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�,�jr�� � .��. � . . .,A. .,. .•�. m . .. : _a.a,.,, -- <br /> - �, ,••.. . � . y,r.� T.- �.. <br /> `*M�=•, '!,�'an..:►.�ct.Rlri�i {vKIMwfMOmc�y�rn.�.,.PS.s..,.1•-� m _. <br /> �:� ,.r e c ...... .. -r. •;?::-"�4G��<�Jf��� � � • � .1.�- .�u�':�. ,..i:�- — -°. <br /> .�..... �... - -- - _ . <br /> ..,_ ----�----— <br /> — =-.�r�.:.= <br />._—.� ---='.rx^' . . . . _ .e��r-�w�.++^.-�"��---�---------.. - --. .. <br /> 97— 1a�o�7 <br /> any loan ine�rument ar ather �greement ar any lawA nor or heroa�t� <br /> ter enforced, notwir.hetanding eome or all of khe ind�btednage anc� <br /> obli.gatione �ecured hereby which may �zow or h�reaE�er be ather- <br /> wieE secured, whe�her by mortgage, deed o� �r�uet, pledge, lien, <br /> aesigriment or oth� N�i.ther the acceptance of thi� Deed of <br /> Triz�t nor tt� �nforcement, r�hether by cc���r.r. a�r.ion or puz�e�iant to <br /> the power of aa7.e or other paware herein aontained, ehall pre�u- <br /> dice or in any mannar affect Truetee's or Benef�.ciary's right Co <br /> realize upon or enforce any other security now ar hernaf ter helci <br /> by Truetee or Beneficiary, it being agreed that Truatee and F3dne- <br /> ficiary, and ear.h of them, ehall be enGit].ed to en£orce thi�a Deed <br /> of Truat and any other security n�w or. hsreafter held by the <br /> Bene£iciary or Truetee in such order and manner ae they, or ei- <br /> ther of them, may in theix abr�alute discretion determi�na. No <br /> remedy herein conferxed upon or re�erved to Truetee or Sene£ici- <br /> ary i� in�ended to be exclu�ive of any pther remedy herein or by <br /> 3aw pr.ovidad ar pe.rmi�ted, but each ehall be cumulative aud ehall <br /> ba in addition to evex�r othe�r xemedy given hereundpr or now or <br /> herea�ter �xis��.ng c�� law �z in ec�ui�y or by etatute. Ev�ry <br /> power or rencedy givan by any of the loan inatrumente to Truetee <br /> or Heneficiaxx or to which ei�her of �hem may be otherwise enti- <br /> tled may be� exercieer�, cancurrently or independently, from time <br /> to t�me and as often as may be deemed expedient by Truetee or <br /> HeneEicia�►, and either of them may purdue inconei.stent: remediee. <br /> Ivnthing herezn ehall be conetrued as prohibiting BEneficiazy fram <br /> eeeking a defi�iency judgment againet Trustor to the e�tent such <br /> ie permitted by law. <br /> 15. R�,s,,WP:pt for Notice. Truetor hereby rec�ueet9 a copy of <br /> thliy iivticvc v� u�iatili. ai.0 tr',dt unjs rat'i�1�v rif saZ.� h^.z'CL'n3er �."`e <br /> mai.l�d to T�uetn� at the addr�ss set for�: i:. th� Fir�t rara�rapr <br /> of thia Deed of xru�t. <br /> �6, �t�j,nGment o G� - -eseor. 'I'rt,a�. Beneficiary ma►y, <br /> from, time to tim�, by written instrum�nt executed and acknawl- <br /> edgGd by Henefi�aiary, mailed to True�or and reacrded in the <br /> County i.n which the Property ie located and by otherwfee comply- <br /> ing with the proviaions af eY�e a�ppliaable law of the 9tate of Ne- <br /> bra�ka, �ubetitute a aucceeeor or euccesacyrs to the Txus�tee named <br /> herein or actix�g hereunder. <br /> 17. fiLCCeggor� and Aewicros. ,��,A Deed af Truet applies to, <br /> and inuree ta �he bex�efit of, and b�!m�8s all partiea hereto� thei.r <br /> hei.xe, lec�at�es, deviseeg, persdnal rapresentativee, nucceeeore <br /> and aeeigne,. The term °Beneficiary" shall m.ean the owner aad <br /> nolder of tlie note, whether or not named a�s Heneficiary herein. <br /> 18. B n jy„{�,��e Pow�. Witnout affecting the liability <br /> of. any other..pereon liable for the payment of any obligation <br /> herein�ed, and without affecting the lien or charge of <br /> this D�ed of xzuet u�on any porti�n of the Property not then or <br /> theretofore released �a security fa� the full payment of a].1 un- <br /> _ pafd obligationd, Be:neficiary may, from time L•o ticne and with�ut <br /> noticPs <br /> � fa? release an�r pereon� �o liable; <br /> � (b) extend the mszturity or al�ex any of the tercne of any <br /> su��s c�bligatione� <br /> � (c) gr�n� other in�tulgencee j <br /> (d) release ar ro-convey or cauoe to be released o� re- <br /> - �A �s. a. ..�.. t.. ��i.. .�.. .-.�.i e.��al r��rt��n <br /> �vitvcjca�t w�. wiir �.a.wo w�. uuiaca.�.�.ivi j o vrr�....v�:� aa:j Y�..rvvr� y.-..�.....+.� . <br /> or �11 of the Property; <br /> (e) take or release any other or additional security for <br /> any obligation herein mentioned; or <br /> (f) make compoaitions or other arrangements with debtore in <br /> relation thereto. <br /> 6 <br />