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<br /> F
<br /> AV�[diJ� ���$�NC� A�'SIQt�, 'ON'M�DTBI�Y, iriAR�H°3d: "�97fl. AT :l� P:M. -
<br /> A special meeting af �he t�argre Eonferenoe of First ifinited Method3st Church of G�d Iala�d.
<br /> Nebraska, was held i.� the Saaetnary of said Churoh on Mwnday, March 30� i97o, at 8s15 P.M.
<br /> The meeting was called to order by the F�v. DoyZe Haya, who presided at the me�ting, he
<br /> being an ELder in the United Methodist Church, "and acting under Designation by the F�ev.
<br /> Kenneth W. Hicks, DistMct Superintendent in charge of ths Gr+ar�d Island Churches of the
<br /> Ea�t Cent�al District, Nebraska Ar►nual. Cosifer�ance, U�ited Methodist Church. Mrs. Vera B.
<br /> Thiem served as seor�etary of �uch meetir�g.
<br /> The Rev. Hays a�tated that, pur�uant to The H&�ok of Discipline of the United Methodist Ch�zrch,
<br /> 1968, with respect to the authori�aticm of the Board of Tr�atees of said ahurch to sell to
<br /> the Nebraska United Methodist Conference, ir3.th headquarters at �.i.ncaln, Nebrsaska, our present
<br /> parsonage at 2y80 North Rpad, (3rand Island, Nebraska. Be it noted that proper notice of this
<br /> �aeeting and o� its purpose �as given for more than ten days prior to the da�e of th�s meeting,
<br /> as required by The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Chuxch, and also for a s3milar
<br /> per3.od, as required by the Statutes of Idebraska, by: (1) a First Class Mail, let�er to every
<br /> m�nber family. mailed on the 16th of March. 1970; (2) a z�eaninder through the newsletter,
<br /> mailed to every member famil.y on March 2�, 1970; and (3) by am�wnncsements g.i.ven fro�n the
<br /> pulpit and in the church bulletin on each af the thres Swnday� prior to March 30, 1970,
<br /> namely on the Sundays of Ma�rch 15. 1970, l�a,rch 22, 1970, and March 29, 19?0. Fie announced
<br /> that reaoluations w�ould be r�cessary, with respect to sell3.ng the present parsonage.
<br /> The following resolution was then presented, namely:
<br /> Resolution
<br /> ��
<br /> '�Whereas, First United Methodist Church has fonnd it deairable to sell the parssanage
<br /> property located at 2,580 North Road, Grand Island, Nebn�ska, being the property just south
<br /> of the Northsaest High School in Hall Co�anty, Nebraska, and described as follows, naaiel,y;
<br /> Lot Nineteen {19) in Block One (1) i.t� Jenkinson
<br /> Subdivi$ior�, Hall County, Nebraska; and
<br /> "Whereas, the Nebraska Annual Coriference of the United Methad3.st Church, with
<br /> headqu�rters office a� Lincoln, County of I�ncaster. Nebz�aska, lyas offered to purchas� s�i.d
<br /> propQrty from said Clsurch for the stun of $2'7,000.00;
<br /> "Now,. therefore, it is heraby resolved that the Charge Conference o.� First United
<br /> Methodist Ci:urch does hereb3r authorize and Direct the Board of Trustee� of said Church to �
<br /> take arzY and all necessary steps �nd aetions, and tc� e�aecute such instrumer�ts as may be
<br /> mecessary o� advi�.a.ble, and to ent,er into such co�atracts and agreement� as may be necessary
<br /> and proper, in order to ca.rry out and ca�plete the sale �nd conveyance, by wa�nty deed,
<br /> of the above described real. es�ate, frc�m the present title holder� for the above amount, and
<br /> does hereby ratify and confizm all previous aetions taken by said Boazd of Txustee�, in
<br /> connection therewith."
<br /> Mrs. Velma Kiser thereupon moned the adoption of said resoiution. The motion was seconded
<br /> by Gene Gx�t►ff. The matter having been fully discussed, on being put to a vote, th� motion
<br /> was uriar�imously carried. The Chairman then declared that the motion was du1,y pa.ssed, all
<br /> 37 votes be3sig in favor of the motion and no votes being opposed to it.
<br /> Th� Charge Conference was ad3ourned.
<br /> S} Vera B. Thiem
<br /> Vera, B. Thiem,Secretary
<br /> Ac�ni.nistra.tive Board
<br /> ) ss. RELEAS� ANA D�SCHARGE
<br /> Coun�y of Buffalo. ) OF TRU3T CLAUSE
<br /> I, KENN.�TH W. IiICKS, b�iing first du]yq swarn, on m,q oath, depo�e and say that 2 am
<br /> of 1ega1 age, and a resident of Kearney, Buffalc County, Nebrastca, that I am the Acting
<br /> District Superintendent for the Gx+and Isl.and Area of the East Central District of the Neb-
<br /> raska Ar►nual Conferenoe of the United Methodist Chnreh, tha.t the First Uni.ted Methodis� of
<br /> G�nd Island, Hall Cour►ty, Nebraska, is in said East Central District, and that I am the
<br /> proper District Superintendent representing the United Methodist Church having 3urisdi.etion
<br /> aver said First United Methodist Che�rch.
<br /> .Affi:ant further states that he hereby gives his written acknow].edged consent to tne
<br /> action tak�n by the proper bodies of $aid F3xst Un3.ted Methodist ChureM, with respect to
<br /> ��
<br /> �^ /�
<br /> /
<br />