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If nll or un�it of'thc 1'roperty or any inicrest in it <br /> iti sold ur transPcrrc�i(ar if n lxneficial intcrest in E3orrowcr is sold or tmnsfcrred und Bi�rrowcr is not a nutural person)without <br /> I.ender's prior written consen�, Lender may, at its optfan, require immuUate payment in full of u11 sums secured by this <br /> Security D�stnmtent. Hawcvcr,this option shall not be excrcised by l.ei�der if exerc�sc is pmhibited by faieral law as of the date <br /> of this Sccurity Insminxnt. <br /> If Lcndcr cxcrciscs this apt�tm, I.cnder shall give Borrower notice of acccleration. The noticc shull provide a perial of not <br /> Iess tliun 30 days fram thr,dar�+ tb: notice is dellvered or mailed within whfch f3orrower must pay all sums secured by this <br /> Sccuri�y Instrumcnt. If Borrowcr fs�ils ta pay these sums prior to thr,expiration of tl�is pericxi, Lender may invoke any remedies <br /> permittcd by this Security Instrumr:nt without funhcr noticc or dcmnnd on Borrowcr. <br /> IS. Borrower's Right ta it��InstAte. If Borrawer meets certain conditians, Borrower shall have th� right to huve <br /> enforcement of this Security Instnitrw.nt disconiinued at any tirne prior to the: earlicr of: (u) S dny� (or such other period as <br /> upplicablc law may specify far menstatement) before sale of the Propeny pursu:uu to uny power of snle contained in this <br /> Security Instrument:or(b)entry of u judgment c��forcing this Security Instrument. Those conditians are that Bonower:(a)pays <br /> Lender all sums which then wou.lca b�due under this 5ecurity Instrument and the Nae us if no acceleration had accurred; (b) <br /> cu��es uny defau{2 of any other cov„nants or ugrcemenis: (c)pays all expenses incuneci in enfnrcing this Securiry Instrun�ent. <br /> including, but not limitod to, rea�om�l�le attorneys' fees;und(d)takes such action as L.ender muy reasonably require to assure <br /> thnt the licn of this Security lnstniem.nt, Lender's rights in thc Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums saured hy <br /> this Security Instrument shall con!inue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Aorrower, d�is Security Instrument and the <br /> obligations secured hereby sh;�ll remain fully effective as if no accaleration had occurred.However, this right to rcinstate shall <br /> not npply in the case of ncceleration under paragrjph l7. <br /> 19, Sale of Note; Chs►nge of Loan Servicer. The Nate or a paRial interest in the Note (together with this Security <br /> Instrument)mny be sald one or mam times without prior notice to Hacrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known <br /> a.s the"Laan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due und�r the Note nnd this Security Instrument.There also rnay be one <br /> or more chAnges of the Loan Sen�icer unrelated ta a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the I.oan Servicer,Horrower�vill be <br /> given written notice of tt�e change in accordancc with p�ragrpph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wil!state the name and <br /> address of the new Loan Servicr.r an�the address to which pnyments should be mnde. The notice will also contain any other <br /> information rayuired by applicablG law. <br /> Z�. �IIMia:uui�s ii���r�. �arsa•�cr :;nal: aot css.�cr �r�i!i.he prps�n�C,���e, di��ncal, �toraee.or rclease af anv <br /> Hazardous Substunces on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor ullow anyana slse to do, anything sffating thc <br /> Propeny that is in violation of any Enviromnental Law. The preceding two sentances shall not apply to the presence,use, or <br /> storage on the Property of smzll•quantities of Hezurdous Substances that ure generally recognized to be appropriate to normnl � <br /> " residential uscs und to maintcnan.�c of thc Property. <br /> ; Borrower shall prmnptly givc Lender written notice of any investigution, cluim, demand, luwsuit or other action by any <br /> 4 governmental or regulatary uge�xy or private pvrty involving the Peoperty and sny Hazardous Substancc or�nviron►nentul Law <br /> - of which Bnrrower hav uctua� knowledga If Borcower Icurne,or is ncxit�ed by any governnxntal or regulatory authority,that <br /> �! any removal or other remediuirn�uf any Huzanious Substance affecting tF�e Property is necewsary. Born�wer shall promptiy take <br /> all»eassary remediul actiana in uccordance with Environmental Law. <br /> ± As used in this parr�gmph Z0, "Hn•eurdouti Substnnce�"are thase substwues deGned us toxic�r hai.ardou�Fubstutces by <br /> � Environmcntal Law w�d the foUowing substances: gusolinc, kcrosc��c, ather flummable or toxic petroleum produds, toxic <br /> _ pesticides and herbicides. vola.tilc solvents.materiuls contuining asbestos or formaldehYde,and radioactive materjals. As used in <br /> ? this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of thu juri�dtction whero the Propeny is laceted that <br /> ; relatc to health�safety or environmental prutcction. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS.Borrower and L,ender further covenant und agrce as follows: <br /> 21.Aoreleratlona Rem�dies. I.ende�shAll gtve notke to Borrower prlor to oxelerxtlon following Borrower's breach <br /> � ot any covenant or ngrcement In tNis Secur(ty Instrument (but not prlor to acceler9tfon under paragraph 17 unlese <br /> applicabte!aw prnvidea otf�erwise). The notia shall specity: (x) the default; (b)the wction requited tu cure the de[AUIh, <br /> (c)u dAte,rat les,9 th�n 30 days from the date the nodce is given to Bon+ower,by which the default must be curetl;and <br /> (d) that failure to cure tl�o default on or be[ore the date speclflcd in fhe notice may result fn aa�eler�tian of the sums <br /> �uxured by this Security Instivment and sale o[the Property. The notice slu�U turther inform Borro�ver of t!x right to <br /> � reinstate atter pcceleratian�and the right to bring x court sicti�n to assert the non�existence of A defAUlt or any other <br /> defense of Borrower to �cceleration and sale. Yt the de[auyt is �nat curcd on or before the date specitied In tAe notice, <br /> Lendcr, at Its option,�mAy neyuire immediate payment in full of all sums aecured by thls Secur(ty Instrument witBout <br /> � further demKnd an�m�p invoke the power of sale and any otAer remcdirs perm(tted by appltcable law. Lender shall be <br /> entitled to collect ell exp►trtases Incurred tn pucsuing the remedies provided[n this porngrs►ph�l,Including, but nM limfted <br /> � to,ra�sonable ptturix�:�'fces and coste of tttle evldence. <br /> : I[the,power nf sule Is invoked, Trustee shali record A n�29a of defAUlt In each county In which any part of the <br /> : Property 9slocate� s�nd�shxll mail coples of such notice in the mAnner prescribed by applicable I�w to Borrovrer aad to <br /> the other persoi►s pmscrit►ed by applir.s►ble law.Aner the time requlre:d by appifcal�e law,Trustee shall�gtve p�blic notice <br /> of ssde to the persnn�and•in thc munncr prescribed by applicnble law.Truetee,wlthout demand on Eorrowe�,shall sell <br /> � the Property at pubik auctton to the high�,st biddcr at the time and plece and under the terms designated in thc uatke of <br /> ssde In one or mor� ps+ncels and in any urder Trustee determines.Trustec may pohtp►nc sale ot ali or any parml of the <br /> . Pir�perty by publk �nnvuncement at thc timc and p1ACe of nny prevfunsly scheduled sale. Lendcr or Its designce moy <br /> purchASC the['roperty at any syle. <br /> } <br /> � <br /> � Form 3028 Hl80 <br /> i <br /> P1ya G o1 8 <br /> ' � t. I n . <br /> _' h,'�+,T"3 1.7'(f1�7"lRRF}Q(R$14'�7�?"^�7S'�1 � ... . .e � , tl I+y_-__ ' s;-m;j,� . _ <br /> a�. ` �� �i1__ :�:. ;�1 ,3 i tC�'.� ,l,N': tt ., <br /> �A}?.�f �Y�-�. ' . . . +t7�';5�t 1� 4 e � S.y. .,I x r A��I� u ,�'�� ���� � -�' . <br /> rt S. t+... as.� ,+,r . . ::c: ��:.:� � � <br /> �( �! � \ .4 5• } j lh �' 2) ' �'� j�L�41 .}•.. <br /> 1�l'�t ��i� 1`.'}�,f vf{ �ci(y#�l^ •1 � 4 N�l �s..s��. ' _.\•'•ii�t�f.Jij� ��.U�"'-1F. <br /> —. -~ . -? �'���1� y ,° }�:i.zLi9�t�`� roLa � �hr1:w�`i��r��;�„`.�}�`:F� � l u*�a..:�� <br /> rSaXiGS�'S��l���� .�.�:��' •'�;"'"� � '.S�!L:...'ic�i:{1Ca�j _ �� — . <br /> --�.�v�_����fi+E..��`_a:="t..:.��"r: • �. �+ .�a.zv,.eL-= _ -- -- <br /> - <br />