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<br /> Bomowu eluU�L�o be tn def�ult if Barower�during the lon applkuion Pcacess�B�vo rtata1�11Y false or inACCUnwe
<br /> info�matkxi ar sw�emenls to Lenda(or failod w provido Lcnder with any m�cisl inforrt�atlon)in connxtion with the
<br /> ioan cvk{Gnce�1 by the Noto. including,but nat ilmivad w.repr�senuuion� �o��"ing Borrowu'e occup�ncY of the
<br /> pro{�erty at a principRl residence. If this Socuriry Inswment is on a {ea�ehold, �orrowu ahall comply with tt�o
<br /> provlcioi►s of thes lease.If Borrower acquires fee dtic W the PrnpacY, the k,�seholQ and fee Utk sh�l1 not bc ma8ed _
<br /> unleas I.enAer egrees a thc ma8er in wr�tin8•
<br /> E.Condenaatbn.71�e pcacoals of�np�w�rd or cl�im for dan►aBw.diroct a cansatuenw�l�in cannxti�►with
<br /> aay eonAemn�wion or Whcr Wcing of any p�cc of ihe properry�or fa canveyance in pl�ca of conclr',mnAdon.�re I�ebY
<br /> ss�ignal aad ah�ll be paid a Lend�x W tho extent oE t�'ha full urwunt of tha indebtodness�hat remains unps►id under the
<br /> Nota�nd Q�is Securlry In�tnunen�I.en�a sha11 aPP�Y S��s to the roduction of the L�debtadness unda tt�o Note
<br /> �em air�ounu appllod in the a�da pcovi�dod in p�ragn�ph 3�md Ukn a
<br /> and this SecuritY Insw"�t,fust w any delln4 1 shpu aoc eatond or poatpone the due da�e of tho
<br /> Pcepryment of pcfneq�i.f+nY+�I�lic�iioti af th:.pcocxds w tl�principA ,
<br /> monthlY P�y�a�enn.whitl��so refarod W in�rageph 2�or chan8o the acnount of wch P�Yments. My axcess ptocood�
<br /> over am�rnouni required to pay aU wtstandin8 indebtodncss iuida the Notc and this Soc�arity Instrument stuU be poid W
<br /> the en8ty legallY enddod�I�azw. bta ie tYe Property atl
<br /> 7. Crav�a b Eorrowa' a�d Protectia o� 1,e�der'� � Bamwu slWl P�Y
<br /> pnre�'nph 2.Borrower st�ll paY the.�e
<br /> govaiuoa�W at mw�iciq��hecges,fines antl impositions t!w at�e not includod� would edvasely affeCt I.ender's
<br /> obligatioa9 on drt�e direCt�y yu tln entity wbich 1�owed tho p4yma►�If f�ilnre oo paY evidaic�ng thrae
<br /> intaest ia the Pc�opatY,upo+�Y.endrd'�tequest Batnwu sha�U pr�nptlY fumish to Lendu receiPts
<br /> � It�'B� mwer[=ils W make these psYma►ts a the paynxnts rcquirod by p�aB�W�t►2,a f�ils to perfortn any ott�a
<br /> covc�►ts md�groemmts ca�t�inod in th�i Socurity Ins�.n6 a thae is a kgat procoodin8 th�t may slgnific�n�Y
<br /> affact i,ender's riy�6is L�YIV c."~^.�..,.--t��(�.:2t_-•a�'!•��ing in banlavotcy.fa� or to enforce 4ws or
<br /> ce�ul�tio��.�),tha�L.aukr may do md pRy whatever is noceu�cY to protect the value of the P�oQertY a�d L.e�oer'a rignu
<br /> in dro Pn�patY.includinB WY�t of q�xes.lu�atd inaurena and oabci iWns ma�tia�ed in p�r�gr�h 2.
<br /> • pny �unoue�e di�b�uscd by L�endr,r wida this p�ragrnph sh�lE become an�ddltiona: c1eM of Iiarower md be
<br /> xcurod by thia Soc+rit�'Arr.�lcumai�Thsse amounta sh�ll 6ar intenst fran the date of disbiusement��t tho Nde rate,
<br /> xad at Ihe o�on of Laxicr,ai�U be imtnodimelY due and pyabk.
<br /> � Bon�uwa shall promP�Y��8�any lien which tw priaity ova this Ce:c�uity Instcument unkas fiar.�wa:(�)
<br /> �gcoea ia wridng w the PaYmari of the obligation soeured by the liea in R m�nna ec�xplabb to L.a�da;(b)conlata in
<br /> enfcxcea�ent of the Ikn in�b8+d Pmcood�nH�whkh in the I�endtr's opinion
<br /> g�ood faith tha IieA by,or defa�ds+s8,�inst c�ifacbcy a
<br /> operala to prevent the enfocnma►t of the lien:or Qc)secucec from 1he holda of the lien an agroa�xn
<br /> I.e�{ei suixxdinanng the lien co thia Soc�uity Instrurna►�It i.ender detumin�s ttwt�ny I�art of the FropatY is subject to
<br /> e 1kn w�ich maY at�n P��Y avu thia Socurity Insaumait,I.endu maY Bivo Barowa a notice idendfylm8 ihe Ucn.
<br /> g�w���'y tho lien a taks ane a moce of d�e acda�s�forth�bovo wilhin 10 days of�he giving ot'nodco.
<br /> i.Fees.L�der rq�y colbct feos�and ch�rga authotized by tha 5ecretary•
<br /> 9.Gror�tor Atcekr+itia►d Debt. ��by the Sa7eta�'� in Ihe caee of p�yma�t
<br /> (a) neh.k.Isnda nuy.euuepc as ilmited by ceguleGions �
<br /> defwlte.co9uire�]P�Yment in fu11 of aU aums eocuraf by this Sacuricy�In�m�t ��ry Ins�wnait
<br /> (i)�iannwu defwltt d�?)lailinB W PaY in Cull�►y monthlY WY� �
<br /> pria to a on tbe duc dak of tha next monthlY P�Y���*
<br /> (ii)Borrowa defaults by failing.fa a paiod of thirty days,W perfarm�ny otha obligetions cont�ine�d in
<br /> thu Socuricy Inatruma�t
<br /> (b)Sak WNhout Cralk Approv�l.Laxkx ehall�if Pamitud by epplicabk law(incli3ding Secdon 341 val of
<br /> ��m.gt(3enn�in Depositoay Inatitudons Act of 19d2,12 U.S.C.17U1 j-3(d))end wid►db Pria eP.a°
<br />= ��ocr�ry,roquire immetlist�e paymrnt in full of all sums secuted by this Sec�scit�►�nstruma�t if:
<br /> — �4R(iiE){osal.o� P.o�4 0'o mmau:
<br /> � � ,. . ' .
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