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<br /> 3 �
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<br /> purchasers. (1+) That the grantee will not exercise or grant any right
<br /> or privilege which would .operate to prevent any person, firm, or corpora-
<br /> tion operating aircraf't on the airport from performing ar�y services on
<br /> �its own aircraft with its own employees (including, but not limited to
<br /> maintenance.and repair) that it may choose to perform. (g) That in the
<br /> event the grantee itself exercises ar�y of the rights and privileges `
<br /> referred to in subsection (3� above the services involved will be
<br /> provided on the same coriditions as would apply to the furnishing of such
<br /> services by contractors or concessionaires of the grantee under the pro-
<br /> visions of such subsection (3) of this paragraph 6B.
<br /> C. The grantee will not grant or permit any exclusive right for the
<br /> use of the airport &t whieh the property described herein is located which
<br /> is forbidden by Section 3E�8 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as
<br /> amended, by ar�y person or persons to the exclusion of others in the same
<br /> class and will otherwise .comply with all applicable laws. In furtherance
<br /> of this covenant (but without limiting its general .applicability and
<br /> effect�, the grantee specifically agrees that, unless authorized by the �
<br /> Ad,ministrator, it will not, either directly or indirectly, grant or permit
<br /> . any person, firm or corporation the exclusive right to conduct any aero-
<br /> nautical activity on the airport including but not limited to, ci�arter
<br /> flights, pilot training, aircraft rental and sightseeing, aerial photography,
<br /> crop dusting, aerial advertising and surveying, air carrier operations,
<br /> aircraft sales, and services, sale of aviation petroleum products whether
<br /> or not conducted in conjunction with other aeronautical activity, repair
<br /> . and main�enance of aircraft, sale of aircraft parts, and any other
<br /> activities which because of their direct relationship to the operation
<br /> of aircraft can be regarded as an aeronautical activity. The grantee
<br /> - further agrees that it will teaninate as soon as possible and no lster
<br /> than the earliest renewal, cancellation, or expiration date applicable
<br /> thereto, ar�y exclusive right existing at any airport owned or controlled
<br /> , by the grantee and that, thereafter, no such right shall be granted.
<br /> However, nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit the
<br /> granting or exercise of an exclusive right for the furnishing of non-
<br /> aviation products and supplies or ar�y service of a nonaeronautical nature �
<br /> or to obligate the grantee to furnish any particular nonaeronautical service
<br /> at the airport.
<br /> D. The grantee shall, insofar as it is within its powers and to the
<br /> extent reasonable, adequately clear and protect the aerial approach to
<br /> the airport. The grantee will, either by the acquisition and retention
<br /> of easements or other interests in or rights for the use of land airspace
<br /> or by the adoption and enforcement of zoning regulations, prevent the
<br /> construction, erection, alteration, or growth of any structure, tree, or
<br /> other object in the approach areas of the runways of the airport which
<br /> would constitute an obstruction to air navigation according to the criteria
<br /> or standards prescribed in Part 77 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, as
<br /> applicable, according to the currently approved airport layout plan. In
<br /> addition, the grantee will not erect or permit the erection of any permanent
<br /> structure or facility which would interfere materially with the use, opera-
<br /> tion, or future development of the airport, in any portion of a runway
<br /> approach area in which the grantee has acquired, or may hereafter acquire,
<br /> ' property interest permitting it to so control the use made af the surface
<br /> of the land. Insofar as is within its power and to the extent reasonable
<br /> the grantee will take action to restrict the u.se of the land adjacent to
<br /> or in the immediate vicinity of the airport to activitiES and purposes
<br /> compatible with normal airport operations including landing and take-off
<br /> of aircraft.
<br /> E. The grantee will operate and maintain in a safe and serviceable
<br /> condition, as deemed reasonably necessary by the Administrator of the
<br /> FAA, the airport and all facilities thereon and connected therewi�h whicYi
<br /> are necessary to service the aeronautical users of' the airport other than
<br /> facilities owned or controlled by the United States and will not permit
<br /> any activity thereon which would interfere with its use for airport
<br /> purposes: Provided, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to
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