•.»;,�,,'siU'i.A��a�t; � ;b�' �1^rl •:.���_ IS�.}'�'��'Jt��ftitti.,w {�:
<br /> { )- : � � + r q '
<br /> y.,��... - . -` n�� �1,��;Y:..ti'�,;�'! 11 ,.' i r
<br /> , . ( �.' ., � f �:.1' n � 1 r ,. ,� ��r�, �
<br /> .�-� k'l:�s�;?i^.�rdLy(�jF ;a ��" c
<br /> L r')r . . .... . «.Nu.i.:arlFc�l�.�1ty,�1`i.+YQu...�:`y�:i.. _ .�, . _ f7 i�t�ti Y �i�` s,"751fCha .7r.` dG`I�r .
<br /> .a.;. -t. ,.21}l.fl�-
<br /> r�r►r- ...s�,aw�' . .. .. �
<br /> . .. -., .-:r!"e . - ... .. '�"Rr, .. �y�e_.
<br /> �{v.
<br /> ��'.
<br /> :,,...:*:r,�. , �7-- �.�4U�:�.B =.
<br /> . i; --
<br /> '�" ���� ,; = contlbte wkh appl�abfe kw, �uah conNbt ���N not aHeel othK provKbm ot thh HwurNy In�tnimant �r tha Notn whbh can be
<br /> , � �• ph�n �f(�ct wRhout the conflbtinp provWbn,To lhlt �nd Ih�prov4lan• ol lnN d�ourNy Inetn�mpnt nnA thn N�to nro deatured to ___
<br /> ,, be sw�rabW.
<br /> r�?,:,.
<br /> �,..;
<br /> • 1�. eor�ower'� Copy. Bonow�r�hdl W pMln anM Conlprmt�on�Y ol ih�t�otn nnd M Ihip Roaurlly Inalniment. ,�...;:
<br /> ' 18. Hszsrdou� Subst�nce�. eorrowK �h�ll not o1u�� or �MmM Ihn prn�cmno, unp, di4pnnnl, nmrnpa, Df �B{8980 Of .:�:',
<br /> any Hezardous Subat�nas on or h ths Pro�ty, Borrow�r th�li n�: do, nar el�iw enyonn elen t� c�p, nnytlilnp alloctinq the
<br /> ;q, Property th�t Is h vblltbn of my Envkonme►tel LI�w, Th� prefCWlnp Iwo �Hn�Ane p11Nll Otli IlpJiiy IC! lh0 pfOt30fICA, use, nr ,_
<br /> storape on ths Prope�rty of smail quantltN� ol H�uPdou� SubslanCee th�� 11r�p�nanly rnon(lnlxnd lo b» npprnpri�te to normai ::'�,,•
<br /> �,.
<br /> ,,��f��z� rosidantkl usea and to malntvnanc�of ths Pmpwiy, �'
<br /> �_?'r' ,'�I,'..
<br /> •� � " Borrower shall prompty plw Lmd�r wrkt�n notb� of �ny hw�llpatbn, oNYn, clmm�nd� Nwauf� or othnr aotlon by any 4 4i.
<br />, ..� jf s,i.
<br /> povemmental or r�uktory pp�nay or prN�t�party InvoNhp th� PropMly md �ny Nl�rtudmia�3s�t�ntnnnn ar finvlronmentel Law o ;c,,
<br /> whlch Bortpwsr hai totuRl knowNdp�. If BoROwN Nnms, or lo notNMd by �ny povMmm�nlN or «►�ul�tory nuthorriy, that eny ,�„
<br /> •. removal or other rert»dMtlon of�ny Haurdous 8ubstmc�s �Neotlnp th�PraMrty 1� nt�nnrnry, IIc►nmvAr ehall prampty take ell 'j�„
<br /> . �, necessary remsdBl�otbns In accord�nca wNh Environmental uw. �r;;•,.
<br /> pl.�:�
<br /> ' ?� As used In thls pu�pr�ph 18, "Hauirdous Sub�t�ncoa"pre tho90 su:�sttrr.ee d�fl�9cl �0 7oxb or liarerdnus aubstances y _LL-
<br /> ' Env4onmental Lsw and the folbwlnfl sub�t�nc��: p��olin�, keroNn�, otlNr fMmm�bM or tori:� potroNum produots, toxb
<br /> ' pestbldes snd herbbidee, vol�tlN eoN�nts,matirMk oont�ininp �1b�ato� or fomwlkMhyd�, �nd mdioAOtNe m�talala. As used In =-_
<br /> tha paragraph 16, "Envkonma�t�l Law' mNns kd�ral wws md Ilw� 01 lh� JurKtlbtbn whwo th�Prop�rty le boated that relata �•�•
<br /> • to heaRh,safety or envkonm�ntal protootbn, �"
<br />:r:�.r, . �Jt�.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CAVENANT&. Borrower�nd L�nd�r hirth�r coven�nt�nd�p�M as folbw�:
<br />�,,:;; ; , 17. Assipnment of Rent�.Bortow�r unCOndRbn�ly aulpn��nt! U�n�hn to l.end�r�fi It�o rents and revenucs of tha _
<br /> PropeRy. Bortower nuthorWa Lend�r or L�nd�r'a�p�nt� to ooll�ot th�nnts �nd rw�nuM �nd honeby dinote Noh tsnant of tho �
<br /> �, Property to pay the rente to Lindit or Lond�r'6 �pent6. Howwer� prbr ta L�nd�1 notiso lo UorcowK of Bortower's bre�ah of s_
<br />--.;'_�i( any oovemnt ar�prosrrwnt h th�S�curky Inatrum�nt, BorrowK �ht11 collsct�nd rac�►r� �M renti And rwmun o}the Prop�rty —
<br /> � us tn,stee (or the benettt of Lendsr and Borro�v�►. 7hla �e�pnmtn4 0l rsnt� aon�tMuie� �n ab�olut� �nlpnm�nt and not an
<br />-.��`�,°..`i,.� t aesipnment tor addRbnal securky only. —
<br />-'`^�'� • Ii Lender OMss notfc� o} brsnoh to Borrow�r: (�1 all nnts nc�MNl by Bonow�r �h1111 b� heM by Bonow�r �t trutte�for �
<br />__���•:
<br /> ;�5?���� benefit of Lender ony, to be appll�d to the sume s�cund by th�6�aurky ImYrummt; (b) LanWr ehoN b�mtRNd to ooN�ot an
<br /> ;;,�.��F� rscelve all ot the rents of th� Prop�ty; and (o) wich t�nsnt of lha PropKty ah�N plly rU ri�nt� dw and unptld to L�nd�r or
<br /> -=°*�==.: Lender's apent on Lendws wrkten d�mand to the t�mnt.
<br />--=''=�:.��:�� Bortower has not executed�ny prbr tsslpnm�nt o} the r�nU�nd hu not �nd wfW not P�rlorm�ny �ol th�t would pnvmt
<br />--r�L'i�,�,' I.ender from exeroislnq Rs rlphte undsr thb Panpraph 17.
<br /> =•.:�r&� Lender shali not b�reyuksd to �nt�r upon,tak�oontroi of or mahuh the Prop�rty Golon or�ft�r plvinp notb�Of brMOh to -
<br /> �.,9`'���v
<br /> — � eortower. However, Lender or R Judl�i�ly �ppoht�d nalw►may do eo at �ny tYn� thKS N �brMah. My �ppNC�tbn of nnt�
<br /> -- ° ehall not aure or waFre any daftuR or InvtNdat��ny oth�r rqht or nrtNdy of L�nd�r.Tha�s�qnrMnt o}r�nh o!th�PropKty
<br /> �__ ahnll termhato when the debt s�curod by th�S�curky instnim�nt k paid In fuM,
<br /> -��• 18. �oractowre Procedure. It Lender requlre� Immedl�ts p�ymrnt In f�ull und�r Par�r�ph 9�
<br /> --�•���■ Lender mey Invoke the power of �le and sny other remadl�s p�rmltt�d by �ppllo�bl� I�w•
<br /> -���"� Lender ahali be entitled to collect ell expames inaurced In purwlnp tth� rem�dl�� provid�d In
<br /> ___.� thla Peragreph 18, includinp� but not Ilmlted to, re�son�ble sttorMys' tao� �nd co�b of title
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If ths power of �ele la Invoked, TruKee shefl raco�d s notica of default in �MCh county in
<br /> �rhich eny pen of the Property is loeated and �hdl mell cople� of wch noNc� In th�'.�w
<br /> ------� prescribed by appllcable lew to �orrower end to the other perwn� pr��aribed by �pp
<br /> __;;;N.,�: After the time requlred by appllcsble law, Trustae sh�il �Ivs publie nodae of Nls �o th� p�nons
<br /> - - � and in the manner prescribed by sppllceble I�w.Truetee�without demand o� BorrowK, �II �ell
<br /> - the Prop�rty et pubiic euction to the hlgheat bldder �t the time and plac• �nd u�d�r th� tfrm�
<br /> - deaipnated in the notlaa ot sele In o�e or more parcel� and In any ord�r YrusU� d�t�►min��.
<br /> - - �- Trwtee msy postpone sate of ell or sny p�rael of the Prnperty by publlo �nnouno�m�nt �t ths
<br /> �- tlme and plaoe at eny prevtousQy schedulad �le. Lender or Ita d��lqn�� mty pureh� th�
<br /> _____= Property at any ale.
<br /> = Upon recalpt of payment of the prlce bid. Tru�tee �hall deliver to th� puroh�r Tru�tr�'�
<br /> --�_' daed conveyinp the Prope�ty. The rectUts In the Trustee'�deed sh�ll be prlm� hel� �vld�nc� of
<br /> - the truth of the statements mede thereln. Tru�tee �hall epply the proaeed� of th� ul� In th�
<br /> tottowinq order: (e) to ell eo�te end expan�ea of exerclalnq ths power of NI�, �nd th� MI�,
<br /> v =--==� Includlnq tha payment of the Trustee'�fee�ectuetly Incurred, not to sxceed 109L 9b
<br /> - -= of the princlpal emount of the note at the time of the declaretton of d�hult, �nd riaon�bl�
<br /> _...��_:;. eriorneys' fbes as permitted by Isw; (b) to sll suma eecured by thl� Sacurity Inttrum�nt; �nd {o)
<br /> _-__��:'��,, any excens to the peraon or persona lepelty entitled to It
<br /> It the Lender's intereat in this Securlty Int4rument is held by the Seareury �nd ths 8�er�tky _.
<br /> = '�� requtre� Immedlate puyment in fuli under Persyreph 9� the Searotary m�y Invok� th� nonjudlolal
<br /> �n��•�`-�°� �o w er of sale provid�d in the Sln9te Femlly Mortyaqe Foreelosura Act of 1�94 ("Aot") (1� U.S.C. _
<br /> __:�:�� � 3761 � �.) by requeating a forectosuro commisslaner deat�nated und�r ths Act to camm�ne•
<br /> ''"'��' ��� � foreciosuro end to aell the Property as provided In the Act. Nothinq In th� pr�C�dlnp sentme� -
<br /> �?� �-�•� � _�_�. �_...�.,_ .�.. �e.....�..� �t ,�n� r�nht,otherwlee evaltable t�o a Lendor undsr thb P�r�qnph 1! -
<br /> _.��.;--�- «�.�. ..�r.,... ...,. �__._�, -• - . - _
<br /> -,.,_ ... ,. or applicable lew. _
<br /> ' 19. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums securod by this SecurRy In�trum�nt, LYnd�r �h�ll r�qunt Tru�ts� to _
<br /> �� '• ir, reconvey tho Property and aheli surt6nder this SeCUrity Instrument snd dl not�d wld�nclnq dW! e�CUnd by lhl� &�ou►%y _
<br /> : Instrument to Truetoe.Truetae shall reeonvey the Property wRhout wartenty and wRhout ahtrpe to Ihe pWSOn or p�rsom Mp�try
<br /> ' entNled to R.Such person or peraons ehall pay any recordetlon costa. -
<br /> �
<br /> .. �. f
<br /> . ' . �
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