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<br />.�,::��� 13. Nottoew AnY aaiia+�o Hnrro+ver prnWdcd for in thfa Socuri�y Im�rument�hsil bo gtven by daliverin8 ic or by m�iilnY
<br /> :.k it by A.rei clas�maU unlzu appik�hle luw coquira u�a ot another n�ihod. Tt�o dotiao�taU bo directod ca the Prnpercy A�1da�s
<br />__ or a��y other uddreu Aorrawer deFlgnate�by notion ta Lander. My aotioo to LenUer�hall be gtvcn by tint clas�meU to
<br /> . , � Lcnder'�acWrcae�sated heroin or any addreas Lcnder deaigaata by n�tioo to Borrrnvcr.Any uotkz provWzct tar!n this SecurttY -
<br /> �, Irntrumont�bwll bo damcd tt►hAVO bccn qivr,n to Horrower or X.ender wlson given�u providcd in thb paregraph. -
<br />�_.. , �j l�i. G�o�eraliM I.�w; SiewrnMUfq. This Secutiry Itxtmment �tu�U bo govemal by fodoral law end tho law of the _
<br /> _ ,� Jud�dktion in whlch tho Aropeaty i�kxatod. In tha event tY�t any ptovYbs�or clau�o ot thia Securiry In�trumex�t o:tho Nate
<br /> �":� coMku with�ppikubb 4w��uch ooaNct�haU not ufect�tUer pmvlrbn ot this 5ocurity inetrumaat or the Nata wiiich can
<br /> � ���.�. t,e given effat wlthout tt�e ooNiicting provisbn. 'Ib this end tho prwl�bns of th4 Securlty In�uumeat and the Noto aro
<br />"�.•:�•�,�.� dcclaCtd W bo tcvorubb. `
<br />--��•,��� 1S. QornhwK'�Co�r. Borrower Rt�ell be glvon ono oaafomwd oopy af tbo Noto sixi ot tl�Socurlry lacuumeat. -
<br /> . °.".� 16. H,�r�cfors S�uas. Bornower�haU aot cawo or parmic ctx:presenod�w�e�dhPo�al,atomge.or mk�uo ot any
<br /> �.:'��- H e m r d o n s S u b�t a n o e s o n or in tho Pro p e r t y. Horroarer�hall nnt do�rror albw snyono c19a to do� aaythtn8 affectla8 tlw =
<br /> proP�nY that i�!n vk�latbn of sny 8avironmental Law. Tho preoe�Ing twa�entencea shall not aPPtY to the p�esenae.�ua.
<br /> . ," ar�torage un tha Pmperty of amall quantitka oi Hazardous Sub�tanoet tbat are gencralty reoognizai to be appraprJate to
<br /> . `�'� aorma!residcndal usca And to mninteUxnoe of the Froperty. - -
<br /> - Borrawer shall pmmAtly'8ive Leader wrltten notioo of aay i ave�N,p�on,c l e i z�,d e m e n d,l a w s u i t o r o t h e e r a c t i o n b y a�r,g
<br />•';'�:r:•,, gavemmental Ar regu�stoq►a�geacy'or priri�ate paiay im��riug tt�e Pc��ea►�auJ aqy k�azar.iaras 5ubstaaee mr�nnvuone�ez�8
<br /> - p.aw ai vrfaic�h Bornmwep has e.c4ua1 t�nawbdge. E�Harx�mwen Ocara�,,,�r i��ati6od my+�r B+ati^ere�mear.a!�r r��xec�y eurtEearety,
<br />� ' �` lblilt RUy I1CYI1�VaI OL OS�ICi ICIDDd18t10E1 Of AQ�HOx81[dI03iS Sll6dtaDOCB Y�CC[l[I$4bC P(OpClty 3S�SSatY.�r�ha�
<br />�.t�,�, , pmmpty teke aU Uooeasnry K1ue3ia�actioas in evcoidanoa with HmramQaimeata!Law.
<br /> ` ame
<br /> '�tl- As as�am thn 1P�F�p�Il�,"1"l�z��ous Subeca�a'sn 33�.-���u't��ee�des�nec!as und��ar ha�ardou�substanas by
<br />-r�:. �avnnnace�La:��a:,w r,�ic 7oL':�i�g svt�iarw�a►: �.ws�1'ma,�i�r��,�n.�t 2l�mmnbl�e or tmc�c 1}�e3�leum ��aducts.ta�ic _
<br /> �e gtcehC�S9�A�7�'si.i(�S,'+JO�IUi SO'��G'IU.S.�te�ia3s ar.anit�g ns3�s�e��r.�ex�a9ilc:hylk�a�d�ta�icaasL��e �t�ria:k Aa uaed :;
<br /> :���'�,
<br /> • � ` �u th�s pa�,��n�iK,`�RR1kdILlAdlICm3���tl"119Qa�iS�LGfC.TS11 Hc1{VS AI9��F1�VL 21f L�lC y11L7�Li�WIIUA R'rtiCI�C'137C}�'dn^�R�ilj7 15:IC�l�l�l� �:
<br />-:l1�`!J��,,t`._,!'�"i� O� a 1 i 1�1..
<br />_��*:i'�';%i;,�iu`�`;ss i ��]aaa asa�a�.a.cbi.safety or ernirot�e�-11 proiection
<br /> _��. ,_�;:.s�
<br />-��'?!?��� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Y.ander t'urthcr ooveaant esct egcea sr follaws:
<br /> - ___—_-- 17. Aadpuu�t o[R,�ab. Bormwer unoonditionelly auigo�and ttatuten w Lendar all tha renu and revenua of tho
<br /> � Pmpercy. Borrower author�ia Lender or L,ender'�sgents ta�oolbct tbe nnta end revenu�and hereby dlrc�cu each teaant
<br />--- _v ottbo Property to pay ttfe nnu to Lender or Lender's egenu. However,prior to Lender's notka ta Horcao►�er ot�orra�a�er'�
<br /> --= breaeh o!aa�y aovonea�t or egrameat iu tho Saurity Imtrument,Botrawec atWl oolbcc aad reoo[ve eU roau w�d reveaua
<br /> of tho Property a� [nutoo for tho beneSt ot Lender and Bono�r. 'IUI� nwi�nn�nnt ot ronu wnatitutd sn�b�oluu
<br /> � �tgnmeat u�d aot Rn awlganxat[or eddltba�l�ecuricy on1y.
<br /> It Latxbr{tva n�tioo oi o�to F�urni�se:t.f.L'�au�r.�:���°ar:��s:�1!��!r;w,_T.�n�r u vuscee 6or
<br /> -- _ benaAt oi L�nda�nly,to be epplbd to�de uum�acurad by the Secwity Inuument;(b)1�ead�er�hall bA entltlod to aoUxt
<br /> --- aad rooehro Ui ot tLo renu ot tl�o Pmpeny;aud(e)e+�ch tea�nt ot the Proparty�lu�ll pay�Il ceau duo�nd unpkl w Leuder
<br /> or Leader'��ent oa Lender'�wrltten demand to tbo taau�G
<br /> Homnwer t�u rwt eaoocutod any prbr es�Jgounent of the r;,ntr and l�t aot and wW mt per6orw eqy�ct thut woub preNent
<br /> Lep�Ser from a+oerciting iu rlghu undnr thb►p�regnph 17.
<br /> Le�er�heU aot bo coquired eo entor upon,talco oontml of or autintaia tl�e Propecty bofam or atter givta�nocfoo of
<br /> brach to Dornow�cr. Howavor. Leader or a 1�Y aPPpintod rooeivcr may do w at auy ticno thcro i� a bre�ch Auy
<br /> sppilnxtion of rcnts shaU nnt curc or wari�a eny dctault or invalidato any othcr right or ramody o1 Lcnder, 'I1ilc�tignm�n�
<br /> of renu of tba Ptoperty�hall terminato when Wa debt�ecured by the Soc+►dty lmtrument i�Paid in f�ll.
<br /> li� Forecbwre Prooeirre. lf I.ender toquira immodtnte pay�nent ta full uuder TuregrePh 9,Lender mey iavolco the
<br /> power of sab and any other remodka pormittud by npplicabk Ia�v. LeaRler st�ell be entitbd w oollocc all acpeasa incurnd
<br /> in pur�Wag eha ramodiea prnvidod ln thh paragcaph 18,inclaW�,but not llmitod w�reuoneble atwmcy�'fea+and eau o[
<br /> ,,,� title evidesnsa.
<br /> It We povMer of�ak�tnvoked,'IYuatea�hnll reeord a natioe of do(nult in each oounry ia whtch�ny pert ot the Pmperty
<br /> i�bcetai�nd�hall a�aU oopia of such nottoo in the manner praaibod by spplicabk laN to BormMat aad to Wo othor
<br /> - pcnoa pracribod by applicabb law. Aiter the dma roquired by epplkabb leM,Truttea.�hall giv�public notfoo ot�alo ta
<br /> the persona a�in tixs manner pracqibed by appllcabb lsw. Tcvntca,wttvout demnnd on Borm�rer��hall�ell tlx Praperty
<br /> _ __-.�.�_ st publi�uuct�oa to tha higBest bidQer nt the tlme and plaoe and under tt�e tesm�dalgmted in tde notira of�a1e ia ope ar
<br /> more paroelC und in aay order Trustoe Oetorminea. 'i'nutoo may poetpono�a10 of aU or eny paroel of the ProP�nY bY Public
<br /> anno:woeroeat it the dma and pleoo of any previous�r�chedukd sab. Lender or its deslgnoe may purc�e the Proporcy at
<br /> - atry stio.
<br /> Upon roaipt of payment of the prjoe bt�d�Ttustoo�hall dollv�er to tha purchaser TYusta'�dnod conveying tl�e i'ropariY
<br /> - 'Ibe tatiub in the Truaue'�doed:hall bc prima tede evidenoe ot the truth of tha aaumonu mede thenin. 'Ilrustoe shall
<br /> - pPP�Y�P�of the�a1e in the folbwing ocder:(a)to all oaa and experna of croem.iciag tbo pawcr ot sa1e�aAd tho sa1o,
<br /> _-__-=� facluding th°paymeat o!tho'IYusta'�fea actw�lly incurroQ aot to aaoeod R6 ot tho principal
<br /> ---._ __ emouat of the noto at tha titna of tho doclaratbn ot ckfault,aAd reasonnbb etwroeys'toa a�permitted by I�w;(b)to all ssuns
<br /> -.--.- soaured bq thi�5ocurity Insuua�ear and(c)any cxoa�w Wo perwn�r penorn bgally endtlal to i�
<br /> -��--- It tha Lander'a interat tn thi�5ocuiity I�trument i�he14 by tlw Sa.YCtery end tbo Socretery roqulres fmrncaiata paymcnt
<br /> ---_ --«a in NU utxler paragraph 9,tLe Secratety may invnte the uonju�iCfal pcywcr of sab providod!n the Singlo Family Mnngago
<br />