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<br /> ' ^��i�'�(�p'�+ � '�K�1�-tr-1
<br /> 'r' . - :�'^-^7i3MS���f'T� __` '
<br /> •°°-._______.. �i•�7�•[,iY�iz:ir_:rrs=-,•,•.�•,�. _ _ ,._. °_
<br /> - - — ;��..��."te�':_..�. ... '--` --
<br /> - —•.a�sauiicrouri�=�s.�11;�`.:�-�'�:�T.'�di.,'�F:�SS''.�.5':::,s.:yil�?�a.:..^�;.-^..��..____--_._.
<br /> � -..._._. `:�Y#&t€'.Jn�s _i°=rs��"����m�rZrae^nn.y+w�a v.Nr'�e��rr .�•-r•.rpp�a'T�7?y!'T�PY.�^ --T�,. ..�:P�'.3,_.�_ __ -
<br /> 97,-� 104Q'73
<br /> day o! Dacemb�r, 1993� in Jurtation City, Geary County, Kenaas.
<br /> 3. The�t ane child h�s bean borr to this marriAge, to wit:
<br /> ivdnnn Kim Lewis, born August 6, 1995.
<br /> 4. That the UniPorm Child Custody Act has been compliad
<br /> with in the v�rified petition.
<br /> 5. That the parties nre incompatible.
<br /> 6. �h�ti ti�ie par�ies entered into and signad a Postnuptial
<br /> Agreement da�ed March 18, 1997, the original of which has been
<br /> f uled with thi� Court, regulating division oP property, pc�yment �
<br /> af �.ndebtedness and other marita� rights. The Petitioner
<br /> . ac:knowledges to th� Court that tiiere was never prepared, nor
<br /> �xcli�nqed between the parties, written d3.sclosures of eaah
<br /> other's assets and inaome, but that Petitioner is sa�is.fied with
<br /> the prAVision� as set farCh in the Postnupti�l Agreement. The
<br /> �
<br /> Court, efter having reviewad the terms o= the r�greament bnd
<br /> ' test imony o! the Petitioner, linds �.t to ba valid, juat mnd
<br /> ' equitable and incorpoxates the sr�me in this Deaxea es an Ord�r
<br /> s
<br /> ..
<br /> '; o! the Court.
<br /> t
<br /> ; �. That pursuant to the Postnuptial Agreement, the pdrties
<br /> ,
<br /> axe the owners of the Pollowing described rea� estate:
<br /> Lot Seventy-three (7�) in Candlewood �Addition, N�. 10,
<br /> +� Riley CountX, Kansas, cammonly known as 3436 Westbaker
<br /> Stxeat, Manhattan, Kansas.
<br /> ., Upor► the sale or reffnance of the above described pxoperty, the
<br /> ��voce�.4o�,�cr equity from said real estate shall. be divided as fallows: .
<br /> Att�xneYc at law
<br /> : 1619Poynt:Avrnur Respnndent shall receive Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) and
<br /> �Manhactae.IGnw 66501
<br /> Ptwx�e 913lS17•9144
<br /> �
<br /> FAX91)/Sti•9is� Petitfoner, Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) . Any equity in
<br /> Z
<br /> �
<br /> f I
<br /> �
<br /> II I
<br /> . �C�771f�ia(�irw7[)�,;��y�'�'.. ,.x'� .. , ,,.-�r�...r.�,���� ,��; � ��-�� fF�..��'.:.� r Ti' pti� __...
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