, .n� . . ..r ` „ . h. ._.. ,. �4•:9"_C1T:�_
<br /> � ''+� . y,l .v,•.•,'r �.�wg±y�.i. .. ..�, . ,. �. -.. •:i.,,t.aos.'�-:�-=-�---- -.-
<br /> � � .. ' ' -._ :�Ib.: _ . _'.", -
<br /> 1 �._ n. . . . _ .� . .•rt _-.i' ,. 3C-�.A�;..- . . �. ... _ '� `'�---
<br /> ; �,4y.��.....j� :--�._ .'_" - __ hc' .�.._.�..._.t_..� ,..f•::d:....+....t�_:,��i..'k�-.":-._
<br /> ' .�N. :`►...'It1"'_��r ^
<br /> ..�.r��--.-_—_.-..�..�'1'-_'�.-..-� . . . . _ . . ��......_'___"
<br /> � g7.� �a411s
<br /> • IMr�n+ax�a a�bunw by �«,a.r und.. RhM aanor�ph �naN e.00m� an.ddRbna�dw�l w eamwK �nd e� s.owre by
<br /> thk S1Cwity M�WmMif.iMs��mounM �MN b�M inM�Mt kom tl»Aua o}dkburl��t 11 tM NoM reM,and�t fM optbn of --
<br /> Untbr��h�aN b�fnxr»dMt�ty dw�nr!p�y�bM. --
<br /> Bortov� �h�N prortpty dMohM9��Y N�n whbh hu prbdty ov�r thy &turUy MsWm�nl unUas Barow�: (�) pr� In
<br /> wrkln�to tM W1�+t ol th�o0lq�ttan wowrd by th� IMn h�rtwin�►�oopf�ba lo I.�ndM;(0) conMSt1 In poad Mkh tM Mm
<br /> by� or d�Nndr �intt �ntora�nt W th� Mrn In� M�I Proo�dhps whbh b tM LrndK'� opMbn op�nN to pnwrt th� __
<br /> �nlac�rt�►1 of Ih�Mn; a(o) �kom tht hok1K ol tf►s N� �n �prMrtMnl�a1Mt�otory to I.�nda wboMb�tMp tM Mm to
<br /> thM Slcurky M�bumMtt.M L�nd�r d�brtttbp th�t�ny p�rt of fh� Ptop�ty Is wbJ�ct to ■Mn whbh may�ttUh prbrky ov�r MM _.
<br /> Socu�:y InsGw�wns�Lwidw r�iry pNa Fior•owar�notWa I�;,at.y:zp tha 6:a.4lorrow:�ct►�u rat:cry tt�cs�-�cr i�.�a»oz r�.�t�o! _'.
<br /> tM�otbns wt loath wow wkhln 10 d�ys of th�pArMp ol notia.
<br /> ��F�Ot. UndK rn�y aolwct 1�snd ohup»wthorb,�d bY th�S�crof�ry.
<br /> �,Oround�1br AccN�tlon of D�bt
<br /> (a)D�hu1L �.«�d�►m�y, wo�t u Nm�d by npuYlk►n�kswd br th� s.cnary h en�ca,. a payn�n dawe�.
<br /> r.a�h r�ar.M a.m�«n h aN a.r wms..c�na er n,�s.curky M�awMnt rr
<br /> (q earovwr dMw�a by r�no ro wr h aM�ny montnb r+�f�+e r.qut.d br���b M�uum�r►e a�ro a on
<br /> d�diw da�e a ctw n�t monmb wr��. a
<br /> (I�Bortow�r drNwks by talhp,br r p�rlod of lhtty d�y�,to pMiam�ny otMr oblpatlonf cont�M�d In thM B�curiy
<br /> Instrumint.
<br /> (t�) Sat� Witiv�ut Cr�dH Approwl. �.nd�r �n.r, r a«n,knd cr .��c.er �w�hc►,ar�..aion ���dl a a�
<br /> OarthSt (�nrnin D�potkOry klstKu►lOns ACt Of 19E2. 12 U.9.C. 1701}3(d)) Yld M�kh tM p�rbr�pprovAl Of ItN B�CrM�rY.
<br /> rsqulrr knn�cff�M�ynMnt In W ol�N th�wms s�aind by Mis S�curRy Insin�nt M: .
<br /> (q N a p�rt of tM PPOp�rty, a � bM�Ma�I hNnst In a dutt ownYp al or put ol tM Pro�ty, M sold or
<br /> oMerwip trmsNrnd(otl»r than by dwR�a dMCw�t),�nd
<br /> (Y)TM P�op�ty i�not uaCUpNd by tTM pw�chatK or pm1N ae hN a hM prM►c1p�l ro�b�nc�, a lM Purohasu a
<br /> ptanlN doM s0 oOCUpy tIN PrOpMty� but hi� or IMr Cndit hw nol bMn aDPaw�d M �d�r� wkh lh�
<br /> IrqurM11M1b Of HN SM.Y/dfy.
<br /> (c) Plo Wdwr. h c�o�,+.ana. oocu► tn.e wouw�rmt una►a n�r� �,nwarM a�r++�t M tu� w,� �una�w
<br /> doeu not nquM wCh p�ym�►b.4ntMr doa�wl�wM Its dphri wlth rMqct ta wb�pt�rH wmts.
<br /> (d) R�uMtbna of NlJD S�cr�lary. �n m.ny cra,n,.wc.� reouti� kw.a by m. snx�wr w�r rm+c _
<br /> L�ndYI's �Ipht�. In the CaW of payrnMtt d�Muk��tu nquNl Ymn�dlaM pllynwnt fn 1u1 r7d k�Cbp M nOt ptld. Thi� _
<br /> 6�awk�r Insbn�K doN not wtl�ala��oalM�rtion a fa�olaun N nat pwnMMd 6y rapuiatbn� ol tM 8�avhry.
<br /> (e) Mort�� Not In�ured. sarowK� et� M�nk &a,r�y�nsn�m�na�ho no��n na d�wnwwd ro
<br /> - b.�.IpbN for insurano.a+tN►a»r�tbnN Mou�Yw Ac!w+H,in�ot dw,s(�,� kom a,. atl. n«ra, L«+d.r
<br /> ` neay�at kt optiqi nquMa hrr»dyM p�ynwri h/W of U swn� Ncund by Mi� 8�curN�r k�sWirNM. A Mr�MMn N�lMnmt
<br /> ; ot my wtho►tsd apmt a tn.8�c�r dat�d wb��qwnt to#F of �rva (9Q) kan tM a� h�of. d�cNnlno
<br /> � fo Inwrs thl� &�CUrRy inibrwn�nt�nd th� NoM. �h�1 b� dlMmd COtwIJiAM pro01 0l wch Y�Mpl�MIY• ���0
<br /> ihe Ionpoinp.tny oPtbn may not W�ncMW by Wn�whfn tM unawibAky of Msura�a N�oMM dw to L�nA�s
<br /> A�Wn to nmlt�morfp�p�Inwnnw P��n!o tM S�aMW.
<br /> 10. Relnsatemem. e«rowu h.•.�qn��o a.r.insw.d r�+dK n�s nwuwed rm�a�aa wr�M a��•oe
<br /> BoROw�s MNura to pay sn �rnount dw undK tM Nob or!AN 3�cixty M�Inrr�nt Thfs ripht �ypiN�v�n�Mr foncbwn
<br /> . proo��w bstlut�d. 'to nlnst�le th� S�axty Ins�runNn4 Barow�r sMt M�W�r h� �wip aun Y �b nquY�d!o
<br /> -�. ar�,p eorrow�rs �oeoune axne� ncwd�rq, �o �n. .oa.nc �,r�r w obro.uon� ol gortow� uncMr Mk 8�cu�lty N►rit�mn�
<br /> l Ionclowr� cwU �nd rononebM �nd cusEaniry attan�y'� NsR �nd w�nsM P�b �socW�d wkh th� to�olowh
<br /> r proc�Idt�p.Upon nlnsqMm�nt by Baroww,thR S�curky Irstmnwnt�nd tM oDlp�tbns M�t k aC�M�s th�N rMrMh b Mlrot as
<br /> , M UndM h�d nOt erqieY�d Yrrn�Hat�p�ymmt h fuL HowwM�LMidK N not nqufnd to pamk rMnsWMn�nt M: (q L�M1d�r MIs
<br /> �oc�pNd nlnst�Mn�+t �hr tM comrrMncwmnt of fonobwn P��M►0� � � Y� �MM P�dM�O �
<br /> p conrr�Mnt W�eurtmt fonobwn ProoMdtiD. (q nMfYNnMnt w�pncAb�knCbw� on d1M1rM�t prounds M th� �.
<br /> , or(Ni)rlttsaMmuK vvNl advKtNf►�M�Ot tM Prfalty ot tM Mn a�bld bY thk 9�c�xitY�s�un+�N.
<br /> � �11. BorrowMr Not Rtl�d; ForbMr�nc� �y Lend�r Nat� Walver.d�ns�a+a a�cMr�e or��rr+.nc or
<br /> ' modMbNbn of�tlon d th�wm� �ax�d by thk 8ecurA�r In�trwnM►t 9�wd 4Y I.w►da to�nr wco�wr h YM�wt of
<br /> Borrowlr stW not qlK�N W nIMN!h�N�b�Y of Gf�orlpM�l Bwrow�r W Bonowor� suCCMtor In hMM�MG L�nGt sh�A�ot b�
<br /> nquWd to comn� p�ooMdM� p�k�u w►Y woowsor h hlMwt oc rMua to �d 11rM lor p�ynNM a otM�wM� enodMY
<br /> �nartisGon W tM wm� acund by thM S�curRy InsLU�rNnt by nason ol my d�nd m�de b� tM oripY�al Barow�r or
<br /> BaroMw's wcouton fn h0�n�tG My /orbMnr�a by Und�r h �oa�rckinp �nr r�t or nrnWy �ha�not b� a v+�Aw of or
<br /> . pnek,a!h.w�naM.a u,y riphe a nrr�.ar.
<br /> . 12. Sacc��s �nd A�Np�s eound; Jolnt �nd S�veral L.I�blllty; Cas9�nsn. Th. oo�w�a N�t
<br /> � �q�r'nlnb of thk S�x►rk�r In�blxnM�t thaN bind�nd b�nMk tM auoC�asors WW asslpns Of L�ntIK�nd BorrowM� wbpCt fo Ihe
<br /> ptovisbns of P�r�pnpfa D(b� Borrov+�� CovNwfb �ntf pnen�nb ah�A b�johf and s�nl.My BorrowK who ca�ipne thla
<br /> S�cu�1�imtun�t but dow not w�cuM tM NoM: (�j is co�lpnlr�thM S�cur#p Instninwnt ony to matp�p�.Onnt�n0 eawrY
<br /> tMt 6arowM'a InMnMt h tM Prop�ty und�r tM Nrtns o!MM S�oixlty MsWnwnt;(0) M no1 p�rfa�ay obNp�Md to p�r th�
<br /> sums Ncund bp M� 6�c�xity InsMwr�ih �nd (c) w�•« en.c �ana.. .nd .ny on,.. sonowe� �r �pr» lo wcMnA� otodly.
<br /> torbwr or m�k� �ny �000nxnod�tbns wRh np�rd to tM tKm W Mk S�cuMty Insbuirwnt or th� Nol� wkhout ttuit BomowM's
<br /> cons�nt.
<br /> '�3� NOtIQOi.My notta to BarowK provid�d tor In thk S�curty Inibunwnt MaM M p�wn by d�lwrtnp k or by maN'rp R
<br /> by Ilrst ol���m�ll unbst appMCabM I�w nquins ut�of anotMr mYtAOd.TM notiC��h�N b�dfrc�d to tM Prop�rty Acidr�s�o�
<br /> �ny otMr �ddrost 8orro�wr tNSipnate� by notia to Undw. My notic�to I.�nd�r tlyM b�pNui by Mst CIas1 m�l to L�Adws u
<br /> addr�a stuW h�nh a �ny addnts LmdK dKbMb� by noda to Borcoyvsr. My notF,� p�ovkAd ia h thN S�cwky --
<br /> Inthum�nt�h�q b�dMrn�d to haw bMn pNon to Barovwr or Und�r whm pN�n as provfd�d„thM penpraph. _
<br /> �.
<br /> 1d. Qov�rntnp I.�w; S�ViI'ibilliy. ThM &�ctwMy Instrunwn! �h�M b� �r�d by Fid�nl Yw �nd tM �w of th�
<br /> j�xi�c�klbn in whbh th�Pro{�rfy M foabd. in tM w�►t thN�ny provkbn a clww M tAb S�curk�r Mtfnxn�rH or lh� No�e ��
<br /> C'
<br /> C�
<br /> Fw+a�MO��rw) �.�•a e��
<br /> n�
<br /> :;
<br /> h�
<br />