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<br /> 17.Tr�nxfer ut t�ta I�raperly m•w Ilcncilclul lntcre+t In Rorrnw�r. If uU or nny pan of thc Propcny c�r uny intcrest in it
<br /> is u�ld or transfcrred!+►r if n bc��eNcinl inicrc+l in linrr�►wcr ir�sold ar trunsfcrrcd und&�rr��wcr is not u nuwr,�l persou)withaut
<br /> l.cndcr's pri�r writr�:n rom�:nt, Lci�fcr mny, .�I Ite �i�iiimt, rcyulrc iromaliutc paynicitt in fall ��f idl sums sccurcJ by this
<br /> Securfty instcument. F•lowevcr, thix optimi st►nll nnt Iw excrcir;ed by I..�ndi:r If exerci�c ix prohibitcxl by fctlerul luw us of the date
<br /> of thi�+S�curity InstF�tm�rnt. _
<br /> If Lender exer�:ii�es tbi:;option, I..cixtar shnll give IInrniwer noti¢e of ucccicratian.'fhe notice shnll prnvide u periixl uf nut
<br /> less thnn 30 dnys fm>n� thc J��te the nntico ir� dellveted nr nndled within whirh &irrower must puy all sums securcrl by this
<br /> Security Instntment. IM1'Ek�riti�wer fnils to pny those swnti pric�r ti�the expir+�tion of this pericxl, I.encler mny invoke any remedies
<br /> permittcd by this Seeurity Instn�n�ent witi►nut furthcr imticc��r demand on 6c►rrower.
<br /> 18. B�rrower'� Riqht to Relnstpta. If Borro�vcr mccts certuln c{mditions. Rorrowcr shull huvc the right w huvc
<br /> enforcement of thie Sec►�rity instrument di»cnnUnual cu nny Nmc prior to thc earlicr of: (u) 5 duys (ur such other period as
<br /> applicahle Inw may s�:ecify for reinstntemnntf br.forc Sule af thc Property pursuant to uny power of snlc cQntainal in this
<br /> Securiry Instruinenr or(b)entry of n jud�mont onforcing�his Security Instnsment.Those condllians are that Bormwer:(u)pays
<br /> Lender all sums wht�:h thr.n would be due undar this Securiry Insirument iuid the Note us if no aceeleration hud occurred; (b)
<br /> cures any dcfault df�ny otlier covennnts or agmemeius;(c) pays all expemses incurrcd in cnforcin� lhis Sccuriry [nstrument,
<br /> includin�. but not tir�ired to,reusonablc nttornn�9' fecs;nnd(d) takes such,ution as Lender mtty reasonahly rcqu�re to assure
<br /> thut the lien of this Secueity insuument, Lendetr s rlahts In the Property �►nd Aorrower's obligntion tc�pay the sums secund by
<br /> this Security instrum+:nt shall contim�e unchanged. Upon reinstntement 6y &irrower, this Securuy Instrurn�nt und the
<br /> obliBattons securcd hcret�y shall remnin'fiilly af'fective s�e if no ecceleretton iv�d occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall
<br /> nat apply in thc case of ucccleration un�er pam�r�ph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of Merote; Clwnqe oP Loau .riervlcer. Thc Notc or a paninl interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instrument)muy bc soltil one or morc times wlthout prior noticc to Bono�vcr. A sale may result in a change in the cntiry (known
<br /> as the"Laan Servicer")tlxat coUccts monthly payment5 due under the Note nnd this Securuy Instrument.There also may be one
<br /> or more changes of the L.onn Servicer unrelatccl to a snle of die Note. If d�ere is a cha�ige of the l.o;ui Servicer,Borrower will be
<br /> given written notice nf t��r,change in ac�onlnnca with paragraph 14 above ru�d applicable law.The notice will state the na�and
<br /> address uf the new L.onn Servicer and tho Address to which payments should be made. The notic�will also contain any other
<br /> informatian requirad My applieable law.
<br /> 20. Hazzxrdou+�Salt�tances. Borm�vor shall not cause or permit the pcesence, use, disposal, sturuge, or relcase of any
<br /> Huzurdous Substance9 on or in thc Pmpcny. Bomnwer shall not do, nar allow anyone else to do, anything affecting thc
<br /> Properiy thnt is in v'solation of any Enviromnentnl Law.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, ar
<br /> storage on the Prope�ry of small quantities of HuzurAous Substances thut ai�e generally recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> residentiul uscs nnd to nuiintenancc of tho Ampetty.
<br /> y�;-��;t=�:���Mr.;;FL� o;y�t,�;;��,�writt�n nniirr�f�ny invrctipHN�n; claim, demand, lawsuit or oQher action by any
<br /> . governmental or regulatory agency or privata p�y involving the Property nn�i any Hazurdous Substance or Envimnmentaf Law
<br /> of which Borrower hu�a actnal knowlodga. If 13rarrawer learns,or is notlfied by any governmental or regulatory auihority,that
<br /> any rcmuvul or other rcmcdiation of any Hwurdous Substance uffecting Uic Property is necessary,Borrower shall promptly takc
<br /> all necessary remedial ar_tSons in accordance with Lnvironmetdal I.s►w.
<br /> As used in this pnFagi�apl� 20, "Hu•r,urcluus Substances" are those subst:rncc.v defined as toxic or hu•rardous substances by
<br /> Envt�ronmcntal Law a�td tltie fol(owing substunces: gasoline, keroscnc, od�vr flammable or t�xic petroleum Qroducts, toxic
<br /> pesticides und herbicidas,vulatile solvents, mxte�ials containing�.sbestos or furmaldehyde,and radioactive mntenals.As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Ettviaonmental Law" me�tts feclernl laws and laws af the jurisdiction where the Property is locuted that
<br /> rclate to health,safery nr environmentnl protc�ction.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and L.ender further covenanl and agrce as follows:
<br /> 2x. Acceleradon;Iternedies.Lender shall give notice to Borrower�rior to Acieler�tbn following ibrrowee's bra�ch
<br /> of any covenunt or a}�reement in tl�is Socurfty Instrument (bui not prior to aoceleri►tbn under pxragraph 17 unless
<br /> pppeaiWe IAw provldr.g otherwise). TUe�x►tiae shat!specity: (A)the defyult; (b) the actlun reyulred ta cure the de[aWt;
<br /> � (c) u date,not less thaus 30 d�ys[rom the�i�l�e the noHce ts given to Bor�rower, by whkh the detault must be cured;and
<br /> (d) tlwt f'Ailure to cure the default on or hefore Qhe date specltied In thre notice may result in acaleration ot the sums
<br /> secured by thfs Security in4trument und s�►le at the Pr�perty.The noticx sfwll turther Infarm Borrower of the rfght to
<br /> reinstate afte� accelerA4bn a�d the rigl�t I�c� bring a cuurt AcNon to u�ert the non-axlstence o[a de[ault or�ny other
<br /> detense o[Borrower to accelerAtion �nd sule. If the defuult is not cured on or be[ore the dAte apexi(led tn the notkx,
<br /> Lender, at(ts aption, mQy require Immeditstc+ payment 9n full oP Wll suuns secured by thls Sec�rfty L�tnrment without
<br /> turther den�and and maq invoke thc po�ver of sale and s�ny other rem��perrn[tted by epplic�ble IAw.I,ender shall be
<br /> entiticd to co!!�t al!ex�ei�e9 Imeurrcd iu pursaing the remc�iiev pmvidedl(n this parngraph 21, includtng,but not Itmited
<br /> to,rcasonaWe s►ttorneys'[ees And costs of title evldencc.
<br /> If the power ot snle i�invoked, Trustee shall ra:ord a notice of default in each countv In which aoy part of the
<br /> pruperty Is located and sitall matl col�ies of�ch notice [n the mam�cr rerescrtbed by Applkable IAw to Borrower and to
<br /> the other persons pnscribed Dy�►ppllcubl�Ixw.Al'ter the ttme required l�y opplicable law,Trust�ee stutll glve p►ubli�c notice
<br /> ; ot sale to the persnns and�n the manner��rc.scribcd by stpplicable law.Tnutee, without demand on I3o�rower,shall selt
<br /> � the Property pt publle Quction W the hlghest btdder et the Nme and place wnd under the terms designs�ted In the notke ot
<br /> �Ic in one or mnre parcels ayd tn any order Trustce detennlnes. 'I'rustee mAy pavipone ssle oP All or nny�arce!oi tlie
<br /> : Propc�ty by publk announcement at the ttme and place of nny prevtowsly sci�ednled sa�le. Lender or tts clE�signee�py
<br /> ,� purchase the Piroperty at Any sale.
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