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<br /> ..n� � �•z v.�_-=-_.�-,
<br /> ��:,"=s",-:-
<br /> ' - . - - . . . • ' � � •,� �,.1 ' e u�_ .4;��_il.n
<br /> . � �hl,r._Y.4tWW�i'e�w1YY�'�"M-[. . .. . :.�rli�ete4�:!�+l��RfIC'mYfs. , . �=i41����.1'-- ........ :h��� r r�*�. 7I ....--_- —
<br />—. . :. �tl�
<br />=.. . I.�� :. 97-- gU414A • •
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<br />�+•�±��,. .r� ' 7.Gn4i�nt Owntln.LYIdN I�I1M�y N�IO��II oomp�n��tlon.�wu9�,drnpw�nd othM p�yrt�t�a nM�f(FNr�YwftM'Pro�i�")
<br /> .:.`' In oonn�otion whh �ondKnn�t{on or uthw t�lcfn9 n}th�PropKtY a p�ri thK�ol,or fo�oonv.y�na�b 1iw oi oond«r�cto�.L�n��hdl
<br /> � � ` tMun a d�n+q�d�L�ndw�hNl h�v�!h�opticn in It��ol��t►d�b��{ut�dNon!bn,to�pply�11 suoh Praw�d�,�It�dwduot{np thK�from
<br /> ' . : � �11 oost��nd�xpr►sN baurnd by k In connwtbn wtth �uoh ProcNd�, upon �►y Ind�Yt�dnw�r�wnd hsraby�r►d h wah ordK M
<br /> G�nAM m�y d�t«mirn,or to�ply dl�uah ProoMd�,�ftN woh d�duotbn�,to th�rNtor�tion of th�Prop�►ty upon wwh oondklon�M
<br /> trnd«m�y d�t�min�,My�plb�tbn of Proo�d�to InQ�bt�dnM��h�tl�ot�xt�nd or po�tpo�n�thi dw d�t�of�ny p�ym�nt�undM
<br /> �:;, .�.,� th�Nob,o�oun r►V d�f wk thwwndN a hM�un4�r.My un�ppN�d lund��h�ll b�p�fd ta Tnuta,
<br /> �,M�been�+w by L�r►dM. Upon th� ooaun�nu of �n Ewnt of Ddwh h�rw�ndM, nr i) �ny �ot M tNan o�Iqul ptoo�in9
<br /> cc�mmme�d whbh m�t�riaily�ft�t�L�nda'�ht�rNt h th�Prop�tty,Lw►d«mry in!l�own dl�or�t{on,but without oEWbatbon to do w.
<br /> �nd wkhout notla eo o�d�rn�r►d upon Tru�tor w►d without tM�inp Tru�to�from any abNp�tbn,do�ny wt whiah'fi turta hM�prMd
<br /> r�,,,�;� Eut f�ib to do wnd m�y�No do�ny oth�r wt k d�n�n«+MUry to prat�ct th���ourhy hK�of.Trustor�hdl,im.��diotdy upon Mmand
<br /> th�►�for by l�ndr, p�y to L�nda�11 oo�t� �t►d �xp�a�+N inournd�nd �um� �xp�nd�d by L�nd�r in oonn�otbn whh th��t�oiN by
<br /> ' - L�nd«of tfi�faqalnp rlpht�, top�thw whh intKNt th�non �t th�dMwk ��t�provid�d In tha Not�,whloh �haM b� �dd�d to tM
<br /> (nd�bt�dna�s�aur�d ha�by.4�d«�h�ll�ot fnaur�ny Ii�bNity b�owss of�nythinp k m�y du or omk to do h�nu�dM.
<br />;�,, 4.Hss�rdow fi1lMwi�.7n��to►N�aN kNp th�Prop�+ty In ootrtpH�nw with df RppNoabM Nw�,ordinmoM�nd rpulNbn�r�tirq to
<br /> indu�trid hyp{�m ar onvironmMt�l prot�otbn IooA�c:ti+rwly r�l�tr�d to hK�in M"E�rkonm�ntM L�w�'1.Tru�tor�h�l1 kNp Ma Pmp�rty
<br /> � frN from �fl�u6�t�o�r d�md t4 b�h�i�rdouo cn 2c�x:s+unda my Envkonm�nt�l Law�(ooM�atfv�ly rdnnd to h�rdn M'H�iedou� —
<br /> `� M�t�ri�f�"!>.Tec�no► hw�6Y w�rr�nts�nd nprN�r►t�to U.�nd�t t4i�t thw��r�no Harrdow Met�risl on w und�r th�P�op�tty.7nutor
<br /> ' hw�by a�r� to hd�ity and hold harmlN� Lend�r, it� dk�cton,offkw�, Mnpfoy��nd oprnta, md �r►y woo»wn to L�ndN'�
<br />"� `� Int�tut,from �nd sq�irts4 �ny�nd �B ol�kn�, derec�p�, loae��nd R�i{itfa�rininp in oonnwtlon with th�pr�na.uN,dMpo�al or
<br /> ' t�ampo�t af asy Hsz.adav�NS�tKI�M on,undw,f�m�r�n or�baut th�Prop«ty.TF�E FOflE�OiNO VHARRANTICcEi ANQ REPRE&ENTATIONS,
<br /> _i'...:Si,l.�,....
<br />=r_��r*;�,�,`. YMJST.
<br /> '�,�`'�'":"u, 10.Awi�rn�t ef Mnt�.Tni�ta h�e�by M�ipr»to L�ndM.�nd pnnt�L�ndw��aauky int�t b.�II prwnt,t�.tun and�ft�r
<br /> �`�` �ina rw►tr,aw�w �nd prafit�of th�Prapsrty:Provk1�thst 3'R�tor shsN,imtA the ooa�n�nov oi M�wnt of Q�fwdt h�nMx�Aw,Fw�w
<br />_�;kt:'� •.",: ,
<br /> �,,�..��y• .. tho tipht co oowot rid nt�in woh nnt�.MwM �►d prolit� M th�y bwom�du�nd p�y�bh.Upoo th�000vrtrna of�n �v�nt o!
<br />=.,�xj�.�s;, , D`fwk,lrndM m�y,�ithw in p�wn or by�p�nt, wkh or wkhwt bs9nptnp�ny�otbn a prooMdi�a.a by�rw�iwr�p'oint�by•
<br /> � �� �' ooun�nd whhout��pKd to th��d�qu�ay of ft���outky, �nt�upon�nd tak�po�ank�of th�PropKty,a rny pKt Ih�not,tn ib own
<br /> '�+����::�;'�- nrn�w in th�n�m�of th�7w�tw,�nd do�ny aot� whkh k dMrn�nw�swy a dMirabb to pr�rv�th�valw,m�ek�t�bNity or
<br />-a�.�j.y�,t¢•
<br /> i:��"':. � nnt�bikty ol th�P�opMty.or�ny p�rt thKwf or k►tKKt thK�in,a to inarws�th�inoom�th�nfrom a prot�ot tM Mowity Mrwf r�d.
<br />':;n-�jy;; with or withoulbM.inp ponN�ia�oi th�PtopMty,w�for ur othwwi��colk�t th�rent�,bw�+�nd proik�th�tsoi,inoludinp tfww pNt
<br /> �,..,-�l � dw�nd w►p�id,by notifylnp t�e+antr to mdn paym�nt�to L�nd�r. L�ndN m�y�ppiy nnt�.i�wM�nd profk�,MM oab�nd a�pr�
<br /> 'sx'<_::1=�»- of op�atian�nd oolMotio�inoludinp�ttomhn'f�,to�y Ind�bt�dnws��cund hw�by.dl M wah ord�r M L�nM►m�y d�tumin�.Th�
<br />-i`�(?ii�,� �tKina upon �nd t�klnp po�oM�bn of th�ProP�rtY, th�ooNeotion oi weA�rnt�.ia�eM�nd profk�.�nd tM M�p1o�Non thw�f w
<br /> — �=,.,v„ �forMaid. �haN not oun or waiv��ny d�fwk or notfu af d�t�uk h�wndx or inv�lidat��ny�ot dot�fn r»pan»to wah d�fM+lt er
<br /> ---��.F�� punwnt !o such notb�of dMauk�nd,notwkh�t�ndhp th�cantiewanc�fn po��M�ion of th� Ikopwty or Sh�ooM�otioe.no�ipt�
<br /> - ::.�� �ppNoKbn of r�nt�,MwM w profit�, Tru�tN �nd L�ndM�11 b� �►tkl�d to �x�roiN �v�ry rlpht providad fa in�ny of eM Lorn
<br /> ��'Y's� Mrtrum�nt�or 1v I�w upon 000urnno�of �ny Evw►t n1 Mtauk,inoludinp wkhout lim�t�tion tM ripht to�ocKOMw dN oow«of MM.
<br />