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<br /> Tt�L:THCR W 1'fN cill the impravrn�ents now or hercafter ere�ted on the prope�ty, und a cu+cments,uppurtcnanccs,and
<br /> fix�ures now on c�rcu(Icr n pan of ihc prapcny. All rcplucenxnts u�ui ndditions shall altio bc cavcrcJ by this Sccarity
<br /> Instrunxnt. All uf thc (orct;ninb fs•rcfcrr��d�o in tl�is Sc�:urlty Inst�wnent as thc "Pr��}�crty."
<br /> I:�DRI:0IV�R COY�:VANT3 that Ilnrro�:•cr is la�vfully sciscd of thc cstatc hcrcb}'CUIIVL'y�cd and has thc right to grant and =
<br /> convey �he Aropeny aid�li�t the Propeny is unencumbered, except for erxumbrances�f rernrd. Iii�rrower warr�nts nnd will
<br /> def�ixl genernlly the tide tc�the Propeny against nll cllimc u�x1 demansis,subject to any a�cumbrunces of recard.
<br /> TNIS SFCUItITY INSTRUM6NT combincs uniform covcnunts for natianal usc und non-ur.iform covcnants witb limitod
<br /> varintions by jurisdiction to mnstiwtc u unifonn sccurity instrumcnt covcring rcal property.
<br /> UNff•'CIRM COVENANTS. Bonowcr and Lender covemm�and agree us follows:
<br /> 1. Payment oP Prlttclpal und Inierest; Prepsyment artd I.ate Ctwrges. Borrowcr shall promptly pay tivhen du� thc
<br /> principal of and interest on ihe dcbt evidenced by the Note and any prcpayment und I�tc charges duc under the Note.
<br /> 2.Ftin�for Taxes nnd Insurance. Subject to applicable law or ta a written waiver by Lender, Barrower shall pay to
<br /> I.cnder on tt►e day monihl�r payments are due under the Note.until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")far:(a)yearly taaes
<br /> nnd asscssn�ents which may attain priority ovcr this Security Instrument as u lien on ttee Propeny; (b)yearly leasehald payments
<br /> or ground ren�s on the Propeny,if any;(c)yearly ha�ard or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance premiums,
<br /> if any: (e) ycarly n�ortgaEe insurnnce premiums, if any;and(� any sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with
<br /> tl�e provisians of p�rdgraph 8, in licu of the paynxnt of mongage insurance premiums.'1'hese items are callod "�scrow Items." -
<br /> Lender may,at any time, wllect ancl hold Funds in an anaunt not to exceed the maximum amount a lerxler for a foderally
<br /> . relateil nwrtgage loan may require for lBomnwer's escrow account under the fede►al Real Escate Setdement Procadar�es Act of
<br /> 1974 as amended from ti►ne io time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ('RESPA"),unless anotl�er law that applies to the Fundc
<br /> sets a Iesser amount. If so.Lender may, ut any time, callect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed ihe lesser amount.
<br /> Lcndcr may atimate the�iwunt of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expendituns of fututr�
<br />_ Escrow I�c�nsor othcrwise inaccordancc with applicable law.
<br /> � The t=unds ,hall be held in an institution whose deposits are insurad by a federal agcncy, insttumentality, or entity
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bacilc. Lendtr shall apply the Punds to pay th�
<br /> Bscmw Items,L.ender may not cltargc Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,.annually analyzing the esctow account,ar
<br /> verifying thc Escrow Items,unless C.ender pays Borrower intcrest on thc Funds and applicable Euw�permits Lender to makc sunh
<br /> � a ciwrge,i-iowever,i..cider may requirc Fsvrtower to pay a one-time charge ior an indepcndent reni estace tax rcporting servir.o
<br /> " used by l.erder in connee.tiion with this loan, unless xpplicable law provides otherwise. Unlass an agcre..�c�t is mad� ar
<br /> ` ��licable law nequir+�intorest to be paid.Lender shall n�t be requircd to pay Borrower any interest or earnin�s.�n the Funclu.
<br /> ' 18�rn�wer and Le��der m�y age�.e in writing, however, 14at interest shull be paid on the Funds. Lcnder shall bivr to Ebrrowr.r.
<br /> ' without charge, an annuat accounting of the Funds, show3ng credits and debits ta the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> E debit to Ihe �undR wtu made.The k=u►x1s are pludgod as edditlonal secteriry for all sums securod by this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> ; If the Funds hold by l..ender exoeecl the amounts pzrmituQ to be held by applicable law, l.endcr shalt account to Borraw�or
<br /> � for the ezcess Funds in aca.ordtuke with thc requiremen�s of applicuble law. If the a�aunt of the Funds held by[.ender at any
<br /> { t�me is�at sutficient to pay the Escrow Itrnts when due.Letxler may r,o iwtify Barrc+�u�•er in writing,and,in such case Borro�vor
<br /> ' shall pay to Lender tl�e a�nount necessary t.�make up the dcficitncy. Borrower shall make up tfie deficiency in no mons th►ut
<br />"! twelve monthly paymenls, at Lender's sote discretion.
<br /> ��; Upon pymmt in full of all sums secured by this Security Iristrument, Lender sha:l prornptly refumi ao Borrower miy
<br /> , Furds held by C.endcr.lf, un�ler pa�agraph 21,Lender sh�ll acquire or sell thc Proptny.I.ender, prior to thc acauisition or.:�1e
<br /> , a1'dx Propeny. shAll apply any Funds held by[,ender at the time of acquisition or sule as a cralit ag�inst the su:r:s socurod•by
<br /> �., this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3.Appllatlon otP�yments.Unless Qpplicable Inw provides othenvise,all paymenu rxeived by Lender under parAgmpho
<br />_i . 1 and 2 shail be applied:first, to any prcQa�rnxnt charges due under the Notc; second, to amounts payable under paragruph 2;
<br /> • thini,to intercst duc; fourttr,te►principal duc;and last,to any Ir+tc charges due under the Note. '
<br /> :• 4.Char�es;l,ie:n.l3o�rower shall pay all taxes.ass�ssmcnts. charges, fir�s nnd impositions attributable to the �ropetl,y
<br /> which nuy �ttain priority vver this Secur+ty inst�ument, and leas�hold psyments ur ground rents, if any. Borrower shal{pny
<br /> ' thcst obligatian�in thc ma�nner pmvidod in�aragraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr, Borrower shall pay them on time ditiertly
<br /> to�he person owed payment.Borrower shx11 prom�tly furnish to Lender nll noticcs ot'amounts to be paid under this paragreph,
<br /> If Homawer m�i:cs thesa{►ayments dircctly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to[.encler reccipts evidencing the QaynKnts.
<br /> � Borrower shall promptly dischitrge any licn which has priority over this Sccuary Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrccs in
<br /> writing to the Nayment of e�eobligation securod by thc licn iii u manncr acccptable to L,ender; (b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> by, or defends against enrt'orcement of the licn in, Iegal pnoceedings which in tlie Lender's opinion operate to prevent tho
<br /> enforxment of the lien;or (c)secures from the hnlder of the licn an agrccnknt satisfactory to Lcnder subordinating th�licn tn
<br /> . this Sc�cudty Instnnnent.If'Lendcr dctcrmincs that any part of thc Property is subjcct to a licn which may att�in priority over
<br /> , thiz Security lnsttumeex,Le�lcs mny give Barn�wer e noticr identifying the lien. Bcmrower shall satisfy the liai nr take one or
<br /> �
<br /> nwrc of�he actions scc[orc��bo��c w�ithin 10 days of thc giving of noticc.
<br /> ' �aase s,eo
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