<br /> ALICE BROWN BRITTAIN and MERLE BRITTAIN, wife and husbanc3, each in his and her
<br /> own rights and as spouse of �ach other, herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consideration of EIGHTEEN'THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED �nd no/100--__-__(�1F3,500.00} Dollars
<br /> received from grantee, does grarit, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto R�X OTTO,
<br /> JIM SHEEKS, DA-LY REALTY & INSURANC�, INC,., herein called the grantee whether one or
<br /> more, the following described real propert,y in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> Part of the Northeast Quarter (NE4) of Section Twenty Four (2�), Township Ten (10)
<br /> �lorth, Range Twelve (1?_)., West of the 6th. P.M. and more particularly described.
<br /> as follows:
<br /> Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southeast �uarter of the Northeast
<br /> Quarter of Section Twenty four (24�) in Township Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12),
<br /> West of the 6th. P.M., running thence in a southea$terly direction along a 1in�
<br /> fence and a row of cotton wood trees, three hundred and eight,y seven and seven
<br /> tenths feet ( 387.7') to the center of the "Old T�Iilitary Roaci", thence northerly
<br /> 60°20' E. along the center of said road 217' feet to an angle is� said .road, thencc�
<br /> northerly 7B 09' E. along the center of said road �36; feet, ther.ce nczr�h �1�40�
<br /> West to a point where said line intersects the North boundary line of said South-
<br /> eas� �uarter of the Northeast :�ua.rter of said Section Twent;r r�our (2.�k), thence '-�est
<br /> along said North line to the place oi beginning, and containing a trac;t cr narcel
<br /> of land 4�.11 acres in extent and situate in the Southeast �uarter o£ th� TJoctheas�
<br /> � Quarter of said Section 24�, Township 10, North, Range 12 West bFin� t��e same premises
<br /> conveyed under deed dated April 21, 18�F3 from i�iar,y T. Francis and husband to Frederick
<br /> L. Oswald which deed was recorded in Book No. ?_2 of Deeds at Page 1�02 of the rFCOrds
<br /> of Hall County, Nebraska; Also the following described tract and parcel of la.nd
<br /> s�tuate in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Commencing at a point on the North boundar,y line of the Southeas: �uarter of
<br /> ' the Northeast Quarter of Section TwPnty four (2�) Township Ten (l0) North, Ranxe
<br /> Twelve (12) West, 56o feet west of the iVortheast corner o.f the sa�_d Southeast
<br /> Quarter of the Northeast ��uarter of said section 2�, running thence north 11°40'
<br /> tdest 473 feet to the Southeast corner of a graner.y now standing on said nrerni_s�s,
<br /> thence narth 19�00' 6Jest 505 feet to the South bank of 'vJood River, thenc� on a
<br /> meander line in a westerly and southerly direction a1_on� the south and east bank
<br /> • of said Wood River to a point where it intersects with the east and w�st center
<br /> 7_ine of said Northeast �uarter of said. Sectinn 24�, thence east alon;� said center
<br /> line to the place of beginnin�, comprising a tract of 1and 15.�7 acres in ex.tent _
<br /> situate in the North Half of the Northeast �uarter of Section 24�, Toc,m,hip 10 North,
<br /> Range 12 West, To�ether with an easement and perpetual. use o� <z road fcr �re� en-
<br /> trance to and egress from said premises, leading .f.rom the public road aJ.onfr the
<br /> East side of Section 21-�, to said premises, sa�_d road or way being the one no�a �n
<br /> use and entering the I�ortneast quarter of the ti'ortheas; quarter o° saic: Section
<br /> 2�, immediately north of the dwelling house of Patrick rrancis and runn;�ng al.c�n�,
<br /> the south bank of Wood River to the premises herein conve;y�ed. Said I�rancS.s and his
<br /> grantees to have privilege of fencin�; said road and plac:Lng convenient; �;a:,es there`�n.
<br /> The last described tract bein� the same premises and easement conveyed by d��d f'rom
<br /> Pa.trick '��. Francis and wife to Frederick L. Ost,rald under date of Apri.l 21,18�;�?,
<br /> which deed is recorded in Book 22 of Deeds at Fa�e �a03 of the records o.f =aa1_i
<br /> Co�znty, Nebras'�ca.
<br /> To have and to hold the above described prem:ises together �,ait',� all tenement:�,
<br /> � hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging un�o the �rantee an� to �rantee's
<br /> heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grante� and Uaith grantee's hei�s an�
<br /> assigns that grantor is lawfully seised of sa�d premi��s; that the,y are free frorr;
<br /> encumbrance except easements and restrictions of record� tnat grantor has �ood ri_�ht
<br /> and lawful authority to convey t}.e same; and that grantor warrants a.nd. wii7. c:eferid
<br /> the title to said premises against the lawful claims of a11 persons whoMSO<�ver,
<br /> Dated .'� � � ��..` 7 " 1q68 1� , �
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