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" �'i�t '�4� t. �1.`�fd�-�+�'�4�M�M�C <br /> _ ,e�i..,�;*�1� �, <br /> , � �.... . e ....�«..,,_...,.r...� ..�•:•. .:=..�4x..��da3.1��-^ ' `' <crr.sso�•:n�• . . . �-�---- .-__-.-., <br /> - - �n <br /> �; <br /> . :� �7�- �O4U3Q <br /> ' lf.sorrower'e Copy, Horrower sh�ll be given one confomx,d copy of Ihe Noto nnd of this Socurity lnstn�ment. <br /> ', ' ' 17.Tr�nKer o�the Propert�or n BeneflcGl Iatereat�n Borra�wer. If al!nr any part of thc Property or eny Intcrest in it is <br /> " � snlrl nr t�r.n9fer�d (or if a betteficU inu;cest!n�otto�;rer 1.:so2d ot tr�usfcerul a��d BA;;ower is�ot a naUUalpe�son) witi�out ' <br />;.;;y�� I.ender'a prior wtitun con�nt.Lender ita oplion,roquire immedi�te ptyment in full of all sums sociued by this Sxtariry <br /> y " ' Inswmer�t.Howcvu,thia uption shall nat be eau�c�scd by L,ender if cxucisc is prohibited by foderal law a9 of the date of this <br /> �� Securiry Instntmcru. <br /> , -�.:� If Leader oxerci�ra thiso�twn,L,ender ahall givc Bcxrawer Rotice of accekration.'Thc notke slwll provlde a period of not less <br />, f. Uw�30 d�ya from the dale Ihe notjce i�deiivend ar rtwlkd within whkh Borrowcr must pay all sums secured by this Securiry <br />• , . . _� lnstrument.If Horrowar[�iu w J�y U�ese siuna prior to the expiration of this period�Lender may invoke any reanodies permiued <br />'' . by thi�Security Iruttnur�cnt witF�out fwnhe�r nodco a dcmand on Bannwcr. <br />{:.. ,{:' 1�.�lorm�ru'e Ritbt to Relt�q�tr. If Boaowu mats ccrtain condlrions. Horrowcr shall have the right to have <br /> ;,.,I:;,:;: . eafocamont of thi� Socuriry Inawment�lscantinued at any time prlor co the earlie,� of:(a) 5 days (or such ott�a{�eriod as <br /> ,�::r; appUcable Itw msy spocity for nlnstate�t)before sak of thn Property pursuant to eny powcr of sak contalned In thii Securiry <br /> :'�,:�;';�� Inawmenr,or(b)entry of�judgment enfor�cing this Security Instrumen��hOSa conditions ene ttwt Borrnwer:(n)pays Lender all <br />,ti��cFt.,•_ sum�which Ihon would be duo under thia Security Inswmeat and the Note ac if no accekradon twd occuntid;(b)cures en <br />-,�.Y� def'wlt of�ny otlier coverunts or+�groertienis:(c)PeYe�11 espenses incurrod in er�forcing this Sxurity Instrumertt,including.lwt <br />_--_..�;� not Wnflod w.res�onebk utaneya'fa�s:uM(d)takes such ection a9 Lencler ma�reasonably roquire to assure thu che lien of this <br />:���-�-�� Sacurity instrunxnt, [.endei'� r3ghts in the Propaty and Borrowa's obli anon to <br /> :�..a; 8 + Y�Y tfie sums secured by Uii� Saurity <br /> lnstrumait shall condnoo unchangod. Upon reinstatement by Borrowu,this Securlty Ins�ument and the obUgaBons secured <br />'�'�� accelei�tinn uader iperag aph 17Ve����n had occumd.However,this right co reinstatc shall not epply in thc case of <br />_ =���„ 19.Sale of Note;Chaa=e af Loan Serviar. 'Iha Note or a pazNad antuest ln the Note (wgether with this SecurIry <br /> --- Tnstcun�nt)mxy be sold one a moro titnes without prior nodce to Eomax�.A sak may result in a change in the e�nitty(known <br />;R�� es the"Lonn")tbat colkcts monlhly ymcnu doe undu thc Note and this Socunty Inslrume,r�G'Il�uc aLs�mflg be one or <br /> =� mae change�of the Loan Savicei unrc,la�to a sale of the Note.If thue is n changa af the L,oan Scrvku.Hcttrowar wiU bv <br />,�'� B�v�����of the change in accordance with patagrapri 14 above sndapplkable law.'It�e notice will state tha nsurx and <br /> �,�:� ,. addr�es�af the new La�n Spvicu end Ihe address to which psynncnts should be mede. 7f�e nobcc will also coetain uny other <br />. _ ���� infortnuion raquired by spplicable law. <br />------- 20.Karardous S�behaoa. Bwrowa shall not cause or permit the pr�sena, usc,dis�posal. storage. or relesuc of any <br /> -�=_� Hundou�Subsunces on or in the Pronerty.Barowu shall not do.nor allow enyone else ta do.anytfiIng affecting the Property <br />__,��� lhel is LI v3olet1oll of a�1v Envi[onine�tel Lew.7TM nrer�riino!�,������..Q rhell�oi s,,�•••!�,w stsa�r�:cc.u.w..;.otBZr,�:,oa L� <br />__�._-- �tymainf tcnanca of the Proper�W'���rdous Substances that acc genernlly recognized to�io appropriaic to nor.nal residential uses <br /> _�— Bamwer stuill pmmptlY glve I.enckr wriurn notice of eny investigation, claim, demand. lawsuit or othu act,iion by any <br /> goveauner�ul a rcguLcay e�geacy a privue perty jnvolving the Propr.�ty and any Hazardous Substance or Snvironment�l <br />__ of ahkh Aomnwrr ha�ecnu�l lmow1od�e.If Bonowa lc�ms,or is naifi:,d by any govanrne�tal or rcgulatay autl�ority,ttyt any <br />-- = ran�vAl or otha c�anodiadori of any F�a•r.�cdaus Substance Affecdn8 the PropertY is nec�ssary.Bomow�:i ahall prornpQy tslce all <br /> neoexsnry ranedLl acti�ons in accadance wilh HnvironmcnW Luw. <br /> As used in �hi� prragr�ph Z0, "Haaardous Substancea"are thoee substances definod a� toxic or hazArdou� subst�xes by <br /> Envica�mental Law �nd U�e following substances: gAVOlu�e, kerosene. othu flammable or Wxic petrolenmpr�ucts. toxlc <br /> pestickks and habkides. volatila aolventa,�nptrJitls containing esbestos a formaldehyde.and radio�ctive mauxlfiL9. Aa iuod in <br /> — ��P�Kge����ironmenW Law"means focla�nl laws anzl laas of the jurisdktion whero thc Property i�loc�terl tt�t rdat� <br /> protection. <br /> NON-UNIf�RM COVENAN'IS,garower end I.�kr furthu covenant and agroa as follows: <br /> 21.Aecekr�tb�;Rp�edie�,Lender e�ll`ive ootice to Borrower prtor to acakratbn tolbwid6 Borrnw�er'a breAC6 of <br /> ny covea�st or �reement iu thfe Sccurlty Inatrumeat (but no4 pr�or to mxler�tion under p�n�rnpM 17 uikas <br /> applicabk I�w provides dberwi�e).T!�notke a6sli epscify:qa)tbe det�►ulti(b)t�e aMion reqeired to cure t!u defAUlti(c) <br /> •date,oat lea�Uua 30 da�flron tLe d�te tLe nottoe ie givrcn to Borrow�sr�by w6ic6 the de�auk must be caredi�nd(d) <br /> tb�t taWr+e to c�re the dehwk oe or before lhe date apecined in t6e notke mAr rtsuit ie accekratfon o�the euma se�:nred <br /> b�t6i�Security Y�ttrY�e�t and sak Qf tt�Praperty.The notke ehaU fl�rther feform Borrm►er o�tbe ri�6t to reinehtt <br /> ' �fter�ekr�tbs �nd tbe ri�ht to brin�a court Action to as�ert th�noo�i�tence of�defAUit or �ny other dette�se ot <br /> ' Borrower W�ca�entlon�od eak.If the defauit ie eot carcd on or before the d�te apecified ie t6e notke,l.endcr�at ib <br /> --. a►tioe�ma7*�9nirr i�m�dVte p�yment in tuU of aU auma secured by thb Security Ynstrument witLout turther deeaed <br /> ; � aed in�y iavoke the po�ver of aak�nd any o!l�er remedies permittM by appticabk la�w.Lender�6a11 be et�titled to coYect <br /> • di exPes�ei incurred in purauin= t6t remed�es pruvided ta this parAgraph 21�incinding,but n�t WnitM to�rcaeoa�bk <br /> � attor�e�'fees��d catts W titie eviaence. <br /> .__.-__ U tbe pawer��t�k fe invoked, 7lruetee ship record A uotice ot detault in eatb county in whkh Aov part of t6e _ <br />_ _--= 14'operty ir bcated end ahW�sil copks M such eotiee in tde manaer pr�scribed by a�plicabk Ww to Borrower und to tbe <br /> _�"���"- M�er persoiu prescri6ed b�App�cabk Inw.After t6e ttme required by app8cribk taw�Tnutee shall�ive publk notke of = <br /> :�:.;r� eale to the persoae�od ie the manner prc�ribed A�=pp�qbk law.'IYastee,without demAnd on Borrower��ha0 sep the '- <br /> -- Property�t pubNc arct{ot�to the hf�hes!b{ddqr At t6e time and lace�nd under the terms � <br /> -_-_^:� p designwted in the notice of sak - <br /> _�p}�rx� M� <br /> .``,•� <br />." £.i � [�_ <br /> L�'YS ___ <br /> ;�a� �-�t�(t�e��ox,��.o, a.�8 ot 6 Fo►m 3Q2e 9190 .. <br /> .,�,°°':� � ��������: .. . - <br /> , _ <br /> u,�t.'� . .. . . . ..,; , _: <br /> �=�L_� � b <br /> �4,+�y����.�r�1M+T�.sa.. Y.e T-w��rr ''-v_r�r�-�w��"'�'�_'_'_'�r �v�•vrw�.n�..��_.���e—.,�i: <br /> � �. <br /> ' �,f� ��. �� � .. .. . / �.. .. � ' <br /> �� ',�♦ . .� .' . ., " <br /> �'. ��' . .. ... - ' . •Y�.�.� .���•, n <br /> ° !ti'��•.,.• ' ` •. � , . ., �, .. �.i .r�'. <br /> �. x..' . <br /> � �` �.r.��� � :�h;,•�:�,�i.ti w , <br />'�:`��.'y�...SF�y` ,. .. . .'h.'� �y"�jiaf : , S ., • <br /> .`�`4M��•� �1 .. - . . .. .• ` � '•� s P , .. <br /> �: yr,!,� �'ir+ , ' i'. <br /> °- ".itiaal . - .' � .r'4•-�+t ri�i; <br /> . i.�.. . � - . � .r r y� <br /> _ .. .. . .. . . . . , ����y;'i i� 1' 1 a 1'•,� �, � .� <br /> . .. �• � ., � .. . ^:�,__. __ ...__.___�.. . <br />