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<br /> 17.Tr�m[rr of the �'roptrty or�&»elki�l Intenst in Bnrrov�'er.If ull nr uny part of lhc Pn�pcny or•ri�y intcrest in it
<br /> is u�ld or transferrocl (or i0 a bencficial intr.rest in&�rn�wer ix�Id or tr,�nsfcmvl:+nd Borr��wcr is�x►t a na�ural�xrwnl wfth�ut
<br /> I,cr►Jcr':, prloe �vritten cnns�:nt. Lcndcr ntay. �t itv r�+tinn, rcquire inmtcdintc p:+yment in fuU of ull suoiy secured by this _
<br /> Sccurity Instrunxnt. However, thls aptian shafl tx►t Ac rxerciscd by Ix�Hler if cxcrrtsc �s prahibit��l by fetic�l luw as of thc datc
<br /> of this Sccurity Inslnrnxnt.
<br /> If Lcridsr exerciscs this uption. L.c�xlcr shaU giec��rrawcr ix�licc of iKCClcr.�tion. Thc tx�ticc shall pravidc a ncricxl ui'not
<br /> less than 30 days from thr,Aate the nwice is c�eliveral or mailai within which Borrower must p:�y o�� sums sccurecl by this
<br /> Se:urity Instrument. lf Borrower fails ta pay thes�suni�prior to the expir�tion of this pericxf,Lei�der may invoke any rcmedies
<br /> permittcd by thi5 Sccurity Instrunxnt withcwt further natice or denw�xl an Bc�nawer.
<br /> 18. Sorrower's I��g6t to Rd�Gtte. If Borrower imets certain conclitioas, Borrower shall hace the right to have
<br /> enforcemeni of this Securlry ln�troment discc►ntinued at uny time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other peti�d as
<br /> applicable lew n�y spxify for reiostatemcnt) before �le of the Prope�ty pursu•rnt to any power of sale cantai�od in this
<br /> Socurity Instn�mrnt-ar(b)entry of a judgmcnt enforcing tbis Securiry Instrument.Tlwse canditions are that Borrower:(a)pAYs
<br /> Lender ull sums which then would bc due urder this Security Instrument and the Note�s if no acrelerati�n t�ad occurral: (b)
<br /> cures any default of any othcr coven�nts or agreements;(c) pays�ll expenses incurc�d in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> ineluding,but na limited to, nruonable attorncys' fees:end ld)t�{ces such action as I.ender may reasonably reqwrc to atsurc
<br /> that thc lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrowcr's obligation to pay the swns sexurod by
<br /> this Socurity Instn►n�►t stwli mjui-�ie unchanged. Upun rcinstatcatiens by Borrower, this Security Instniment and the
<br /> obligations socured hercby ahaU rcmain fully effective as if no xcelecation had occurr�d. However. this right�o reinstate shall
<br /> not apply in tt�case of accelecation under paragcaph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Note, Chw�e ot Loan Serv{cer. The Nac or u panial intercst in the Note (together with this Securiry
<br /> Irtstrumeny may t�e sold�ne or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the endty lknown
<br /> as the"I,oan Se�vicer')that oollats monthly payments due under the Ncxe and this Security lnstrument.Thert also may be one
<br /> or morc change3 of tNe Loan Servicer unrelated to a sate of thc Note. [f there is a changc of t6e L,oan Servicer,Borrawer will be
<br /> given written�wtice of U�e change in xcurdance with par+graph 14 above and�pplia►b1e Iaw•The ncxice w���state tht name and
<br /> addr�ss of the new Lo�n Servicer:tnd the address to which paymen�c should be made.Ttu notice will xlsv cuntain any ocher
<br /> information�quirod by a�plicable law.
<br /> 2p, }4r�rdo��s Substanc�e.s. Borrower shall not c�use or permit the presena. use. disposal. storage, or release of any
<br /> {{ar�nlaus Substnnces on or in the ProPerty. Iiottnwer shall not do. nor allow snyone else ta do. anything affccting tbe
<br /> property tNat is in violation of any Environmental l.aw.The praoding two seotences shall not apply to tlx presena,u.se. or
<br /> °-- iliot a,:,6^:.�'�::�i'P'�..xp:l....'^� r�iv a�►ronriatt tA normal
<br /> - sto[sge on ti�e Ptupeny oi smaii yuaniiiies uf iiauxniiriii ou�iiaai�.a
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Propeny.
<br /> Bor����ts shall promptly give I.ender writt�.�notice of any investigation, claim.dern�t►d.lawsult or aher action by any
<br /> • govemme�ar regulatory agency or private puty involving thc Properry and any Nazarda►s Substanoe or Environmental[.aw
<br /> of which Borrower tus actual knowlodge. If BonoW�er leams,or is not�fiod by�any bavernmental or regulatory authoriry. that
<br /> � any tetnoval or wher oeirinediation uf any HaTardous Substana affecting the Property�s naxs.sary,Borrower sha��Promptly take
<br /> • al�nocxsss►ry�+emedial actions in�coordana with Envir�onnxntal Law.
<br /> � As u�aed in this paragnph 20. "Haz.udaus Substanas"are those substaceccs definai as toxic or hazardous substanoes by
<br /> Environmrntal Law ukf the following snbstanas: gasoline, kerosene. Mher flamnublc:or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> �; pesticides and Ixrbicides.volatile solvents,materials cont�ining asbestos or fonnaldehyde, and radioactive ma¢erials.As ttsod in
<br /> -� this puagra�h 20. "Envitonmental faw' means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wher� the Pr'oge�tY is locaaed th�t
<br /> rclate to he�lth,safety or environmental protectian.
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM CQVENAIVTS.Borrower and I.cnder further rnvenant�nd agrce as follows:
<br /> 21�Aocda�tiou; IRemeJies. Le.a�der shall�ive �atke to Borr�ower qior to aoocler�tion iolbwiog Borrnwer's b�+each
<br /> -- o��ny ooremet ar�t ia Nh1c Secudty InshumenR (but not Prior to a�ocderation under p�r�graph ��T unkas
<br /> � sppliable la�v provides otherwisel.'�"Irc�wtice slull cpecity: (�)the defAUlt;(b) the actUon requicrd to cure tlre detpuft; ,
<br /> (c)a dattq pot kss than 30 dsys trom the date the notice is giren to$ornuwer,by wbich the de[auit mwt be eatcd;and
<br /> (d)tb�t[�ilure to cune t6e def�ult on or beiorc the date specitied in t6c�otloe may rcsult in aecelerntion o[t1�e sums
<br /> secaned by lhis Secrdty instrume�t and sak ot khe Pmperty.T6e raticc�all turther in[orm Barawer ot the tight to
<br /> . rri�stNe aRer�ccekratloa and tiec �6t to briog a court act3a�to s.vert the non-exhtenoe ot a defr�ult or any otlKr
<br /> -, die{eu�e ot Borrower to socekratien �nd s�ale. IY�b!��IlI�119 niot cured on or before the datr.specitta� in the notice,
<br /> I.e�der, at its optia� /�r ['lQ11�lY IIIIIpC(�I�e[l�yi7iti{L I�I Sii�J Of SII SOA1S SlC4tCd �fy��S SlCI!!'Cl�' �115t1'Ul1tlll�N'III10Yt
<br />.- turtbec demaed sad may invol�e�be power of sak and snr aher remealcs pamined by applirabk taw.I.e�kr sljall be
<br /> ' eatitled to eollect all expen�es tacumed in purwin�the remedks provided in t61s pu�a�nph Z1,induding,but not liroited
<br /> � co,ra�aq�We�norwe�s'fees md costs oC[itk es�tieeee.
<br /> ' I�the po�r ot sak is invoiccd, Tn�stee shrll re�.�ord a notke of def'ault in ea�ch county in whlch�ny pairt oi the
<br /> p�,o�re,rty is Iopted�nd�11 maii copks of such ndice in tlx�nanner p��.sn�ibed bv�pplicabk law to Borrow�er and to
<br /> ths otLer pereoaa pn.+cribed by sppiicable law.Atter the time required by applkable law,Trustee sh�116ive pnbtic not[ce
<br /> of'a�1e to tLe persnas and in thr manner prescribed by applicabk law.Tcustee, without danand on Barnwer,slwll se11
<br /> ehe P�+operty at prblic a�cNon co the nc�hese biddee�st tt�e time and pace ana under tne terms daignatea io the noeioe ot
<br /> sak ie one or a�w�e pwmis and tn a�y order Tnrsta tktermines.Tn�stee�wY postQone sale ot sll or iny porccl ot the
<br /> " �Y �'9 Wblk wnor�cment at the time aed plase of pny previcwsly sct�eduicd sak. I.ea�kr or its d�signee may
<br /> , purchsse the Fh�ope�iy at�ny ssfe.
<br /> ! Fotm 3028 9190
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