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<br /> AFPY.� 001-7050�005
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<br /> ML�1 OOQ0000000
<br /> � REA�, F�'I'Ai►.�'� M4ItTGA
<br /> 97-1c)�;�.�
<br /> A1�ILS M BPIiHHr J1 6ZH(iL� D�RBON ' ���T�
<br /> of the County oi FIALL _ and Strte�f���=�� —hereinafter called the party of the first pirt, in �
<br /> considention of
<br /> TIOHTY TH4U9AND_31ND LJO/100 ,_,,,_„^ DOI.I.ARS.
<br /> in lund paid, da hereby�rant, b�rQain,s�:ll�nd convey untn[be klcmin F�d�nl Savin4s dc Loan Association af Cirand Isluid,Grand Ialand.
<br /> Neb�slca.�ncl ita successors and sssi�a5,tbe foUnwln�re�l esate,situntad in �'L
<br /> County.State of �B�� .Wwit:
<br /> ToQedror wqb all the appunonu�ces lhereunto betonginyl,u�d dl cAVnn�t�c�in all�he tkk deals rwmina widi uld rcal esau,and all the rcn�v,issues _
<br /> and profits uisin��herofrom�ttu default i.n pertorma ace of+►ny covan�nt or wndidion hercin conaiaod;md warranu ttx dtk therct°P�d°�t�1
<br /> ck�r eacept far thia mortQaae.
<br /> Uurin�the time d�is mort�aQe is in fane ihe mc►ttgegors t�rrv::
<br /> Fi�st. To p�y all naea ud spxial useasmentele�•iod�=�ins.t said premises,inciudi�dl o�xes and assessmentslevied uP�n this mortya�e.
<br /> or die de6t eocurod by thie mo�tQa�e.
<br /> Sec�nd. To keep all buildin��tbercon insured again�t bca by fire.li¢hmin�and tomado in some cc►mM'ny.�°be�PP�OVed by the a�id _
<br /> g��eral s��in�s dc i,oar►Aaacici�tion of Gnnct Lclu�d in the 6um of S 80,000.00 _ , for tbo benefit of d�e s�id
<br /> Atwci�tia�.and its successors or assqns:au iv�icyHi: a:M�SM�•�i�s ••t !".^r�.rie►n,ard shall not coromit or suffer any waste on said
<br /> prsmises.uid slull put and roep s�id rc�l esute buildinge nd imp�ovements in Qood order.
<br /> Third. To p�y or cause a be paid a r�a liame Feder�l Savin�s&Loan Aaoct�cion of Gru,d island.its succss�ors or�asi�na.the sum
<br /> wm or S s=rx�r �rxous�►i�m arm �/ioo DOU�.
<br /> WY+�a�followc:
<br /> DUB: NOV�ffiBR 1, 1997
<br /> wilh iu�erat therooa payabk,accwdin�to ihe unor sod affce�t�f the one certiin first moctQ��e note of said mort��Yors,beaci�even d�1e wid�
<br /> d�ae praeots. Afler m�turity uid boad dnws i�werr.0 at dK+rate of nine per ce�t per+�onum.
<br /> It aaid taxw�nd asxsamaNS u-e.noe p�id when Auo.or if the buildinga on said prcmises are not inaured sa tbove pcovided,or if�ny
<br /> of s�id ia�ecest L�not p�id when due,dKn a+W whok�febt th�ll Gocome due immed4tely,at dk aption ot the aaid Associatlon.sad sh�ll thereatler
<br /> dnw interest st�he nte of aiae per ceat per umum.
<br /> The mor�a�oKA)AerebY assf�n(�)to �id mart�r,�oe�II rcnts and income�rbin��t sny and all time�from said Property uid I�eieby
<br /> aud�orize aid roortj�eo or its atcat,u iu option.:qpnn defudt,w tafe char�e of said PropenY uid colkct dl�s+�•�nd incc�ne dierekoo�.and
<br /> appiy t6e wne w tho paymeat of iakrest,Princ�W►1.ioa+unncre premiunu. nxes.wesunaNa, repain or improvenxnts nxessxrY a Iceep wid
<br /> ProP�U'in oematabk conditiion.or a ot3�a chst�ac a paym�ntc provided fix hersin or in the caro 6eceby�ewred. Thi�rent aesi{nment�11
<br /> contbnie in force uMil the wpaid balance dsaid nuto b.NlfyiP�tid. ?he aka�af possession heraunder shaU in no maoner prevept or rctard s�id
<br /> tnottp�ee h tbe collection of uid tunu by IbreckKnxc�ur tMbenvW; �
<br /> Wl�r said debt becanea dua 6y 1*pNt'+�t��frrM�er Dy teiaon of the failurc of the pa�iy of the fu�t port w comply�vNh sny conditbn
<br /> hereia.tl�e said Home Faienl Sarings k.Lan 11�fioci�n qf f,;nnd TsW�d.the successors and arsi�ns.ahill have d�e rijht b bejh We foroctowre
<br /> of diis morts�e ac ooce on die whGk�ebt hoxeby s►acuns�l,and w include thercin tll uxes.auessmerns.inserance premiwna�nd cosqt,psid by
<br /> it or them;or e�id Aswcucion, its ouocsswrs or M5lI�Ri,may fumbae onty as W the sum past due, wid�out itlJurf to this morcjoie. or the
<br /> di�plscement or impairn�ent ot tho lien tlteroof.
<br /> Md the aid fust ps�ty and the m�t,era cf add ncxe.especidly raree and declare dut the sepuate estMO of each�ad every one of thern.
<br /> iachdio�bwh ihat raw owned sad ttut tferc�flet acqc(red,h pkdjed and bound for the pnymei►t of the deM f+ereby securcd.
<br /> ARer the commenc,emcat af�ny Nit in forecbsurc the pinintifT thercin shall be ontitkd a the immedi�te posa�ssion of said premises�nd
<br /> the appoiroment of a rcceiver thcrefor,not witi�stiadin{they m�y be the homestead of d►e occupane snd not withs�ndin�drc Wrties�ubk for tho
<br /> debt may be aolveat.and the tust party fkreby caant�eets to the appoinanent of a Receiver upon the producti�xd of this indenaue.wYAoat other
<br /> evidence.
<br /> The forc�oinj conditians aad aqree�►enta. �II And singular,Hefng Polly pedorm�d,thu conveyance a1u11 be void,otberwise to be�nd
<br /> reaain in full force�nd effcet.
<br /> S��Wis 29TE1 day of MAY, 199'7 A.A.,
<br /> n
<br /> �%���..c �j ..�'.�..�
<br /> In presence ot
<br /> •� ' � , ,
<br /> i•� e
<br />-=;� 11/44 827•1
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