grnntnr '
<br /> tivarrants that no default exists under the Leases or any applicable landlord/tenant law_Grantor elso agrecs to maintain
<br /> and require any tenant to comply with;he terms of the Leases and applicablc law.
<br /> 13. LEASEHOLDS;CONDOMINIUMS;PLANNED UNIT DEV�;I,OPMENTS. Granlor�grccs ro comply with the
<br /> provisions of any lease if this Security Inst�ument is un a leasehold.Tf the property includes a unit in a conclominivan
<br /> or a planned unit development, Gruntor will p�rfa,rm all of Grantor's dutics undcr thc covenants, by-1<ews, or
<br /> � regulations a.f the condominium or planned unit development. '
<br /> 14. DEFALII.T.�rantor will bc in default.if any party obfigated on 2?�e Sccured Debt fails to m��kc paymcnt wlien disc.
<br /> ,. GrAntor will ne in default if a breach occurs under the terrns af this Security (nstrument or any other doc�ment
<br /> , (pa9e 2 or�!)
<br /> O 1D01 Brw«s byM«nr.�nc..St.CbW.MN(1•E00•397-23rt)Form PE-DT•NE fl�8/0r
<br /> ' e
<br />