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s <br />20 �2015.53 <br />1VE 7883067411 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />A hACt of land comprising a part of I�ats ThirtySeven (37}, TbirtyyEight j38} and Thirty Nine (39), <br />Hidd�t Taalces Subdivis�an �lumber �vo {Z), more particularly described as fo�lowss Be�inning ut a <br />�aiut ou the North�vesterly Iine of said Lot 38, sai� point being 48,42 fce#, as measnred �long �he chard, <br />from t�e Souf��esteriy corner of s�id �,at 38; thence, canbn�ing Nartheasterip along the �rc of a curve <br />�vhose ra�ius �s 4U4' and s�ong thc lot lmc, a chord �istauce ot 151�5 feet, to a paint on the <br />Norf��esterl� line of said Lot 39; t6ence, d�lecting right 118° 4� from We last described chord, and <br />running Southcasterly, a distance of �74,45 fect, to a point on the Santhe�sterly line of said Lot 37; <br />thence, Sauthwesterly along sa�d 5outheas�rIy ]ide of Lot 37, a distance of llS.Q4 feet thence, def]ecting <br />ri�ht 9Z�1' and running Narthwe�f�rly, a dZstance of 128.5� fee�, to a point on the Northcrly ]ine of s�id <br />Lot 37, said point being 68,21 feet Easterly from the No��hwesterly corner of said Lot 37; �ence, <br />deflecting teft 11° 47' �nd �vn�ing Narthwesterly, a dis�ance of 80,4 feet to the pl�ce of beginning and <br />�ccepbng t�ere�rom a c+�ain nact of land more purticularly described in Wurranty Uc�d recorded as <br />Document Na. 81•OD61�� 3n t�e Register of �eeds Of6ce, Hull Co�uuty, Nebraska <br />� <br />