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<br />; poymGnt�rruy no longu bc rec;uirat,at Iho optlon of Lender,if martge�o insuranca wvcragc(in tho amount ai�d for�he period
<br /> thAt Laider raquirc�)provide4 by an insurer opprovod by Le�dcr a�tai�bocom"s avallablc end is obtainal. Bormwer shall pey the _..
<br /> prr.mlums roquired w maint�in mortga�ge insuranco in cff.oct,or to provido a lags re.�ervc, untll the roqui�timent for mortgego
<br />- insutrnpo er,tls U�accarduice with any writien s�tc�ment bttv�een RUZmwcr an�i L.cndt.r or applicable law. �-
<br /> 9.Iupection. I.e�der or its �gent rcu�y mako rcasoc►Abb entdcs upan ux1 ln�xxtbns of thc Prr.puty. Lender shall give
<br /> gorrowa notica st the tlrne of or prla to an inspection spoclfying ceasonabb cause for U►e inspocdon.
<br /> 10.Condeematba. 7T►e procoeds of eny award or claim for duns�cs,direcc or consequential, in cannxtion wiU► any
<br /> condemns►tion a other teking of any part of the Propercy,or for conveyanca in liu►of condemnadc�n,are hereby assigrtod and
<br /> stiell be paid to Lenckt.
<br /> In II►e event of a tou+l t�ing of the Propesty.sho Ftncocds shall be appll�d to the siuns secund by this Security Inswment,
<br /> whetlw oc not Ihen due.with aay oucess pald w Baerowu.In the event of a�aurtial takln8 af the Pcopaty in which ttu fair marlcet
<br /> . value of the Pcopaty immalia�dy beforo tho takinS is oqusl to a greatu th�u�tha nnxwnt of the sums saured b�r this Securlty
<br /> LnsGUmait immodistely befae tho taicing, unks,s Bo[mwu and I.ender otYx.rwlse e�coo in writing,the sums sxured by this
<br />� Socurity Inswmeat sh�ll be redixed by tho wnount of tha proceals muldplkd by the foUowing fracdon: (a)the wtal amounc of
<br /> tha sums sxurod lmmeaately beforo tho talcing, divldod by(b)tha fair mnrlcet valur,af'th� Property immediaGely befoce the
<br /> . p�icing.My bal�CO shall be paid to Barrower.In tho cvent of a partis�l tAkin�af thc Fh+aputy ia which the fair mrk�t value of the
<br /> prope�ty imrrudiately before tho tating is la;s than tho am�xuu ot the surns sec�.,-r.d immaliately before tho taking, �n1�,c.c -
<br /> Borcowa a�d I,p�du«herwise agroe in wrlting or unless applkable law othczwisc pr�vides,the proceeds shall be :tpplied to d�
<br /> sums socurod by this Security xn�trumtnt whether or not Ibe su^ns are then du�a• _.
<br /> If Ihe PmpatY is ab�ndon�d by Bmrower.or if,af�cr noticc by Lerukr ta Horrraa�r that the condemnor ofte�rs�n make an
<br /> ewrd a seale a cbdm for d�m�gG+,Boirow�e.r[ails to rtspond tn Lender within 30 days�gta the date the notica is 8rven�Lender
<br /> - is�uthaizod w colloct and�pply the proceeds,at its option,either w restorA�tian or rGpau of the Pr�y or to ihe sums sxure�
<br /> by this Socurity Inswmenb wtkUut or not then duo. � siiall not exu�d a postpone
<br /> Unkss Laxk.r and Bamw�othawise a�ee in writing,any appllcation af proceeds w princ'pal
<br /> tlx�17�e date of thn monddY paymaits rcfemed to in�8�h91 and 2 or chango thc enwunt of such paymait�.
<br /> 11.Barrmrer Not Reka�ed:Forban�aoe By Lender Not�W�Iver. Bxtauiion of the time for payrt�ent or modificadon
<br /> of�enocti�.sidon of the sums socurod by this Socurity Insuument grantod by L.ender to any successa in intaest of Barowu shall
<br /> C!0(O!)C(i1E 60 ICIEiSC UIC Iltbllllj/Ot[IIO 0[IglTlit Bo�TUwu Gi��'�.+�"o o.:�w�'JfY S!!SRILSC�i.i�.n 3�,�„r ahnll int Ite(CaldfCd 10
<br /> � �P��Bs�B���Y suooessa in irtter�st or t�efuse u�exta�d time f�r paymeat or Wherwise modify anwrtiudon of
<br /> tbe swat xc�uod by this Stctuity Instrume+►t by re�on of any demand made by�he o�ginal gorrowa or Borrawer's sucoessors
<br /> in inttnst My forbearance bp Y..anda in axeccising any right or remody sh�ll not be a waiver of or preclude the eaacise of any
<br /> right a rcanalr.
<br /> 12,Sneae�a�nd A��e Ba�ndi Joint and Se.weral Ll�biiit�i Casi�ners. '1tu covc,�ants �nd agmmeats of this
<br /> gecueay Inshurnait staU bin�and banfit the suooes.9ors �nd assigns o[I.ender and Bon'uwu, subject to tNe txovisions af
<br /> pr�g,nph 17. Borcowa's coveaaats and agroar�ans shall be joint and soveral. Any Sorrower who oo-signs d�is Seciviry
<br /> - In�awnan but doas not ea�ecub tha Noto: (e)is caslgning this Security Insaument only w matg�ge.Brant�nd convap dwt
<br /> � Bomo�ver•a inta+GSt in th�Properiy unda tfie tams of this Socurity Instruma►t;(b)is not PersonaUY obUBu�d w PvY the swns
<br /> ` �ecucod by d�is Socurity Iastruman;�nd(c)a�ees tlwc I.enda and eny otha�Borrowa may ag�nc a exta�d. modif'Y,fabear or
<br /> � m�t,e�ny�ommod�tbm with�cgud to tho tams of this Socurity In�t a the Notc without that Barowa's con.lent
<br /> ; 13.I.a�Clur�es. If the lom socured by this Caciuity lnstrument is subjoct to n 1aw whicb wxs m�ximwn lo�n cl�ar$cs, .
<br /> k and tlut Lw u fuuUy inrapce,ied so ltwt tho intaost or other ic�an charges coUocted or 2o be collxtod in connextbn alth the ban
<br /> � raccoed tt�paminod limits.tt�en:(e)any sach lnan chnrga shAll be reduced by the amourrt nocessery to nduoe the charge tn the
<br /> ; pdmipod limit;and(b)mY sums+�CeadY wllxtod from Sarower which oxoocded permittnd limits will be refundod b Barowa.
<br /> : I.aida nuy choose to m�lce this refw�d by roducing the principl owed under the Nota ar by m�icing a diroct paymait W
<br /> Bocrower.If a refund roduces p�incipal, Ihe coducdon will be ueated as a p�rtial PrepnYment without snY P�Y���B�
<br /> undrf d�c No`e.
<br /> � U,Natiee�. My notice w Barowu providod for in this Security Instrumu►t shall be given by delivaing it or by m�tir�g it
<br /> by�t claga�nail wkss sipplic�bk law�equires use of anWher mcthod.7bo notice sh�ll be diroctod to tlk+P►rop�ty Addresa cx
<br /> any od�er�wWra�s Bnrtowct dtsigrut�s by notioc W I�nder.My nWke W I.cnder shtll be gava►by first clas�m�il to I�ender's
<br /> �.r�swod haein or any odxt�ddtess L.a�da designates by notice W Borrowa.My notica provided fa in Ihis Soctuity
<br /> In�tnmeat shAU be doaned w liave beai givcn to Borrowu or I.eada wtxn given as provided in this paragnph.
<br /> � 15.Goveni��Lawi SeverabNity. 'Ihis Socuriry Instrument shall be govaned by fodaal �aw end Itie law of the
<br /> jwi�diction in which the Propaty ts locatAd. In tho ova►t that any provision a clausr�of this Saurity Instrw�ent ar the Note
<br />_- epnl�ts with epplicab{c larv�such contlict shall not et[oct other provisions of this Security Instrument tx the Note wliich can be
<br />=. �gave.n eff'ect without the conflicdng provision.'Ib this end the provisia�s of this Security Instniment and the Note are docfared w
<br /> '�sevaa�ble.
<br />-_;�:� Form 3o4e Yi00
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