..:� . . .. .'-
<br /> . ���__
<br /> ' .����':�h:;�c�e-
<br /> .. . �-- - _-- - -- --
<br /> .
<br /> .:,_,,,. • � �sr,�'+,, ._ _.. _.
<br /> �.. - .
<br /> -�,..�,ra�-n
<br /> •u IMlYfrw�.erM�!1:4�:.'�n'^�N�r^:.,�.,�...'11E'. '' - -- X'- . - ..... _. _ - ---
<br /> <� . 9!� 4(IAIf�n -
<br /> : � COVENAMTi '�'w'���70
<br /> �• nC�. � —
<br />_--- -� !. Pe�nr_nls. �rrow�r�gn.• �o m�k� all pwm�nn on th� ��cur�d d�bt wF�n du�. Unl�u Borrowe snd Lond�r �pro• oth�rwl��, nny
<br /> ,..:':::�_ �,t:��a.�.... �....y..»..�..:�R.,...�w.. �w».nr. rta «att:s!�^!it
<br /> _---. . . pEymm�a i.anua� �e�.oivo� ���n u6iiuw�� "vT SOP vT'•1�•S�•�••v. ��...__...�. .� �..�
<br /> • excluElv�of Int�n�t o►princlp�l,��cond to Intuw�t,�rd 4hsn to p►���cipal.If pirtl�l pnpaymont of thi�ccund d�bt acCU�s for Any nafon,It will
<br /> not reduee or oxcuss eny�chaduleA p�ymont untll ths�scured debl u Dald In}ull. �
<br /> 2,CWm�AaMwt THl�.B�rrowu w(II p�y all t�xo,�uss�m�nt�, �nd otM� ch�rpa�ttribut�bf�to th�prop�►ty wh�n dw end wlll d�fend title -
<br /> _ ; _ t�;fM�oWhlch�8orrowir miy h�vi epilnit p+rtlaipwhoiu�ppiy/ibor od mitarlili to Improvi or milntilnBli�«j�opirty�o�lpn�ny ripht�,cl�lma or �
<br /> �'
<br /> � 3,kaw�nc�, Borrow�r wlil k��p tt►�p►op�rty fntw�d undu tormY�CC�pt�bl�tu Undv�t BorrowsP� �xpe��e�nd for Lendn'e Wnsllt, All E,
<br /> � � Inwr�nc�pollaw��h�ll inalud���t�ndnd martpaq�clws�In f�vor of L�nrl�r.Undu will h�nam�d��IoRi payw or n the insund on�ny�uch -
<br /> � `�^'� In�urana po!Icy.Any Iru�x�nc�proce�d�m�y be�pplNd,wltt�In l�nd�r'�dl�entlon,to Nth�r tM nstoratlon a npak of tM dim�psd prop�rty -°
<br /> or to the eecured debt.If Lender requln�mortg�gY Intunnce,Borrower�prset to mdntdn such In�urance for a�lonp 1�L�nder requlre�. ��
<br /> " „+�� 4.hopwty.Burrowo wlll kwp th�prap�rty In pood condltlon and m�ks NI rep�lrs ruwnably necet�ary. -_
<br /> ;�,�,�1/i�r b.Exp�ns��.Borrowar�pn��to p�y�II Lendu'�expmse� Includlnp ro�wnable sttorney�'tss�,I}�orrower bn�ks my covenenta In thl�d��d N
<br /> of trust or in any oblly�tlon s�cund by thls d��d ot tru�t.�orrower wlll p�y the�e�mounts to Lendsr��provided In Covan�nt 9 af thl�deed o} �::
<br /> ".� '� trust. �
<br /> �° � �
<br /> � E.Prla 6�cwtty httK��ts.Untss�Borrower flnt obtslris Lendsr'�wrltten consent,&r�rower w1I1 not make or p�rmlt eny chanpes to any prlor
<br /> +� � :ecurity Intenst�. Bo►rower wilt ps�fwm all of Borrower'�obllp�tlone under eny prtor mortq�ye, de�d o} t►wt o�other securlty apreement,
<br /> Includlnp Darrowar'a covonanta to meke peymente when due, �
<br /> ^�� 7.As�tawn�nt of R�U�nd Pro1k�.Borrowsr asNpne to Lend�r th�rentt�nd proilu of the proporty.Unle:a Horrow�r and Lander have epreed
<br /> -•.r,! otMrwf:� in wrltlnp, Borrower may collect md ret�in ths ranta a� lonp is Borrowu I�not In default. If Bo►rower defaults, Lender, Londsr'e
<br /> ayent, or � court�ppolnted roceiver may t+k� poeeesdon�nd manage the praperty and collect the rent�. Any renn Lender collecte ehell be
<br /> ' ' epplled flrst to the coatt of m�naylnq the property, Includlny court co�ts and �ttorneya' fsea, comml:�lon�to rent�l �pentt, end nny other
<br /> � 4r..�.tir .
<br /> neces��ry releted experoea.The rsm�uilnp amount of rents w1ll then apply to peymente on the secured debt as provid�d In Covenant 1.
<br /> _,-.°?+�_�',",`"�� a.L�N�hold�t CondomNdunw:Ple�rnd Udt D�vdopmmts.Borrower a roes to comdy wlth the provialons of any basa If th(s deed of truat b on
<br /> ;
<br /> ___.�:in��:.a a I�asehold.If thlt dsed of Sruat le on a unit In a candominlum or a p aanHd unit devstopment, Borrower wfll perform ell of Borrower'6 dutiea
<br /> ,,, und�r tt»cownmt�,bydawi,w npWetlqne of tM condominlum or planned udt dewlopment.
<br /> '�'�''1'"'�' 9.Autfiorlty of L�r to/�rtam 1a Bor�owM.If Barowsr felle to pe�To►m�ny of Borrower's dutles under thls deed of truet, 4ender may
<br /> �` Fr',��'�� qrtorm ths dutlp or o�uw tMm to be perform�d, lendar m�y alpn sorrowm'� n�m�or pay mV smount If nec�ss�ry ta performance.If any
<br /> �",:�;���',�c`, constructlon on ths prpp�rty I�dUcantlnwd or not oanl�d on In a rea�oneble msnner,L�ndir mey do whatevsr le rtacesa�ry to proteat Ler�ler'�
<br /> '.'-�;�,%'�.ti, . ' :,1: secur►ty intarest intho property.Thin may Include eomptetlnp tha conatructlon.
<br /> ��'���S'• Lendar'e f�llur�to psrtorm wlll txit preclude Lender hom exerclsfny eny ot ha other dghta under the lew or this deed of truet.
<br /> ;lSr•(
<br /> r�"��.�'�� Any emounts pald by Lende�to protect Lo�der'�t�ecurlty Inte�eet wlll be secured by thla deed ot truat. Such�nounts will 6o duo on dsmand
<br /> -;:.';,�t'�.� and will bs�r Int�n�t from ths dat�of tho payment untll p�ld in fu�l at tha Inter�st�ate In eftsat on 4he sacurad debt.
<br /> .':S�h�i
<br />.T,:,;;,�..; .. 10. DNa�At�nd Aecd�atlon. If Borrowsr f�ils to m�ke �ny payment when due or breaks any cow�ents undo►thie deed oi trust or eny
<br />=-�"�:��� ' y dimind Immiditi p ymsnt�iodd may Invoki thi p�owK f,its iod�iny other rimedlei pxmltt�d by ippllmb el hwu�lty of the secwrd dsbt end
<br />==��;1`�,.
<br /> -r .•�:1. 11.Rpw�!iw Notla�of DNM�It.It It hsnby��qu��Ud that coples of the noticu of de}ault�nd�al� M s�nt to ach pnrso++who la a p�rty
<br /> '°-°' ��� heato,�t tM�ddr�st of�ach such person,u s�t tonh Iwreln.
<br /> �:,u�":..rY�t:,�'_
<br /> _ Y,:r��L�.� 12.PowM of OIIM.If trw ierxi�r inwic��ms povra 0�i/I��[fN Tf41l�t�INII tlf�i i�YW Y it�tiie vi:IGv 3=i�"p t p�:�!d.:�.d.:Of O'IIh l:aitAt j
<br /> ;r.,i? ��An^
<br /> -•:�,,�,� whwNn tM trust propety a tom�part a paraal tMnof I�tltu�t�d�notic�of d�fwlt contNnlno ths Infamwtbn r�qukad by bw. The 7ru�tN
<br /> -�y;�� �hall al�o mNl copl��of tl►�noUo� ot d�t�uh to th�Borrow�r,to�aah p�r�on who 1�s party h�r�to. �nd to oth�r�non���pmcriWd by
<br /> �_�,;.�� �pp11c�4N t�w. Nat I�a than pn� m4nth�kK th� Truatw ncord�tf►�notk� af d�f�ult a two month� if th� trwt propKty 1� not In �ny
<br /> ___ Incorporat�d cky a viNq��nd 1�us�d In fwminq op�t�tbrr curNd on by tM tru�ta,tM tru�tN�i�all plw puDNO notic�ot s�N to th�p�rwn�
<br /> b�Wd�i��.�l}�m k��d by tlNlf bHOm�pitiid��ouabn Act,TiwtN ihall oNii th�i prop x�,t y�hn two�ii�at��iiln�i r�pukid tbbq ippllc��iiwt
<br /> ��� Tru�tM m�Y patAorw nN of NI a�ny pacN of tM prep�rty bY PubUo mnoune�nt�t tM tlrtN�nd pl�c� of�ny pr�vlously�cMdul�d�M�.
<br /> L�a h�d�dpnN n+�Y P�►cM��th�PruWrri�t any��N.
<br /> Upon r��of pay��of ths prk�bld,TrwtN�1►�M d�llwr to tlw purch�aw Tru�t��'�d�ed aonwykg ..th�{xop�rty.TM ncklNi CoMaltNd In
<br />---- • TrwtN'�dMd�h�il b�ptlms facN�vMlsna of tM trutfi of tM at�t�rtt�nt�cont�ln�d tMnln.Trwt�e�naii�pply the procwd�o}the uA In tM
<br /> --- folWwlnp adM: (�) ta �II �xp�mn of tM saN, Includlrq, but not Umk�d to, na�on�bl� TruttN's iws, mson�bl� �ttan�y'� fNa u�d
<br /> - ---- rNn�t�t�nNnt fNr,lb)to dl wrrn s�cw�d by thf�d�W of tru�t,and(o)th�b�l�nc�,If my,to tM pKwru Ip�Ny�ntitl�d to r�ulw h.
<br /> 1�.Fenalown.At L�nd�r'�optbn,thl�d��d of au�t m�y bs fonclos�d In th� m�nn�r pruvlde by�ppllabl�Uw for foncb�un of mrxtp�p��
<br /> on t�N prop�►ty.
<br /> � 14.MM�01�1 I.�ndsr m�y�ntu the propertY to Inap�ct It If Lsnd�►plves BorcAw�r notic�befathand.Th� ratice mu�t ttate the r���onnble
<br /> CWN TOI L�fld�t'�In�plctl0n.
<br /> • 16.Ce�w+�Yoe.Borrovwr�sslorn to Lend�r th�pr x��d�01 any�ward ot cl�im(or d�m s conMat�d with�aond�mnation or otMr t�klnp
<br /> of�M or�ny put of tM p►op�rty.8uch proce�ds will be applled�o provlded In Cownant 1.�1�a�dpnm�nt is�ub]ect to ths a�rms of any prlor
<br /> . ��CUtfty�Nm�nt.
<br /> td.Wdvx.By�x�►cldnp�ny nmsdY avall�bte to Lendor,Lend�r dos�not pivs up�n�rlpht�to t�ter ua�anY othor rsmWy.By not exercl�lnp
<br /> �ny nm�dy upon Bonow�r'�Mfwit,Lend�r do��not walv�any rlpht to later concld�r•tM�vent�detault It It hiDDSns ap�!n.
<br /> �� 17, Jpint �nd E�vKrl 11�bMltr: Ca�r, Wae�oa �nd AsN{� �ound.All dutb� und�r thls dNd of t�t e� jolnt ub s�wral. Any
<br /> Borroww who co•iiprn thl� dNd ot tru�t but dos�not co•sl9n the uncl�rMir�Mbt Instrum�M(s) da� �o only to prmt md conwy th�t
<br /> Borrow�r'�k�t�ntt In ths prop�rty to ths Trw�e undv tM t�rms of thlt de�d of trutt.In Wdftion,such�Borrower pr�thet thr L�nd�r and
<br /> ____ �ny odMr Bonovwr under thl�d�sd ot Vu�t may�xu�x1,modi�or mako sny othor chanpoa in the terme o�tNe deed n}trust er the eecured -
<br /> ------ dsbt witlwut that Borrow�r's con��nt and wlthout nle�slny th�l orrow�►trom th�term�ot thl�d��d ot trust.
<br /> � TAe duti��and Mn�fit�of thlt dwd o(truat shall Wnd�nd b�n�flt the suecestors and asslpns of L�ndrr�nd Barrower.
<br /> — 1�.Nolie�.UnN��ottwrwls�nqulnd by law,sny notks to Borrower shNl ba plv�n by d�llwrinp k w by mallinp R by certlfl�d m�fl addnss�d to
<br />—� Borroww at tM pro �ddnet ot mY other addr�o that Barrowsr h��Oivm to Lend�r.Borrow�r wlll ptve�ny notice to L�nd�►by c�rtlfl�d
<br /> �,;� msfl to L�'� �u on p�p�1 ot tfd�d��d ot tru�t.or to�ny other�ddrea wMch Lender he�d��Ipn�t�d.Any other notice to L�nder�hdl
<br /> - - - b���nt to Und�r'��ddnti���taUd on pap�1 0}thl�d�ed o}trua.
<br /> �"_�
<br /> --f~=�'��(����y••"-� Any notic�thall b�d��d to hav�M�n plv�n Yo Borcow�r or Under wMn �Iven In the m�nner�tat�d�bovs.
<br /> .="�'cex_�vyo�3l�t
<br /> %in�ti'�'�."' 1�,Tnns}�r of tM hopKty o����Ad�kit�wt In tM Rorrow�r.If�II or my p�rt of tha prop�rty or�ny fntNest In It It sold or trnntfer�ad
<br /> .:��.:�:
<br /> _.-:.�.��;{ without l�nd�r's prior writt�n conamt, Lende►may dem�nd Immedlate p�ymsnt of tM �ecund dibt. Lenda m�y al�o d�m�nd Imm�diete
<br /> _ p�yment Il tlw Barow�r Ia rat e netur�l person�M � Mn�flcld �ntt�n�� In the Borrowr. b wld or tnnsfKnd.Howw��,L�nd�r m�y not _
<br /> -" Y�s;�S�I�� Mm�nd p�ymsnt In th��bpw sltwttons If It b prohtWt�d by tsded I�w a of ths d�t�of tMs d��d of tru�t.
<br /> �;�:�-..�,�x{a• .
<br />--�-��..-L„.�, 20.R�con+ny�nc�.Wt»n tM obllpatlon ncur�d by thls dad of trust h�s b��n p+ld end L�nd�r hae no furtMr obllpatbn to mak��dvanc��
<br /> .';r.�_�_! :,'r; , undv tM U�VurrNntt ar��rament���cund by thb d�sd of trua,th�7run�s �Mlf upon wrlmn nqunt by the L�nde, neonwy tl»truat
<br /> �'-'y��`w - obl �cbn ioiitl�Mt d�Borr w��rihilltpiyBiny f�cad�tbnecoiti sr'�cuccsssa In Int�re�t,th�tru�t dnd�nd tM�ote or other evid�nc�of ths
<br /> �•M�- �
<br /> ,;:.�.._��:,�� 21. Sucae�wr Tru�tN. L�nd�r, et Under'�,oPtbn, ms�r romow Tru�tse �nd ��pofnt � nucc�uor trutts�by_fU�t, mallirp �,copy,of ths
<br /> � -- . fUD6ilfUAOn OT tRU�t����nyurt�a iry�Er{iiioiws wn.SPni umn.u iiiin uis iuiniiwavn v�ou��os�vr�wan�i�.uw vuiw v�a`n�oy�otv�ut u'�ooi
<br /> `s•�' of eech county In whlch the tru�t property,or some p�rt thereo�,lo s�tuitsd,The tuccessor truntee,wfthout convey�nce ot the property, eha�t
<br /> -�*���*• � euaceed to�II tM powu,dutle�,�uthorlty�nd title of the Trustes namad In tM deed of trust and of�ny succaasa truotee.
<br /> . �
<br /> , -
<br /> ;.�'',
<br />�_-, , 1
<br /> rvec 2 0�z�
<br /> — . , -;'i;,{.� BANKEHS SYSTEM9,INC.,ST.CLOUD,MN 6E301 17�90G�D7•t3471 fORM OCP•MTf3•NE a/18181 _
<br /> , �:' �_ �_
<br /> ' � ,;�.
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