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<br /> 7.MrotMO�an o4 L�ndK'�RI�M� In tM Prop�rty. i� eorrow.r raw co a•�+ �h. covrnann .nc� .on.n+�n�
<br /> cpnt�in�d in thM 8ecu�ty In�bum�nt,o►thrt� IM1�Irp��p�OCiUdh{y lh�t may�Ip�tiFiC�nliy�firo! tAndM'�rlOhlo h th�Prope+ly UucA A�
<br /> �prpClkJk�p In b�nkniPlOY�ptoWl��la cond�►vu►tlan a foMMura a to snlonc�kws a nquyllon�L lMn Landw may do and p�y br
<br /> wh�t�vM �Y n�cat��y to prol�ot tho vaA��nf tM Prop�ty �nd L�ndK'� riphts h t�F�ocP�Y;piyln�M on�bM�o�y's IM�d --
<br /> �ny sum� Ncund by r N�n which h�� prlorky owr thk 8�aurMy in�trurn�n6 Rppwr p
<br /> �ntKina on th�Prop�rty to m�lc�r�in. ANhouyh L�ndM rn�y alc��ctbn unctir thb parapr�ph 7,L�d+�dat rot haw to da�o.
<br /> My tmounH dl�burs�d by L�ndw undK thls pu�pr�ph 7 th�N bkorc�a �ddMbnu� tNbt ol Borrow�► �aCUnd by lha S�CUrMyy
<br /> Instrummt. Unf�tt 9orrowa rnd L�ncMr � lo otMr tKms o} p�ymmt, th�s� �miwnts rh�A b�u hM�rNt hom th� rMM ol �
<br /> dkCurl�n�n1�t tiw Nob��N and sh�N lo�paY�bM�wMh InUr�Itt,upon notic�Ban L,�ndK'to Elorrow�r r�q�wtlln�paYrrNnt.
<br /> e. Marty�qe inMl��I1Cl. N L�nMr nquir�d mor1SM� hsu�� as r concl�bn of m�kttip th� ban ��curKl bY th�
<br /> B�CUrMy tnfbummt, Bortovww xhra Pvy tho Pr�:ni;�:na r�.qu'red to rr,afntaln the morMx�e haunnce In etNet. If, lor anv ���� th !�_�
<br /> mcxtap� Imura�es eou�Np nQulnd by Lmdlr MPSN or cMMY�0 b� h MNot�BortowM thaM pay tM prMnkimt r�qulrW lo obt�� —
<br /> co�w� �ubst+uukly oquMl�nt to tM moAy�p� hturanc� P�'�+�N h �t, �t a co�t wbtUnlyly puhnbr�t to tM e��t t
<br /> BortowK ol tlw rtwrtpq� „�unna pr'�vbusy „ N�t, kom �n �k�m�t� mortpaw Insunr �pprowd by L�nd�r. If sub�t�nty
<br /> squkeNnt matppe fn�uraewv covKp� �s not�v�IMb», BorrowK aha11 pay to L�nd�r Mch month a �um pual to onFtw�Mlh of t
<br /> Y�N�WW�su�� P�wm �+�W P�Id bY�arowK wh�n tM fnturu�„v�W� MiPs�d ur cusW to b�n rt�y no lonp�r b�
<br /> �cc�pt usa�nd r�ln th� paymKits �s a bss nsaw In Y�u o1 morty�p� �uranc�. 4os� nsww WY�
<br /> r�quYtd, at tM option of Und�, M moRp�ps Inf�uranc�cov«� (in the�mount and fo►tM p�bd lh�l L�nda rayukaa? Prov�d bY
<br /> �n hzunr �pprowd by L�ndK �pah b�com�s avaY�bM �nd Is obMJnrM. Bartow�r ah�N p�y ttw pnmlumf nquk�d to mahuh
<br /> �np� In��nnc� in effncr,or lo prtwkN � bss niKw, untY tho r'�l�IranrM►t(o� mortWW IntunnCO�nd4 H�CCOrd�nCO wkh u►y
<br /> �,,���rn�nE p�tiv�cr.R,rxrowK�nd Und�r or�pp�I��bM kw. �t�d o1 tha Pro L�ndK ehaN tw
<br /> �.1¢�A�l�lklfl. l.+en4r�r or Rs s{�+t m�y mNc� reo►zcndars�son M c��far fint Insfw�lcn. �. G
<br /> 9orrow�c rtW3c+r at th�thw ol or pria�ro n+ 1ns0aclion a{�ac,'ihk+fi
<br /> 1Q�. C10IId�mnnion� Th� prvcsd.l►a oe eny s��rd a cYJ�rt �ar d4mMp�cs.r dfract or c�nsrx�ra�ntk6 tn conn�ction w91lr nr
<br /> conCMrtneii0n or OthK WtirN Cf luiy(t�1:of li�q F�rvP�iJ'�vr frn'�,-n��x•,(tn;���in �:1 Q}condlern:�:rM,.et.e her_MY RsS�nOd�d 6�11 ba __
<br /> p�W to L.�ndar.
<br /> In tM ww�t ot �tot�i q�kirp of fhs PropMy, tiaa IxvcYtcis �:kt�i rxe�ppY�d to tho eum� s�cund by 7�Id�r.rufty ItnsfrlmN►t,
<br /> wh�llhr'ar nAS thM� du�. wRh any�9ab to BoROw�t. bt tiax ra;ttnt ot a panMl taklnp ol th�Proputy in�rl:kh th�fah'Rtuket
<br /> �� a �� p�y y��k�y �t� lsic(np is pqwl t,r� cv tqreniw tha� ths �mount o} th� wms s�eund by thk Bnc�uNy
<br /> InsdurtwirFY V�xn�dytN1'b�kn tM W�ir^f,t..'.nMss BoROw�r ano t,ra*.C�ir alh�rwk� � in vrrUhp, th� sums s�cund by thls S'+aaautty
<br /> Instrum�nt s1u�N b� nduc�l by tM e��rcunt of th� procMde m�:lp►�i'd bY th� fofbwfny kaotbn: (a) th� total �mount of th� aume
<br /> NCUnd Ynrt�dl�b1Y bWOn th�WcM4� dhrid�d bY (b) th� kir muk�t�pLa ot tM PropKty Ynm�dMMiY bsMn tM tak(np. My bUWtC�
<br /> �ha1 b� pald to Bortow�.In th� w�nt of a (Wt�l t�kfnp ot thi Prop�rt� In whl�h ttw ht mufc�t wlw of tM Prop�ty knrn�dlnlNY
<br /> bNcn th�takiny k M�e tlw� tt��marnt ot t� �ums �cund MnKiMtNy bMors the takh�,unMas @orrovwr�►►� I.md�+•o!M�wfa�
<br /> pn�in wrlttg or unNss rppMe�bU k�w otMrwM� Pro+rida, tt� �rac�d� �htN b� �PPIMd to th� sum� s�cuntd by thM S�eurky
<br /> Instn�rd wMthK cx not lM aums u�e thon dw.
<br /> H lNr Pf0(�Ry f��Di1100fNI�Gy 80rtOrwii�ui �,iliw ii�i�,'"'.t)'j�.ARCSlt:4 $CtS41•.'C lh94!hw rnndrnno►OMef�t0 fllYk�aI1 lYWld�N
<br /> ���o1�y� fa dse�pss,genow�r hll�to rKpond to L�ndK wkh1�90 dayf aft�tM dd� tM notic� b phrsn,Lend�r ia wthorix�d �
<br /> t0 coMCt Ynd�Pp�1► tho 1�����t R� optlOn,�Mher to nstontlon or npak ot th�Propwty a to th�sum� alcured by thk S�curky
<br /> Instnx��L wMth�r a not th�n dw.
<br /> Uny�as Lp�d�r�nd Qprtpv+�otl+�vuiae a{rw h wrRhp, nnY�Pp►�cetbn ol procMCls to prt�ofpal shaN no! ioctYnd a poslpon�ttN
<br /> ���a�1►N monthy p��tt n�wrhd to h p�n�ptl�phs 1 u►d 2'or ohu�tM�mount af such payment�.
<br /> 11. Borrow�r T�ot Aelee�d:Forbe���tce ey Lander Not�Wshrer. Exhnsbn of tha �rne ror a.m�n a
<br /> modll�t{pn of�mprtt�tbn of tM wnn s�curod bY thi�&curky In�Wman qanE�d by L�ndK to any tucee�sar h int�mtt a}BarowM'
<br /> �haN not operab to nlMp tM IkbNNy of th�orlphal Bortov+K or BWrowM'c �uca�aon h ht�st. LentMr fh�ll not b�nqufrrd to
<br /> comn�procMdinpl �hst my woCpsa In IntKKt or rMua to ex�d tin� lor payrtNnt or otherwlq modlfy �mortitatbn o}th�
<br /> �urtn sacund by 4hN S�curitY Inrtrum�nt by nuon of any d�and rtwd� by thr orlphal Barower or Barrorwr'� suoa�sorl h
<br /> ,InLNMt. My torbMr�no� bY������ �^y rlph4 or r�rbdy eh�M not h� •w�lwr nf or PreaM,dA ths eoa�nclp of�nY riGht a
<br /> . rwr�lY.
<br /> 12. SucceMars �nd A�sl���ea+nd; Jolnt�nd 5ever�l Llablltty; CO�IQI1Qf0. The cov�nanhs ltnd
<br /> �prMrtx�nts of thls 3�curl� fmhummt shaN bad and t�nNk th� suecason �nd asslpns of Lrnder and Borrow�r, tubJrct to Me
<br /> provkbna of Wu�pn�ph 17,Borrow�t coven�nts md��►b ehall b�Joht�nd tw�r�tl. My Oorrower who caafpns thb SecurNy
<br /> Inshun�nt but doa not�oacuE� tM Nots: (�? k co•slpnlnp thk S�curky Instrum�nt ony to m4R�p�, prutt, and con�rey that
<br /> gprtorr�� htKat In tR+e Prv�ty undK tt►�brm�of thVs Srcurily Instrum�t;(b) a noc pKSOn�ry oauo�ud to pny th�sum� a�a�nd
<br /> by Mk S�curky Insburr�ent; �nd (o) agrws t�at Und�r md anY othor BorrowK mRy pn� to �act�nd, modMy, torbNr or m�k� �nY
<br /> accpnmod�tlons wkh npud to t�ms ot tha S�curky Instrummt or ih�Not�wkhcwt that Bor►ow�'�cW�tant.
<br /> 13� L.pi11 ChM'ON. It tM ban s�cur�d by thb 6�aurlly Inetrum�nt k aubj�ot to a law whbh nts m�xkrxim b�n ch�,
<br /> �r.d thei law R Mt�r InIMP�M� ea th�t th�Inbnbt or otlNr IoRn ch�rp�s coNwt�d a to b� collect�d h com+rotlon wlth tM lo�n
<br /> ��d tM pKmltt�d Mmkf,th�n; (�)�ny suoh lol�r► ch�rp�t sh�N b� nduc�d by tM amount neC��tuy to �duC� tIN Chup� lo tM
<br /> pKmlttpd IMnR;�nd (D)any tums�Ir�dy Co1Not�d kom Borrow�r whbh�oce�d pwmkE�d IImRs wIN b�nfunWd to 8orrow�r. UrtdN'
<br /> ry�sy choos� to muc�thk rNund by rsduclnp tM prkwlpal ow�d undK th� Not� or by m�kY�p a dfnct paymmt to BorrowK. If �
<br /> nshmd reduCa prtnopal. tM nd�►Ction wIA b�troat�d���puti��preAa9ment wRhout any p�pqmmt ahar�undrr tM Nob.
<br /> 14. NdUCea. Any notic�to Borrower provld�d tor N thle Securiry InsWmM�t sh�N b�0�'►by deMr�k�p'k or by mdlhp k bY
<br /> IUat okaa rrwM unl�t� �ppMCabN I�w roquln� us� 04�nother rtwthod. Ths notic�ehaN b� dk�cted to th� Property Addn�s ar Nny
<br /> othK addns� BorrowK d�sipn�bs by notfa to Lender. My notbs to Under sheN be Ohtin by tkst aMfs mall to LenWr's �ddr�ts
<br /> st�ted h�eln or any othK�ddros� Under deelpn�t�s by notics to Borrower. My notic�p�ovldsd(or In thls Seauriry IngUUment sh�q
<br />— t�dwmed to havo hesn pNen to 8ortn+vor or Lender whsn qtven ag provldsd h thh panpnph.
<br /> 1S.Qoverntn� I.�w; SOVOr�blliiy. Thb S�CUrky Insttument ehwN b� povNrnrd by 1edYr�l kw �nd th� kw of tlt�
<br /> jurkdbtlOn h whtah Ih� Pmp�rty M located. In th��v�nt th�t my provlsbn or orus� of thb Sscurlry Inehum�nt or th� NCI�confllats
<br /> wNh appkabM I�w,tuch conMOt �htll not �M�st other provlsbne of thb 5�CUrky InsWm�nt or th� Note whbh c�n br 9h�n Mhot
<br /> wkhout th�ConfMCttq provltbe• To thls�nd th�prov4la�n�ol thk S�curlty Initrum�nt�nd th�Not�u�d�oknd to b�srhnbM.
<br /> 18. �orrow��� �y. 8orrowK ehatl be qlwn on� conlorm�d Copy of th�Nole �nd of thls S�curky Instrum�nt.
<br /> 17.Tr�ns�er o*the Propeny or s e�enenai�i inierasi iri 'v«awm. �� .� o� .�s v�� �� ��� �:��•; � =:* -
<br /> Int�nst In k I� sold or U�nsNrnd (or M r Wn�fbkl htarrtt In Btxrow�t Is aold or tr�n��»d tnd Borto�wr h not � n�tural p�raan)
<br />= wkhout Ls.�dK'�prbr wrMnn consent, Und�r rt�ay,at Ns eptbn,nqulro Y�xnedl�te paymmt h tuq ot�M euma sacund by thls 6ecurky –
<br />== In�MimYnt. HawwK,thb optbn shaN not be exeralsed by Lend�r M�ocacfta b prohbMnd by Md�ni kw os o1 lh� dab o}thls Securky
<br /> -° Inthum�nt. -
<br /> It I.mdor sxxcfa�es thb optb��,Ler�dx shall plw Borcowx notics o}accekntbn.The notica shaN provlds�perbd o}not Isse thtn
<br /> °' 30 d�ys Mom th� dato Iha not�e Es deltvered or mtVNd wkAln whtch chs Borrow�► must pay �H sums s�ound by thK &ecurky
<br /> = Insuummt. It Bonowor fib to p+�y thaa�sume prbr to the explratbn o}thfs p�rbd,Lend�r m�y Invoke�ny ronkdl�a parmkt�d by thM
<br /> –= Security InsWm�nt whhout huther notVCe or de�rwnd on Bortower. Form 0071 P1s0
<br />�— F10.9.LM0(2!M) Pap��01 6
<br />-� OE910008 =
<br />