<br /> THIS INDEVTUF.E, made this � t� day of January, 1968, by and
<br /> between bV�SLE�' H. YAKISH and CL7��L YAKISH, husband and wi�e,
<br /> each in his or her own right and as spouse of the other, of Silver-
<br /> dale, in the County of. Kitsap, State of [Uashington (formerly -of
<br /> Granu Island, Nall County, Nebraska) , Party of the First Part, and
<br /> T'rustees of the Grand Island Circuit Neb raska Conference and
<br /> Evangelical Criurch, a Class 1 Religious Association of Grana Island,
<br /> in the County of Ilall, State of Nebraska, Party of the Second Part:
<br /> �VHEREAS the said Parties of the First Part did, on or about
<br /> tne 14tii day of July, 1944, execute to the Party of the Second
<br /> Part for the consideration therein mentioned, a cor�veyance of the
<br /> certain lanus situateci in iiall County, ���ebraska, and hereinaftc;r
<br /> more particularly �escribed, which said conveyance is recorded in
<br /> the Office of the Register o-F Leeds of the Cour.ty of �lall , in
<br /> �ool: 85 , I>age 232 , of the FZecords of said nffice ; and �-r.h,ereas ,
<br /> in said conveyance , by mistake , t}�ere was an incomnlete trust
<br /> clause �aritteii into said Deeci; and i,Thereas te prevent di�
<br /> t�ereafter, it is ex�edient to correct said. errors :
<br /> :d�,v, TI��R"r,',r.�;�1, , t}iis incienture ��itriesseth, that tre sa.i_cl
<br /> Par�ies oi ti�e First Part, in consideratien o` t}�e ;�remi_ses and
<br /> cf O;le yollar (�1.00) �aid to then: b t��e i'arty c;' 1
<br /> ilereuy �rants , conveys , releases andYconrirms unto the saidr1Fartvt,
<br /> o£ tiie Second Part, anu assians , for�ver, all o � the fol.lo�,�inr �
<br /> tract of la�:ci situated in t'r�e Citv of �;ra:�d Islancl , �ia.11 Countv�
<br /> in t�ie 5tate of Nevraskf., to-jti-it :�
<br /> Lot Six (6) in ;,lock 1';�ree (3) in Sc;�ir�r7;er' s
<br /> :1uGition to ti�e City cf (;ranu Tsland, :,e;>ras�;a.,
<br /> as surveyeu ; ;�latted and recorcled,
<br /> and that tiie t:u�t clause in saiu �ecc� he correcteil ana cor��leted
<br /> ro reau as follo���s :
<br /> "I�� trust, t�1at saiG �rer�ises shall be �e��t <r�u
<br /> n�ai�ltaineu as a r,l��ce of resi.cie7ice for tlie use
<br /> �tr�d occupancy ofl ti�e ''iriistexs ef The P,vanneli,cal
<br /> Uixiteci i�retiir.cii Ci�urch, ial�o r�ay fron time tc
<br /> time be ap;�ointeu to saic'. t�l�ce. , subject to ti.e
<br /> usa�es anu Lisci��line ef s<<.id Ci�urci: �s from
<br /> tir�e to tir�e establisheci, �_acie ar�4 declzreci hv
<br /> t;i� lawful aut;:orit�r e� 'ihe ::�raii?elical tiP.1tE,'G
<br /> ' Brethren Church, ���ith tl�e ri�;it te s�ll or
<br /> � encur::ber accordir,�7 ta t?�e 1;isci�;line of �rh�
<br /> L:van�elical unitec? i3rethrer. Church , anc: t'ie
<br /> laws of t't?e State oC :;�ehraska , and if saiu
<br /> :�ropertv be solu cr encuribered, the nrcce�us
<br /> . of the sai., or encu.;�brance st,all be a-,nliec�
<br /> te the use afcresaid, subiect, ho�<���ver, to t:he
<br /> previsions of tiie la�,�s of 'The i:;van�elical
<br /> Unitea i�retnren CPiurc}i, relatino to the s�le
<br /> atiu encur,�brance of narsona�es , there beinn no
<br /> obligation on the part o� �Ii.�r nurciiaser to see
<br /> to the anrlicatiozi of the 7urc;lase mone�, "
<br /> To��;ther with nll and singular the tener^ents , iieredi.ta*�en,tG and
<br /> �;�l�urteriances tnereuntc liClOilglria or in anywise ap�erta:i_1:in�, �
<br /> To have anci to iiold t}ie same wito the Party o� tlie Second
<br /> Part, aiid assigiis , to tlie sole anu proner use , benefit and benoof
<br /> of t1�e saia F'arty of t}.e Seconci nart anci assi�-ns , forever,
<br /> ���
<br /> _ %
<br />