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<br /> rK � !� pe»[n!nte. SorrowN ��� �o m�M� NM Qaym�nt� on th� • rur�l Mht wlwn du�, Unht� �orrowK �nd L�nd�r p���ott»rwlu, an
<br /> � f!-�,�_,..
<br />�,i'_��� M�ym�ni�l■��3i� iii,ei'vii ri�iTi u3ii�Wri i �'ui uui7i�WC,-: �1f:t0�tt Y.:�.�+:y u �ua� �3 ii�p 6i7t0iii1�7 QOffOW1i OW��Ofl i�N f�CUfN��b
<br /> �yclu�lw ol k►twNt M pNna!pM,��AOnd tp�{nurql. arxt then te.prinalpal.I(p�r�l�l prep�yrr�nt ol tl►a��cund d�bt accur�for �ny nuon,It wlll
<br /> Fw� — nOt f�QUG�tx�r�uM�ny�an�imm�p�yme�p unm mrt�ncurn�i uam i■y.w m�uu.
<br /> �
<br /> ,,`. 2, �la!ma A� 1 T�I�. Bariqw�r wfH pay�II ux��, aa�u�mantn, end other charp�e rttrlhutsble to tho property wh�n due end wtll d�f�nd tltl�
<br /> to th�pro�» �Inet�ny cliNne whlah would Imp�lfr the Ilnn of tttl�dNd of tru�t.L�nd�r may nq�ln Ba�row�r tu nQlyn eny rlQht�,ctdm�ar
<br /> d�ftn���wMC urrow�r mry hpve�pelnet putlse w�h��upply l�ibor or m�t�rlal�to Improvo or m�!ntoln th�prop�rty.
<br /> 3. hwunnc�. Barow�r wlll kap thq prop�tty InturAd undnr tnrmn �capt�bl�to Lender �t Borrow�r's�xpen�� and for 4�nder't b�netlt. All
<br /> Innauu�pallcN��hNl includ���tanderd mortp�p�r,l�ws In h�wor o}Lend�r.L�nder will b�n�m�d�1 lo��p�y�s or n th�Insund on�ny tuch
<br /> Intw�na�pollcy.A�y Inaur�nc�proc��d�m�y b�appIl�d,wlthln I.rnd�r'�dl�cretlon,to NEMe ih�nttorition or rap�lr pf th�d�maped propsrty
<br />- o►to tt�ucw�d d�ht.If L�nMr nqulm mortp�y��rtnur�nC�.Botrqwu�pnu to m�lntaln��coh Inaunnc�for a�lony�s l.ender requlres.
<br />,:.Y, .
<br /> .. .,,� 4.Fro�erty.Uorro�lcr wlll Y.aep thn property In pnod�ondltlon end maMe e►1 ropalro reatonebly necss��ry.
<br /> _�,,,,� 6.Exp�n.Borrow�r�pren to pAy dl Lendv's exp�nu�, Inaludlnp raeombls�ttorneys'fse�,If Borrower breaks�ny covenent�In thli dsed
<br /> •_� Qf trurt or I��dny obliyatlon��oured by thl�dssd ot tnist.8orro�vnr will pay ths�e unount�to Lender as provlded In Covenent 9 of this deed of
<br /> _W�; truit.
<br /> �—� 6.Prlor S�ewitv IntM�at�. Unl�st Borrowu flnt otn��nt Lenclur'e written consent, Barrower wlll not meke or permit nny chanpes to any prtor
<br /> '=.�� secwtty Internts. Borrower wfll pertorm �II 0} BOf7P�Yli'e obllpntiun7 under eny p►lor mortfltpe, deed of truat or other securlty�preement,
<br /> Includlnq Borrower'�covsnant�to make psymanta�.��h�en duo.
<br /> 7.As�lo�n�t oi R�nt�M►d Pro1lb.Burrowu acslprn to Landor tho rents and protita of the prope►ty.Unless Borrower and Lender have agreed
<br /> -_' otMrw(i�In wrltlnp,Borrowe may collect md nteln the rr�ntn ae lonp as Borrower 1� not In dsfauR. It Borrower defaulta, Lender, Lender'o
<br />��•,�. �y�nt, or� court appotnted recelver may take posene�bn end mnnep�the property ind coltect ihe rent�. Any rentt lendsr callsct�shall be
<br /> ri_+.,. �ppli�d flrtt to the costs of manepl�p the property�, Inc;ludlna court w�t� �nd attorn�ya'fee�,commisslons to rentN �pent�, end any other
<br /> neassary related expsnses.7he remalnlnp emount t+f rentR will thnn�pply to p�Yment�on the�ecured debt as provlded in Covenant 1.
<br /> _xk� , .. , t.LNS�hotds•Condorr�l�lumt;Pl�d Unk D�wlopnMrM�.Borrqaror�Gress to comply wlth the provldom of eny lee�e if thls deed of trust le on
<br /> - a la�tshold. 1�thlt de�d of truet I�on�unit In a corrJominlum or a pl�nned untt development,Borrower wIll pe�form all of Borrawar's duties
<br /> _ta«=„y und�r tM cawn�nt�,by-I�wt,or requlntlorn of tho cendominlum or pl�nned unit dsvetopmsnt.
<br />--===���� 9.Aulhaky of L«�dn to Pwtorm fa�ortowK. If 9t+rnwor inflx to p�►torm any of Borrow�r'� dutks under thls deed of tru�t, Lendsr may
<br /> per(am the dutlet or caus�thsm to be psrfarm�d. L�sr�der mny�ipn Bo�rowar's nama at pay any amaun4 H naccssuy tor parformenco.!t any
<br />-�'!"�i�:� consuuctlon on thepro{»rty I�dlFCOntlnusd or not carritd on In a re�consble menner,Lender miy do whatever Is necessery to protect�.ender'e
<br /> ,��� securlty Intsrsat In tF�e property.Thl�mey tnclude compt4ltnfl the conitructbn.
<br />�r,'��r Lende►'s f�lluro to perform wlll not procluds Lender from exorclnir��ny of Ita other rlehts under tha lew or thla deed of t�ust.
<br /> -� -- AnY�mount�pdd 6y Lender to protect Lender'�securlry Intereat wlll bs securod by thls daad of truat.Such amowts wlll be due on demand
<br /> = a n d wlll be�r Interett from the deta o}the peymmt untfl pafc.l in fiill at th�tnteroat rate In eftect on the 6ecured debt.
<br />'-:t'�t'�.
<br /> -.�.,;r 10. DNwk �nd Ace�NrNton. If Borrower tafls to make any pnymsnt when due or breeks any covenents under this deed of trust or any
<br />----- obllpation sscured by thls deed of trust or�ny prlor mortpape or doed of trust, Lender may ecceterata tho meturlry of the eocurod debi and
<br /> - �`'� d�mand tmm�dlst�p�yment�nd m�y Invoke tM power of aale Antl any oth�r remedlei psrmittad by eppllcable law.
<br /> =-��;,�
<br /> - .,�;� 11.Rp��i fw Notic�of Wfwlt.(t I�h�nby nquetted that copiea of the not�ces ot default and salo bo sent to e�ch person who Ia a party
<br /> _.�:�� heroto,n tM�ddrsn of each wch penoo,a��et forth hereln.
<br /> �.�,
<br /> 12.Poww of S�.If the Lender invoka tM power ot aete,the Trwt�e she11 flrat reco►d In the offlcs ot tho reglater of deed�of eech county
<br />-�-�-�.:•��'�� whsnin ths uuat oronsrty a�ome aart or parcel thenof is attuateJ�notice o7 siefauR containing tM Intormelion roquirod hy lew.The Trurtae
<br /> __,� tMll also m�fl copUi of tfw notice of d�tault to the Borrow�r, to nch psrson wiw i�a parey fieroio, ano io oin�r pe�reona es ro�crivau by
<br /> appllc�bN Iaw. Not kss thm ons mon�h aftsr tM Tru�tee ncords th� notice of datautt or two months It the trus.t properry�i not (n any
<br /> - Incorporat�d dty a Wll�pe�nd b us�d In tsrml�p oper�tlonz cerrkd on by tho trostor,the frustee ahUl plve publia notice of sale to the perwnt
<br /> �nd in tM m�nn�r prescrfbad by��pppllc�W�law.Trustee,wNhout dem��d on Borruwer,shall toll the property st public euetlon to the hlphest
<br /> � bkfdx. If nquk�d by the Farm Nomest�ad Prot�ctlon Aat,Truetes chall oN�r tM property in two sepsrats setes ss r�qulred by eppllcs6N law.
<br /> 'frwtN m�y pottpon�eala of NI o►�ny p�rc�l of th�propsrty by publio�nncuncsment�t the tlms�nd place of eny prevbusly�chedul�d sN�.
<br /> I.�nd�r a ks d�tlpne�may purcha�tIN prop�rty at eny�sla.
<br /> Upon nalpt of paym�nt of tM prlcs bld,Trutte�th�ll dsHv�r to tM pureh�pr Trust��'�d��d eonv�ylnp tM�oypN�v T�.It�If t�,at��n�d�n
<br /> TruaN'�dnd th�A b�prlme hcN�vldl�ncs of ths truth af the�t�t�rt»nt�centalned tMnin. Trusta�hsll•
<br /> foNowkq orda: Id to �N �xp�n��� of tfN sal�, ineludlnp, but not Umlt�d to, r�nomW� Tru�tw'� fN�, nssonabb �ttornry'� fN� �nd
<br /> r�ln�t�t�nt(M�;(b)to�N�um�s�cund by thl�d��d of tru�t,�nd(a)tM b�l�nC�,If�ny,to ttN puaorn kpally�ntkl�d to r�cNv�It.
<br /> 1�.Fa�oloMKt.At l�nd�r'�optlon,tM�d��d of tru�t m�y be fo��eb��d In th�m�nrNr provld�by�pplksbN I�w fa tw�cbsura of mortpapn
<br /> on nN prop�rry.
<br /> 14.Inp�oYon.L�ndK m�y mtsr th�prop�rty to Inspeot It If Lander plv��Borrown notle� bNa�h�nd.Th�notic�must�t�t�tM nuombN
<br /> C�tN�Tor L�1x1N'�IMp�otton.
<br /> 16.CondmrNdor�.Borrowsr us�yns to Lend�r ih�procesds of any�ward or olalm tor dam�p���connect�d wlth R condemnetion or othsr t�kinpi
<br /> af dl a my pKt of the property.5uch procssd�wfll be sppllod ss provldsd In Covsn�nt 1.TMt asslpnmsnt Is subject to ths terms of any prla
<br /> ��curity prNrtNnt.
<br /> 16.Waiw►.8y�xwclsfnp any remedy�vail�ble to Lender. Lmder du��not plv�u��ny rlpht�to Inter use anY other rsmedy. 8y not ex�rc(dnp
<br /> �ny nm�Qy upon Borrow�►'t dsfault,Lsnd�r doa not walve�ny rlpht to latsr con�d�r the event a dehult(f k happent ay�ln.
<br /> 17.Jo{nt rM Sw�rM �Co�sip��; Succ�na� �nd Atdprn Saxid• All dutces undH thls ds�d of uust Ke Jolnt �nd RW�►N. Any
<br /> Bortovvsr who co•�Iqna thi� d of trust but doe� not ca•�ipn th� und�rlyIr�p d�bt Iruhummti�) does so onty to yrent �nd convsy that
<br /> Bortow�r'�IntK��t In the propsrty to tM Trusta�under thn torms o}thl�dse6 of tru�t.In�dditbn.wch�Borrowsr qreet th�t ths Lender and
<br /> �ny otft�r Barow�r undM ihl�deed of tru�t m�y sxt�nd,madlfv a m�k��ny other eh�npes In th�term�of thls deW oi tru�t w the acursd
<br /> debt wkhout th�t Borrovw�'�coment�nd wlthout r�Nnlnp th�t Borrowsr trom tM Urmi of thli d�sd of Vuat.
<br /> - TM dutNt�nd b�rNfits of thlt deed o}trust thall bind and benefit tM auCCetsw�and atslyns of LsndK and 6orrowe�.
<br /> - 1t.Notla.UnNss otherwls�requlnd by law,any notice to Bunowsr shdl be plven by deltverinp it a by malltnp it by certifioA mafi addreased to
<br /> - Borrow�r�t tM pro ny�ddrea a�ny otMr�dd��t�that Borrowar ha�pIwn to Lend�r.Borrow�r will pive any rat�ce to Lender by csrtlfiad
<br /> naii to Lenda'��ss on p�pe 1 of tfN�de�d of trun,or to�ny otMr Wdrsu whlch Lender h�s de:iynatad.Any other notice to Lender�hall
<br /> - M�ant to L�ntkr'��dd►ess���Utsd on p�ys 1 of thl�deed of tru�t.
<br /> _ �= Any notic�sh�ll be dsemed to haw besn flfvsn to Borrower ar Lender wMn plven In the m�nnar aatad abova.
<br /> - 19.Tr�miM of tM hopKty a�MMlk�t k�t�n�t tn th�Lartow�r.If dl or�ny part of the propertY or eny lntereat in it le sold or V�n:tsrrad
<br />°-' -= wilhout Lsnder'� prlor wtimn co�sent. Lender may demnnd immedlate payment of tho sacured debt. Lender mey atoo demsnd Immedlate
<br /> - demandtpiym M In ths abov,ikuatloni If I�s prohlbted by f efdaril Iawii ot tl i dsBe�o}this deed�oi uustansferred.However, Lender m�y not
<br />��� 20.R�COnwy�nN.When the obllgstbn securod by tl�la daed ot trust has been pald �nd Lender his no further oNlpatlon to make ndvancei
<br /> _ �� ur�r th�Instrumsnts wap roements sacursd hy thls deed af trust,tM Trustee shalf,upon wrltten requeat by the Le�der, reconvey the trust
<br /> _=�� pr�op�ty.TM L�ndM shall dellv�►to tM Borrower,or to Bnrrower'�cuccessor In Interest,the uust dead and tM note or other evldance ot the
<br /> .�-"'-��� oblipaUon to tatl�ft�d.Borrow�r shall psy�ny ncordallon coete.
<br /> �' 21. 6ueeM�ar TruttM. Lond�r, at Lend�r's optlon, meY ramove Truste� �nd a�potnt e successor uustee by tk�t, milUnp a copy of the
<br /> sub�tkudon ot tru�te�e�nqulnd by�npHceble lew,end tNOn,bV filinp the subatltution of uustee for record In the ofllce of the rsgiater of deed�
<br />_::..',iFs�� of uch counry In whlch the trost(xoperty,or eame part thonof,li�ituatad.The eucc�ssw truaee,without convey�nce of the prope►ty,shsll
<br /> -- ,� tUCCMG t0�II LtM POWQ/,dUtll�,eu�twrrty end nre ot tne i ruetee nemed in tne osed oi irusi�nd oi my successor iruscee.
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