�� �;#���a�t�_ 9�t �LKE P fi f, 1{K. 0f }1�eeds ��
<br /> :
<br />�:` - �.�� � - - A�i:tOt�f Bee�, eaft�oaeht�o�ras�a
<br /> 1aeo��
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<br /> ? �:_ i c--..+ -� .
<br /> �, s . ; 1 �
<br /> ' `� "�` 4�ZARRr�tTY DEED
<br /> c `� -.� . �> — —
<br /> +E�. -�� . ,�.. i
<br /> t . :�q �;i . .;r-
<br />� _ ' ,::;VIR�I��LEE ROUSH and DARLENE ROUSH , each in their own right
<br />� ari�" as�=s�ouse::`of the other, hereinafter called Grantor wh.ether one
<br /> or mo��-;� in cc�nsideration of �eventy Thousand and i�o/100 Dollars
<br /> (�70,000.00) received from Grantees does bargain, grant , sell,
<br /> convey and confirm unto� FRED NT�HRII�TG and A. W. HEDGECOCK as tenants
<br /> in common and not as joint tenants , the following described rea_�
<br /> estate situated in Hall Coiznty, Nebraska :
<br /> �1 tract of land ccmprising .a part of the
<br /> Asorthwest (�uarter of the Northwest G�uarter
<br />, (NW�NL^d4) , of Section Twenty-seven (2'7) ,
<br /> Townsl�ip Eleven (11) North, Range Nine
<br /> (9) T�dest of. the 6th P .1��. , in Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska, more particularly described as
<br /> f ollows:
<br /> Beginnin.g at the Northwest cor�n�:r of Roush's
<br /> Pleasantville Terrace Subdivisicn; ther�ce .
<br /> IVortherly along a line Thirty-three (�j ) Feet
<br /> �,ast of and �ara:�l21 to the .�est line o{' s;�ld
<br /> � �ectior_ Twenty-seven (2/) , a clistance of Three
<br /> � Hundred and Forty (3!�C.G) Feet ; th2nce �asterlST
<br /> i� � parallel to th�� i�iorth lin� of said Roushts
<br /> �"� � Pleasantville Terrace �:ubdivision, a distance
<br /> � o� �'i�t Hun�re�l and Tvaenty-i ive ($25.G) Feet ;
<br /> thence �outherly parallei to said uYest line o�'
<br /> � �ection Ttiventy-se�aer. (27� ; a �iistance of Thr�e
<br /> Hundred �rd rorty (34.U.u) F'eet , to the ��orth
<br /> 1ir.e oi' said P�oushts �ieasantvii�e �'erruce
<br /> :�ubdi�,��sion: th::nce ;'Jesterlv alcn� sai�l I:or{�,n.
<br /> line o? Roush ps Pleasantville Terra�ice :�ubd�vi�=�or:,
<br /> .'` . a distance of �;i�h� ?iunc.red and. lvaent�.T Fi ;e (�25.�.;
<br /> ' Feet , to the Pl�ce o� '�eginrir:g and �or:ta�riii�;;
<br /> r 6.�r;� acres , :co� o-r 1ess .
<br /> � . .�
<br /> ' Y
<br /> ` c
<br /> � � ,1�i �i�:V�. iilT� l� :��L:� Li:,?, ��(JOV�' C�°:iC'^l.i.�'iE� 1=1�c7e1"-:,��i l.C�''2t'ilei'
<br /> W1tP �._.i�ii�8ri2r12I1t.S � r1E�EC11'C�cZr1:i:t.� aliC% �.�Ji�UY'�'�,'Y1c:?�iC°S i.i:Pi"P.'ri.0� ::`'.-0:1`?;�-'_;t",
<br /> =�0 i,r]� �Csii�Yll.2i;$ i�17u t0 l,�iF.'1i' 255�t�-1S . riTi:X Gr��il+i3O" ItOE.-'� �iE.'T'�Ci`'
<br /> co ;Er=.���� ��ai�h the GrGnt2es a,:d. their assigns th�.t t:�e GN�;^�c--� ��
<br /> , - . . , „ . . ,
<br /> ,_
<br /> 1=i;�7iL11i"- Sc.LZG�U OL Sd1C'1 !�Y'c^.i:i1;�c5 uY'i� l.il,`1L L�"'OZ `'(' _ i „ �.._,_.�—
<br /> , .� c,:. C' 'c';
<br /> DY`:tf1CP3 :•1tiG� l;h�it tiiE Csl'uYli,01 ��:�S €;'vOv 1_�'!^_`i, �Y1Ci _�.�9 ..�._ .1t:�:0?"'� ;T �O
<br /> COil'"�V lil'1° Sclri:2 j 8.Y'ii: l.�IluG Crr�.i11�0I' b']�::�i=1Ylt.� :.�:1.^A �vi1i �.�°.'_:��:0. ..._. �_ .. _.
<br /> � . l��`�r',t"_Lv_ �tlY'°'i!1i.�7'8.`3 <:.�ciiY1S'i, .,...� _'ub��_':J_ :;i�?.17:iS "_ ���_.L y __'SOr `r,'Y1C:'��U° .�� .
<br /> s
<br /> ' r -
<br /> :uatec� Ja.rivar;T .��/ .--, l�i��?.
<br /> �� ',
<br /> . , � �,,,d
<br /> -����- --__ _— ---- :-; yZ�C.�l�=- -_. .__
<br /> . . _ i�� :�ir���_ T c� U�'-
<br /> , ,
<br /> ,7
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> �. ; �,. )
<br /> y. -�. L�.� ' , „ . .
<br /> _. _ -t t,^-� "`.' '--�-_.<<.,rL.��_. .
<br /> i)t �.� c e � ou�� ___. __-
<br /> . ,r,•.jr7i� /
<br /> ��._ OF 1��'.Biiri��ia
<br /> (ss .
<br /> CCUi�TY Or ritiLL ) �
<br /> Before me, a 1JOtaY'jT F1�1�11.0� OU;:�l{'i�C1 �'C'_' S�z_� !�O�,�ilt�T i'El"''
<br /> �on�l:�y came Jirgi� Lee Roush and. Darlene :�ousr , k�?os�n to r��e` te i�>e
<br /> the ���nticay �ersons �vnc ;�i�?:�d t,he �o��e�oin� �.;� ��w��r.�s ? .
<br /> acknewiedged �h.e ,�x�:,c�ation t;:ei•eo'� to ne t,heir �:roiuntu7 ; ��c� �r�i
<br /> deed. � - � �
<br /> , �... / . ,
<br /> ��itn��'a rn3 ��na arici ��otarial :�e�1 on J�:nu_;r�.; :� / , 1.�6f>.
<br /> ., : _
<br /> `�• - _.__.___�`���C��^=�-���._- ----
<br /> ;._� .... l�otar�r Yub"lic
<br /> � ;;,STAtfMENT ATTA�HE;1 �
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<br />