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<br /> , 17.Trnr�s}'er of ft�Propaiy or� �xlidAl IMorm�t in Borrower.if nli or uny part of tlu Prcrperty ur any intercst in It
<br /> . i3 sold or tran.vferml(or If A he»eflcixl intcrest in Bc�rrower is sold or transferred a�xl Horrower is ix►t a t�tur�l perwn)wfthuut
<br /> . ..;� lxrnler's prior wrltten consent. lxixler nwy, �t iGV o�tion, rcy uirc immedi�te pxyment in full of �II surns secured by this
<br /> � S�eucity Inctniment. Hawcwer, this option nhall►xu t►e earrcine�l!�y LeniJer if eaerrise is�rohtbited by f�lerai Ixw as of the date
<br /> uF Q�Is Sccur�ty Iivtrtuttcnt.
<br /> � lf l.emler exerciaes this don, Lender shall ive Bormwer aotice of iu:uleradon.The mdce shall pravide a dal of mt
<br /> ��'u fess thun 30 daya from the d�ta the notic;e iy del�vered or nutiled�vithin which Bamnwer must p�y tU a�ums��ured by tbie _
<br /> . Sa:udty Instnunent.If Borrower fails ta pAy thess svau priar ro the eapintian of this period,Lender m�y invoke�ny cemalios
<br /> '"�' -`�� pen�►itteci by thi�Secutity Insuument without funher aotice or dem�nd on Borrower. -
<br /> � ls. Borrowa'� Rlaht to Rdnatate. If Barrovrer ma�s cectdn condIdons, Borrower sttxll lu�ve d�e right to tuve
<br /> . .:.. .�t, eafoi�at af this Secutity InStnunmt dlscondnual�t+tny dme pdor to tlx aulier of: (A) 5 days (or such otUer podad u
<br /> �plicatble I�w may spec[fy for reitutat2tuent) before sale of dte Pcoperty pursoaant to suy power uf ssile conts�i�ed Lu this
<br />',,�+� '• Sec�ulty lastcument:or(b)enuy of a judgment enfarcing thls Secudry Insuument.Those sondIdons are th�t Borrower.(n)p�Ys
<br /> -=s;.��. �. � l.oader dl su�ns which then wc�uld Ue�tue urxler this Securiry IaSm�ment�w�d the Note as if no aaelention h�d occurral: (b)
<br /> ...Y. •� cures iu►y defxult of xny other cavenants or Agramen�9; (c)px s a!1 expsns�s i�umed ia�nforcing thls Sa:ucity Insttumeat,
<br /> �� �f lncluding,t�ut not limital to,re�sonable Atrorneys' fces;aad(d�t�kes such scdon as Leader mYy reasoaably require to�s.�vre
<br /> �_'ti�;;�:�':.�� th�t the Hea of this Security lastnuneut, Leader'y dP,hts ia thc Prope�ty�nd Borrower's obllgadon to�y the swn,sxured by
<br /> :�.-a�.;"' this Sacudty Iasuumeat atWl coatiaue �wchangod. Upon nlamtenneat by Borrower, this Secunry Iamua�ent aacl the
<br /> "=='���= obil t�onv socurod hereb sh�ll remaln fWl ef�ecdve rs if no accelerndon h�d occurred. However,this ri to roinstate stuill
<br /> =�.r�::a T�� Y Y 8�
<br /> .,;��:��� uot�pply in tLs case of Accelaratioa uader�c�graph 17.
<br />_' . 19. Sak ot Nate; Clu�nse of Loan Senica. 'Ilx Note or t partial inte�nesY in the Note (togethet with thL9 Securlty
<br /> i�?i{,�: It►�trument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Bomawer. A sale msy result in s c�n�in the en�iry(Imawa
<br />_,;_=-,s.F ns the"Loaa Sc�vir.er')that collects n�onthl'!Iu►Yments dut under tlac Ncxe and this�ecurir�Ianr�axnt.�[Uerc Also muy be oaae
<br />- __ or awre c L�o�e s o f t b e L o�n S ervicer unre l�t e d to a s a le o f d�e Note.I f t h ere is s c h x n q e o f t h e l.u an S e rv lcer, B orro�xr wi l l b e
<br /> ;�:`."� g[ven wntten m�ticz of tbe change in accordance vvlth parAgraph 14 above�nd ipplicable law.'Ihe mtice will state We name ancl
<br /> .•:�:_.' ` �ddtess of tLe aw I.oan Se�vicer a�tiie add�.ss to wluch
<br /> P�Y�ena sho�ld be mide.'I]�e aodce wiA xlso copqda wy other
<br />--. ,-;,� infomuidon requiral by applicable laa.
<br /> _���� Z0. �Subswnoes.Borrower shxll not aw9e or peimit the presencc, use. disposal, sto�xge, or rele�se of uty
<br /> _ E1a�ttlous�bst�nces on or in the Property. Borrower sball aot do. mr allow anyone elsc to do,anyttuag afhcdn� thc
<br /> -___- I'roperty tlut is ia vIoladon of any Saviron�neaW Luw.The procodding two s�nteoces shsU not xpply w the presena, use�or
<br /> stony�e on tLe Pccpecty of small quantities of Haurdaus Stibst�nces tbat u�e ge�ially rx,ognized w be appropriate to nomnl
<br /> =_° restdeatLl uats�ud to m�inteni�e of the Propenp.
<br />-_-----..-_. �rmwer st�it P�M►Y S�ve I.,eacler written nodce af any invesbiguioo,cWm.demand, I�wsuit or aher actiort by sny
<br /> grnan�enqd or crgul�tory agency or privue puty iavolviag the Praperty�nd�ny Haz�rdous Stibstu�oe or Haviroumeatal I.�w
<br /> of which Batmwer tu�c actwl Imowledgc.If Bonow�r learns. or is tatifiod by any govatmiee�tal or ngalitory autlwnty� dut
<br /> �ny canaval or other crmediadoa of any H�urdous Substanoe affectin�g Rbe Propeny i.s nece�ary,Borrower st�all promptly t�ke
<br />- --._ _,-_ �Il necessuy ranalial ac�ia�coord��x with Emunnmentxl Law.
<br /> Aa ussd in t6is paragraph 20, 'Hwurdous S�bstanc�s'an those substsoces d�efwal iv toxic or h�zardau�substaaces by
<br /> E,mlronmux�T I.aw�nd the following substances: g�soW�e, lc�rosene. othcr thmmablo or toxic petroleum prrch�cts, Wxic
<br /> pesdcides wd betbicides,volaale solvents,materinls containing ubestos ar foanaldeh�rde.and isdiacdva miteti�ls As used In
<br /> dtie n�c�ptt ?A. 'Hnvlromient�l L�tw" mans foderrlla�+s a�l l�ws of the jurisdttdon where Ihe Pno�xrty is loc�tal ttut
<br /> ; reLtc�to health,safety or envIro�ental protecdon.
<br /> � NON-UATIFORM COVBNANT'S.Bortower and Lender further coveuint md�ac follows:
<br /> . 21.Aa�da�tloni Ransdics.LaKkr sh�U�I�e rwHcx to Borro�*er prtor to Kodmtion follovrinr Borrovrre'�braich
<br /> . o[�u� co�enan! or��reana�t la th{s Sea�it� Listn�t (but not prior to�attlon uxier�seaph 17 unle+�
<br /> �b{e law�rorid�otLrrvri�e).The notkx sl�J spectf7: (A)tIK def�ulti (b)the�ctiun neq�airai to care the ddault;
<br /> (c)�d�tq not ks thaa 30 dap from the d�te tLe notke Ls�i�ea to Bor�+ower�by wf�kh tLe de£wuk mu�t be cureds�ad
<br /> (dl that[�iluce to cure tbe defiWt ua or before the date spec3&d tn tb�e notia roa�c+�uit In aaela�tlan ot the awr
<br /> secured by tWr Security Iastrumeat and sak o[the Propert�. 1Ue notke sh�ll fnrtlKr id'orm Bomo�ree ot the rijbt to
<br /> ' rda�ate altar aocxla�tbn u�d the d�t to bdo� a court ad3oa to assat the non-aMtenoe o[�ddault or �n�otl�er
<br /> � �H�0�BOl7'ONl1'�O i0�0�aOd 6i�l. V 1�1!fIlf�lllt� pOt CUCl1I 00 fM'�01ti:�! ILRL` S�!lCII{dI III IIIO IIONOl�
<br /> . �• +k���� �7 �T�re immedilate payment in fall ot all sunn�ecured br thia Saurky Imtru�ueat wktwut
<br /> iurtbcr dena�td�nd a�y tn�oke the po�►er of stk and anr other remedle�permttted byapp1kwbk law.La�dnr slMll be
<br /> entiHed to oaG9at�II acpaner irxw�red in pmaWns the remedies pravided in thie para�aph-�l�Indudins,but uot Rmked
<br /> to,reasoftibie att�orneya'fee;�and Aosfa oit3tle eddence.
<br /> If thepo Mer o[ssk v Imoked, Zl�r�stee shall [eoord a notice of dd�Wt In ach couKy[n x�hick�ny put o[the
<br /> Property i�loc�ated and shwll amll copiee of suc6 notice in the mmixr preacri6ed by appUai6k 4w to�amwa and to
<br /> the athee p�eawn p►eacribed by applicable law.After the tlme requfr�d by�pplkable law,l�n�ste��Iwll=ire public aotla
<br /> __- � of ale to the perso�b�nd in tix manner prescribed 6�applicab�e law.Tnr�ta,wftbout denund on Barawar,ehall�dl
<br /> _:�;;:,�: the 1'roperty et public�uctlon to tbe!ilg}KSt bidder at the time and pi�oe�nd unda the ta��lraimated tn thc»otkx of
<br /> -- aak In one or nwce parade xnd tn anr order Tnntee dderm[nes.Tnstee may postpone sale of �II or anyp�d of tt�e
<br /> --=��+ Propaty by pt�llc ar�ooaant� at the time and plaa of an�previousty scSnduled sa1e. La�d�r or ats c�alQuee may
<br />---__,��;;a„ ;p�mh�se the Propnt��t s�a7 aAie.
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