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<br /> Filed for record au�ust o 6 2: P. M, in 8oak 1�4 of Deeds __9
<br /> Fa�e �O � egis€er ofi �:e�ds, I�a41 Go�nty, ���������
<br /> Felton fr�JVoIf Companyy Lincoln�Nebr.
<br /> 2.t—WARRANTY DEED �OSE�AR I' " SB� '
<br /> George J. Claussen and Mildred M. Claussen, his wife,
<br /> , herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in conaideration of ONE AND NO/100 Dollars ($1.00) and other consideration,
<br /> received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto Albert Claussen and
<br /> Earl E. Claussen,
<br /> herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in
<br /> H�11................................................ County, Nebraska:g ' • •
<br /> I All of our ri ht title and interest in and to
<br /> Part of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter (NZIV��) of Section Twenty-Six
<br /> (26) , in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) TnTest of the Sixth P.M.
<br /> more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North
<br /> line of said Section Twenty-Six (26) , said point beixig Forty (40.0) feet East
<br /> of the Northwest corner of said Section Twenty-Six (26) ; thence Southerly
<br /> parallel to the West line of said Section Twenty-Six (26) , a distance of
<br /> Three Hundred and Five Tenths (300.5) feet; thence Easterly parallel to the
<br /> North line of said Section Twenty-Six (26) , a distance of Six Hundred and Twent;
<br /> 'f (620.0) feet; thence Southerly parallel to the [�est line of said Section Twenty
<br /> Six (26) , a distance of One Thousand Nineteen and Fifty-Five Hundredths (1,019.
<br /> feet; thence Easterly a distance of One Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-Five and
<br /> Eight Tenths (1,985.8) feet, to a poznt on the East line of said Northwest
<br /> Quarter (N�nL4) ; thence Northerly along s�id East line of the Northwest Quarter.
<br /> (NW�), a distanee of Six Hundred. Fifty-�ight and Five �undredths (658.05) feet,
<br /> � to the Southe�,st corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of
<br /> the Northwest';Quarter (NE�.NE�N�t'�) , thence �nTesterly alo�ig the South line of said
<br /> � NE%4NE�4N�nI�, a distance of Six Hundred Sixty and Nine Teriths (660.9) feet, to
<br /> � thence Northerl alon the �nTest
<br /> ;� the Southwest corner of the said NE�NE�NW4, Y g
<br /> ` line of said NE�E�`�., a distance of �ix Hundred Fifty-Eight and Six Tenths
<br /> Ar
<br /> (658.6) feet, to the North line of saidr�eetion Twenty�Six (26) ; thence 1'nTesterl
<br /> ti' alang the North line of said Section Twenty-Six (26)' a distance of One Thousane
<br /> '; Nine Hundred Forty-0ne and One Hundredth•'�L,941.01,) fe�t to the place of be-
<br /> ,.� ginning ,and containing 54.3 acres more ,or less. ,j
<br /> ,:, y�a ..��.,�
<br />