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<br /> tiri.lti`�E�1f'�i'wrA6�N'L�•.
<br /> �� 11d A.
<br /> �.• �if ..., .r��'. (4.�,_ ` .•r.�.-_��-:�.___-_
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<br /> .:"�f..Y� .l►4."^ " ^ -..'P_I:�LRF.^P.11�N#877E'�AM:i'.aS=.-_��7.'.i.�..._.
<br />- �� lur: . ._.L._
<br /> suhst�itri;�l1� t`s�3`'�le�'►Enonu:I4t0 It14lU':If1Cl'�:UYI'I'ilj,'l'f� nut av+ulublr, Idnrrowcr ,h:iil ��a� u, t.rudri C�f�fj,ctp}I I�15L'(I nr���s�d to --
<br /> OI1C•lW Illh UI IIIC yca�iy nMni��ap�: {ii6tii�itt:�".:'••iu�u Iw+inu n:wl hV ��wru�ve� \��icil i�i�1tt'.US:i2::'te� C _. .
<br /> ' hc ii�c��rt. I.cnder��ill uctic�t►�, ura uud rel,�in Ihc�::p.�ymcut,�i� a I�iss rc,crvc m liru n( iuurtg�i�cc in,urinrc. �.,�„ �c,c�rc
<br /> p:iymcnt�mny nn lr,n�cn c�rc�uir�.J.n1 Ih���punn uf I.rirdrr. ii nturt�,�qlc inyurincr cu�cr�gc�in ihc:nnuunt :ind fur Ihc peri�xl
<br /> Ihat I,�nder rcquire+l providcd hy an in:.urrr:�ppr��vcd hy I.endar :iE;uin hccuinL+nwulahle �ind iti��hlnirecd. t3��rruwer shall pay
<br /> thc prcmiumh rcyuircd io mainUUn umr�pru�tc insin•ancc in cllcrt,ur�o providc a luti�rc�crvr, �uilil thc r�c�uirciurnl ti�r m�,rt�;a�c
<br /> imur,incc��nds in acri�rdm�cc wilh�ui wa•ittc��n�rccm�nt hrt��•cen Ilc�nr�wcr un�l Lrnder ur a��plirahlc luv:.
<br /> 9. Inti�xxdou. IAndcr+�r itti a��nt uu►y ipukc r�.��+'mihlc antriuti upun;uul inyprction� ��t thc 1'ru�xiTy. l.rndcr shall givc V —
<br /> [�orra�vcr natirc iU thc tiner uf ur prinr w r�n in,�:rtiun+{k�ilyin�y rc��hunuhlc cnus� li�r thc insFxcti��n.
<br /> 10. Condcuruuttwt. '1'hr pr��rrr�l�. �d' any awm�l ur rluim fur dwnugc�. �lirccl ��r run.cqucntiiil. in runncctian with atry �-
<br /> condcmn:tu�m or oQt�r t;�king uf uny pnrt ul'tlic Pru�xrly. ��r lur c+m��cyuncc m hcu��(ro�idruwa�i��n, ,u�hu�h�• a,tii�ncd and O
<br /> shall bc paid tu l.cn�lur.
<br /> In thc c��cni vf u tutal wlcin�r.uf thc 1'rolxrry. lh�pru�c�ds tihull bc npplicd to lhc sunts tic�ur�tl hy this Sccurity Inslruntent.
<br /> �vhcthcr or not thun duc, with uny cxccs,patd tu &�rruwcr. In thi� ���cm uf u �nu•tiul tnking of�hc Pr�_,pcny in wh�ch thc f,ur
<br /> tnarkct v,�luc��f thc ['ro�:�ty inun�:Jiutcly t�cforc thc t;ikin�; is cquzd lu ur grea►tcr than thc nnuwnt af dic+wre; sccurccl by th�s
<br /> Sccurity imtrumcnt immeduucly b�ti�ro thc taking.unlc+s IIurrnwcr und l.cnarr otl�cr��•iu agmc in writing.Ulc tiumti,ccured hy ('
<br /> this Sr�urit�' ItlhIfU11140I �huR h�: r�duc�d l�y th� antciunl ul Q1C prurecdh ntulliplied hy th� tidluwing tra�tiun: 1al thc tuuil
<br /> •unounl af U�c y�unn ,��cur�d innncdiutcly Ix�fi�rr thc laking. dl��idcd hy (b1 thc I;iir markrt v:duc ul thc 1'ropert� munediutcly
<br /> bcfort �hc ttikin�,t. Am� bidunrc yhnU bc pi�id iu Borrowcr. In tl�u c��cnt ol' a partial tuking ��f thc Yro�xrty in a�hirh thc fair
<br /> murket viilue of thc Nropcny imnmJi�rtcly heforc thc t.iking ir.Icsr�tl�un lhc un►nunt of thc�um�+ccurcd ������,���.u�'y n�r'�,rc�n�
<br /> tuliing.unlcss Dorrowcr and Lcndcr udicrwiu a�rcc iu writin�;or unlcti, iipplicublc luw uthcrwi,r prnvidcy. thc procccdti yh�ll
<br /> hc applicd w thu sums sccurcd by tlii,Sccurity Instru�ncut �vhcthcr ur nut thc,wm ur�then duc.
<br /> If thr Property is at�and�mwd by Burrowcr. �u if. alicr nuticc by la:ndcr tu[3urruwrr thiu thc condcnmur uffers tu makc am
<br /> award or settic u cluim tiir�lunut�,:cs, I3orr�wcr fails to resEx►nd to [.cnJcr wi�hin 3U duys u:�tcr thc date thc nutirc iti�ivcn.
<br /> L,ender is auti►o�•i•r.�d ro c<tillect anJ apply tlir prorred�,.�t its option, cithcr to restoration or repair at'ihe Property ur u�thc swns _
<br /> securcd by this Sccurity InsU�ument.whether or not thcn duc.
<br /> Unless I..endcr and &�rrower udicnvixe ugree in writing, uny application of proceeds to �rincipal �hall aut entend ur
<br /> postp�ne the due dirtc of thc muntlily puyments referred to in��artigr.�phs I and 2 or chungc the anx�unt of tiuch paymen[s.
<br /> 11. Hm•rowcr Nnt Relwsed;Forhearancc By I.endcr 11ot a Wuivcr. Cxtension of thc tim�: ti�r p:�yment or m�xiiticutian
<br /> uf anmrti�.ate�rn of tlie sum�secured by tNis Securiry Inst►ument gra»tetl by l.cnJer ro any succcssor in interetit ot'sorro�ver shttll
<br /> not oper,tt��la rcle�we dtc liubility of the��riginal IIorrower or Boiro�vc�'s surrc,snrs P`yntcrest. Lcndcr shall not�rcquired to
<br /> commence praceedings.►gninst nny successor m interest c�r reA►�,e tu cxtend time f'or � ment ur utlierwise mcxlif amonization
<br /> af the sumF secuc+ed by this Securiry Instn�ment by rcnson �►f uny demand made Uy thc original Bormwer or Bonowcr's
<br /> successors in int�srcst. Any Purbearance by Lendcr in exercisin� uny right or remaly shull not 6e a waiver of or prcclude the
<br /> exercise af:iny iight or remedy.
<br /> 12, 5uccessan and As.Si�ns Bound; Joint and Scvcrxl �.iubility; C�►-si�ncr.;. Thc cnvcnants anci agrrcmcnts of this
<br /> Sccuriry fiu�trument shull bind and lx:nefit thc succcssors und ussi�ns uf Lcnder and Borrowcr, subject to thc provisions of
<br /> .1 nrrw+mn»tc �h�dl he iuint :u�d sevcral. Any R��rrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> paragr,ipn Ii. liur�u.�c�'� c:,scnari:; a:,.. s,.__..._.._
<br /> Instniment but does not execute tl�e Note: (a) is m-sigi»ng lhis Security Instrumcnt only to mortgagc, gr�nt an3 convey ti�ai
<br /> Et�rnc�wer's iniairst in the Prope�ty wider the tcrms uf thi�Securlty Instrumcnr.(b)iti not personally obhgated to pay the tiums
<br /> sec�reci by titiN Security [nstrumcnt;and(c)ugrces that I.cnder und uny othcr Bnrm�•er may ugrce tn extend, m�xlify,forbear or
<br /> make un1 accammaiuti�ns with reburd to tl�e terms of this Security Cnstrumeiit ar the Note without that BoiTOwer's consent.
<br /> 13. I.vnn Chnrges.If the luun secured by this Secwiry lit�;ttument is subject tu a luw which sets maxi�num loan cha:ges,
<br /> and that law is finally interprc[ed so that the interest or other lunn charges callected or to be collected in connection with tire
<br /> lann exceed the permitt��d linnts, then: (a) uny such loan chw�go sl�ull be reduced by the anwwu necessary to�rduce the charge
<br /> tce the permiued limir, and(b)any swns already collected fYrnn Dorrower which exceeded permittal limits will �i�cYfunded to
<br /> Hurmwar. I.endcr muy chixise to muke this refund by neducing the principnl owcd undcr the Notc or by mukin� a diroct
<br /> pnyment to Boi�rower. If a refund reJuces principal, the roductiun will be treated as u part�al prepayntent wi�hout any
<br /> prepayment chargc und�r Qie Note.
<br /> la.Nutices. Any noticc to Bormwer provideci for in thih Security Instcwnent shull be given by delivering it or by maili�ng
<br /> it by fi[t+t cliiss muil unless applicuble law reyuires use of anothar►neth�xi. The notice shall be directed to thc Prolx:ny Address
<br /> or uny other ndd��ess Borrower dcsi�nutcs by noticc to Lendcr. Any notice to Lcndcr shall bc givcn by firr,t clnss matl to
<br /> I:endur's Address stuted herein or miy other addrcss Lender designutcs by notice to Dorruwcr. Any notice providal for in this
<br /> Security Cnstn►ment shall be d��emed to have bcen given to Borro�vcr ur Lender when given as providcd in this par.igraph.
<br /> 13. C.ove�ming I.ow; Severubtlity. This Securlty Instnunx.r.t whall be govemed by federal law and thc law of the
<br /> jurisdictidn!n which the Pno�rty is l�xatcd. In thc cvcnt thnt any �ar��v�sion ur clausc of this Security InsnUment or the Nate
<br /> conflicts witl�npplicablc Inw,such cnntlict shull not uffect other proc�s�ons of this Secutity Instrument or the Note which can he
<br /> given effect without tlie conflicting pravision. To this erxi tho provisions of this S�curity Instrument and the Not�are declarc�i
<br /> to be scvamUlu.
<br /> 16,,Bormwcr's Cnpy.Iiorrower shaU M:6iven oi►e confc»n�cd copy of the Notc and of this Sccuriry Inst�a+ment.
<br /> lT.'Transier�iF the l��opeiKy or a Beneiictal Literest in Bm•rowea If�dl or any part of the Property or any interest i.r.it
<br /> is sold ur tr;►nsferred(or if a Ucneficiul int�rest in Borro�vcr it�sold or tr.intifcrrcd und Borruwcr is not a natural person)�vithout
<br /> Lender's pr:or wrStcen consent, Lender may, at its option, requin, immediate puyment in full of all sums se�:wrd by fhis
<br /> Sccuriry[nnnume►u.Hu�vcvcr,tliis option sl�all not be exerciscd by I.ender if exercisc ts prohibited by falcral law as of the ilntc
<br /> of this Securiry Instcument.
<br /> If I.c�nder exc:rcixes thfs opticm, L.ender shall give Borrower notice c�f accelerurion.The notice shull provide a period of not
<br /> less thu�i 30 ds�ys fmm the dutc the notice is delivereJ or nmiled tiv;tliin which Borro�ver must pay all sums secured by thia
<br /> Sccurity InFtn�ment.IC Borm�ver fails to pay thesc sums prior ta tl�c expiration uf this perincl.Lcndcr muy invake any remedies
<br /> permitted b��this Securiry Insttuntent �vithuul furtlicr noticc or dem�nd on Borrowcr.
<br /> 18. Barrowcr's Ri}�Itt to Reinstytc. If &rrrowLr mccts ccrtain ronditions. }3orr��wcr sliall havc thc right to havc
<br /> enfarcement of this Su:urity Inst►ument diticontinueci at any time prior tu ll�e exrlier of: (a)5 diiys (or �uch alher period as
<br /> a{splicable luw muy s�feciCy for n:instatement) before sale uf tlie Property punuant w any power oF�a6c �cnntaincd in this
<br /> Security instrumnnt;or(b)entry of a jucJx;me�it enforcing this Security instniment.Thase conditions:ire th�t Borrower: (a):p�iys
<br /> Lender all sunt�whlct�then wc�uld be d�e under this Security Iustniment and the Note as if no acceleratiutii had occurred: ��;bl
<br /> cures uny defuult of uny other covennnts or ugrcements; (c) pays ull expenses incurred in enforcinb this Serurity Instrument.
<br /> including, but not limited to, n:asnnuble attorneys' feeti; and(d) tukes such action as L.ender may reasunabiy tequire to ussvm
<br /> that the licn of this Security 6t�;t►uuic►it. Lcndcr's right��in the Pmpcityy_�nd�gv1i(�p�µrrntu�b�d�;c��4ecantv [nstrument eand hc
<br /> this Sccuriry Instrument snnii cnminuc uncinu���. ���� •�.••� ..-..._... �, __.._ _ _
<br /> obligations securod I�emby shull nmuin fully effcctive as if no arceleration had occurced. However, this riglu w reinstate sh:ill
<br /> not apply in the case of accelerntiun w►Scr pui:�graph l7.
<br /> 19. Sale of Notc; Chanqc o(' I.aun 5e:�wicer. The Nute ur a partial intere+t in thc N�nc (togcther with this Sccurity
<br />-- InstnimenU may bc sold onc or mnre times without priur noticc�o Bvrrnwcr.A salc may n�sult in a�han�c in thc entiry(known
<br /> - as the "I.oan Servicer"1 thut collects monthly p�yments due undcr tlie Note and this Securi�y In.trument. 1'hcre alsu may be one
<br /> � or mc�m cl�anges of the l.oan Scrvicer unrtilutcJ tu a sale oF the Note. If thcre is a change uf the I.oan Servicer, Borrower will he
<br /> = given written notice of thc rlian�.e in ueeuitimue with par.igraph 14 aFxwe and applicable law.7'he nuticc will state ihc name unct
<br />-- addrcss of the new l.��un Serviccr;uid tlic additss to whirh paymcnts shoutd bc madc. Thc nutice will also conwin any uthcr
<br /> = information rcyuircd by applicablc luw.
<br /> 20. H�rardous 5ubsta�nc�.�. l3urn�u�cr .hull not rau,c ��r perniit thc prc�encc. usc, di����al, st�irugc, or rcic•i,c of any
<br /> Hat:tnlou� 5ubsuinces im ur in thc Pru}xrty. Burrow•cr shall nut du. nor alluw anyunc cl�c t�� do. anything affccting thc
<br /> Propcny that is in v�olation af any Envirunntental Law. 'Thc preccJing two tieutenres ,h;ill not apply to the prescncc. u�e. or
<br /> ston►ge un thc Pro�Ry of�msll quantitic�of Haz:tnluus Substanccs that urc gencrally rocognircJ tu bc appropriatc to nonnal
<br /> residential uses and tu maintenance of the Prr�perty.
<br />-.•a �,�����,a Fam 3028 9190
<br /> ._
<br /> � _ -
<br />