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M <br />2012014�4 <br />E�HIBIT "A" . <br />% <br />The East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E'/s NE 1 /a) of Section Twenty Eight {28), Township Ten (10) <br />North, Range Eleven (il) West of the 6�' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, Egceptiug a tr�ct of land <br />Deeded to the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, in Quit Claim Deed filed June 3, 1971 in Book 164, <br />�age 334 more particularly described as follows: A tract of land situated along the north line of the <br />Northeast Quarter (NE 1 /a) of the Northeast Quarter (NE y) of Section Twenty Eight (28), Township <br />Ten (14} North, Range Eleven (11) West vf the 6�` P.M., Hall County, Nebraska more particuiarly <br />described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Northeast Qnarter (NE 1 /4) of the <br />Northeast Quarter {NE %), thence running south along the west line of said Northeast Quarter (NE <br />1 /) of the Northeast Quarter (NE'/4) a distance of FitYy-Five (55.0) feet, thence running east parallel <br />to $nd Fifty-Five (55.0) feet South of the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE '/4) of the <br />Northeast Quarter (NE '/a) a distance of �ppro�mately One Thonsand Three Hnndred Three and <br />Seven Tenths (1,303.'7} feet to a point on the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NE �/a) of the <br />Northeast Quarter (NE �/), thence running north along the east line of the said Northeast Quarter <br />(1VE lla) of the Northeast Quarter (NE'/a) a distance of Fifty-Five (55.0) feet to the northeast corner of <br />said Northeast Quarter (NE '/a) of ttte Northeast Qusrter (NE '/a), thence running west along the <br />north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE Ya) of the Northeast Quarter (NE '/<) a distance of <br />appraaimately One Thousand three Hundred Three and Seven Tenths (1,303.'n feet to the point of <br />begianing. <br />