/' /
<br /> Fiied far record=e_„?-?3,1 0
<br /> at 2:05 ' P M, in Book 1,_6,i._of Deeds �
<br /> egister of Deeds,.Half Couniy, Nebraska
<br /> page 'd Rose Ann obsep ,
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN'BY THESE PRESENTS: That We, Evelyn Diekman and Harry Dlel�nan,
<br /> wife, and husband, each in her and his own right and as spouse of the other; Elmer
<br /> D. Stelk and Nola Stelk, husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as
<br /> spouse of the other; Dorothy Tooman and Eugene Tooman, wife and husband, each in
<br /> her and his own sight and as sp�use of the other; and Elaine Collier and Robert 0.
<br /> Collier, wzfe and husband, each in her and his own right and as spouse of the other,
<br /> the Grantor whether one or more, in the Warranty Deed dated January 27, 1970, and
<br /> filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, on ,
<br /> Marc.h 2, 1970, and recorded in Book 161 of Deeds, at Page 128, to correct the des-
<br /> , cription in such Warranty Deed resulting through the inadvertant use of an erroneous
<br /> plat of survey, and to convey the lands. intended to be conveyed by the Grantor to the
<br /> Grantee, and to invest such Grantee with title to all the lands actually intended to
<br /> be conveyed by the Grantor to the Grantee, for and in consideration of the premises
<br /> and the further consideration of one d�llar in hand paid, do her.eby grant, bargain,
<br /> sell, convey, and confirm unto the
<br /> • a municipal corp�ration in Hall County, State of Nebraska, herein called the Grantee,
<br /> the following described real property:
<br /> A tract of land in the West Half (WZ) of Section Twenty-three
<br /> (23), Township Eleven (11) North, Ra.nge Nine (9) West of the 6th
<br /> P,M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly descrlbed as follows:
<br /> To ascertain the actual point of beginning, commence at the
<br /> southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter (1�1W4) of said Section; thence
<br /> running north onthe west line' of said Section for a; distance:of eighty
<br /> : (80) feet; thence deflecting right ninety degrees, forty-one minutes
<br /> arid forty seconds (900 �1' �0"),and running east on a line for a
<br /> distanee of thirty-three (33) feet to the actual point of beginning;
<br /> thence continuing east on said line for a distance of one thousand - .
<br /> three hundred fifty-four and two-hundredths (1,354�.02) feet; thence '
<br /> deflecting to the left and running on a five hundred fifty-three
<br /> �553) foot radius curve for a distance of five hundred fifty-seven
<br /> and seventy-six hundredths (557•76) feet; thence coritinuing on a
<br /> line in a northeasterly direction and on a tangent to the afaresaid
<br /> curve �or a distarice of one hundred fifty-seven and twenty-six hundredths
<br /> (15'7.26) feet; thence deflecting to the right ninety degrees and no
<br /> minute� (90° 00'), and running southeasterly on a line for a distance
<br /> of twenty-seven (27) feet to the westerly bank of wood River; thence
<br /> deflec;ting to the right and running southerly on the westerly bank of .
<br /> Wood 1�iver for a distance of one hundred fifty-five (15�) feet, more
<br /> or les;s, to a point one hundred fifteen (115) feet �erpendicular to
<br /> and s�'utheasterly from the tangent line to the aforEmentioned curve ;
<br /> and thirty (30) feet northeasterly from the point of curvature of a '
<br /> six hundred sixty-eight foot 'radius.curve to the right; thence deflecting
<br /> to the right and running southwester.ly on a line parallel to and
<br /> C
<br /> one hundred fifteen (115) feet southeasterly from the tangent line
<br /> to t�e aforementioned. five hundred fifty-three (553) foot radius curve,
<br /> £or a 'distance of thirty (30) feet, more or less, to a point of curve;
<br /> thence deflecting to the right arid running on a six'hundred sixty-eight
<br /> (668} Ifoot radius curve for a distance of six hundred seventy-three and
<br /> seventy-five;hundredths (673:75). feet; i�ence running west on a. line
<br /> _ 1 _
<br /> � � � � � � �,��% � , � � � �
<br />