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<br /> - `�'i.Y�tt-S�'j.ro �.•�_!24� . . N:liYa�'�tt � �� • � .i�� . -
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<br /> �
<br /> • A � �l��Q�".*
<br /> • 16.Borro�rer'e Copy. Borrowu shap be given one confom�od copy af tho Nata and of diTd��c��rity Instmment.
<br />.;�;��.. 17.Trs�der af t�Propert a'�B�nefkl�l INerat IA Borrower. 1f nll or Any�raR of th�Property ar any ink�rest in it u
<br /> . ssold or transfared(or if a bene��cW inta�cst iro Barowu is ao{d or transfcYred and�rnxawm is nc�t a naEt�ue�l�ersan) wi�hout
<br /> ________ ���b�l�,������,L,cndcr may,^t!tsapt4nn,ro�uice immo�li*!e pflyment in f�.d1 of eil sums secarnd t�y ttiis 4��c�risy �
<br /> r- Inatruma�t HowGVer.tl�u qMbn shall not bo oxerclxd by Lendu if oxexciso is prohlbitod by fed�;rsl law as a.f it�o ctata aF this
<br /> � Sec�uity InsuumznG
<br /> ^ If Let�da oxeecises thia uptkm,Lea�der shall give Bortowu natice of acceloration.'I'�o n�aco shittl prov's,ctit���trlcxl of nnt less
<br /> °�N than 3p days trom the due t(ie rrotico i�deuvaod a tnailod within which 8orrowa muet pay all sunss socurotl by ttds Securisy
<br /> '���' Instrumen�1f Bormwu fail�ta p�y thesc snms prior to the ea�piradon of this periad,Laadcn may invoicc any rc�r►edies{�s:a�miaad
<br /> " � by this Securiry In�umer►t without lwther notic,�or danend on Borrower.
<br /> � 1�.8orrower'�Rl=6t to Reiestate. 1E Borrower moats certain conditions, ksar�ower shall have ttva rigt�t tn have
<br /> ":-:�$` enfac�cert�ent of thb Socurity Instrument discont�qt►od st�ny dmo prlor to tho earllmr of: (a) S days (cx s��r�i oiher ptxiod as
<br /> -`'=w,`'��. epplicabk law msy spociiy for rei�eti�nt)before e�do of tho Propaty pursuent W Any�xtwar of sale co�►t�tt�ad in this"xecunty
<br /> - -"� Inswtnent;oc(b)entry of a judgman enfarcing this Securlty Instrumu�t.'Ilroso conditiana aro that Borrower:(�) ys 1�al!
<br />:i;'?�3'��
<br /> �r.�,� sums wliieh U�n would be duo undix tdis See�uity Insu�unent and tho Nnte as if ncr aecel�Knqon had cxc:ntt ; (b)eures ony
<br /> --__= dtfwlt of any otlkr covenantt or�graanei►ts.(c)WYs all expa�ses incurrod in enfuminQ this S�urity Instmmcnt�inclndi�ng.but
<br /> __-- not iimited to,na�on�bk utomoys'foa:and(d)talces such actbn as La�da mny raatt�nntrly roquiro w as.saro thsut tt►a iicn of this
<br /> --i gecurity Instnunqi� I.ender's rights in tlho Pn►paty �nd Borrower's obiigadon ta pay tha sums socuTC�d by tttin Socurity
<br /> ---� Inswmcrtt ahall condnue unchanged. Upon reinstat�rnettt by Bo�mwex� this St�itrdt�! insuum�.�t anct ttva c�bDgat►onR socuced
<br /> -�=�� hereby shall remaln fully effecdve as if no Mccolaation had occumed.However.thitr rdaht to�instate shall nnt e�yl in Q�e case of
<br /> — acce{a�n under p�ragr�ph 17.
<br /> .,,�,,:� 19.Sale o�Note;�ban�e of LoRn Servieer. 'It�e Noto or a pxtiul intur.�st in d��s Nat� (p�gc�tvca with lhis Seciuity
<br /> Iast�uma�t)may(x sold one a moce�mes wi4hout pcia notico to Borroww.A�1�m:�y nes�ilt e�s;chanF;o in tho e�►tity(known
<br /> y.;:�„� ai the"Loan Suvka")thu mUocts mon�y psymans due unda the Noto�nd thip Sr,cunry In�4 7tmn�lso mny be ax a
<br /> -" -- mo�e cbanges of ihe Loen Savicu latod to a sale of the Note.If thcro is a afien�o af tha Loan Savltxr,Borrnwcr will be
<br /> giva�written noticc of the clunge in�adana with p�graph 14 abovo and appllca6la luw.The notioo w�iil st�10 t�c n�rne and
<br /> address of tha new Lom Suvioa and the address w which paymaus should b�mnde�.'I7►o notice will Rl�o cont�in sny o�t�er
<br /> _ infa�n�tion ro9uired by�ppliabk Isw.
<br /> 20.H�Mow SM6�ta�oes. Bomowu shall not awse or pamit tho preiemco� uso� disposel. stat�o. or mlcaee of eny
<br /> Huardons Subsvnces on or in the Propaty.Barower slWl not do�nor albw anyanR elsie to do.anythinp;ntfxtinZ�ihe PropxtY
<br /> that is in vioWion of an�Enviconmenul Gw.'Ifie preceAing two sentu�oes ahnU nnt ap�ly to the pcosumo.�uo.or Atoc�ge on U�e
<br /> — pn,F.,w nf e,rull ananhti�s of Hu�►�dau Subst�octs tMt ate ReaaallY rocotmi��d to ba appropriate to�xm�l t�sidmtial uses
<br /> — aHd w maintenance of the Property.
<br /> go�rowcr sh�ll promptlY give L�ender wr�ua� notioe of uoy invastigetion,cluim. dcmend, lawsuit ctir ott►��actan Gy any
<br /> — govanrt�a�l�l ar ngulaMcy ex�cy ar privxra p�cty involving�ho Propaty end any Hurardous S�d�a�x�or F.nvironnxn�Law
<br /> _== of whkh Baro�virr has�lrnanvkd�.II�Aarower kms.a is notified by any govommaitai ar re�ul�tnry euthaity.IMt�r►y
<br />— = ranov�l or o►}�r•ranedl�tlan of�ny Hu�rdous Substance affxting tAe Propc�ty is nacessary.BarovYCr sh�ll i�PaY nte W
<br /> I�ceyany rem�dial uctioas ia Ncc;ordance with Bnvitonmaital Law.
<br /> l�.i uxd in dds p�ragc�h 2Q "Huardous Substaoces" arc thoso subsumccs drtlnod as u�xi�or hxtndnw subetanoes by
<br /> Bi►vironmeaut LN and the following su�: gaa:bne. kaosa�o, ahar ttmmmab{e a waic pcuokaim pcodu�.s. bxic
<br /> pau�c�ks�ad hesbicida.voWik salva�ts.ma`aials oanta�ning asbestos or furmNdehydo.and nidioactir�e n�ter�als.As u�od in
<br /> this p�r�tli 2Q"Fnvironme�xtal 1.aw"means fedasl lawa and laws of tha jutiadlcdon where the Prc�kety is bcatod Ihat rel�to
<br /> 0o halth�s�fetY oe atviro�nxntal{xotection.
<br /> NON-UNIEaORM CQV�id1�NTS.Borto�va md I.cnder furtlKr wvr,n�nt and n�ree x�folbws:
<br /> 21.Acakratba;Re�cd�.�sMler eY�tl�ive sotke W Borro�rer prinr to�ccelentbn foMmri��Ilwrower'e ereoe��f
<br /> _ a�� covquiat dr a=ree�e�t io thb Ss�writy Imtrrmeat (6ut not prk�r M accekratfo� n�1er pf�ra�rap� 17 NNa�
<br /> — �pp�bie L�v�rorjda oQierwMe).7'�e motioe si�ll�pecif�:(a)tbe dell�ult;(b)tl�e�ctioN rcQnirM#o crr�e tbe deGwlti(c)
<br /> �date,ro!less tl�30 dals'llro■i t6e date t6e eotia is�ives to Bornnvar,by�rhk!tLe dthult�nuk be c�urtd:iud(d)
<br /> tbst ta�re to crrs tYe dd�uftt o�ar be�ore tLe d�te�pecHled in tLe�tiae nar rauk 1��eeekr�tioa of tLe swrs�ecrred
<br /> _ b�tAii�S�c�rkllmtneadt�ad stk of t6e Propa�ty.The�otloe e6a11�14rther inform Borro*�er d'the rf�t to rei�state
<br /> atter�coelaat�or aad the ritet to bria�a court�ctlor to a�ert tLe rton•exietence ot�dehN)t or aar ot\er defewe d
<br /> Sorrower to saaler�da� iud ak.It tre defauk is aot cnred oa or bdb�the date spee�ficd tx the aoNce�Leder�at�b
<br /> aM�+e�Y�l�ire f��ssdiate pa�t in f'ull of aU wm�eccarod 6y tirf�Securky I�tnuo�t�t witUort trrtlur dera�d
<br /> .w.�ay�..otie�e�at raie aoa any a��a�es permfe�t ay�pptic�nlMk aw.I.e�t4tr�hW 6e arNtkd to coYect
<br /> W e:peau�s imcrrnd is�urwty t�e remedies provided in thk parngraph 2l,i�eludie�,bnt�wt linked to,rea�aabk
<br /> aMorrers'ien amd ootte of tiik evideace.
<br /> If t�e po�++�r o�s�k i�iavoked,7�u�.stte sh�U record a aotioe of defhult i�n acb oo�a4y in whici �r p�rt ot t�wr
<br /> = property i�located aod a�Y m�il copies of arcb notice in tbe m�nner presa9lx�E by�ppHa�bk law to Borrower�d W ti�e
<br /> other p�reo�prercr�bed�'appBcabk law.Aher t6e dme required by applksile I�w�Tnasta shsU�ive public�tice o!
<br /> eak to t�e per��d'afl t�e m�nner pracribed by�ppliabk b►w.Tn�stee.w�tl►out de�naed on Borrotirer�aiaY eeN the
<br /> --—_— Propert�at psbbe�accioa ta t6e 6igiKSt bidder�t t6e tima snd plwr And under the terrns d�mted in tbe ootiee of xak
<br /> Form saZ� YI�O
<br /> ��lR(NE)coaiZl.o� aap•do►e inmau: _ ... . _
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<br /> �:��
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