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<br /> V 4� �47�PL7� �
<br /> (i)All or put of the Pcoperty.or�brnefici�l intenst in�toist owning a!1 or p�rt of the Property�I�soW
<br /> or othccwise tr�nsfiercal(other thzn by devfae ar dtscxnt}, wncl
<br /> (Ii) TTt�ee Pmperty ie rot accupiexl by the+ pum.ht►ser or grt►ntrr� �s hjs or Ixr prir�cip�l residence� or tLe
<br /> purclwser or gr�nt.ee does so occupy tbe Pra}xrty b��t hifl i�r her crallt taa not boea approved in
<br /> �ccorduxe with the raluiaare.nts of tho Sacrequy.
<br /> (e)No Wdnr. If cir�cumata�occur thu would pem►it Lendrr ta requlre immaliate po�ymeat in fu11,but
<br /> Lender does not�+equin a�ch paynx�ta,L.ender dcxs nnt+�7ti�ro itn rf�hts with rcs�cct to�subAequcnt tvetMn.
<br /> (�RqWatlar d�11D Secntu�.In m�ny ci�+cum�nros regultMio�iss�ed by the SeccetAry will limit
<br /> Lender's righq, ia tbe csse of p�yaxru defiwlt�, ta requim itnmextinte p�ymeot in full a�rl foroclaec if aot
<br /> paid Thi�Socurity Instnunent dc�s nat�uthodra sooelemuinn ar fc�mclosunc if noc permiaed bp reQulatiom
<br /> of the Socretary.
<br /> (e)Mat�e Nat Iuiured.Borrow�er agceea tlut if thie Sexutity Iv�xnumeat am thc Nooe arc not determi�d
<br /> to be eli�ible for imunxe uader tLe Natlonal HaudnB Aat witlun 60 drya from tbe d�te horoof, T.onder
<br /> maY. st its option,requlre immodtwta payment ta full of all su�ux eocund by tWa Sa.�urity Ia�trument. A
<br /> writun satement of wy auttrorizocl Agcat of tho Se�ccp►ry Gnttxl�uat�sequeat to 60 ddys firom tLe date heroof,
<br /> declimng to iasun thi� Sa�urity Instnuamt iad thn Nutn. ntu�ll be deaued concl�ve proof of euch
<br /> i�ligibtlity. Norwilhs�ling tho fo�goin�, t�ti� optian nuy ax bc eaerc�isod by Lerx3cr whcn thc
<br /> uasv�iLbility of in�u�oce u sokly dne ta Lenderc's f�iture to remit a ma�e iseu�ance pranium to the
<br /> �Y•
<br /> 1�.R�dmhtemeat. Bomower Las a riaht to be rcitutet�E If Leadcr hic required '+*+��y�payuaent in fuU
<br /> boc�x of Horrower'a fsilure to p�y an�unount duo undea�Rlie Nooe or thie Securicy Imstrumeat 'Ihia ria6t y�plies
<br /> cvea afla focrcloa�t�e penceeclio�s at+c irutitutai. Ta ntGu�use the Sav�ity I�eat, 1Bc+rrowcr ehall tender in a
<br /> l�rq► eum all�mou�a requirod to brLy Bormwer's�000tu�curnat iacludiaB. W tl�e��Reat dwy�u�e obliltu�m of
<br /> &xrow�a under Ihia Savrity i�t►ummt�fonxlowta co�xe aM mss�n�ble�nd cau�try auoraeya'Feee ud p�pea�es
<br /> properly as�ociatod wllh tbe forockmtre prooeedtt�. Upon�ein�t�temeot by Boirowet,fbis Securiry Iaeuumevt aod
<br /> ILe obli�ttioro thu it eocures dull ydn�in ln effi�ct ss if Leader �d aot c�oquired imnodiaoe p�ymeat im iWl.
<br /> Howa,►er� t.enaa is noe roquicod tn pcm►ic �nc I� (i) L,enaer t� �cce�eed rdnet�oa,�eac �er wo
<br /> oomo�eaxmaot of foceclo�re pra�oedin�witWn�turo yara Imimaiiately p[eceding dee commeacqnent of a curteat
<br /> foroclo�oe�e pr0000dins� (ii) rdn�te�nt will prm:lude foactowc�e on dtf�ereat gmuade In tLe fuwre� ae (Ui)
<br /> rei�eat wili�dverrely�nct the priority of tho liat cnated by th�s Sa��ity Imtiame�t.
<br /> ii. BaTOwrr Nat IteleMed; Forbau�noe� LRader Not R W�. Bxxnaloe oi d�e ti�c ot payment a
<br /> modi5c�tion of�mocdntion of Ihe snms exvicd by thia SatitiCy Iaetn�ment gr�ated by Ltuder W aaq�r in
<br /> in�nest of Hamwer ah�U na ananam to refeas�:tho 1LbilIty of the oriyiml Aormv�er a Borrower'a suocessor in
<br /> in�eieat.l�eader eh�U not be t+oqaimd to oommcm�e Pmooalin�e ap��et�nY aooaaeor in i�creet a refuse W entmd
<br /> time foc paymaot a otlKawiee moQifyr�pnordr�dun of the eums secural by thie Sacurity I�at by rea�oa of any
<br /> dem�ad ewde by tbe o�igiml Bocmwr.r ar Hamrner's�oeaors in inoerru.Mry�'abeuxnce byc Leadcr in cxerciaing
<br /> sny rigLt or ren�edy�11 na be�w�ver nf ur.procludo the�:ercise of�ny dght a remedy.
<br /> 12.Socawo�s�ad A,Ml�Bowid;�duu�t aud 5e�a�a1 IJa6Wtti Co-Siprn. The cavenaati and sg�eamea�u:
<br /> of thia Security Imtnmuat slu�il Dtnd�ad baueflt du�oro apd asrigw of Leodcr and Borcower.aub,ject to tLe
<br /> proviaioo�of Mr+Braph 9(t�)•.Bomov�r's aoven�aas and�stWl be jolnt aad save:al. Any Honmwet wlw
<br /> co-aiam tLia Sewrity I�ttnmr�t 6atdacs not execute t6e Note: (�) Lt c;o-dgninj thLt Secutity Instt�waat ody w
<br /> moctgage��nt�nd wm�r.y dut Bnrmv�er's aotenst in the Piopeaty w�der the tem�v�f thia Security 1ntn�ment;N)
<br /> • is not persowilly oblig�tad tu pcx the atan�secvred by tLia Secudty Imtmrueat: �od(c)a8�es ttnt I.eacier wd aay
<br /> odkr Borrower m�y agroe tn c,x�eod.moctify,foibear or rma�e xny�ca�mm�duiom w�tih ngud to the tem�s of tbie
<br /> . Sa,�u�ity ImtnunuN or tt�o h'Lte without th�t��m�ower's cott9ent.
<br /> '. ��4lIINEI neo» Pp�6 0}� �._7',�`/' �
<br /> r..,� _ _ _�-vx..-----.. _ __ f� ti��.�s�,�5_, , -_ :� :. '"�
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