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<br /> � ;J�'Rfl�tiii}tsfs'�1"�` ...:�`3eL•rt�ASrs:-----;„_
<br /> 9?- �,p4141
<br /> T(x3f'sTlli?fi Wl'ill' ��11 tlic I�upmvementy nc�w��r hereaRer crected on the pn►�rty.und«0 cascmcnts,uppurtcnu�xcti,o��d
<br /> (ixturcy n��w ur h;rc�afros u pr�t ��f thc pro��erey, /111 rcpinccmeme anc! a►ddilians shnll ulsn lx cc�vcred by this Sccurity
<br /> Inctn�nxnt, All�•f rfNO(umcuinp is refcrred tn In this Secu�ity Instrumcnt us the "Prupeny."
<br /> Rn{tRt1W[:H C'(3V13N/��,'�'5 thut liorruwcr i9luwfully scisctt of 1hc cstutc hcrchy convcyal:uul hati thc rigln to grwnt�nit
<br /> ronvey tt�o Pro{►,�ny ui�! th�3 the Ptoperty is unencurnbered. except tor eocumhru�xc► uf rctiurd. i3�rr+►u'ce �:'arrants an'�wi!! __
<br /> defenci gc�xrnlly tfx tillc�tu tl�t+property against ull daims u�xi dcmunds,sub}ect to any encumbreix�es uf rccarci.
<br /> THIS SfiCUR{'lI'Y IN'{'X�RUMGNT cumbineti uniform covcnants for nati<i�wl usc aixl nomuniform cavc�wius with limited
<br /> variations by jurisdicRinn ta c,ni�stiwte a unik�rni sexurity irstrunzent covering real pro}xr1y,
<br /> UNIFQRM COVGNANTS.��rruwer u�x1 Lei�lercovenunt and ugrec us fuUows:
<br /> l. P�yp��t ot Prfal�p�l �nd interest: Pre�wyment �nd latr CfuirRe�. Bormwcr shall promptlY paY whcn duc the
<br /> principal of ruid intr.re,sc an tlro debt rvidcncal by thc Nota und uny prrp��ymcnc and lutc cha�•ges due undcr thc Notc. —
<br /> 2, Funds for T�x�s�nd Inwnnce. +ubjcct to appli�ablc law or to a writtcn waiver by l.ci�dcr. &�r+'c►wer sha��paY�u
<br /> Lender on the da►y m�.+ntt�ly�ns�ynxnts aro due undcr thc Nae.until the Nc►tc is paid in full,a sum("Funds"1 far:(u)ycarly taxe.c
<br /> and usscssments Whlrh mxy attain priority uvcr this Sccurity Inst�ument ac a licn on thc Propeny; lb)ycar�Y�ea.seh°�d ayme°�s
<br /> or gmwxl rents an Ih�o Ptoperty,if uny•(c)yearly hazard or property insurancc prcmiums;(d)ye�rly 8nod insururK�c premiums.
<br /> if any; (c}y�arly i�nES�c insurance prcmiums, it any; und (� any sums payablc by Borcower to Lender, in accordwice with
<br /> G"12�lCOYiSTOriS()�{1w�."il^p�'G1�1�1�. in licu of the pnymen� nf mortgagc insurancc prcmiums. These items erc cal,Icd"Escrow Ilems-"
<br /> I.ender may,at an}� tim.+.coflxt snd hold Funds in en um�unt not to excad the maximum anxwnr a lencier 7or e feder�liy
<br /> related mortg�ge Inan mry requlre for Borruwcr's�crow account under the faleral Reut Estate Settlement Procalures�M1c1�f
<br /> 1974 ns anx�x{erJ finm time to timc, l2 U.S.C. SatYOn 2601 et seq. ("R.�SPA"), unless another luw that applies ta thc �unds
<br /> sets a lacscr�mounl,IP su, I..ender may. at any dme,callect and hoid Funds in xn amount not to exceod che lesscr rrrwunt.
<br /> (�:nder rnxy escinut�+tit�t��mpunt of Funds duc on the busis of curnnt data nnd reasonable cstimates of expenditures of future
<br /> Escrow Items or ath�rn�•it�•in accord�nce with Applicable I�w.
<br /> TtK Funds�twll bc held in en institution whose deposits arc insurod by A foderul agency, instruma►taliry. or entity
<br /> ` (including I.,er�er,if.Lendor is such az�instiuttion)or in any Federal Home I.oru►Bank.l.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Items. Lendrr may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Fun�s,annually arudyiing the escrow�c�wm,or
<br /> • vc�ifying ttK Escrow Itrans,unles.q I.encler pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits i.ender ta m�ke wah
<br /> ��,a�, ufl;;,�Y�., t,�,a.��,,,y rmuire eorrower to uay a one-time charge for an inde�x�dent neal estate tax reportin8 servict
<br /> usa! by l.�r��ra in wnnostion with this loan. unless applicxble Iaw provides otherwise. Unless an aSroeme�� 'S "'� �'
<br /> appli�le lam��uin:s intercst to bc pnid,Lender shall not br.r��quircA to PaY 13c*iowcr ony interest or e�mings on the Fun�is.
<br /> � Bormwer and L.tndtx may�Sree�n writing, howevcr,that intcrest�hall be{►aid on the Funds. I.cnder shall give to Horcrn►•�t,
<br /> w•ithout chugt. an ennual accounting of the Funds. showing c�ndits and debits to the Funds and the pucpose for which tach
<br /> c3eblt to tt►o Fu�d.s wss�nAde.The Funds are plaigal�addttional sxurity for ell sums secu�+ed by this Sa�urity[nstcunxr�t.
<br /> If tht Fu�xb held by Lerdcr exaod the arrwwnts p�rmittod to be tr�ld by�applicable IAw.Lender shal�s�oocunt so Bon°wa
<br /> for ttx�x�xss Funds in aaord�nce wich the requirements of applicable law. If the amount uf the Funds held by La�dor �t�nY
<br /> pme is not suf(ir'sta�t ta pAy the Exrow itema when due. Lender may so notify Borr+ower in writing,and,in such c+ise Bortown'
<br /> slal(pay to I,es�dati the vnount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower stull malce up the doticirncy i�iw more tk�an
<br /> t�4tive manthly p�,yments,at Lencler's sole diurdion.
<br /> Upan.p�ymcnt in full of all sums socurod by this Securiry lnstru.n�ent, I.Gndcr shall promptly �tifund to Borrowa any
<br /> � � .Fundg hdd tr,�, �:ncirr. If,under paragra�n Zl. Lender sball acquirc or sell Qu Property.I.�ndcr.prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> , p{�}k.pr�p�ny�shall npply any Funds hw1�by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a crodit agAinst the suma sxu�cd bY
<br /> ttds Security ir�wment.
<br /> 3.App1l��tbn ot Paymente.Unless applicable!�w provides otherwisc.all puyments roceived by Lender unckr puagraphs
<br /> . I ar�d 2�tKU�be�ppliat:first,to any pnepayment cNarges due under the Note;second,to acnounts payablo under pangr�ph 2:
<br /> third.ta er�i�.t�.st due;fourth,to pdncipal due:and last,to any late cfiarges due w�der the Note.
<br /> _ 4,��;I,k�,Rorrower sh�ll pay all taxes, assessments. charges. fines and imposittons attributable to che Prq�ertY
<br /> whicit may ettain priority over this Securiry Instntment, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower s1�ll pay
<br /> ' s�x`�,,c olr�it►tlons in tht m��ner provided in paraBrePh 2,or lf not paid in that manner, 9orrower shall pny them on time diroctly
<br /> '�to�ix p�t�7on owat payment. Sorrowrr shall praimptly fumish to Lender all notices af amounts to be puid under this p�ragraph.
<br /> lf Bc�Yxw��c�rc�lces these PaYnxn�c dinxdy,Borrower shall pmmpdy fumish to Lender receipts evickneing the W+yme��s.
<br /> &:�e►ywrer sha11 promptly discharge any lien wl�ich has prioriry vver this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)a�.re�s in
<br /> writin�to the ptymrnt of the obligation secured by the lien in a nwnner ucceptable to Lender;(b)rnntests in good faith tt�e��en
<br />— Ir}�, or defends against enforcement nf the lien in. fogel proceedings wh�ch in the Lerdcr's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> mfonx�nent of the li�n;or(c)sxu�s from the holdcr of thc lien an agroement satisfactory to Lendcr sutw��irintiug the licn to
<br /> this�Security Instrument.If L.ender determines that any pa�t of the Praperty is subject to a lien which may aftain prioriry over
<br /> tFsa�Security i�strunxut,Lender may give Surrower a notice identifying the lien. Horrower shaEl satisfy the lien�r take one or
<br /> rr;�r�uf the actions set forth ebove wltt►in 10 days of Ute giving of notice.
<br /> f«m 3o2e a�o
<br /> Ppe2o10
<br />