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<br /> u�lorwest B�nk Nebraska, N.A. D�ED OF TRUST ��'�
<br /> P.O. Box 3a08
<br /> Omaha, Nebraska 68103 _
<br /> THIS AELD OF TRUST("Sccurity Instrument")is made on May 16, 1997
<br /> .Thc trustor is
<br /> Daniel J an¢i Sally A Warrender. Husband and Wife
<br /> ("Borro�4•er").The tnastee is Norw�et Bank Nebraska, National Asaociation
<br /> ("Trustee").The beneficiary is Norwest Bat�c Nebraeka� National Association ,
<br /> which is organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America .and whuse
<br /> ;,�����;� 3yaN � I�tk� �.s•,d rptAnd, NE 68803 �„����`� � �=„a_��T�,,,��Y rntlr_.�thC Q�i(ICI�I sum of
<br /> �i°-"
<br /> Faurteen thoueand four hundred sirty four and 53/100
<br /> �ollars(U.S.$ x4,464.53 >•
<br /> This cleCit is evidenced by Borru�vcr's note dated the same datc as tl�is Security Instrumcnt('Note'),whtch provides for
<br /> montfit�payments.with the full debt,it not paid earlier, due a��d payable on May 15. 2002
<br /> This Security Instrument s�cures to l.ei�der:(a)the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note,with interest,and all remwals,
<br /> extensions and modi�"�caeions of the Note; (b)tlie payment of all other sums, with interest, advanced undcr paragraph 7 to
<br /> protcct the security of th{s Security inst�ument; and(c) the performanee of Borcower's covenants nnd agraments. For this
<br /> pnrposc, Borrower irrevocably grants und conveys to Trustec, in trust, �vith powcr of sale, thc followinE Cou ty Nebraska:
<br /> locnted in Hall
<br /> Lot 158� Wea�t Lawn. City of Gr.aud Island� Hall County� '
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> which has thc address of 15�8 Grand Island Ave, Graad Island
<br /> �sercet.e:iryl.
<br /> Nchraska 63803 ("Property Address");
<br /> �zip Cixtcl
<br /> 7'OO�THBR WITH ull the iinprovcments now on c�reafter crected on the propercy,and all casements,appurtenances. and
<br /> fixtores now or hereaftcr a pan of thc p�p�rtY• P►�� rcpinccments and additions shall also be: cuvercd by this Sxurity
<br /> [nstrumcnt. All of thc foregoing►s referrcd eo in this Suurity Instrument ns the"Property."
<br /> BORROWEi��COVENANTS that Barrower is lawfully scised of thc estnte hercby conveycd und lias the right to grnnt m�d
<br /> convey t1k ProPcrt" and tha< <he Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Bonower wurrants and will
<br /> defend generally the tit(c to the Property aguinst�11 claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances of record•
<br /> THIS SECURITY IN5TRUMENT combines unifo�m covenants for national use and non-u►►iform covenants wiEh limitcd
<br /> vuriatic�ns by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real propiezcy.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower anJ L..end�rment ond nl,ate Clwcges�Borrawer shall promptly puy whcn duc the
<br /> 1. Pnyment of Prinr.lpal and Intec�st; PrepuY y p P Y
<br /> principal of and interest on the debt evidencecl by the Note nnd an t�e a ment and Inte charges due under the Note.
<br /> .. ..�_ �.__�....r.....a t��.�r�nor. Subicxt to npplicablc law or to a writtcn waiver by Lcndcr,Borcowcr shull pay to
<br /> � L. rtmu� av. so
<br /> ��r."_a_��t�. i..�..o�du turnc
<br /> Lender on the day mon►hly pnymonts nrc due widcr the Notc,untii the lVOte is paid in�uu,u���a� ......., ,.�.. ...,,--.., ----
<br /> and assessments which may attaro f n�oritY ov�hil1�I�����rot�ri��n urance premiunp� (�yeu ly nood nt urance prcamtiumss
<br /> or gro�end rents on die Property. Y:(�) Y Y, P P� Y
<br /> if any; (c) ycarly mongagc insuran:c prcmwms. d nny: snd (�any sams payablc by Burruwcr to Lr.ndcr, in accorciancc with
<br /> -- th�provisions of paragrsph 8.in licu of the payment uf mortgage insurance premiwns.These items am call�d "Escmw Items."
<br /> Lendcr may, at any time, collcct and hold Funds in an emowu not to excc�.'d thc muximum amount a lender for a federally
<br /> — reluteci nx�rtgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow accum�t under the fedcral R�1 Cstate Setticment Pr�xeduirs Act of
<br /> �974 as amendcd from timc to umc, 12 U.S.C. Scction 2601 et se�l• ("RFSPA").unlcss anothcr law ttiut applics tci thc Funds
<br /> sets n lesser amount. If so, Lender may. a�any time, collect and hold FwH1s in un amount not to exce��i�hu Iesser nnwuut.
<br /> — E n w�licros�or otl crw►cnn ac«rrl�nccdwit U�pplicablc�law��t �urrent dar.i anJ rcasonablc cstimatcs ��f cxpcndiw►�s oF futurc
<br /> ro�n,aoxe e,�o
<br /> NEBRASMA•Single FemfivF�nnN IN��IFr�ddN M MP Momon�cE FoHMSRUMEN j o�oo �000���> >7e+ vaue+oi a Amendsd 8191
<br /> ��N112T97 MT� .
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