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:.�.k . -.ti*M�kaup�►#i��. ,.',1; <br /> , � . . .. <br /> S.r__ -- <br /> -,.ea �: • .�c� f �•, - -=4` ,.s�...�,....... -- -- <br /> � .:r . � ., •.«`. .I'!. �..'9. _...__ <br /> Y.�� '��}r.��� <br /> v ' •• '. -r- — <br /> ...."_-_-_°_- <br /> . , 7"`. . '4��} � :. }. �. _L�.'.�..`„�:.L•:;'F:fV6'�wa:w_--_ <br /> .�.����'�]�.���""_'__-_.'-_-_"_"_'-_""_-__ _ _�c._._� <br /> '".:":�6.. _fiLr'�7'�L...."�Y.7�T'�:_ _ �I�ILL�tIF�.1tl�1�_'4�RY1�C=__-__ <br /> .��.�_...,.� _ - - :� . _. _ —��.�F __-.__ -____-___- <br /> _ _ ._'._-.�..J..�.�.�YUrrr.��u1v._=.-___-::.__.._.. ._-__ __ . _ ____'_._._. .'__ <br /> - - ------ -- m�%�.a.`dl��`:1'Y'�'•Y.i�x��a�n�_`,�,[a���an���a�.�aw06`,`�'iiTr'IY'��`I'�i.'�Y.c�•..,� ____- <br /> --- „��.i„� _ •u,R <br /> ..:__.:rnf��:^1RR�IEl�j��7i .� s . — jn9��,�^� r'�r�p�� __ <br /> -- -.,' <br /> ..��..vr : � <br />__' y..._.�'v'u�tW.. . . ��� .. . . .. .'� <br /> . • 9?- �0412� <br /> S.Hasard ur Property Insurnace. Barower shail koep tho improvcnxntt now exisdn�oc hcreafiu eroctod on�he PropKty <br /> insured evalnst loss by fire,harards included within the cem� "exttnded cover�ge" md a,ny othx haTaM�, includln� fbode a <br /> tloodln8�far whkh L.ender cequirea insuruice.This insurance shall be ma�nt�ined i�n iho amaunts and for the puioda th�t L.a�der <br /> requires.'It�e insur�nce carrier providing the insurance st�all t�e chosen by Bomower subJect to Lender's epprov�l which ehall not <br /> be nnre�anably withheld. If Earowu fails to maintain coverago dexxibed aiwve� S.ender may. n L,ender's option, obuin <br /> cavrrage W protect Lrenckr'�dghts in the Propaty in accord�nco wIth pwa��ph 7. <br /> All insur�nce poll�ks and crnewils shall be accept�bk w I.ender md sh�U include a swndard moctgege clause.Lender sha11 <br /> have tl�e right w hold the poUcies and cenewals. If Lendu roquiras�Borrower stwli P�P�Y B�va to L.eoder all roceip�a of pdd <br /> premiums and rencwal natica.In the event of loss,Borrowex shal!giva pmmpa rwtice to the inswance carrkr and L.ender.�.etxler <br /> m1�y m�lce pcoof oP lac9 if not m�de promptty by Borrowu. <br /> Unless I,e�cla end Borrowu otha�wise agree in writing�insuranca pr�ceed�stull be applied ta restohtion or repdr of the <br /> pro��ty damaged,if tbe reqoca�on or repair is economically feasiblo Wtd Lenda's sxurity is not les,sened.If ihe rcsta�tiai or <br /> repair is na ecoramiaUY feau'bk or I.enda's securiry would be kstened,the insurmce pror,ads shall be e�ppliod w d�e sum� <br /> secured by this Sxurity Inu�et,whetha or not then due, with �ny exce� naid w Bcxrowu. If Bomnwer at►ardo�a the <br /> Fr4perty,ar daes nat answu within 30 days a�ice from Lender th��t the insurw�ce carrier has off�od to senle a cl�im.d�en _ <br /> t.a�aer roay oouecc the inscumce pmcaeds.r.a�aa ms►y�so tl�e procoaas w or restora the Propaty or w pry sums sociuea <br /> by this Socurity Ins�umeat,Mhed�er a not tha►due.'R�e 30-day perlod will begip w�hen tho notice is given. <br /> Unlrss L�ender wnd Bamwu othawise agroe in writing,ar►Y W�Plication uf proctxds to�rtincipal shall not ext�ead or postpone <br /> the due tWa of the mon�hly Qaymenta refe�rod to in p�rAgraphs 1 and 2 ar change the xnount of the payma�ts.U under p�g�ph <br /> 21 tho Pt�1y u acquired by i.ender�Borrowct's right co any insuru�ce policies and pcocexds ttisulting from damago w tt�e <br />- �Y P�ao the�cquisidon shall pass w i.erKla to the eatenc oE thu sums securod by t��.s Security Instrument irtuoodiwdy <br />� pricx oo�he aGquisidan. <br /> ' 6.Oa�pamc7'r Pre�mtioo�Maintesa�ce aad ltirotection ot tbie I�ropaty: Bflrrower's Loan Application:Laueiioid�. <br /> Barowa shall occupy.est�btish�and use the Pcopaty as Bocrowu's prertcipal residence within si�cty days afi�er tAe exaxttion of <br />' thL�Secusiry Insauma�t and shall conrinua to occupy the Propaty ac Hoaower's principal rasida�ce for at ia�st one year�r the <br /> - tLw �f ,t xu�.:,,3. ussl,-�..°Las� �!��";M,. �,..we in writina; which consca[shall not I�e unt+ea9ortablY Withheid. or unkss <br /> cxtenu�ting circumstanas exist which are beyood Barower's contml.Boc�ower stu�ll not deaeroy.dan►eBe a�npir the Propaty. <br /> aillow the Progaty to detaiorase, a canmit wasoe an ohe Property. Bamwa�haill be in default if any forleiuue �ction or <br /> ' pmoeoding,wludjer civil or begun @�t in C.ender's good faith judg�nn could result in forfeiwrc of tda Prapercy or <br /> ; otha�vlse met�eri�11Y imP�iur the lia�created by this Security Iastrument a I�erNkt's securiry fnterest.Boaower m�y cuce sueh a <br /> a defiult�nd providod in pwruBt�yh 18�by causing tbe��n oc pcocceding w be dismissed wid�a nding thM,in <br />�' '`� S,aider's goaY f�ith d�xminadon.Pc�ecludes forfeiduo of the Borr�wrr'a int�rest in the Property a�otha m�trslil impsimRenl of <br /> '':>>. +t�e lien creaoed by this Stcurity lnsnument or�dar's sociuity intecest.Barowa stuiU also be in defwlt if Barowa.du�it�g it�e <br /> �� loen nppljc�ticx�procesa.Stvo cn�taially felse a in�ccivate infamotion or smte�nent�w Lender(a faikd to pcovide L,end�r� <br /> , �ny m�erW in{amxqn) in connection with tho lo�n evitkr�cal by tha Nota, inctuding, but not limited w,represen�s <br /> '• concaniag Borrrnvar's occupancy of the Propaty a5 a principal residcnaa If thu Seciuity Instru�manc is on a kavehold,Borrowa <br /> abpll oomply widi W tfie pcovisicx�s of the 3ea�e.If Barowa acyuirea feG dtle to the Pro�erty.the 9eaxlwld and the fee 6t1e shall <br /> •� noc mage unl�s�I,ander agreGS to the maga in writjng. <br /> ' 7.Prolectba o�I�ender's Ri�6b in the Property. If Borrower fail�w pafam the cove,nanb and agroerneats connieed in <br /> this Securicy Znstruma« a thae i��kgal procroaling thac may signif".x�ndy effoea Lenda's dghts in the Piropesty (wch as a <br /> . pe�oeedi�in b�ntrup�cy,PrW�oe�fa candemnation or forfeiwc+e a�u anface l�ws a regulationsr).then L�da may do�ndl P+►Y <br /> � . fa wh�ever is neceasery�o psntect the v�loe of the PmnatY and Les�der's rights in the Proprn:��.i�aufa'a scdon�may�1ude - <br /> P�Y�B my wms socured by s lien which has peiority ovu this Securiry Ins�nunen[, appesric►8 in court. P�Ying rauon�bk <br /> a attomeys' fees�nd eat�aing on the Propaty w make repai�s.Ald�ough I.endu may take acaon undar thu p�xph 7�I.u�der <br /> .�. � . �oes not havc to do so. <br /> ' My amounn disb�u�sed by Lendea o�u►d�x this peragcaph 7 shall ixxara wc.'dition�l debt of Baruwa secured by this Soc�uity <br /> Instrvma�t Unkss Borrowa and L�ndeF agcoe w otha tums of pnyment, �hae arnounts stwU bear interest from the datt of <br /> disMusanent at the Note rate and shall be payabk.with intuest.upc�n noticc from I.rnder to Barrower re4�B P�YmenG <br /> 8.Mort�a6e Iea�ua�e. If La�da requiral mo�rtgaBe insurance as a condition of m�king the ioan socuae9 by this Secnrity <br /> lnsaument, Bomowrr st�aA pay the premiwns roquirod to maintain the nwrtg� insurance in eEfx� If, fa my reasan.tha <br /> mortg�ge insurance coveragc cequiret6 by Lea�der lapsas a ccases Bu be in effxL Bocrawer shall pay the premiums nquired to <br /> obuin coverage substantiaUy equivale.nt to the mo�tgage insw�nr.a previQUSly in effect,at a cost substantially equivala�c to the <br /> cost to Borrowa of the mortgaga Insusance pceviously in cffect, from an alianate mortgage insurer approved by Lenda. If <br /> subst�ntially eq�ivakmt moctgage insurance coveraga is not availabla,�amwa shall paY to Lender each mon�h a sum oqual to <br /> one•[welfth of the yearly mortgage insu.-ancc premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance covcragc 3apsed oz cea�ed to <br /> be in effect L,ender will xcept, nse ar��retain thesc payments as a loss rescrve in lieu of mortgage insurance.Lo�reseive <br /> Fonn S02s i/Y0 <br /> �•6R(NE)ta2t2�.ot P�p�aut� Innut.: _ <br /> � � � � <br /> �'- J.^ - .. . -- w4 � h _ <br />. — ..i �n:: :.''� '. ±l � r na. . y. . <br /> � - i%7'�:':'.:`.iF��r,:+��:�' ;rr�. . .. -�lt�"���--+�^�d.p�i ����{.'W+r - [��tti.1�.� . . . <br /> _.rc� '�'wiii�lx .:�:�}'4�.�.+„46, �'�' ' . ttt `.x�'�I��".�h.�•Y.r"�'• �' .�'• � l ri���"itr � <br /> .-•�!''R�4 Y".��.-►I �j„� l�e�i _ .. . . . • '.hi�,A ,�.f �!� �.+t 54A" <br /> ��'T�r1�'�+'J ��L � - • . . .. . �v�., ,;S:r�.. .. ` `��'� � +..f�.':t'.���'. ��- �` -. _ <br /> .. A� �? ' A ��� S'1-""1J <br /> _��� -.r-� ;�e-- •' , ' . . � � r K�'� v-�yc�' -` .� •-- <br /> -n;'YY�t„i ^�� _ ••.�l' ' r- .� . . +i����t�± �i� � �,1. .ka, eJ� � . -- <br /> ——�:Z . �� ;• ' ,,'�'�' �' '� ' I,:1Ci,.4' :� •�'p;. �h _ � h���� �`.�t <br /> - �1 +{ �'`t��:`:�".�'' �'t.. • }'• .. y� � - I si�_. <br /> w r:;?,��_ ,y, t� � � <br /> f�i T ti` •,�t:�Y .y 'rV', _i'' ^ � +'(: - � . rc.�..iei...... - <br /> -� . � .1 f-!I;i.� - ���S�µ1��{lK4pS,l��y��'L>5, _*. µtiY.. _/.�1�1.���� _-- .- <br /> ,.�� Zc•!'• -��� 4u� -{�+f r .•. ..- <br /> .,IT,}• -''�` ..�. � � '. `.j�.. � -- <br /> .k-�-'=�1 - . . � - , . � _ .. . �'ry.. {►70c1y':"`"-- <br />.rw� .. . . � � . , SJX!'�: u��Ct��t�k. <br />- �• � ' ♦ � .. ��.' ��y�)j�p1 �.'J1a�'�41�flf W�QISf.- <br /> .^� r t Sj'•:-.. . . . .. � •, . . . � , �-�'T� •1' lt`CI;J� " <br />••y:,}���:i�� . � .. ' .�.Sdx�}:r�,'.""f4.'.". . . . .._._._.�___ .a. ... . .,.. _... ._.--�.� _.F,'s�' ...�.... <br />