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<br /> - (�o0f1�1111IRdi'
<br /> , �. DMd Of 7NM. TIN wqW'DNd Of TrutC mMn thK ONd O1 Trutll�mpnp 4�rn�Sttr,I,M�dM and TrIxIM. -
<br />•:�t`4�.'��'`
<br /> OrWda. TIt9 wad'Gr�nlOr'rtM�ns my�nd�N p�reont lnA�nf+linf�xeculting tlirn ONd of Truat. Any(3r�ntAr witq sfpnu Ihls DMq d TrtMt,bul
<br /> � duM not�fpn IM G�dil AqrMm�nl,n sqrnny IMS OMA o1 Trutl onty ta qrnnt�nA conwy lhat�nMOr'�InMr�l In tM R�al PropMty uitl to prt�nl
<br />'_;;� �s�eumy in�i in Oranta'e int�„t +n Ih�P�rson�� Prqp�rty ta LfnA+n mq rt nol pKSOnaMy N�bM unOK Ilr� Cr�dM AprMrtwl�d�op1 a
<br /> OlMtwiN prOV1O00 by c�nM�CI M law•
<br /> - -..� M�prov�nanta. Ttw� wad 'Improwrt►anb' rr�m �nd �nciuA�s w,tnnut NrmUilian aA �xnBny and futurw ImprovorrNnb, Axtunw.builWnas,
<br /> • ftructura,mobiN tam�s�flixa0 on tna Ral f�ropKty,tar��t►ps.�d�ii���anA athpr cortstrucdon an IM R�I Proputy. =
<br /> +,: ..
<br /> �t'•.•� �' N�d�bNdnas. TM wad'1n0�btednsa�'meun�N pnnc�p���nA InNm�t p�yuphki untla tM CrrdN AqrMm�nf and u►y amrwnl��xp�ndW or
<br /> -' • ' �dWr�d by LMda to difCharq�oEl{p�tlons ot Cxmtpr a�xp�niti InGUrt+1A�r TruNM or LMdIr f0 Mfqra W�Np�dons of QnlntOr urtrJM fhk
<br /> ��"'•- '•' DMd Of TfUil,topNher wNh inNr�t on wch tmaunls a pravkNd In Ihk�OeM pf Trwt. Sp�cMcMly.wIt1�OW MnMfMloe,!hM D�M o/TY1at
<br />-��'::�'4`.Y, ��nvWvinp Nno W cndit.whieh obiipNa LemN►lo mnk��dNairts k1 W�nlOr ao loey M OpmtO►Con�IM�wIN Ii11M M�1 W
<br />��.}�;. Ih�Cndll Apr�menb Sucn adv�nea mry b�m�da� nP+�� �nif mmndn han INn�b 1Nn��K�el b tM M�r�IMk�n IAM lM bqi
<br />-_fi.,.
<br /> -= autM�ndln0 bd�ne�owM9 N rny on�tkn�.not�nc�ua�no nn��crn�t�an wee Wln�M�Ibad or r�rMel�rM�a w�r Pro+►101d
<br /> --s'"`~� In th�Cr�dlt Apr�nt,arry lempoary ovK�pes,ofher chnrpes,�nA�+rm»unb�x�ndid a�dvmwd r prewid�d 1n�M�la�Or���
<br /> -=?"�P'� ahaM not�xcwd th�Cr�dlt umJl a provld�d le the Cradll Ap�artnrnt. MaM�tlR�IMMlInp M1�rnOUM oiAMandM�M Mry A����
<br />- ;�;s�',��t� Ihb DNd of T►wt Neuns tn�to1N Cndit Apntmenf�nount rhrnvn�bouv. 1h�unpr0 bWne�of fM hvoMlevp llw4 W erWN mty M
<br /> -�=,o� a�1Mn MrmM W tower than tl��rwunt Mawn w x�ro. A xtro OMw�cf daas nnl fK�nkuM tM NrM of u�dll a NmMtiM�I.«bK'�
<br /> �:.n.� �MIM��a�dv�tun4s�o eir�nlor. Th�nlan.mR uan ot thie De�a at irrtat wIM ra�Mln In tuM�o�a anel NNct rw�wlp�al�dMq+r�►
<br />_ _t;: �;� �w�o�.
<br /> ._.__�__ 4+NM. Th�word'L�w'rt�wns ar�r I�as�hNv»�n Grentcx�nd th�I.�sso►of Mi�ihopaty.
<br /> K�'`�`�= LM�tl�►. TM word'LM�i�r"mM�s NAFCO NH Fetlernl Godit Unlan,iq�aucxtsson�nd assipns.
<br /> P�aonU PropNb• Tns word�"PSrsona�Property'me�n�n equ�mnnt,ttr.hrcts.and anK.raa.:a a•��«w aa�r�a�+�n•�•own.a �
<br /> ------_-- by Qnntar,and now a h�ndMr�t4ch�d or affoud to Ihe R�ul Pr�perty;tcpeth�r wilh NI�oc�afons,paAS,and�dditlor�to,M nphart�+4 of,
<br /> --- �nd N substltuti0ns lor,�ny d�uch prop�rfy;�nd topelher wilh�N proCeede(Indudinp wMhoul NmNttlon�11 Insunnc�procMds trM rNund!of
<br /> �. premiums)han my aW a otMr disposHbn of tM Prqp�rty.
<br /> =--_= Ikopwtr.Th�wad'P►op�ty m�aro coM�cttvNy th�RMI Property and tr�n Pwsornl P�opwty.
<br /> ---- MM MoPMb• Th�words'R�el PropKfy'mMn lh�Pro�tY.inluresto�nd riphh dMerib�d abow In th�"Conwyana�nd Oranl't�c�on.
<br /> R�IM�p DoamMn4. Th� wads 4iMaNa Docurn�nto' rt►am �nA in�ud� wiihout Iimilatlon M P�ani+sorY no1M, cndf ap�M�,b�n
<br /> -:i�� prNrtynb�pwrtntla.s�curity �prMm�nls�mwtp�pes,deMS of huu?. �nd dl dMr Instrum�nb and docurtNnb�wMtM►now or Iw�slMr
<br /> �kw�p,wcuhd In conn�ceion vvfth Granta's Ind�btrdness ro l�nder,
<br /> T�tNIN. Th�wad Trtq1N'm�arn tM�ntfty shown at tlxi tnp of pepe crrw d thls D�ed al Trust.
<br /> �. �AYA�tiT ANO PERFQqMANCE. Excpl as othrwis�ProvMbd in thb C�d of Trust,Ci�antor sh�N paY to L�ntlM q�mouMS NourW b�r IIYt
<br /> DNd of 7rus1 a 1My b�com�dw,�nd shaN atrlcty anq in�NmMy mnnnn p�Aam aN ol Gnntors obNp�tlorx undK tM L0JINI.INER�Floen�Eqtiy
<br /> PMt1�:Ad11 AprNrtNrd�nd It1b DNd of Trusf.
<br /> _- -_-- 4. rO�ESS:Ok ANO MAlHTEMA.YCE QF 7HE PHOPEATY. Grnnto�nprees thd f3nMor's poss�sslon�nd us�of Ih�WopMy ahaN b�powm�d by
<br /> fh�1oNOwfnp prov4lons:
<br /> � M�NaMOn�nd UN. Untfl tM oCeurror►C�o111n Hw1nf Of DeMufl,Gnntqr nuY (�)r�mdn In poN�qlon and Conitd Of tIM PtopMly. (b)uN,
<br /> _�:a�� � op�r�M a m�nap�me r�rop�riy,and (c)cotl�ct any Renl9 hom ths Property.
<br /> QtMp b M�NtLM. Gnntor sMH mtlntain tM Prop�rty In tannnlabN condidon antl pramptly psrfam aN r�p�ln and mNnhnanc� r�swy W
<br /> pr�rv�Hs wtua.
<br /> Firardous Sub�Wieei. Rnntor nprr�nts�nd wartnnt�that Ih�Prop�rty n�v�r Aae bNn,and n�v�r wiM b�so bnp�dM�DNd of Tnnf
<br /> r«rnlns a f'wn on th�Prop�rry,us�d lor tM Qen�r�twn,mnnuUctur�.stor�p�,bwlrn�M,dispo�l,rN�a�a t1rMNn�d rMws�af any h�rrdan
<br /> waw a wbst�nw�u thos�tKms an tlrnnW�n tne Compnneraive Environmmta�Fi�spor�,Comp�rts�uon�nd uaDirly Aot of��EO.a
<br /> --. _ �rtNncfW,�2 U.S.C.S�cflon 9801.�t s�q.('VERGU"1.ih�Sup�rtuntl Am�r.dmtnb md Fi�authtxiutbn Act('SAR/1',appNc�bf��taN or F�d�rd
<br /> Iawf,a rpul�ltane sdoptad purswM!o any ot th�inr�pdnp. Grantw authairn L�nWr�nd tb ay�nb to�m�r upon th�Pro�rty to mNn such
<br /> :��, Imp�cUnn��nd heb as lsnda may dMm appropda�a to tlehrmin�compl4r�of ttro Prop�ty wifh Mb Hcllon Of th�ONd o(TrWt. (innbr
<br /> ' •r ��bY (�)nIMNe�nd waivM�ny futur�clUims�ppinst 4MCer tor Ind�mNty or Contributlon In IFM�wnl Gr�MOr b�COmN WW�for cNanup or
<br /> othw C06b untl�r�ny SuCh laws,and (bi�9rNS to indemnily anp hdtl IwmMSS 4lntler�palrat�ny�nC aN dNrt»�tnd IqtM rast�ltlnp hom�
<br /> ��',' brMC!►of Ihls putqr�ph of tM QMd of Trost. Thb obYpaHOn!o IndamnNy sh�M ftxviw IN�payrMnt of th�InOW1WnMS and tfN f�MIhcUOn Of
<br /> ---- Illf�DMd Of TtuM.
<br /> MIiil�t�,WMlf. Cirantor sMll not Glu�,ConduCt a pKmN any nuf9an�y nor CommN,p�rmff,a suthr any�tr�pptrq of a waM on a to tn�
<br /> y Prop�rry a�nY po�on ot th�aropaty. Sp�cflfe+�ly withoul Nmi4fWn.Oran�a wtN�ot r�mow,a pnnt to�ny dt+K p�Ay th�r�pM to nmo+r�,any
<br /> . . tlmD�r,min�t��In�ludinp oil�nd yat),sal,yq►wil or rodc produCb wHhoullM prl0�wNtt�n ConMM d LMdK.
<br /> ;;:,,�� L«10��'s Rlpht b Enftt. llnd�r�nd It���nts and ropns�ntatlws may�nIM upon tM RMI Prop�rfy �t NI tMSOn�bN NrtNS to�tf�rW to
<br /> --`,�a lsndK'a infensh md to Inap�cf tM Propufy fw purpo�q of Grmtor's CompNtno�with fh�tems�nd Conditlonl of tM�OMd Of Tnist.
<br /> ='"sJj.�'t�
<br /> -.,�� CAI�7p�1�C�MNtl1 QOYrtnRl�nlal RpukfrtfMtt�. arantOr sh�N promDnY eomply with�II kws�Otdln�nO�G.�nd npW1YbM Of ar�OVMnnf�nW
<br /> -�--- �utho�fla�ppliaEl�to tM ue� or occup�ncy of Ilw Propary. f3nnlor rtMY conNtt In pood hiM�np wch kw.ardlrMna,arp Walbn and _
<br /> - --_=-� � � wifhhdd aom�lHenae dwin0 aeY ProcMCNnD�incltidh�p�PR►���PAMK,so lorp t!(irlMOr hat ndiMd L�ndK In wriNrp prior to ddnp eo and _.
<br /> -- = w bnp a Lw+d«'s Infensb In th�Propwty ur not Nop�rtlt�d. L�nd�r n►�y nquk�QnMa to pat ad�qu�M s�curNy a a sunty bond,
<br /> �'--"= n�on�by ulq�hctay to Leno�r.to prot�t L�nd�r'��nterat.
<br /> _-_ OWy to rrohCt. f3atntOr�Ipna nMIMr(o abandon nor Naw un�NMWd IM Proputy. (inntor�h�M do ap WhM acb,In addlqon b thoN�cb -
<br /> _-- sM latfe�bow In Ih►c�etlon,whlch trom Ih�eAarachr�nd us�ol fM Prop�rty�n n�son�bty r�oasary to PrW�Ct and pns�rw fh�Prap�rty. —
<br /> _,�� i. COM�I,IAMCE W ITN LEASE. II lhen is a Le�s�on IM Prop�rty,(iranta wfp p�y�M rMts�nd wiM tf�tCKy obs�w and puform on l NmNy ba�FS aN _._
<br /> - -- OthM fKmS,COVtnants.and enndilinne N th�l�asr. Grnnta furth�r anre�s ut nnf�n e�ur�mwr �.rm�n.e. ev rarve.i thn►�u �nrf rht nnt te
<br /> - ;,�+�� mptlity,C�enge,supplemont,dlto�.o� 9mend the LeaSe.edher orei�y or m wnhng,wdhout Len�er's pnor wntten Co�se�t. No es�8te in the�ProDerlY, -
<br /> ,�
<br /> ) p '�"'nwMMrfl��•'°'
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<br /> �_X+�l.�..�rl.v�♦ . y eY� �Rw> - .. '�I9�e
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