-j�]� � .. . . .i�,:;U•.-�-.
<br /> . �I��� . �. ... .. ... ..C"'�•':
<br /> �" . . - ____'__
<br /> � .; . .. . - �,J��7�n�';--
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<br /> � • ... ��.e.•�o'Wti��.. , . .. . . ' '• �. .
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<br /> �.
<br /> ' ' �._.
<br /> . . ._.._ ... . .--�..
<br /> ' ,�'..... ._.... . - .........�_.. - C..,...,_.
<br /> i �
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<br />_ ... -L � • �......ww..yyRh r�ap�e4 to tl1�
<br /> ---�-.--;i. 4. INtiUHANt�t. iN�tor,w1 M�%{M�N.WIN M/Ifl��lfl WAIt Iflt4i���wNN�iw.�ia�r+:i�e�°M.'y'.�•�-_._.._ ..�:...::..-
<br /> � ' Improv�m�nn and p�non�l prop�rty,oan�tRutlny th�Prop�ity,�O�inK bw by k�.k¢htnlnp,torn�da,�nd oth�r p�riN and hosnrd� , --
<br /> � � F__
<br /> cownd by M�ndud�xt�nd�d oover�p��ndoiNmml.In�n amount�qud to N{�ul on�hunG�d p�rc�n►of ths fuA npl�c�m�nt ��•
<br /> � valw th�r�ol end Imu►�nu�p�nN suc�h ot1»r huards and h�uch amounte M M customnnly utrMd by own�rp and o{»rrton o}
<br /> �kndu prop�ttis�or�B�n�fiel�ty mRy nquW�br R�prot�etbn.Trurtor w�l comply with�uch otMr r�quk�mmt�R�B�n�}ici�ry m�l�
<br /> hom tlm��o Hm�rpw�t 1a tha prot�ction by insunnu of M� inteHN ol the atp�cttw putMr.AN k!sur�nw poMcMs m�t�M�d
<br /> . punuant to thh t��d ot Trutt�h�nam�Tru�tw and B�n�fid�ry�knur�d�,�u Yn�k rNp�ctiv�Int�rMb m�Y�PW+���nd provid� y
<br /> + ��t�sr��h�M p�no qno�N�tlon or modfioatl�n�vilhout no Ua�th�n 16 d�yi prbr writt�n notlAutlan to Tru�tN�nd B�n�1�1ary.In
<br /> , ; th��wnt any policy h�rwndx b not nnwv�d on a bNory 16 day�prior b fi��xpintlon d�,TrusM�a B�MuY rt+aY P�acur�
<br /> � cuch Incurenco hi r.ecord�nce vn!h the provisbn�01 p�rapr�h A.E h�rwf.Truna�h�ll d�kv�rlo[3on�fieMry th�otiD�n��P��°� .{
<br /> . • � � � inwnne��nd rM�'x�M th�r�of or n�mo ooPlM of tueh poid���nd t�r►�w�N thfnof.�a�lur�a 1urnMh�ueii Meuranc�Dy Tru.ter. ``
<br /> i � or nr»w�M u nquk�d hnrwnd�r fhRM,ot th�option a1 B�AciM►y,oonstituE��ddwM. '
<br /> I 5. TAXES.AS&ESSMENTB AND CHAROE3.Trustor�hs1 psy�M wua,sts�ssm�nb �nd oth�r eh�rp��, k►cludlnp,vr�wu� L
<br /> >�'°�'�� � • to th�Pro �and Mawhoid p�yrt►�nb a yra�nd rants.N wny. b�bn th� sam� ��=
<br /> ,,�..�..�,,,y�c'� � IimitRtbn� 6ne� �nd impositions attributabM MhN r h and In th��wnt �
<br /> � become dshnqusnt.Truator shaN prnmptly turnhh to 9anefic4�ry ep nolicN o1�mounb dw►�nd1r thN panp eW . �;;,,c-
<br />� � Truator ehaM mak�payment ditedy.Truator shaN promptly Nrnnh to B�n�llcwy r�uipt��vid�nai�9 such psym�nb.Yruttor�heN �_
<br /> , � pay nll taxn and ns�ssrt»nn vrh�ch mnyp�Nvi�d up�n O+npficGuY's fnt�r�at h�rNn or upcanthls ONd o1 Tru�t wRhout rpud to mT=_
<br /> ' eny lew that me�y b��n�dod tmpotlny p+sYmant of th�whoN e►any Pan tMrw1 upon th+Bm�fic�rY. � -
<br />- � � 8. ADDI?10NAL LIENS ANO PROTECl'.ON OF BENEflCIARY'S SECURiTY.Trustor shQ mak�wN paym�nb of Int�nst�nd _
<br /> k' --
<br /> � princlpel and payrrNnb of any oth�r ehupn. tea �nd�xp�mN a�nh�ct�d to b� pa+d ro any�xkdnp Mn hold�n or prb► ---
<br /> •T• = b�mfiaarM�und�r any prior dNd oi tru�t a matqep�b�1on th�dat�1My an d�linqw�t�nd protnPtlY P�Y�nd dM�cha�anY�nd
<br /> i�+, � •nll oth�r{i�m.ct�im�a ch�ry�whict►may poparda�tlw Ncunty orant�d Mr�In.II Ttuna faL to m�k��ny wch pryrnsnt a f� _
<br /> ro p�Aam�ny of th�cowmnh�nd aprMrtwnb oont�Mwd b this O��d of Ttutf.a ir�anY PNa�na1p�0�a dMd o}Itust,w M�ny
<br /> ' nction or��u.w�dlr�y la cammanud wh�t+metsrinNy wfNds B��Y'� kihnrt in tM Prop�Ry.fncludinp� but no1 Ilmihd to. —
<br /> l�,: omin�nt dom+�in prj�dtW��or Proc�dw►0�Mvo�h9 a d�c�d�Ar d Trustor hiN b pay TruNor"�d�bb p�n�ny ruslor tr�m�y
<br /> du•.thsn B.n.ffdary�at e�nefldu�•oPtlo^�u+d wifha�t noao.ro a d.m�nd upon Tru�ta.,a wiawus nMruYp
<br /> �' obliyatlo� Mrwnd�r. may mak� such appe+�rana�. dMbun� �uch sum� �nd tak� wch�ion w�M tNO�sw1 to P►a�ct —
<br />���,,;',,.,� '. � . B�n�Aclary� int�nst Includinp� but not limibd to,dkburum�nt o1 nasonaW� �Ys �s• WY�� P����• conhl�t a
<br /> • �.' � compromh�of eny�neumbnn��efi�►9�or N�.�nd MhY�Pon t�F�y�°m�k�np�ira In tM�wnt ttwt Truqor�h�111�i1 to
<br />�� t,; ;., to my ax Mn holdm a
<br /> , �- procun In�urana a Eo pay tax�s,ass«sm�nb.o►�nY olhe d��rpM or to m�lc�Y PaY+►��bun�d by�P�nu�nt to
<br />_ � '.''�, b�rnRciiuMs.BMSAct�rY�Y P��n woh Intur�no��nd mak�wch WY�^� Y
<br /> t 1.��.. . thM PMr�qr�ph A6 sh�N l»oom��dditlonpl fndebbdn�s�ot Trusta wcund by thit L��d of TnNt. Sucti emounls �haM M pny�bh
<br /> upon notia irom B�n�Ticisry to Trustor rpwat6nD P�Y�nt th�twf��nd shdl bwr inUns!iom th�d�M of dM�b�x��ne►t�t th�
<br />�.r ,, und�r th�Nab unlas p�ym�nt ot kK� at wcl�rab wouW b�eonttary to
<br /> j���' =� • rab paysbM�hom tinw to 9im�on oubt�ndin0 P�'�PV I�w. NotlNnO
<br /> }':., appNc�bN law. in whleh �wnt�uch �urtounb sh�N b�r Int�nst�t th�hfph�st ral�pamN�ibM ur►du�ppl�abM
<br /> f; oonteM�d in this Paraprnph Il6�h�N nquk�B�n�fidary to fncur�ny�xf»nN a tek�any�etion h�wnd�r.
<br />_,�.�,
<br /> �"r��r�� }"` 8. IT IS MUTUIILLYA(iFiEED THAT:
<br />.'S�7 ti� .
<br />''E`;,,;�, 1. ASSICiNMENT Q�RENT9.B�r»fic1Rry MaN hav�th�ripht,Povwr�nd autlwrity durhy tl�ca�tk�wnc�af Mh DNd d Trust
<br /> a:a.y; ., locatsd th«an wAh awRMwt takln�pottNSabn
<br /> t���"��� to coN�c4 th�nnb.Msuoa and proi�ts of thr Prop�r�y and of any p�nond prel�rlY n�dl wch nMS�NsuN�nd profiN Eo
<br />�;'¢i�r,..-. . , of th� Prop�tiY
<br /> ,;,r • . . �M�ct�d her�by,artd Trustor h�r�by nbwlut�y and unconditionaNy aalp
<br />�rcu,���:�,•
<br />�r�,cT.r !. . B�neficiary,B�rnfidary.hov»wr�heKeby r.ont�nU to th�Trustot'�ooM�ctbn�nd nbndon of woh r�r�q.MauN�nd profib w �lr
<br /> ��:� r�-::;: neuu�nnd b�oom�payebl�ro bnp a�Tn»ta it not at�ueh tim�,k►d�fwk with nap�et to p�ym�nt o1�ny fndobt�dn�a��eur�d
<br />�k�i� � ��;� h�nby.or In the psrbrrnnna of eny ayrNm�nt h�rwnd�r.Upon�ny wch d�huk,B�n�&i�p may�t�ny tim���ith�►M p�non�t►Y
<br />;•. � '+a(�;: ,
<br /> ' ,4. agent, a by a nwNsr to b� eppoinNd by a couA. witf�out noNo�and wRhout r�9ard to U� ad�qu�cy ol any s�eurily for th�
<br />��� fndsbtsdn�sa h�nby sM:und.(e)�nta upon end lak�pwNSSbt►ot tM Ptop�rty or�ny Putl��}����°'������
<br /> fr.dn�t��'`...�,
<br />�'.��'�` oths�wiae eolNct wch nnb,i+su�s and profib.Mckidi�p Ihos�Pa+t dw and unpsld.rnd aPPN th�wn��Ma cosU and utp�ne��
<br /> ac�...,;�` ���'� of operation and coM�clion�includ►ny nesonabN�ttomyn trw.upon any ind�bt�dn� Mcund fwr�by.and fn such orda a�
<br /> :�; r w conNrw tM wkH of th�
<br />��°:�u�.,: .,� B�n�ficiary may dH�rmine�N)P�Aorm�uch ecb ot npaJt or prot�etbn ns may b�n�cvY a P��
<br /> prop�RY(c) MaN IM sern�a u►y psit th�not iw�sueh r�nhl t�rm��r►d upai suefi co�dbon�Aa Ib�udpm�n!msy diet�l�a
<br />�' t�rminet�.or adjust tM t�rm�and oond�Som of oxNtlng NaaM.Unba Trukor�nd BmMicwY tMrsof�prw otl�wN�h writinp�
<br /> -- �,r aa�e�«,��a,Nsu.s a�ona eo.ny r,d.bt�...cuna h+r.er.n.M„oe.o�nMa «Po.mon.a,+aw aae.a a,.
<br />--- — InwJlm.nt aermMb�provid�d In wld P��I►nob « a+.rro� n» .mwnc of.u�n"st�a d��.�i,aN n�at
<br />------=�i• t.Wna posMe�bn of n»Prop.dy�a,.ooN.cNori d sud,r«�.I�.u...nd prafit.��na a�.eippit�tion
<br />�� ��� — walw a eun any dHwk or notia of d�tault 1►�wndsr a fnv�Ydal��ny�d done purtu�r+tb sueh vwllo�.TrusSor�Mo�sWpn�Eo
<br />_'-'�':";"�,�— BMNiei�ry.w�lurtlMr s�rity tor fM{»Aom��na of th�eb1iD+�sio^�s�eut�d I�nby�d prW�id nr�b end rM moniN whbh may
<br /> .��„�,a„ haw b�or may h�n+dbr b�d�poNt�d wAh afd Trudo►by eny{M�of ttw Prnpirly�b ��cun th�paym�nt of�ny nnt or
<br />'�� d�mapN�a upon dN�uR In tM p�tiortn�na of�ny d11M provfsfa+�Mnot Trustor apr�to Miwr w�h nnb and d�pwila to
<br /> _-----�a g��i�rY•(�liwry of wrilMn notlw of B�»fiduY�s�oatclN of tM rfphts pnnNd MnNt. b sny bnsn!ooCUpyhO�ald qr�mis�
<br />— J.Y..' �_ �haN b��uMiciNN to nquln s�W Mn�nt to pRy nnt lo th�B�n�M►Y untfl fuAt�r notic�.
<br /> '���� 2. CONDEMNATION.It titl�to any part of tM Prop�Ay sh�Y b�tak�n in oondannafon pow�dfn9��bY tlpht ot�mirnnt domNn
<br /> •w h�nlsy astiDn�and�heN W
<br />=.��--r�� or tknil�r�tion�or sh�N 1»�old ur�r 1Nnd of ca�mnMbn�a!nrardt��epN ���dthk DMd of Tnnt,wfth tl��ocaa,
<br />�:;����� Pafd to E�n�Aclvy wfio sh�N�pply such awerd�,d�naDM and Pco�d� sueh�ctlons a procMdinp��Trwlor�heN piw
<br /> —,-:,;..�r�<<,:., � H any.P�Id to Trusta.If TrusEor noNwe�nY�otfa oe olh�t fntorm�tlon npvdYp In and prowcuts In fb
<br /> —�,`�.;..r. ,�� prompt vrritt�n nMi�»tMrsof to B�ficiary.B�rNfieMuY�h�!!b��ntiWd�at fb option.to oc�mm�no�.�PP��
<br /> » y M.«uttl.m.ad b conn.ction with any.ucn
<br /> s,�+:' ���:::': . own nam�arty�ucfi sctlon or proc�dfn0��nd theN b��ntitMd to mek�en oomprom
<br />--.;� -• .''� nclbn or proe��dx�Qs.
<br /> . �,.- . .`
<br /> 3:�.,,`��' � •'�''�
<br />;.._,� . ' t 3. Fl1'PUHE ADVANCES.Upon roqwat of Trustor.&neM.icry at 8�nsficiary'�ortion. qior to r�oo��+Y+^a o}t��Properry to _
<br />- ' ' Truator,mny mnka futun ndvnnas to Trustor.Such fulurs�dvano�s,wRh Intsrest�h�rson,sheY b�acur�l by thl�Tru�t DNd
<br /> = when ewdonoed by promiuory not�s�tetinp thnt sak!nout ero s�curad hemby:prowd�d thN at no lim�shM tho c�cursd pBncfpel.
<br /> " future edvanoe�.not Includmg sums edvanacf to prot�et tho oocurity.exceed Tvro Hundred psrcvnt(2007ri)of th�oriptnnl princlpel _
<br /> . nmounh s�cund Maby. `
<br /> _- � . Il;
<br /> 4. REMEdEB NOT EXCLUSIVE. TruttM�nd B�nefidery� and �nch of thsm.�h�l D�M�iLNd t0 MTMC� P�Ym� � �
<br />-- � __�ii+" � p�rlormanc�01 an k�d�bt�d�or oEYp�tion��eund h�nby�nd to�xKCk�aN rfphts nd powtn und�r tfiN DMd of Trust or -_
<br /> Y-_ _ y _......._.,M.,,,,��...��,�,h.r.�eh or anv lews now or hKN1E�r i�bru,rwtwdhstendtnp wm�or dl o!tl�� �"
<br /> � ��v-._._ .._�__ una�i an�wm ay..�...�.n _.�...._ .
<br />— .r � wch k�d�bt�dn�a�nd oblipetiorn��cund Mnby may naw ot h�nafuf b�oth�rvrM�uax�d.wh+thsr Ay mottqp�.oMa oi trun.
<br /> ur
<br /> , ' . z pNdO�.li�n.attipnm�nt or olh�rwis�.N�iMw th��oapmna ot fhf�Ds�d of Trust na its Mtoram�nt wMth�r by caurt�dion or
<br /> ' .. punuent to tM powa of�aN a dMr powen Mnin contak»d.shaN pr�udfa or In u►y m�ntwt rfNct TrtutN'�or B�rnfiei�ry'�
<br /> �• riph!to r��upon w�nbtw any ofMr s�auity rtaw a h�naR�r hNd by TrudM or BK+dd�ary�it bNn�epned th�t TrwtM�nd �
<br /> �. �»tiefary. �nd �aeh of U►�m.ah�N b��ntid�d to�nlorw thM DMd of Trust�nd�r►y otl�sr weunty now ar MnaR�r Mld by ;:
<br /> B�n�}kluy a TnntM In�ueh ord�+c�d martnv u thryr or�i1!»r of tMm may in tMk a b a l u M d i�on d�t�rmm�.No nm�dy �
<br /> h�s�in 000Nrt�d upon a rNKVed to TruMN a B�nNlci�ry M Inbnd�cl to t� �xchnivr of �ny ofMr n�dY Mnln w by I�w
<br /> provid�d or p�rmdbd.but�ach sh�ll b�amuktlw �id shdl b�fn�ddAion to �wry otMr nm�dy oiv�n h�nund�r or now or �
<br /> h�nall�r�xKtinp�t Isw or In�quity or by stat�M. Ewry Puw�+or rNr►odY Provid�d h�rwnd�r thh DMd of Tr�st b TrwtM a
<br /> B�nHfcMuy or to whleh�ith�r o}tMm m�y 6u oth�rwia��nt,tMd.may b��x�rciNd.concurnnNy a k�pMd�+„Y•hoen tim�lo tirn� �
<br /> . � and as olsn u m�y br d»m�d utPb�nt by Trustw a B�n�ficlarY�nd�df»r of�p�Q �1M Tru�10 th�t�ent�uch aiclbn
<br /> Mr�in sh�ll!»oomtnHd u P�oh�bWrq 8�n�t�cwY kom�kin{�,�d�ficwncY f�+dG
<br /> ., .t� N p�tmilt�d by I�w. �
<br /> _ ' M7071 N�M�st� 007!1?D.O� I
<br /> -- I . . _ � - •---`---=...A...__.. --
<br /> ' ..
<br /> � . .._..-. ._._
<br /> ---------�---
<br />