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<br /> � CffitT,___,_IFIC,�kTB �� � .
<br /> �` STATE OF NBBRASKA. ) . . .
<br /> � SS.
<br /> County of Hall. ) .
<br /> I, Ver4 $. Thi�, Chut�ah SeCretary of the Ac�ninistrative Board of �irst United
<br /> Method3.st Church of E�rand Ialand, Hall Cctiunty, Nebraska; a religious corporaticn. and
<br /> secretary� of the special meet3.ng of the Church Conference of the Members oY said Church,
<br /> held in the Sanctuary of said Church on Mo�ay. March 30, 1970, at 7:30 o'clock. P.M.,
<br /> � and secre�,ary of the spec�3.al meeti�ng of the Charge Conference of said Church held in the
<br /> � Sanctuary of said Church on Monday, March 30, 1970, at 8:15 o'clock P.M.. being first duly
<br /> ; sworn, does �iereby certify, under oath, that the. �ollowing instruments herein 'set forth
<br /> in their entirety, insofar as the �ale of the parsonage property at 2580 North Road, Grand
<br /> Island. Nebraska, and described as Lot Nineteen (19�, in Block One (1), in Jenkinson Sub-
<br /> division� Ha7.l Countq, Nebraska, is con�erned, ar� true, correct and cozaplete copies of
<br /> the origina,]..s of such instxvments; that each of the persons xho exiscuted such instxvments
<br /> was the duly authorized, respective official holding the position indicated by the title
<br /> shown after his or her respeative name; that the Rssolutions authorizing the transfgr of
<br /> legal title to such property are set forth in full in the minutes of each respective
<br /> � meeting; that an ar�nouncement of the purpose of the meetin�s. and of the sale and transfer
<br /> of legal title of such property, xas given fra�n the pulpit by a Minister of said Church
<br /> at ea�ch of the regular Cht�rch servic�s on the following three Sunda.ys, March 15, 197�,
<br /> March 22, 1970� and March 29, 1970, and notice was 13kewise prf.n�ed in the Church Bulle-
<br /> tin$ of each of said Sund�ys, and in addition a letter of notice of ineetings was sent by
<br /> First Class Mai1 through the United States Mails to every member family on Mareh 16, 1970,
<br /> which xa.s. for more than ten days prior to the date of the meetings, as required by The
<br /> i Boolc of Discip�.ine of The United Methodist Church, and as required by the Reissue, Revised
<br /> Statutes of Nebraska for 1943; and, that said instx�uments are as foll,ows, namely;
<br /> CALL AND CONS�iT•
<br /> . I, Doyle H. Hays, an II.der in the United Methodist Church, and a minister of Fir�t
<br /> United Methodist Chur�h, of Grand Isiand, Nebraska. pursuant to �he Book of Biscipline of
<br /> the United Methodist Church, 1968; do hereby call. a Specia]. Session of the Charge C�nfen.
<br /> enoe, and of the Church Cc�nference, of said Church to be held in the meeting place of The
<br /> Church, located at West Capit.al Avenue and Independenae Avenue, Grand Island, Nebraska;
<br /> on Monday, March 30,197�. a'� 7:3� P.M., the purpose being to vote on authar�izing the Board
<br /> of Tn�stees of said Church to: � sell to the Nebraska United Methodist Conference with
<br /> hea�quarters at Lincoln. Nebraska, our present pa.rsonage at 2380 North Road, Grand Island,
<br /> � Nebraska, described as Lot Nineteen (19), in Block One (1) 3.n Jenkinson Subdivi�ion in
<br /> Hall County, ATebraska. �
<br /> Not less than ten da.ys notice of such meetings ar�d of the pmposed aetion shall be
<br /> given from the pulpit, and in the weekly bulletin� on the following Sundays, March 15, 197�.
<br /> March 22, 1q70, and Maxch 2q, 1970� giving notice for more than three weeks prior to such
<br /> ' meeti.ngs.
<br /> ; 3IGNFD a�nd dated as of the l�tn day of March, 1970.
<br /> ,,,., 8� DO.Vle Ha,,Vs
<br /> Doyle Hays� l�nister
<br /> C9NSffi+?T TO SELLr .,. . . l{ _
<br /> _ x
<br /> I, Kenneth W. Aicks, District Superintendent� East Central District� Neb�.sk�.
<br /> ; Annual Conference, United Methodist Church, with the Grand Island Churches presently ander
<br /> my dirsction. pursuant to The Book of Discipl.ine of The United Methodist Church. 19�, do
<br /> hereby give my wr3.tten congent to the holding of sueh Special Session of the Charge Confer-
<br /> � ence, and of the Church Confersnce, of the First United Methodist Chureh, of Grand Island,
<br /> � Nebraska, at the time and place in the CaIZ of said Doyle H. Hays� an Elder in the United
<br /> Methodist Chureh, and a minister of said First United Methodist Chureh, of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska, far the puz�pose of selling the present parsonage at 2�80 North RAad, as set out
<br /> in full above.
<br /> SIGNED and dated as of the 14th day of MarehU 1970. ,
<br /> s/ Kenneth W. Hicks
<br /> ; Kennet W�.Hicks
<br /> District Superintendent '
<br /> Central District, Nebr. �nnnual Conf'erence
<br /> ` United Methodist Church
<br /> I, Kenneth W. Hicks, D3.striet Superintendent, East Central Dis�rict, Nebraska
<br /> -1-
<br /> u�
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