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<br /> DEED OF TRUST �' �
<br /> t
<br /> PARTIES:Thls D�ed ot Trunt is mad�on MaY s, 19s.� ,�monp the�rantor, .rnaav Ls�AUSKx nrrn v�
<br /> re�or, � tmASNnKr, rzirAnaWn .►m _I"Borrower^1, �
<br /> ARFND 8 nancx, LTT�RNFY ---
<br /> whone reddencs eddrsae le. pe uc�Y van era.,n r■i,.ra u,» County, Neb►aske("Truatee"1,end the B�neflclary,
<br /> �Q1�p, F ��FRAT, RAV��nQ � +•,*•+ *aannTa�rrnwT ,a corporation orpanized
<br /> nnd�xistln9 under th�IawR�f �BU�►stcs _ who:��ddnss Ii ��1 cocrt�i Y.octis�r .ryTS2RFT
<br /> nAn�±*± TRL.n�., UT'ARASIlA �aana ioo9 1'lender"I,
<br /> CONVEYANCE:For velus re,�ived,6orrower irr�voaably Onnts�nd conveya ta Tru�tee,In uust,with power of�ale,the reel praparty.of which
<br /> Bonow�r i� I�wtuly s�tzed, d�icribsd b+bw �nd dl bulldinpa. Qixtunt, and existinp �nd future Improvamsnts thereon and all riyhts-af•wFay, _
<br /> easaricntc, ronta, leauea, Droflte, inc�ms, tsnemsnt�,henditamonto, privilepsa end �ny �ppuRenances thereunto belonping (ail ca11tA the _
<br /> "property"1. 7z npT?.ONA A , t�onnm rsr.aun ,Nebroska 6RA03
<br /> PRUrERTY ADDRESS:_�]. —�. czro coo.i
<br /> IES�AL DESCRIPTtON: tsir.�u lc�M
<br /> located in_. � unt.r. County,N�bn:k�.
<br /> TITI.E:Borrower covenanta and w�rrents tttb to ths propeny,excspt for
<br /> �ECtN1ED DElT:Thl�dned of vwt��cuns to Lsndx rep+ymsnt of the sscund deht�nd the p�rtorm�nce ot the coven�ntt�nd�9rNme�t�
<br /> contalrnd in thla dsed aP trust��d in�ny otMr docummt incorporatsd Mre(n.Sscured d�bt,��utsd In Mli deaQ ot ttust,includ�a�ny Mnount�
<br /> Borrow�r ow��to I.ondnr und�r thl���d oi trust or undw�nY Instrumsnt sscund by thl�dNd of uust,�nd ali modificatbru,�xt�nsbns �nd
<br /> rernw�ls tMreof.
<br /> Th�s�cund d�bt Is evld�nc�d by(Utt�II InsVumente�nd preements�eaured by this d�ed ot trust ond the datss thersof.l:
<br /> , ��_p$,(�JQ�R�tORY N�TR s�*m a�erm�rsr A[1RF.fiM��NT a�nY��1.49�
<br /> , ��ua�n/4lwnc��:The sbovs emrunt i�eecured�vsn ttwuph eIl or psn of it r.�ay not yat bo +idvanc�d. Futun �dvana� r�
<br /> contemi�lat�d�nd wfN l»a�cursd to the sams axtent as i}made on tM date th{s dead of trua N ex�eut�d.
<br /> ❑ Rsvolvinn Nn�of credit�prNrrhnt datsd ,wRh initial�nnual Intere�t rat�of_ %�
<br /> All�mounts ow�d unciK thls agreament es ucured evsn thouph�II amou�ts m�y not yat be�dvanced.Future advancos undK
<br /> th��qreom�nt�►�cont�mplatad end wiil M saur�d to th�same extent��if mW�on tM dat�thls de�d ot trust i�ex�cut�d.
<br /> Th��bove obligotion 1�due and p�ysWe on_ �nY 5, �nn2 _if not psk esrlix.
<br /> TM tot�l un�eid balance socund by thi�dsed of vutt at any one time shall not exceed�m�ximum pr(ncipsl amount o4
<br /> ���n��x�,r„ne,�n vnnTy �n voJ�nn Dollue(0 7,,Fan_no ).pius Intere�t,
<br /> cov�nant�contnin�d�in�thl{d�otiruaiNw thin ereit ooiuch disbursem�enta,�sscurity of thi�d�ed of trust w to puriu����any of ttw
<br /> ❑Vart�bl�R�ta:Th�Int�n�t rets on tha abltpatlon�ecured by this deed of trust may vary accordir►y to the term�o!thsi oblq�tion.
<br /> � ❑ A copy of th�loan�preamant conteininp the termt undsr which the intersst rats m�y vary is attaclrod to thia deed ot t►utt and
<br /> m�de n pnrt h�►eof.
<br /> RIDEA8: ❑ Commetalot �} na�rn�nn�rr oF_�u'►'s ❑ -
<br /> � DEi1fiNAT00M OF Qi0'MFSTEAD
<br /> �
<br /> Pursuant to tNa Farm Mameatsad Protactbn Aot,de�l��otbn of homoatead ❑ ia�ttached to thfs deed oi trust end m�de e pe+t hereof
<br /> ❑ has baen dI�clNmnJ;tM diectalme►is ettacMd to thfs doo8 af trust and mad��put hersof.
<br /> BIONATUREB:By�i{p�in0 bMow.MarowK ayrM to tM�xma�nd cownants ea+t�drnd in this dNd of wst(ncludMq a'ha�on pap�2.�nd In
<br /> �ny dNOiib�d�bow�d bY owsr.
<br /> ,�,�7 /,p,� ��� 1�_.��.�,�
<br />- Tho forepofnp insVUment was�cknowledped before me on this 2N� dsy of titnV, i oa7
<br /> _ bY rapn� r nen�vqK7 11f1 >A(1i. T �1RR\1tSKT �iCRO ifl A�7I1 M2RR ____�—.
<br /> ' mnnen
<br /> �
<br /> ' CaporN�a O �� � 1� 0 fiS 1 IN�n�o�Carpr�tWna VanH�trol
<br />--��� Aeluaw�we�n� s on behalt of ttw corporatMn or partnership,
<br />~ IS�MI • �ttsl;n?7 YT_RTfiT - ��,lU ��j��INOtuYhR7Mt1
<br />.•,� _
<br />- Thle In�trum�nt wae prepead by �u•gryl xr.rerx�r _ •
<br />�� onea��+K[I156V6t[MO.M1C..bT.CIOW,MN6l7011�•s00•59�•73at1iORMOC�#IT(4NEl1187l1 AppLli 00032�� at ���or2� 111EBRASKA
<br /> CCD#6 0100463�59
<br /> I _-------_.._.___..._.._—_._,..�.�.,_� e�..v .�.�.... --- ---- — --
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