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„ � .° � . <br /> '�� � ,., ,.�;_- ��ug,°` <br /> �:7�Y1 ,. �. .. .. .,yy. ..,._"'— _: .._ <br /> 1GT'+'�'A���fh i�,: ...�.x., rxr-��� <br /> ..yyrly,Gn4�t�q.v.N . . � . . . . . ._ . . ..._. '—_�__—_�-.-� .--�-� � ._. <br /> . , , , ,� . .. .,....,:. . . �.- <br /> �.� . :s <br /> ,'_-_'__ '�':i�� A, ������r <br /> -. __.-.�.--�� CASfGNLNT= � �IV�ll�7� <br /> ' • 1. �aym�nt�. Borrow�r npre�� to m�ke ell psym�nt• on tho unaurad d��bt wlinn d�ea. UnlnRn [lorr�wor �n�l I.endsr aprne otl�nrvilae, any ` <br /> "� oKC uelvs c+1�nt�r�rt or��qClpal,i�cond to Intiriit�and lhen to pr�nnl�tal.If pnrtlnl pre�payment of tl n��er.0�drdnbt�ccurn for e��y AOtQR`'It WIII - <br /> , nat nduce or�KCUU�ny ach�dut�d p�ym�nt untll the r�ecurod U��ht In pnld In hdL - <br /> • ,' l,CINm�AOMtnt TI!!�,Bonow�� wllt p�y al1 t�x�i,asanemm�ntn, anA othnr ahnrpne aurlbutnbin ta thn propnrty wften due nnd wlll rfnfond tltle _ <br /> to th�prop�rtyq■In�l eny ci�im�whlch would Impalr thn linn of thln Jnnd of tn�nt.Le�tlor meY rpqufro Ilnrrowar ta�etlpn eny rlphtn, r.Inlms or _ <br /> : r d�f�n���whlch 9onow�r m1�y haw o9�ln�t pKtl��who tupply Itlhor or met�rinlw to Improvn or mnlnteln thn prnperty. <br /> . <br /> ` 3. Imurir►e�. Borrowu wlll k��p Ih� propaty Iniured undnr tnrenn er,r,optehln to Lu►der et flarrawnr'n oxponoe end fo► �endnr'n 13nnaNt. All - <br /> incur�nc�4ollclo::hntl lncludo a otnnderd mortCepa claven�n fmJnr of Lnndirr.Lnndar wlll l�nmm�d nn Innn peyeA�r ae the Insurnd on nn��such ■ <br /> in�wmc�pollcy.Any In�unnc�proa��d�maV b�applled, v�fihht Lendar'�dlucrotlan,ta elihflt th�rnr.t�rntlon or re��tr of the damegnd property _ <br /> �,�_'� nr ta th���eund L�nd�r nqukn mo�tp�p�Inrurnnao,&�rrowor apr�es to melnUln�uaN inmuenae for ns lonp ns Landor roqutran. _ <br /> � 4.P�op�rty.Borrowsr wllt keep iche property fn pood condlt}nn nrtd mnlie dl ropatr�reeconnbly nnaonnnry. � <br /> 6.Faip����. Borrow�r apnes to p�y all Lend�r'�sxpansoa.Inatudlnp rennonabte ettorney�'fnan, I(Qorrownr breekn eny covenentn in thia deed <br /> �M� of tru�t ur In any obllq�tlon ssoured by thls deed of trurt.BUrrawar will p�y tlu�ee smounte to Lnndnr nn provlded In Covenent 9 ot thln drted of �� <br /> . ;� trust. - <br /> ��, b.Ptlor S�cu�ity Irtt�ntta.Unles�Borrower first oUteiuu LenA+�r'a vnitten consaot, tiorrpwor vrfll nnt mnko or permlt eny chanpeo to nny prlor = <br />_ �ecurtty Int�retlt. Btxrow�r wlll p�rform all of Borrnv+ar'a ahllQations undor any prlo► mort(In�}n, doed of truat or othcr tesurlty aprnnrnsnt. <br /> , �� fncludir►�Bor►own's caven�nt�to make peymento when dir�. <br /> � 7.At of R�nts�t�d Protfq.Borrower aasfpns to Lend�fr tho rente and protita of the prnnnrty.Unlone Borrpwer and Lender Nevn�egreed <br /> � otharw se In wrltlny, Borrowar m�y aolleat and rntain tha renh� �n lanq se Borrower ie not In dnfault. If Borrower defaulte, Lender, I.rtnda'� <br />- spent, or�court appolnted rscdwr m�y take pusseaslim and mnnn(jn tha{xoperty and collont tho ronte. Any rents Lender al�all be <br /> `:,,: eppllsd fint to the co�t� of man�pinp the prnpercy, Inahtdin coun caata and sttorney�' fone, comminalons to rentd ap_ents, �nd emf other <br /> �!1•f�;':i.'? nece�sary related expense�.Ths remalnlnp�mount at rentu wRl th4n�pply to payments on tha snnurod dobt as provld�d in Covon�nt t. <br />�i.l,`• ,., : <br />-` �••• � �� 8.LH�M�Ms•C��;Plarw�d Udt Urvrtupmantn.Earcawar aonaa to comply with thn ptovlslons of nny leaie If thla deed of truat la on <br /> ?.•: • ri.::-� •I�asehold. 1�thts deed of trust la on a unit In a aundumittlum or a pinnned unit dovolopmnm, Eiorcc�vm wii(porform Lfl ot(3orrowt�r'a Jutlea <br />�•-r.... °- � undsr tM cov�nmU,bylawa,or repul�tlons at tha cqnduminium ar p�iuutied unit developmont. <br /> �. �...r{M: <br /> • ' 9. AWhotky of L�ndK to PKform fw Oqrrrt�vor. If[ierrav+or failn to periorm eny af Borrownr'n dutlne under this deed o}truat, I.enr�K moy <br /> • periorm the dutks or cause them to be pe�7m►ad. Lertdur mm/ef�n Gurrowor's nemo or pny eny nmount If necossary for perfqrmonca.If eny <br /> ��,;�;-t i�: contttuctbn on thepr opKty Is dltcontfnuad qr rtot carttud on In a reneonable menner,Londnr mfly do whetover Is neceaaary to protoct I:ux1�r'� <br /> secwlty intaent In tM property.Thla m�y Inoludu complottn�the conntructlon. <br />'ri��.- r�� ' Lendsr't fNture to psrtorm wfll not preclude Lendar iram exmrcininp any of Ita other rlphts undor the IAw or thla deed of tniat, <br />�:,;;,�?'e•;,��' <br /> u rf.;_.,., Any amount� p�ld by Lender to protect Lender's security tntarent will 6e aacured by thla dead ot truet.Such emouMe wlll Ae due on��m�nd <br /> --�'�:�'?�� antl wlll bNr inte�st from the dats of the pot�mnnt untll pnid In fi�II et the Int�reat rata 1�sftoot on tho aocurod debt. <br /> .�._.:,:,;:�,�f <br />_��. . . 10. D�fMit�nd Acc�aUon. If Borrower fnila to mnke any pnympnt when due or broake any covenants under thia deed of truar.or any <br />�;�y�•���,:..� oWiyatbn securW by thfs ds�d of trua or anv priar mortQapa ur daed of uuet, Lendor mey eaanlarnte the msturiry of th�aacurnd d�bt and <br /> _�r�'a : � d�mand Imm�di�t�paymant nnd may Invake the pnwvr ot ealu and any other romedies pormtttod by eppllcablo law. <br />�_;.&�.;,n:_: <br />�"�MZ-�t`•'=._ �!,s�;�.._.,�.�u�_t L►.w�.�r i.I,ary�u r.,q��ersrnd thnr co�Inn of tho notieea of defeult end eala ba sent to each person who te�peny <br /> 'r����""�� + Mroto,et the�ddrese of each such pason,at sot Mrtf�haroln. <br />-:vr.�.'.:..r.�.., <br />'�-f�=�:�-,'>�� ! 12.Pow�r ot 6Y�. If tM Lendsr Invokes ttie power uf sala,tha Trurttea shell first rocotd In tho ofHco of the regtater of d�edo of mmca counry <br /> ` �`��+,•`''.`' wMteln the t►utt property or some part or parael thoroaf la cltunted a notice of defautt contalnln thp informetlon requlred by law.1Th►o TrostN <br /> —:,;y��• �,�;� <br />_,.-�^y�,�t,�jn shill dso matl coptss ot the notice af daf��k ta tho Bnrrawor, to ench person who is a party ►uroto, snd to oth�r persons as prwscribed by <br />"� �pplicabte law.Not Isst then one mnnth after the Truotee rtaorde the nottce ot detauft, or rivo monthe If the truet property i�c not In �ny <br /> — Inca�wratsd cHy or vlu�ye�nd Is u�ed in farminp operatlons cerrL�d on by the vuator,the Tru�ton shdt plve publlc natice of selo trs the perwru <br />��id s�i:' , <br /> --�,�,,.� and In th�m�r�r pre:crtbsd by+ppplicohle law.Tru�teu, wfthout dumond on Borrower,shell sall the property at pubUa a�ctlon V3 tM hlphett <br /> bldder.If requked by the Fum Homeste�+d RoUOCttan Ac4 Truotea ehnll oHsr the properry in nva nnporato sales es requlrod by eoi�licabb I�w. <br /> "-"'"N°:l�i' Tru�U�may pa�tpon�sak of�II a any poroel uf tha property by puMlc announcement et tho tlmo e�et plac�of any provloualy ecltedubd pN. <br /> _-,,�-y^��R�� �ender a K�du►pnse m�y purchue the proporty af any sete. <br />- � `� Upon ncelpt of payme nt of tho ptice bfd,7ruetae nhntl dulivur to the purchaaer Trustee's deed aonvnying tha property.The raciHel�c cnntelnsd In <br />��t”"'"+ Truite�'�dssd�hall be pNma tacle evldlence af the duth of tha etatemnnte contalned therel�.Truatoe sh�ll apply the proceeds of tlt�saN In th� <br /> tolbv�lnp ad�r: (a) ta all expnnaes of the �oui, fnaludlnfl, qut rtot Ilmited to, resssnnble Truateo'e feea, reesoneble ettornay'� t�e� �nd <br /> a�.���, rolnttat�rtwnt fnr,(b?to all aum�cscurod hy thfa dtiod at trunt,and(r,)the balence,if any,to tha persona legally entltled to roceivv it. <br />�.,,��`m� 13.ior�eloMx�.At Lsnder'e aptlon, thfs dead ot tretet may 6e frxecloeed In the menner pra�ldo by epA��cabte law for forecbsur�r ov vnonpaqu <br /> on real property, <br />--_-�-�� 14.k�ap�eUon.Lender m�y enter tho property to Innpact k ff Lendar plvos Bcrrower notico Ueforahend.7he notice must strtm Che rm�tonabte <br /> c�u�s for Lend�r's tncpsctlon. <br /> - 16.Co�wMmrntlo�.Borrower as�IQns to Lender the proceeda of any award or elelm for demeges aonnected with a condemnatlon ar othe�t�kltp <br /> -""— of NI a my part of tM property.suah procasde w11I he eppllod ao provided In Covenant 1. Thle eo�lpnment Is eubject to the terms of�ny{xkx <br /> ---=- ___. ascurlty aq�sen»nt. <br /> �� i 16.W�iwr.By exercl:lny eny nmsdy evatln6le ta Lottder, Lendor dcwo not glve up any righte to letor uss any othar remady. 13y not exnrcfslnp <br /> �ny rsmedy u{wn Borrower'�def�ult,le�der daes not wuivu�ny r(pht to leter conslder tM evont o dofautt ii It happene epeln, <br /> `�� 17, Jokrt r�d S�wal L9ahi11ty� Co-sipnKa; buecneam ��id A+tslpna Eaund. All dutfea undor thla deed of trust ero Jolnt end eeverel. Any - <br /> 8wrower who co-slpns thia deed ot truat but daen rtat cc•afpn the underlyin9 debt Inatrumnntlsl doe� ao only to prant and conwy thst <br /> _--=_= Borrowsr't inUrost In the property ta the TruateY unCur tha tarena ot thlu deed of tru�t.In eddlHon,su¢h a 8orrower�yree�that din Lender and <br /> ------ �ny otMr Boraower und�r this d�nd of truet may e�ctand, niadlf�L or melce any other chmpoe In thc teims of thls de�d of trust ar the oscurad <br /> - = debt wlthout tlut Borrower's conant and wlthout rutnaofnp timt&xrower from the termo of thlo dood vf trust. <br /> —�--`-� TM dutk�snd bsnsflte of thi�desd of truet eNntl bind end�anatit tho succaaaors�nd esalpne ot 4onder and Borrower. <br /> �::� <br /> --_-.-.—u....�� <br /> �=�'??�'=� 1e.Hotic�.Unbss othetwite requked by I�w,e�y rtattco m Barrower shall be qlven by deBvorinp It or by malltn8 It by ceitl}lod mnil�ddre�sod to <br /> ����+*- � Horrower�t tM propsrty�dM�so a my other�ddr�an ths►t Ba�rowor has g(vsn to Lender. Borco�ver wlll plve my noY�cs to Londer by certitbd <br /> "` w" K mafl to Lender'��dtk�ss on paps t of thls deed of aue�ar to any othar addrsse whlch Lender hae deslpneted.Any other notico to Londv shall <br /> -_ : ''�.�: b�ant to ls�dx's addresc as statsd on pspe 1 of thb deed ct truat. <br /> ��::.:'1.'�:M. <br /> "•ti�•'�"'��° ' Any notic�shatl be de�m�d to have been plwn to Borrower cr Lendur whon piven In the msnner stetod abovo. <br /> ._�^:���,i' <br /> -�� "� � 78.TnntfK of fM PropKlY w�Q�M1kfr IntW��t In th�oursawnr.1!atl or any part ot tho pto{�arty nr eny Intoro�t In It le nnld or trensferred <br /> y�1�:•�� `'•'� without lsnder'� prla wrltt�n Ca�sent, Lender may demand Immadiute poyme�t of ths eoourod debt. Londer m�y alao dom�nd (mm�diat� <br /> -�^`� � '� paym*nt M tM Bonower f� not �natural p�rson �ncl a henatiafnl Inter�st In t�e Borcowor te eold or trensforrod. Howevor, Lender may rat <br /> " "`;`"'�''' dem�nd p�yment in ths above sftu�tions H It I�prohibltsd by fodersl law ae o}tM date of thle dood of trust. <br /> ;,, i�,! <br /> ��t•.:, . : : <br /> � 3,',: ° . 20.Rsecrmy�ne�. When the obllyatlon secured by thl�deed af tncot huo been pald, end Londor hse no further ohllpntlon to make�dvances <br /> °-:�;:�:•:�•�' under tM Instrument�or� reements eecured by thls deed o�trt.�ut, tho Trueteo�hell, upon wrltton roqueet by the Londor,reconvey the troet <br /> - t � <br /> �,� pro rty.Ths Under shall eUver to tM Borrower,or to 8orrcwor'a succenaor fn intereat,the truut deed end the noto or other evldsnce of the <br /> - ..o.i�;•�...,�.. e,ftrtud.9errnwar ahall uav�nv recordaUon coetn. <br /> -z.. :�.4•.. <br /> . � 21. Succ�tsot TrustN. Lender, et Lender's option, meV ramavs Truet�e �nd appolnt e suctsossor truetoo by flret, mnlling � copy of tho <br /> . substitution ot truatee es requlred by epD►icable lew,end then,tsy filing the eubuticution of t►uetoo for rocord In the otfico ot the regleter of deeda <br /> of each cour.ty in whlch the truat property,or�omn pert theMaP,le situutad.The succeuor truatoe, without conveyenco nf the proparty, eh�ll <br /> succoed to ell the power,dutles,�uthorfty and title of the Truetne na�tted in tlie deed of truat enG u1 any eucceesor truetou. _ <br /> , /p�p1 R o/TI <br /> . , � EANKERS SY6TEMS.INC..ST.CLOW.MH 6E301 It�l00•]S7•7J�11 F011M OCP�MT6 NE e/19r91 <br />