w� .. « ..�.��, t.j'y.�.::'i;'v.�_`�.
<br /> �' / . ti�,11��•'•!•�.��kf�!�p{'rC�5��:,�.:_-.........a�-r.LiY�o:.�_Y-.
<br /> . ....R7Mi'��4. . . . ... . ... .. .�•;:wAp�tr4 __ • _ . .. �
<br /> 1 . "' __
<br /> .. �,�'y,�
<br /> '�' � ��� 'II�A�lOA —
<br />_ "o-r'�" ��E`� COVEI�iAMT� `�• �'v��tvv':� _
<br /> �...L::.1;.._._s�O..� _ �u . �..n�� wn �J�. ��nrrd d�ht wh�n du�. Unl�a� eorrow�r ind Und�r �AI��,OtfM/W���� ��1y
<br /> - --- - � ;. l. :.pT.�.r.:. :.ono::rr cy:� i'v -n,:� -.. n.;. .
<br /> paymmts Und�r nalwt trom Botrow�r or �'o� Horrow�t'� WMt'�`wlll bo �ppllyd Flv�t to �ny�mount�Borrovau owe� on tne ���ureo deot �
<br /> exciutive ol Interest or princlpal, eecond to Intare�t,antl th�n to prl�xipal.if pertlel propeyment ot the secured debt occura for eny ree�on, ft wlll �
<br /> ` � not reduce or excwe rny�chedul�d p�Yment untll the�scured dibt 4 p�id In fuil. _-
<br /> " ` 3.Clulms ApM��t TiW.Borrower wlll p�y all texe�,usenments, ond oth�r chnp�s attributeble to thepropsrty when due snd wfll detend title
<br /> ��� �i to th�proparty ap�Inrt�ny cidm�whtch wauld Imptit th�Ilsn of thl�da�d of truat.Lnnder may re4utra Borrower to es�lqn any rlpht�,clalm�or _
<br /> ' � detonaes whlch BorroNer may havs apalntt pertles who aupply Isbor or m�terld�to Improw or meintein the property. `
<br /> • 9, �pwr�nn. Borrawu witl ksap th�property Insund under t�rm��oc�ptsbio Ro Lender et Borrower'�expense and }or Lender'o beneilt. All
<br /> .� insu+anca polleio�sh�ll Inctude a�tanclard mort �pe cl�ute In}svor of Lender.Lender wlli be nemed as lou p�yee or ee the Intured on eny tuch _
<br /> or to theiicurid dsbtl If Lenda�riqulrss�mortpips Piurince�t Borrowe�apre'e�rto�lniint�nt4uchnncu8a�co for a^lonp�ac Lond�r�oquiree�operty [
<br /> �". � �{,p�op�rty.Borrower wili keep the property In pood eonditton and m�ke all reptlrts reasone�ly necessary.
<br /> y:�A��� p}�tp o�r�l anyrobllp�tlon iecured bylthli�deed of trust Borrower�will p,y tMse emount to LenderDa�provlded In Cove ant 9 of this deed af
<br />_� ' trust.
<br /> 6. P�lor 9�i�y IMw��t�.Unlen Borrower first oht�ins Lender's written consent,Borrower will not m�ke or permit any chanpes to any prior
<br /> ' � �ecurity Intiresic. Borrownr will pertorm eil of 9orrower's ob�l��tions unde�r eny prior mortgaye, deed of trust or other security apreement,
<br /> �� Includin�Borrawer's covemnts to meke peymenta wMn dw.
<br /> ;� 7.Ai1�r�ot R��nd Pro11b.Bortower atcipm to Lend�r th�rente�nd prafite of the property. Unlesa Borrower snd Lender heve aQraed
<br /> otherw�se In writiny, Borrower m�y colteat and retnln tha rents �i long ee Borrawer is not in dsfeult.If Borrower defeulta, Lender, Lender'�
<br /> aflant,or�coun appolnted recdver msy take postetslon�nd m�mpe tho prop�rty and collect the rents. Any rents Lender coliects ahell be
<br /> nec�eeasiyrel�ted sxpsnieaf The remielninhgenmount of rent�s wlll then epply to pwyments on the secu ed dobt e prov ded�In�Covenant�eny other
<br /> ��` '• ' 8,LNt�ftdds•CondorNnfum�; Pl�rw��d Unit D�vNoprtNnb•Borrow�r aan�s to comply with tha provision�of my le�se If thi�desd of truet it on
<br /> S a Is�tnhold.If this d�ed of truat Is on�unit in a condominium or s pl�nned unit dewlapment, Burrower will perlorm all of Borrower's dutie�
<br /> ., • under the covernnt�,bylawa, or ropulationo ol the condaminium or planned unit development.
<br /> J' •.:.;' 8. Autffo�ItY of lw�dn to PKTorm tor dorrow�r. If Borrowar f�(Is to�perform any of Borrower's dutie�under thli dend of truat, Lender may
<br /> porlorm iM dutbs or c�uae them to be peAormsd.L��dsr may dqn Borrower's n�me ar pay eny�mount if nacenary for portormsnc�.If sny
<br /> ,• ., i ; � iec�ituy tntlrsat In the prope�rtyaThfi msy Inaiudi completiny thi conotructlnnm�nner, Lender may do wh�tevM i�neceasary to protect Lender't
<br /> � �� LendK'a feflure to perform wlll not preciude Lendor}rom exercisinp eny ot its nther riphte under the Ivw or tht�daed of trust.
<br /> , �� and wiil biir�in e�reiY(romt�hs d�te�of the p,yment untfl pa dtlo fuil,t��Zh�e Interistaitc In�eHect on ths iecured debt unts wiii be dua on dem�nd
<br />�:..it,r
<br /> 10. D�Tauit and Acc��tlon. If Borrowsr fells to make sny payment when due or breaks any cownant�under this deed of trust or any
<br />=.- ob0y�tion ncund by this d�sd of trust or any prbr mortp�p� or dsed of trutt, Under may accntsnu the msturity of the recured dsbt and
<br /> r',�, �.`' d�mand Immedl�t�psymsnt�nd may Invoke ths pow�r ot uN nnd tny ulh�r nmediea psrmittid by�pplic�ble law.
<br />�;.�:, . 11,R�t ta Notle�of Osf�ult.It is h�roby nqwnt�tl that copla of the raticei of default�nd sale be �mt to each person who is a pa►ty
<br />-- - Mreto, at the addron of oaeh wrsh pmson,e��et forth henin.
<br />;::='.�y-r,
<br />=��ar;,;•< •-_ 12.PowK of S�.If tM Lender invokee the power of tsle,the Trustee shall fi►st rocord In tha office of the reptater of daeda ot oech county
<br />�_��..,.,,+� wl►Wdn the 4ru�t property a�some part or peresl thsrsof is tituated a notice of d�iwlt contelninp the Inform�tion requitsd by law.1'he Truatee
<br />_�-,,,; r. thall alao m�U cople�of the�otics of defeult to tM Borrower, to each perton who is a p�rty h�roto,�nd to othe►persom�a praaCribed 6y
<br /> __�$!�, �pplkabN I�w.Not ba� than ane month �R�r tM Trwt�e ncords the notla o}default, or two months if ths tru�t property is not In any
<br /> w". ineorporat�d city o►villapo md I�u�ed in f�rminp op�ratlons cirried on by tM trustor,th�Truaee ahall plve pubtlo notics of ade to tho persam
<br /> -�� �nd In t!»m�nn�r presalMd by��pppUcabls I�w.Trust�s,witho�rt demmd on Barowar,shall seil the property�t public euntlon to th�hlpM�t
<br /> -�itLL ' b(dMr. If requk�d by ths F�rm Home�te�d Wot�ctlon Aot,Truste�shali offer the prop�rry in two sepr�te ules�t►aquked by spplicabl�law.
<br />�� TrwtN m�y po�tpone sale ot sll or�ny pKCSI of th�prop�rty by publio�nnounament�t tF►�time snd place of any pnvioucly scMduNd�ak.
<br /> — l�nd�r or it�d��ipna m�y purcMse the property�t my sNe.
<br /> �� Upon r�a t ot paYn»nt of the�tic�bid,Tru�t���hall ddiwr to 1M purchase Tru�tse'�ds�d conveylnp the property.Th�recitids cont�in�d M
<br /> TrwtN'� �hall be p►im�facls�vidlence of ths Vuth of the xtetements eontaln�d tMrei�.Truttes uuil app�y ths procNdt of th��aM In tM
<br /> --'��� folbwk�y or�: (�) to �II �xqns�� of the sal�, fnciudinp, but not Iimit�d to, rsa�on�blr Trutte�'t fea, reaonabis �ttorney's fes� �nd
<br />� x-T�� rMrrt�t�m�r►t(NO:(b)to�II sum�s�CUred by thia d��d of Vuat,and{ol tM b�lance,ff eny,to th�pereons IepeNY entitlud to rocelve It.
<br />=—�—�+ 13.For�alo�un.At Lender'�optbn,this deed of trust may b�foreclos�d In tM m�nnar provid�by eppliaabl�law tor foreclosure of mort0�9��
<br /> on nH propKty.
<br /> ---• 14.In�p�cdo�e.Lendor m�y ente ths property to I��pect it if Lender plves Borrower notice beforehand, The notice must state tne raatan�bb
<br /> �. — c�ute fAr Lsnder'�I��pnction.
<br /> -�� 16,Co�fdmxwlbn.Borrower ase m to Lender tMt�rocevds of eny awKd a claim for d�mapsa connemed wlth e condemnation a otMr t�kinp
<br />;- _-�---�;� of�Y or my pwt of th�prop�rty.�uch procesds will M applisd ai providsd In Covenant i.Thi�ariynment It RubJact to tM term�of eny p►lor
<br /> -���,��;� a�curity p►e�m�nt.
<br /> .,���,
<br /> —� — 1d.W�iwr. By�x�rcitinp�ny romsdy awilaWe to Lsnd�r,Lsnder dosa not pivs up any riQht�to Ipter u�e anV othsr rsmedy.By not exerctsinp
<br /> `" —' �ny r�m�dy upon Borrowsr'o d�}�uR,Lender does not w�ivs nny right to latar candder the ovent a dotault if it heppens epaln.
<br /> -�� � 17.Joint�nd SwwM Co•�Nn; Sueewson �nd As�pn� �ound. All dutl�� urxisr thfs Msd o}tru�t an Joint and averal. Any
<br /> ---- z� Borrow�r who co•slprw tN� � of trurt but dat not co-sipn ths und�Iytnp debt Instrumsntlsl does so oniy to pr�nt and conwy tha
<br /> � --� Bortovwr'�intKest ir�the propaty to tM Tru�t�s und�r ths t�rm�of thb de�d of trust.in�ddition,sueh�Borrower ayroes that tfie Lbrxler and
<br /> ,.:��,..�,�� �oy oitwr Borrow�r under this deed of uutit m�y extend, modiiY or mak� any other ch�r►pes In the terms of thie dsed oi trust or the tecured
<br /> --_ -___� d�bt wiHa�t th�t Botrower'�aons�nt and wlthout rel�a�iny th�t Borrawx from the tsrms of thi�deed of trust.
<br />—.-,.,�{;s,�—���` TM duti���nd bsrnfit�of this d�ed ot truat shall bind and Mnsflt the successon�nd udqm of Lenda�nd Borrowar.
<br /> 1e,Na1k�.UnNss otMrwi�� nquksd by law,any nutics ta Barruw�r shdl W piven by deliverinp(t or by mailinp it by certtfied meil�ddraa�sd to
<br />--_:a,�� Borrow�r�t tt�e prop�rtY�ddra�or eny othr, eddress th�t Borrowsr hu pIvm to Lender. 8onowsr will pivs any notice to Lendsr by certifi�d
<br /> =�:-�as�� mall to �end�►'�Wdnw on pap� 1 of thli deed of trust,or to�ny otMr�ddress whlch lender has deilpnat�d. Any other rwtice to Lsndx shdl
<br /> ��ishi� b�eant to Lender'd�ddreu sa tt�ted on page 1 of thi�desd of tmst.
<br /> =�;s�itA�'`;r fp Any no9lca sh�ll bo�1s�rr»d to h�ve been plve�to 8orrowsr or Lende►when plven In the mannor steted above,
<br />��',r'�l��'-�r•_j:'.
<br /> —.�•,,,:t••� ' 19.TrsiaiK ol tPn PrapMtY «��Aci�l k►tMnt In tlw BorrowK. If oll or my part of the praperty or any Interost In it Is cokl or tronaterred
<br /> ==°-�- "�4� • witMei4 LerMer's prla written eonsent, Lond�r may d�mand fmmsdhte p�yment ot tlx� secured deht. Lender may elso dem�nd tmm�diats
<br /> --�;C�..:.%: : � p�ym�M k tM Borrower b rwt�n�turd penon srr!e Mn�NCI+I I�terost In tM Botrow�r Is sold or trunsforrod. Hnwever, Lendsr m�y not
<br />-y�•�,{ . ;.:,:� d�mirtd piyrt�ent In tM above sltvitbnf If it f�prohibitod by tedenl law�s of tM d�te o}thla deed ot vust.
<br /> r�;�...;,.:t u�
<br /> ���'rf�,i�;- • yp,g«pw�y�nce,Whe�the ob�ip�tlon securod by thlt d�ed of tnast hss be�n p�id and I.end�r hss no turther obllqetfon to make edvanas
<br />_ _,.�: : . yt
<br />�;�y,:���ur1,-. . ' � �TM Le�nd�r�tihill d etive�to tM B o vathoi toNBorrow�erji Ruo�ssor�i Intorei�M Vust�d�e�e d�a n dt Mhrw te o o ther evldence of he
<br /> `''�� • obl ation so ntisikd.BorrowN eti�ll pay any recordaYwn coeta.
<br /> {+� _��. ...�....�.. 6o iL.� �naiGrv� �rnnu nf th�
<br /> -_�-" ,�- ��� y Zl.KYCC1�10f 1�{IRA. Nt�ai�q �t Loitioi�i v in�i. nw ionru�e �a�iw u.-.u'q.p.n.n O ...."�C... .---.-- �
<br />_7.'`�-��,id'�'fi• subttitutbn of Vuet�e ac roquked by epplioabt�riw,end t�ie�,by filln�ths substttutfon of trwtee fer record In thi oitice ot th�ioplstei of dsida
<br /> Ir of e�ch counN��Whlch ths vu�t p►operty.or soms p�rt tMreoi,Is sftu�ted.Thn�uccessor trustee,w(4hout convoyance ot the property, ahdl
<br /> - • (.� succ�ed to�II the power,dutiel,authority end tftle:,.ttx�Trustee named In the daed of trust snd of any succosaor truatee.
<br />'r' � .
<br /> , � �" �
<br /> '; Ipap�2 of?1
<br /> . . OANKE1186YSTfMS.MIC..6T.ClOUD,1AN 66�01 tl-E06J9137N1 FORiA OC�-MT6NE E/1l19� �__ __^
<br /> •1
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