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<br /> 'CIXiCTH1�K WITII ull tlie iny�r�wc�:ientr� nnw ur hereaRer erected on th$property, and all cuserrienes, nppunenunc�s,and
<br /> �xtures itieiw iyr hrrr:illcr u p��rt nf the prn�x:rty. All replacements und ndditions shall also bL coverc:d by this 5ecurity
<br /> Instrunxnt.All ��f thc li�rcgoinp iti re('crrcd lu In thfx Securfty Instr�mcnt as:hc "Pmperty.,'
<br /> HURRQWGR CUVi?NAN7'S Ihul IA�rr�+wcr is luwfully seitiecl of tlie cstate hereby conveycd:�nd has thc right to grnnt und
<br /> convey Uic Nruperty uud 11►ut th� Pnqxny i� unencinnhered, exccpt for encumbrances of record. Barrower warnnts and will
<br /> dcfcnd genera�ly ihs titic tu Iho I'roperty uguhisl uU cluimti aixl dcmands,subject to any encumbrances of rccord. --
<br /> THIS SL�CUFtITY INS'TRUM�:N'I'�:omhincs uniform c�venants for national use and non-uniforn�covcnunts with limited
<br /> vuriutiuns byjuri�cticd�m to ci�n4titute ti unifi�rm sccurity instrumettt covering renl prnperty.
<br /> UNIFORM C�VLNl1NTS. li�rrruwcr unJ I.end�r covenunt und agrce us follows:
<br /> 1,Ps�yment uf I'rlacipwi And lnterc�li Eh'spaytnent wnd Late Charg�. Bocrower shall promptly pay when due the
<br /> princi��zl nf ond intcrest on the deb�evidencecl by the Nute aixi any prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2�F u�xls tor 'Pwxev wnd Insurwnce. SuhJect t:�uppUcuble law or to a written waiver by I.ender, Borrower shall pay to —
<br /> l..e�xler on Ihe duy manthly puymenic urc duc undcr thc Nnte,until thc Notc is paid in full,s sum("FundA") for. (o)ycariy taxes
<br /> und assessnxnts which muy uttain ptlority uver thlr�Securlty litstrument as a lien on the Proporty;(b)yearly Iraschold payments .
<br /> or ground rent�on thc Propeny, if uny;(c)y�enrly hur�rd ur pmperty insurance premiums;(d)ycurly tlaod insurance pren►lums,
<br />� if auy:(e) yearly murtg;�ge insurance premlunw, if uny; and(t)any sums payst6le by Borrower to Lrnder. in accordance widi
<br /> the provi�ions af puragraph 8, in litu oi tho puynxnt of nx�rtgs►ge insurance premiums. These items xre callyd"Hscrnw Items." '
<br /> Lxnder may,e�t any tfmc, collect Euxl hold Fuixls in nn i�nxiun� n��t tn axceeci the mnximum amaunt a lender for a faierally
<br /> related mongage loun may require f��r Horrnwer's escrow uccowit under the fcderal ltcal Estute Sealemens Procalur� Act af
<br /> 1974 us urxunded from time to ti�i�e, 12 U.S.C. SecUon 2601 ct seq. ("RESPA"), unless another law that applics to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser uniount. If so, Lender may, ut uny time, cc�llect und hold Punds in :m umaunt not ta excced the lesser nmount.
<br /> Lender may ostimate th�umount c�f Fuixls duc on thc basls af current datn and rea�nable estimatas of expcnditures of future
<br /> Bscrow ltems or otherwise in ucsurdunro wilh upplicuble law.
<br /> The Fu�xls shall be held in an intitituticm whore de�sits are insured by a fedcral agency, instrumentaliry. or entity
<br /> (including Lernder, if I.ciufcr fs tiuch an Inrtltutinn)or in uny Fe�deral Home L.onn L�a�ik. Lcnder shsll apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> L�scrow Itams. I.onder inay not chArge&�rruwer for holding u�x1 unplying the Funds,annually nnulyxing the escrow a�ccount, ar ,
<br /> verlfying the Escmw Items,unles.r I.e�xler puys Borrower interest on the Fu�xls and applicable law permita Lcncierto maku such
<br /> a charge. However, l.ender muy require&�rrower t�puy a one-tlmc charge for an independ.tnt real estate taz reporting service
<br /> .�wi h; i rn�i�r in comiecNon with thls loan. unless applicu6lc luw provides otherwlsa. L3nless an n�recment is nwde ur
<br /> applicable law reyuires interest tn be�Id. Lender shull not bc requiral to pay Bonower uny intcrest or eui-nings on �he Punds.
<br /> Borrawer and I.ender may egree in writing,hawcvor,that interc.rt sh�ll be paid on the Funds. Lender shall givc to Borrower,
<br /> wlthaut chuge,an xnnual nccounting uf the Fuixls, showing crodit9 and debits to the Funds and tha purpose for which euch
<br /> debit to the Funds was macie.The Funds are plodgal as additional r�ecurlry for all r�ums secured by thls Securlty Instrument.
<br /> If thc Funds held by I.ender cxcood thC nnwunth permlttal to bc hcfd by upplicublc law, l.cnder shall aaaunt ta Dorrowcr
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordence with the reyuircmenzs of upplirAble law. If the a►raunt of the Funds tigld by l,ender at any
<br /> time is nc�t sufficient to pay the Bscrow Items when due, I.ender may so rxnify Barrower in wdting,nnd.in such case Bo�ruwer
<br /> shall pey to I..endcr the amount �xcessary to make up tha deficiency. Ac�rrower�+hall make up the deficisncy in no mare than
<br /> twelve moMhly payments.at Lendcr's rolc discrction.
<br /> Upc�n payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Le��der shall promptly refund to Borrawer nny
<br /> Funds hcld by I.ender.If,undcr paragreph 21. Lender shall ucqulro ur sell the Property, Lendcr,prior to the acquisition or salc
<br /> of thc Proarty,shall apply any nunds hc►d by L,ender at the timc af ucyuisition or sala as a craiit sguiast the sums secured by
<br /> this Saurity Instrument.
<br /> 3�A pplicatton oi P4yments.Unless opplicable law pmvides otherwlse,ull puynxnts received by L,ender under�ouragrapha
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be appliod: frst, to sny prepayment chArgcs duc u�xlor the Note;uxonci, to amuunts paya6le under paragraph 2;
<br /> third.to i nierest due:founh,to principal duc;and t�.st,to any lute chwrges due under thc Nute.
<br /> . q,[.:lwgea; Liens. Borrovwer shall pay all tuxes, assessments.ch�►rgcs, fine�and imp�sitions attrlbutable to the Froperty .
<br /> _ which may attafn priority ever this Security Inst�ument, sr�i Icasehold pwymcntti or Around rents. if any. Horrowcr shall pay
<br /> theac obligKfons in the manner provided in paragruph 2,ur if nut puid in tlwt nwnner, Borrower sltall nay them ou time directly
<br /> tu the person awed payment.Borrower Fhall promptly fumish ta l,crnler ull►x�tices of sn�ounts to be paid undcr t6is pnragrnph.
<br /> � If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall prompcly fumi,rh tn l.erxier receipts evidencing the paymcnts.
<br /> ; Burrower shall promptly discharge any lien wl�ich h�s priorlty nver thld 5ecurlty Instrument unless Borrower;(a)agrees in
<br /> '.',•, writing to the payment of the obligation securexl by thc lien in u i�wmKr i�.reptwblc tii l.ender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> by, or defends against enforcement of the licn in, Iegal proceaiiisgx whlch in tha lxrxler's �pinion operate ro prevent th�
<br /> � enforrement of the lien;ot(c)secums from thc holder of the licn un ugr�emrnt�atiyl'uctary a�l.eMer subordinating the lien to
<br /> this Sauriry instrument. if Lender determines that any part ot'the P�Y�ptny ih subjctit to u licn which may uttain priortty over
<br /> ? this Sauriiy Instrument, I..ender muy give Bonuwer a notice identil'ying �he�icn. 8�►rr��wer sl�ull satisfy thc lien or take one or
<br /> more of the nctions sct forth above within 10 duys of thc glving ut'notica
<br /> ; fam 3028 4190
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