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<br /> -"�-us;�;,,+dt` COV�NANTB 9�',,,� 1�1'R�7�74 --
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<br /> �" , 1. P�ynHnt�. 8orrow�r �pnn to m�ks all p�ym�nt� on ths tecured d�bt when dus. Unlea� Bcrrower and Lender �prss otherwftt, any
<br /> ��� ; ;:� paymsnt� Lendu nalv�e from Borrowsr or �or Borrower'� bsnefit wlll bs�ppllsd fint to any �mounto Horrower owes on the t�cured d�bt
<br /> exclusiw of Int�nst a prinaipd,�econd to Intsnst,�nd thrn to princlpN.I}putl�l pnp�ym�nt of th��ocund d�bt occun!or�ny r���on,It will
<br /> not nduce o��xr.ua�1t1y�ch�dul�d petiment until the_aecurnd debt I�pald in(ult. �,
<br /> - �-� 2.CINm�AyMn�t . N���►W���PW���t�xb,rss ssment�, md othar cherps��tlributablo to tha proparty whon due nnd wlil defend tflle i' .
<br /> to tM property�pai �t�n al�im�whlch wovld frtip�ir t e Ilen af thls deed o}trust.Lander may roqulre 6orrowu to eeelpn eny righte. cidme or
<br /> � debnse�which 9o�i o�wel�i��,h��'O,�qdn!t Pu����.WFW�upPly lebor or materl�l�to Improva or milntdn the property. �
<br /> 3. In�unnc�. Borrow�r will'ke�p�the prope►ty Iniuied undar term� �ccepteble to Lender �t Borrower'�exponte snd for Lender'� benefit. All
<br /> Insurance policl��shell InClud��standud mortC�pe cleuae In fevor ot Londei.Lender will be named n low peyee or es tho Insured on any such __
<br /> Insunnce policy.Any Inaur�nce procudt m�y be�pplled,withln Lender'�dltcretlon,to eith�r the re�contian or repelr of thn dem�psd propeny ----
<br /> �«� or to the��cund d�bt.If Lend�r requlm mortp�p�Insun�ce,Bortowsr�pre�t to m�lntdn tuch InRUnnc�for u lonp oe I.endsr requlra�.
<br /> . . -.f.
<br /> 4,propety.Borrower wfll keep thn praparty in pood condition end make all repairc reaconably nocaascry. C`-
<br /> ;� 6.Exp�nN�. Borrower aprees to pay�II Lender'e expenae�.Inciudinq reasonebte ettorneys'feea, If Bor►ower breeka any covenant��n thit deed Y
<br /> � of truet or In eny oblipetlon aecured by thie deed of truet. Borrower wltl pay these amounts to Lender es provided In Covenant 9 of thle deed o}
<br /> a t�uit.
<br /> �� � securiitySntareiti'�Borcowei�will pnrfotm ditiatt0orrowerLe obllprtone nder eny prlor mo tpape,�deed of truetror��otherCeecu�ritytaee�n erno�r
<br /> . � Includinq Borrow�r's covenants to meke p�yments when dun.
<br /> 11
<br /> v • 7,A�slaxMnt of R�nU �nd Proff4t.Borrower asalpne to Lend�+i the rents end pratits of the propsrty.Unless Borrower and Le��der have aprsod �
<br /> otherwfse In writing,Borrow�r may collect md retaln the rentn ae Iong aa Borrower le not In det�utt. If Borrower dofeults, Lender, I.endar's
<br /> epent, or e caurt eppointed recelver ma take posneaalan end mannge tho property and colleot the rentt. Any ronta Lender coilects eh1�11 be
<br /> -1 neclessery relit d expenRei f The remainl Xg amou�t of rents w11i thun epply to pnymente on thu�secured d btas p.•ovidod�In�Covenintd'any oth�r
<br /> � :.,�i; �. 9,L�at�holds•Condorr�inlums;Pl�nn�d UNt O�v�iopm�nta.Barrower agrees to comply with tha provislana oi any leaso If this deed of truat is on
<br /> ^.��.'•}��.,.;; ;:, a Ie�cohold. I�this deed of truet Is on a unit In a condommium or e planned unit development, Borrowar witl perform all of Borrowar's dutlos
<br /> ` under the covensnta,byI�ws,or repulatians of the condominium or planned unft dovelopment.
<br /> :_'�:Ktttlr�y.7
<br /> ' g,Autha{ry o1 Lar�r tu Psrtum tor Eorrown. If Bnrromer faile to perform sny of i3orrower's dutiee under thla deed ot trutt, Lender m�y _
<br /> �"_''�' parform the dutles or cause tMm to be p�rformed.LanAor may siyn Borrower's n�me or p�y eny omount if neces�ary for pertorm�nce.it my
<br /> _ - '•' s.: constructfon on theproperty b diocontinu�d or not c�rNod on in a nasonable m�nner,Lender m�y do whetever la necesaary to proteat Lender's
<br /> , ••'�, � security tnt�rest In the property.This m�y Include completing the conatruatlon.
<br /> -�,;�;�- ' � , Lendsr's f�flure to pnrtorm wili not precluds Lender fram exercieing eny of Ite ot�er riphtc under the I�w or this dend of truat.
<br /> "��'�����''''� AnY amounts paid by I.ender to protect Lender'e security intnreat will be secured by thl�deed of trust.Such amounte will be due on demmd
<br /> ;��.•;�•� end wlll bear Interest trom the date of the payment until peld In full at tho interert rato In eNect on the aecured debt.
<br /> -•:tiwJ '-'..
<br /> 1q, D�fwlt �nd Aec�l�tatlon. If aorrower feils to meke env poymant when due or breeka eny covenants under thft deed of truat or my
<br /> ` demend Immedlete peymlent snd mey Invoke the power of sata end any other remedleedpermitted by eppllcable liwurity oS the secured debt �nd
<br /> te.'ff aii',;�..:,
<br /> _;,a.�4: , : 71.R�qw�t for Notle�of D�tauFt.It le heroby roquested thnt copixt of the noticee of default snd eele he aent to eoch perwn who I�e pery
<br /> -.,�= i, heroto,at tM►addnae of each such person, av set forth herein.
<br /> — . ;.��;,�d;
<br /> -`�-'�-`s'; 17.Pow«of&N�.If the Lender Invokes th�power of ea1n, the Truetee sheli first rocord In ths ottlae of the replater of deed�ot e�ch county
<br /> ---°`- ' wher�ln tne truet(xop�srry or some p�ri w piii,ai ii'�o�o�i io�'it:oi�d:aa2:�a a!doleul:is:^!:!n!t!^Lh8;nmr�wNnn r�t�tdrad hy Iaw.The Ttust�e
<br /> -��,;;`�'� shdl �Ito mall copiet of the notice of detault to the Borrower,to esch pereon who I�s a party �ieroto, end to other porsons uprsscribed by
<br /> -= applfoable law, Not loaa thin one month after the Truoteo racorde ths notics ot detault or two month� (t the truet property ii not In �ny
<br /> --`--- incorporat�d Giry or villape and I�uaed in f�rmtnQ oporotionn oerc7�id on by the tru�tor,the�'rustee thsll pive public notic�of ul�to the p�r+�ons
<br /> --- ��' and in the mannnr preacribed by�pppllcable iew.Trust�e,witimut domend on Borrower, sh�il sell the property et publiC auction to tM hiphe�t
<br /> -"""'-� •��� bidder.If requked by the Farm Homettud Protection Act,Truntoe ohNl offer the property in two�eparate sale�es requked by applic�W� l�w.
<br /> �;'�?"'' Trwt�s may postpone�ele of all or�ny pa�cel of the propaKy b�publla�nnouncement at the time�nd place of any provloutly tchedul�d sN�.
<br /> ___- - Lends►o�Re detignee may piuchese ths propertV at any s�IN.
<br /> ��- Upon ncelpt o}payment ot ths price bid,Trutt�s th�ll dolivor to thn puroh�R�r Trust�e'�d��d conveyiny the proparty.TI»recitl�ls cont�inad In
<br /> °--W='"'6� Truata's d�W shall bs prlma hcie evidience of ths truth of thn sU�tmm�nts contdned therein.Trwte�sh�ll�pply the praC�sds of th�c�le In the
<br /> •��� folbwinp order: (a) to dl expenass of the ule, Includinp, but nnt Ilmit�d to, ro�soneble Tru�ue'� feea, reasonebb �ttorney'a teac md
<br /> -�°,��;?� nlnsUtement f�sa;lb)to all eume secured by thia deed of trunt,and ial the balance,If sny,to the persons lepoly eniitbd to roc�lve it.
<br /> — "=s�� 1�,Fat�do�t�ne.At Lender'a option,thls deed of trust mny bo fqrnafuaad In the manner provide by nppllc�blo law fcr foreclosure of mortq�s
<br /> on nal property.
<br /> 14.MNMatlat�.Lender msy enter the property to Inapnnt it if Lendur pivea Borrower nqtics befonhend.The notice must state the n�oon�We
<br /> - CW6�ro�Lsnder's Inepectfon.
<br /> — 16.Cond�nwwtlo�.Borrower eesfgna to Lender the roceed�of any aura�d or clelm for dsm�ys�connacted with a condemnatlon or otMr taklnp
<br /> of ail or�ny p�rt of the proporty.Such proceeds wiP be eppifud an pmvided In Covenent 1.7hle asslflnment is sub�eat to the terms of nny prlo►
<br /> --- security�preement.
<br /> � 1i.Waiwr.By ex�rclsfnp eny remedy available to Lendor,Lendur doe�not pive up�ny riphte to leter use any other remedy. By not exerei►Inp
<br /> _= any ramedy upon Borrawer's dotault,Lender daes not wefvo eny ritiht to lat�r conalder the event a defauit If it happans epeln.
<br /> -------- 1T, JaMt�rM S�wrr UabWty� Cailpn�n: Suce�sson �nd /lsw'�na Samd. All duties under thb dead of trust are Jol�t �nd ssv�r�l. Any
<br /> - Barrow�r whMo co-alpne thl� dssd ot truet but does not co•sW� the underlyinp debt fmtrumentUl doe� so only to ars�t end convey th�t
<br /> - Borrowsr'�Intu�st in tM pro�erty to the Tru�tea under the turmo ot thls deed of truat.In sdditlon,euch�Borrower ayrea that the Lende►�nd
<br /> �ny otMlr Borcower under thl�deed of truet msy extend,mndH�!or mak��ny other chanpet In tM torm� of thb deed of trust or the�eccxed
<br /> - d�bt without that Borrow�r'c cona�nt and wlthout rela�elnp ttint Barrower irom ths terms of thfs d�ed of trust.
<br /> �� 7M duUe�and benntita of thle dasd ot trust shall bind nnd benofit the�ucceicors end�aelpna of Londe��nd Borrower.
<br /> � 1�.Nutta�.Unless othorwlas required by Isw,sny notiae to Borrowsr�hell b�given by delivering it or by meflinp It by certified malt�ddrecs�d to
<br /> � �� Borrown�t ths propertY addnes or mY other eddross thet Borcawer has piven to Lender, Borrower wfll pive eny notiee to Lendar by certifMd
<br /> m�fl to Lender'�addr�a�on papa 1 of thls de�d of trust,or ia eny athor eddre�s which Lender haa dealpnrt�d,Any ott�er notia to Lender �hvll
<br /> --_---==! be sent to Lendet's�ddns�e�etatsd on pape 1 of thia doed at tn�et.
<br /> --�a+iRi
<br />-" -''�',;:,� Any notloe ah�lt be deemed to have been plvon to Borrower or Lender when plven In the manner ateted ebove.
<br /> <<.,:�n��..,-
<br /> •«�•�n,�;�j. � 19,Tr,uuf�►c}th�Prop�rty a�B�nNlcl�l Int�rnt In tN�Bnrrnw«. I}all or eny pan oT the property or eny Interoat In It Is suld or trensferred
<br /> ±:��g��!t`�,r, wlthout lnnd�r'r prbr uvrltt�n coneent, Lender mey demand Irnmedlste piym�nt of the �ecured dabt. l.ender may also demand Immedi�ts _
<br /> ;c;� ��.��, p�yment It th� Borraw�r la not a natural person end e bnnafinlel interest In the Borrower Is nold Ar trenaferrod, However, Londer may not _
<br /> ��'• d�m�nA payment in tho�bovs sltuatwns If It I�prohlbitod by tudoral law�s of the dat�of thia deed of trust.
<br /> :,.'...;;;:;�,, � �
<br /> �,-r;�j;:°}�:��� 20. R�conv�yinc�.1Mhon thu obllgatfon setured by thls daed of truet hea been pafd, end Londer has ra furthst obligstlon to make edvances �::
<br /> undet the Instruments a eareemente secured by thls doed of trust, the Tru�tee shell, upon written request 6y the Lender, reconvey the trust E_
<br /> -"�,•� ' property.The Lender shell deliwr to the Borrower,or to Burrower'a wccetsor In Interoet,the trust dned end the note or other evldence of the
<br /> • �a;. obl p` atlon sa�atlafled. Borrowor shall psy eny rocordatton coste. �
<br /> ��yt:N'�'i X �
<br /> -.��r;;�hr... 21. Succ�stor TrwtM. Londot, st Londer's optlon, meY romove Trustee and eppolnt e euccetwr trustee by ffrst, meillny a copy �f the ``
<br /> --1:c;.,; . ��, substltutlon of Crustee ae raqulred by eppllaeble law.end thon,b�r flllnq the nubstitutlon of truatee}or record in the oHlce of the replater ot de�ds r
<br /> ......�...�.. �..�.....,r r►..aurn���nr rn��tu. w(thnut cnnvevenca nt tha uronertv. �hall [
<br /> :-.:.�;='?i`� oi e�cn couniy iR�.iuu�a:.��•at�:...�..:.:J.�' ._ . ._. _...--•- -- • - - -- - .
<br /> • � -: y� eucc�ed to ell tho power,dutlae,euthority end tltle of tho Truateo natned In the doed of truet and of eny euccetaor truatoe. [
<br />--- ,n��a:,�. �Y. f
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