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<br /> . � , 97— 1U4�,e
<br /> , L�ndK m�y, �I �ny tkrn,oolNct �nd hnld �mount� (or Etarow Itom� In �n epprpat� unount noi to �occ t s max�mum
<br /> �mount that m�Y b�nquk�d for Borroww���crow sccount und�r th� Rwl Estou Sattbrtnnt Prx�duroa Aot of 1974, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> �26p1 �J�, and knpMm�ntinp rpuktbnt, 24 CFq Part 3500, ae they mpy n�ammd�d hom tkn� to tYns ('F�CiPA")� �occ�Pt
<br /> th�t th� aushlon or rw�w pormRtod by RESPA t�r un�nt�C�p�t�d dlsbursemente or dlsbursement� betoro Ih� Bonow�r'e !�__
<br /> p�ym�nt�an�v�lkbk h th��caount may not bi bAaKf an�mounts du�lor the mortqtps Ineunncs pnmtum.
<br /> If ths amount� h�ld by L�ncf�r for E�crow It�m� �xcMd th� �maunte p�rmkt�d to ba held by RESPA, Lsnd�r ehall�ccount _
<br /> to Borrowar ler tho�xcNS tunds �e requlnd 4y 1�&PA. If the amounte of funde hs{d by Lend�r�t any tYns an not�uttbbnl to
<br /> pay th�Htcrow ItMns wlfM du�. L1ndM muY notNy th�Bortow�r and requka BonowK to make up the short�p�se pKmktsd by
<br /> RESPA.
<br /> Th� EsCrow Funda �n pMdUid 4s additbn�l sscurky for ail sums exurod by Qhls S�curfiy Instrumc!nt. �+ F]orcowar tendas �
<br /> to Lsndor 4h�hill P�Ym�^t of all euch sums, Bonowws Rccount ah�ll be credRW wkh ths baknc� rem�hhy for all k�stalM�nt
<br /> Ram� (�), (b), and (o) �nd �ny mort�p� hsuranc� pnmium Instt�lmsnt that Lmdar h�e not bocome o5ilpa:�d to p�y to th�
<br /> Sscntary, and Lende�r ahall prompty rMund�ny exc�ss funda to BorrowK.Immedktey prlor to �foreubsun saM of th�PropsRy
<br /> or ke�equhRbn by L�nder,Borrow�r's aceount ehall be endked wkh any balanee ramatnhg for ali hstaiknente for koma(R),(b),
<br /> 4nd(o)•
<br /> 3.AppIlC�tlOt1 Ot Piy�170�t�.Aq paymsnts under Par�artphe 1 �nd 2 shell be�pplfed by Lender as falbwa:
<br /> Flf�t�to th�mortpap�hsu�cq prsmlum to be p�ld by Lender to the Secrxtury or to the monthly aharqs by the&ecret�ry
<br /> Inctsad af tha manthy mortq�po hsurance premlumt
<br /> SlCO�d. to Rny tuue, speclni aasessments, leasahuld p�yments or yround rents, end tke, Ibod and other harard
<br /> k►surane� pnmlums,�s r�quP�d:
<br /> Thlyd,ta ht�nst du�under th�Nots;
<br /> Fp1lnfl,to amoRiutlon ot th�pmciplli of lhe Nate; and —
<br /> FIt1�1�lo kt�Chup�e du� undsr tho Note.
<br /> 4. Firs� Fiaod and dther Hazs�d In�urance. BoROwer ehall inaure oll knprovertisnts on the Pr�perty, wneiner
<br /> now In �ckEa�c� or subspwnty M'aot�d, �q�hst any hwrda, casusAtea� dnd oonthpancl�t, haludinp tira, tar whbh l.�nd�r
<br /> raqutot Inaurana. Thb Insurance shRN bs mtintained in thA amounts end tor the periods that LsndK nquYse• Borraw�r ehaN
<br /> also Ineun�H ImprowrtNnt�on the PropKty, wFi�tha now In �cistence or subseqwnty enctW, �W�„st bss by fbods to the
<br /> ��nqulnd by th�Secntary.AN Inaunnc�sh411 bs cartfed wRh oompanbs�pprqvud by Lendsr. Th�ineunnce pollcM� �u'+d
<br /> pny ron�wah shaA b�h�k1 by Londer md ahall Include Inss p�yable oM�usas in hvor ot, and in a tortn �captubM to, L�nder.
<br /> In th�ev�nt of bss, 8orrowa ahaq phre L�nder �nm�dkn notb� by m�Y. UndK may rtMk� proof o} bss M not mad�
<br /> prompty by BortowK. E�ch inaunncs aompmY conamed b hayby wthoriz�d end dkeat�d to mak� p�ym�nt lor euoh bas
<br /> .�wr.►w to IBndr. hat�ad of to BoROw�r�nd to L�nd�r Jolnty. All or tny put at tha h:uranc� proaMds may b� �pP� bY
<br /> LMIdK� et Rt Op1bR� 11khYr(l) t0 t11� ��du0tbn Of th� Ind�btOdn�ss unt1M tM NoH �nd inis S�curi'ry ti�:i�i�n�"1.� :Yt ta ar.;
<br /> dNhqwnt Iimounts �ppHod In th�ordM In P�np��Ph 3, ond then to pnpaymunt uf pnc�ipal,or(b)to tl»r�stomtlon or np�k of
<br /> �� �rt►�p�d prop�ty, My �ppYCatbn ol !h� proeMds to ths princip�l shaY �ot axt�nd or pustpon� the dut dets of thA
<br /> manthy p�yrtNnt� whbh Iln ��d �o „ P�OnPh 2, or ch�np� th� �mount of suoh paym�nte. Any eoccass Innur�nc�
<br />— prpoMds pwr�n�mount nqulr�ed to pay aN outatandlnp hd�bt�dness undK th�Nob and thh S�ourity Inatrum�nt eh�M be p�tld
<br /> to tM M�tily Ip�MY�ntRl�d th�rrto.
<br /> In tho w�nt of hfncbsun of thM 5�curky ��strumMtt or othK tnnslM of tRls to th� Wropwty thtt �octinqukh�s the
<br /> hd�bt�dn�s, aM rfpht,tRM�nd MIKe�t of BorrowK h and to Insunnc�policias h toro�ehtN pa��to th�purahacK.
<br /> 6, pccup�ncy� pre�erv�tion, Meintenence �nd ProtecUon oi the Property; Borrower'� Loen
<br /> /1pplicatlon; LOi�hOlfls. BOROwsr ShtW OCCUpy, attltbAsh,wnd us� th�P�oplrty /.9 Borrow�'s prklClp111 rNkJMiCa wRhin
<br /> ayRy daye�fNr th��oa�CUtbn Of thb S�CUrky IflstrurtMnt Ia wKhin 6bctyr d�ye 01 a wUr isaM or tnnsiK o}th�Prop�rty)�nd shaM
<br /> condnw to occupy th� Propaty as Borrow�s pnc�iptl nakiance fa at leut on� yw a1tK th: dsfa u4 acaup:.r,cy, vnk�sa
<br /> LmcMr dMKmh�s that nqutr�nt wIN causs undue hatdship tor BQrtowK, or unless sxtenu�tinp ck�cumst�nCe��ocbt whbh�n
<br /> Myond @orcowK'e control, Bartow�r eh�N notify Lender of�nY extenwtiny clroumsl�ncK. Borrow�r sh�N not comm4 wasM or
<br /> datroy, d�m�p� or subatmtfaMy ahanp�th� PrnpKty or albw the Propwty to d�Hrfontv. nRtonabN ws��nd tw�ooc�pt�d•
<br /> I,�ndK m�y Imp�ot tho PropKty R th� Prop�ty it v�cant or ybendor»d or th� lan is h dMauk. l.�ndK msy t�lC��MSOn�bM
<br /> �ctfon to protoat�nd pr�rw �uch vac�nt or ab�ndoned Rroperty. Borrowa�ohiq�ko W h dMauk M Borrower,durhp th�Wm
<br /> �,pp��pn p�pcas� p�w matorfely hla or Inaccunt� hformatfon or at�t«n�nn to L�nder(or SaiMd to provkle Und�wqh any
<br /> � rtwhrMl hlomWtbn) h conn�ctbn wkh th� b�n wldMC�d by th� Nob, Inoludhp,but not Iimk�d to, npns�nt�tbns conc�minq
<br /> gortow�c's xcup�noy of th� PropKty �s � P�Inc�P+�l nsld�►cs. It thls S�curky Imtnimw►t N on • fKS�hold, BorrowK sh�p
<br /> — comply wkh tl» provltbn� of tM INt�. If Bortow�r �aquires he tNN to th�PropKty, th� teaeahold�nd M� tkM thaM not b�
<br /> n�pW unNsa L�ntMr ayrMS ta th�rt�p�r fn wrkinQ•
<br /> 8. Condemnatlon. Tho procNds of any �wud or aklm tor dama�� dk�ot or coee�qusntMl, In oonn�ctfon wkh xny
<br /> cond�rtxutbn or otMr tdcMp of�ny p�R ot tha Praperty,or(or�onvsymce h pNc� ot aond�nnatbn,an h�r�4y atslpn�d and
<br /> sh�ll b� pafd to L�!d�r to th�atont of th� fuM amount ot the Ind�bt�dnas th�t remalns unp�id under ths N�te �nd thb
<br /> S�cu�ily InstrurMnt. L�t1d1r sh�N sppy euCh prxe�ds to the reduCtbn of th� indobtedness undsr the Nots �nd thfs Seourqy
<br /> Instrurt�t,4kst to �ny delhqwnt �mounte �pplled h ths order provld�d fn Panpnph 3, and then tu prepaym�nt of prMclpal.
<br /> — qny appUcatbn of th� prxeeds to ths prinafpd sh�ll not exlend or postpons the du�dat� o}ths monthy p�ym�nte,whlch aro
<br /> n�nd tc In Pueqnph 2, or chanp�ths �mount ot such payrnente•MY axceas pracMds ovsr an amount requlnd to p�y aN
<br /> outstandiny hdebtsdn�se und�r lhs Not�and thie S�curRy Inotrument ahau t»pald to the entNy Iega1N entkled thersto.
<br /> — T. CFw�qe� to Borrower and Protectlon of Lender'� RIphU In the Property. Borrower sh�N p�y aa
<br /> — powmrrwntal or munblpU ehupas, fine� �nd knpoakbns that aro not Mc4ded h P�repr�ph 2. Bcrtower ehaN pay thsa�
<br /> _ r.a.....r�,.w �. ..,..nil�M.,.�m.nr. �f tai�n to nav would tdvarssN aHeot Lend�s fnt�tast h
<br />. � ODI�I[iVnf on tini o'iiu�q iv u�.�...n� ........ + �..__ _._ �-•- - - • •
<br /> — ths PropMty.upon L�nd�s roqu�st Bortower ahall prampty fuml�h to Lender recelpts evldonchp thosa paymente.
<br /> �� It Borcowor h11�to m�k� th�s�p�ymente or the payments raqulrod by Panpnph 2,or fa�is to perU�rtn any othor covenants .
<br /> � �nd�grslrtisnte oont�h�d h thM S�CUrRy Inetrument, ar th�re Is a Ioyt�procNdtnp that may sfpnllic�nty aHsot Lendor'et rlphts h
<br /> p the Prop�ty (suoh es a proc�dlnQ 1n b�nkruptoy,for condemnatbn or to enlorce Itws or repuktlone),thsn Lender m�y do snd
<br /> ,� pay whatrvsr fa nec�ss�ry to protect the valuo af the property end Lender'e r{phte In the PropeRy, Includhp payment ot texes,
<br />:`���-- h�ard infuroncs and other iteme mentbned In Parnp�aph 2. _
<br /> �.:� Pap�2 0l 6 -
<br />..- f6N�.LMO(O/Y�) -
<br />-:__� _
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<br />�-:� 060700N
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