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<br /> -?1{'h. �-. J n � � !�-. �1�,`�.y'"/'�ry�`� , h .. • t1�.�.w+Wrr�#�►'I.ar�`. .
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<br /> 17.Trpnster o�the Propeny
<br /> or p Henc�flci�l Interest in Borraw'er.If alt or any part of thc Property or any interest in is �__
<br /> .:�.� . � ' is sold ar tr�nsf wrlt�t�n�can cnt�l.ondcr may� at lB s opdon`g re q�ui er i ngiedtate payment�n efull oft all�sums sarured by this ��'°
<br /> " Lendcr's prbr .:___
<br /> Security Instrun�nt. �lowcvice,this option shnll not be exercised by I.onder if exercise is prohlbited by federal law as of the date c
<br /> of thfe Securtty Instrument.
<br /> ';,ry���� � If Lender cxercises thfs option,Lender shadle11g�iend�or roailed twithin whichdBorrowe� n►us P YA�alp suVms s�utcd bYf�his _
<br />-....rre�'� less thnn 30 da,ys from thc date thc nodce is
<br /> '��; Security Instrument. lf Elottower fails to pay these sum5 prior to the expiration of this period, l.tnder may invoke any rc !es
<br /> " � permittecf by this Secudty Inscrumene without funher no�ice or demand on Borrow�r• Bo�WCr shall have chc right to have
<br /> • �� lp, guiro�er's Rtght to Rdnstpte. If Boerawor meeta certain conditions, Wri of sale contaiaed [n this
<br /> enforcement of thls Secudty Instrumcnt disconNnned at any time Pria�� �h��anc of�any po ays (or such other period as
<br /> "" applicable law nay specify for reinstatement) before salc of the Prope Y P
<br /> ^ Security Instnumnt; or(bcn would t�c duo under this{Sxu iry�in t�runxnt aud the Noceees if no raccele�i nhad occu�rredp(b)
<br /> �''�'�-�; Lcr�dcr all aum.S which th
<br /> �""`•" ' curea eny defaule of any ocher covouants ar agnxm��ts: <c) paps all expenses incuaed in enforcing this Secwity IAStrument,
<br /> �'z1i='�''•�� inaluding. but not limitad to,reasonablc attome�s' fe.es; and (d)�akcs 5°�d��WC�obl gation to paybhe su�ra5 se�ured by
<br /> "` a h�j� that thc licn of this Security Instnimant, l.eadcr s righcs i�the Property ��wer, this Secwity Insuumen� and thc
<br />�° ���"���; �his Securlry lnsiniment shall contiaue unchanged. UPan reinstatement by
<br /> this right to relnstetc shall
<br />�;:�.fs• obligations sccured hereby 5ha11 r�rAi11*1 fl1lly CffCC[SWC 8� if no xceleration had occurred.How�ver,
<br /> �•y�;�. ' not apply in the cue of accelention unu�r puab.�ph 11.
<br /> ''�''�` 1g, Swle o[Note; Change ot Lo�n Se�'�cer.The Note ot a partial iattnst in the Note (together with this Secudty
<br /> 's"�'`: � Instrument)may 6e sold one or cnore dmes W�t�ou�P�or notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a ch�nge in the entity(kiwwn
<br />' __.� ���„I���n���•��at ���,��s month�y paytnenta due under the Note aad this Security Insttumcnt. There��W i W�1�
<br />=``4��� or mon c h a n g e s o f t h e l.o a n S e r v i ce r u nrelated co a sale of che Nocr. If then is a change of the Lo�n Scn�iar.
<br />__ _o-•-- - g i v e a w d t t e n n o t iW���rvic.�eri�nd th e a d d�s o w h ic h p a y m e n t s s h o W d�P l i�l�e la�we notice w11L al�soscoatain a�nY°1�
<br /> }�.z� addtess of the ne licable law.
<br /> infotmatioa requfred by app
<br />-°'-��' �. ���S�apces.Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence. use. dispos�l. storage. or release a eny
<br /> �- ='T=��:7 Huardous Slibstanas on ot In the Propecty. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyoae else to do•t �e �af�,�uu or
<br /> �-�'>� property that is in vlolation of any Fnvironmental Uw. The prxeding two sentences shsll aot apP Y p riate to normal
<br /> '����`� storaue on the PropoaY of small qusndties of Ha�ardous Substances that an 8emrally rocoSniud to be approp
<br /> - -�' �+csidential uses aad to muntenazx�.ii t i za�'t c z�:..:s;. • a. ^^
<br /> d iuwsu:i cr:.ih..r....si_.._y sny
<br /> �w��f Bortowcr shall pmmptly givc Lender wrltten noticc of any investigat�d�y��d��'ubstu�ce or Eaviravmental 1-s►w
<br /> ?-•s��, agenc or r�vate party involvtng thc Froperty
<br /> g o v e rn m e ntal or re g ulatory Y P overnu�ntal or regulatory authoiity,that
<br /> --^��� of which Borrower has nctwl knowledge.If Borrow e r l e a rn s.o r t s n otificd b Y�nY�,Bs��.��wet shall pcamp dy t a k e
<br /> -=---= any removal or other nmeciiotion of any Harardous 55�bstance aifecting the ProP��tY
<br /> _s_��:� all nec�suy'nmedial actions in accoc+dana with Environmental l.aw.
<br /> __..._____� Ag� ��iy p�g�� Zp� •��ardous Subscancos" are tt►ose substanas definal as coxic or haz�rdous sulbat�nas bY
<br /> '� Enviroamental Law a�d the following substw�ces: Baso�in�• k�r�senc, other tlammableeo�r t�1c�p i���e��s Aca used in
<br /> —"-'- pcsticides And herbicides,volatile solvents,m�uerials containing asbestos or formaldehyde. is located thu
<br /> -----------�� this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdictton wben the PropercY
<br /> __��e relAte ro heuth,safcty or environmental protecdon.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lender further oovet�ant and agroe as follows: h 17 udees
<br /> �-- _= 21.Aocderatbn;Raredles. I.cnda'slull Si I rumert (but not Pprlur to ecc�1a'Atloorauadsr pan�p'�bre�ch
<br /> _= oP wns' ooveivat or ��t in t6is Security N)��,tion re9uleed to cune!de dd'wuk:
<br /> ' applic�We law�rovfda otkrwlse).The notice slull spec[[y: (4)th!defoult; by whkh the dets�uR mtai 6e cueedi�u►d
<br /> - (c)n date,not less thwi 30 d�Yd irom the d�te the notke Ls g[ven to Borrowu'+
<br /> _ (d)thvt tailuic tu cure the defaWt on or bdore the date speci�e a����i��Intorm Borroww'of t6et�to
<br /> secured by 46b Saurity Imtrument aad sale oi tue 1'ropatY.
<br /> :>�� rdnstat�B��at tia�ccElc�rntbn�nd s�leb It�the detault Ls� not cured on or before ti� da�oe specided iu t6e�notla►
<br /> --�' Lender,At its option,may t�quire iwn►ediate p���°t [n full of all sums secured by thl� Secu iE�w•���� �1
<br /> � (urther dem#rd And m�y Invoke the power oi sak e�nd�nY other remedles pa'mttted by e�b
<br /> - entftled to colkc�t�11 exPe�es
<br /> Incurred Ir�;�vrsu[n8 tbe remedies provided[n this Por��'°P6 Zl,imcludlnt,but not limited
<br /> - to,rea�awbk attorueys' [ees and costa oC tiUe evidence•
<br /> If the power ot sale Is [nvoked, 'Ik'uctee Slu��l reoord a notice o[defautt [n ach county in Nh1ch�ay P��
<br /> pmperty LS located �ad slwll mail rnpies of such notice in the mAnea'p���ble IawpliTru t�eAS�all Btv�e�ubik natice
<br /> — ��a�p.��om.y prescr[bed by appiicable Iaw. Atter the tlme rr:qutrcd by wpp
<br /> � ot sale to the pereon�Rad In the manncr Pr���by applicable IsN.Trustee,e'[thout danand on Borrowa�sluyl sdl
<br /> —_'� �he property at pubik suction to th�hlg6est bEdder at the time and p1ACe and under thne s�ale ot IiI or aqy thpnr�el o�thr
<br /> =�"��`'�' swle in one or more parcdg s�nd tn any ordec' 'TNS�K dMermines.'I'ru�ste�may postPo
<br /> n
<br /> M�m �� proppty by public announcemcnt at thc time and place ot any prevtou�ly schednled se��• under or[ts des ee maY
<br /> ",;��• ' purchase the Property sat my sale.
<br /> _-=�
<br /> _ =.,aaxz�.
<br /> :�;;___!:T; Form 3028 9I
<br /> '- :.:r.�.y,::.� �MUNs��
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