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<br /> � , 1. P�ymmt�. Borrowsr aaroee to maks all payment� on th� ��cured d�bt wh�n dur. Unlue Bo►rowfr �nd L� er eyree ot erwlae, any .,��5.�;_
<br />: � � ••��� paymsnt�Lender rocdvn tram Borrower ar tor Ba�rowor'a t►�r►�flt wlll W IpWl�d fH�t to �ny�maun1A g4rrow�r owv�on the secu►e� debt �:
<br /> „ � �._ exclueive oi Interost or prinolp�l,�scond to�nta��t �nd tMn tn princlp�l,IV petl�l pr�p�Ym����df Ih��ocur�d debt occura for�ny roasan,It will 'fA,�,•=;
<br /> not reduce or excuee any�cheduied peymrnt witll���ou��d d�bt I�p+IW In lull, �,< <
<br /> '� 2.Cl�kru Apalmt Tftl�. Borrower wlll ptY all t�x�� atMn ti,�nd vther chnpN�nrlMit�ql�t�tha{.ru(tartY+i+��bn due end wlll dofond tltlo .
<br /> � � .� to ths propstty��7alnet any clNm�which avould Ima�lr tM I�bf�tnl�dM�c+ol iru�f.lar�!�r m,�y ie�rt�:�t�Enrrov+u to�nRIOn eny rlphts.clalms or �;,!7:�
<br /> detensst which 8orrower m�y h�ve ayaln�t p�rtins ho 1Uppry llEor!Fl fnt�t�tlnl�to Imp1ovr ar ir�pb�t�lro t�t WropnrtY� '?;��:�,.,
<br /> .I 8. huur�ne�. Borrowar wiii kesp ths property Inwnd unA�r ts�m��ac�pt�bl� to L�nda �I Bcu�nw�r'r�xAnne� md for Lend�r'o benefit.All "�•;'�.`
<br /> �.'� fm�vanc�pollcl�t shdl Includo a ttand�rd mortp�p�c�au�s In f�vor of L�nde,L�ndu wlll b�nunad nn Inn^pnYOe or�n thn innurod on eny such .;';,
<br /> '' insunnca policy.Any insurancs procs�d�m�y b��ppll�d,wlthln I.and�r'�diwr�tlon,to�Ith�r thn rqnt�ntlan or ropnlr of ths demsQed property
<br /> _ � or to the eecurod debt. If Lender requlra�morty�pe Insunno�,Borrowa�pn�o to m�lnt�ln auoh IneurRnr,�for�e Innp es Lmdsr requlree. �F{�.�;
<br /> .���� A.Prap�rq.Borrowu wlll ketp the prop�rty In pood condlpon end m�k�di npNr�n��on�bly n�cr�u�u�y. ;•.�,�_.
<br /> � 6.Exp�nu�.Borrower apraa to p�y all Lend�r's�xpsns�t Inaludlnp rnoon�bl��ttom���' Peu, It�arrowor lu�+�k�my covenents In thle deed •,i.ry,
<br /> of trust or In eny obligatlon secursd by thl�deed o}tru�t.�orrowsr wlil p�y the�a�mount�to L�ndar�n Rrovfded In Covenent 9 of thfa deed of ',;�`<i.,
<br /> •• �, trutt. 't'r*~
<br /> � 6.Prlor S�cu�IntK�st�.Unlea�Borrower fint obt�!m L�nd�r'�writt�n cona�nt,Borrow�r wlll not �ttnh�or pifrmit�ny chanpes to any prior :�f,_,..._
<br /> security Interesi�. Bonower wiil puform ail of Hotrow�►'� oblip�tlom und�r �ny prlur mo►tp�p�, dnnA of truat or other secwlty apreement, ;���:`_.
<br /> including Borrower'�covenanta to m�ke paYm�nt�when du�. 'i,.
<br /> 4n �,.'� ,
<br /> � ., 7,Asslonn�t o1 Rmta�nd Proltu.Borrowsr usipns to Lsnd�r th�nnt��nd proflt�OT tftN pr4Rprt�/. Unlnne Bonow�r and lender hsve n{�rnod
<br /> otherwlse In wrlting, 8orrower mey coll�ot and ntdn the rsnt� n lonp ��8ortawsr I�nor In dnfnult.If Barrowu dsf�ult�, lender, Lendnr'o :�_
<br /> eyant, or a aourt eppolnted roc�iver m�y tek�poueulon and m�nape th�prop�rty �nd collxnt ths nnte. Any nnt� Lendsr coilects ehnll bo �"
<br /> applled iiret to tho coeta of man�pinp ths property, InCludin court co�te�nd attorr��ye' fnnn, comminelann to nntal +0�ents, snd eny othnr --
<br /> - , necesaary reletod expenaos.1'he rematnlnp emount of rsntn w�l then apply to peymente an thn�naurod dnbt en provlded in covenent 1. �
<br /> � ,.,.,,„ .� •.IMSN�oid+�•Concbminlum�:PIMx►�d Unk D�vMap�nMMS.Borrowa•pn��to cqmply with th�pruvl�lum ot�ny la�e�If this deed of truet la on {��,�,:'.
<br /> �- •luahoid. I�tS�la deed of trutt b on�unit In�condominlum or� pl�nrwd unit diwiopmmt, Borrowu wlll pe►tam all of Borrower's dutlen �D.�;t:
<br />=:°�i�.'•�'';"`� � under tM�.►venante,byI�wi,or wpulatlon�o}tls�condominlum or plann�d unit d�wbpmmt. �!�i
<br /> ;,;t�•.�:ti
<br /> ;j;:,.;�j;��� 8.AutF�odty of t,�rnd��to PKfam iw/ortow�r. If Borrower f�i►a tu p�Fbrn any of Bonowor'a duttne¢n<!er thle de�d of tro�t. Lendor maV _ _
<br /> ;, „ p�rform the dutiea or cw:e th�m to W p�►formed. L�nder may Nqn 8orro�ver'�nim�o�p�U�RV�maunt If n�cn��ry for performence. If ai�y __
<br /> '�'�"�: c o m t r u o N o n o n t h e pr a p s r t y Is dlECOntlnu�d or�ot c�rrl�d on in�nasombia manner. L�ntter mnV dc�whac�vu I�n�c�ssey to protect 6onAor'n ��Y
<br /> '� t'-- ' -
<br /> .��.• e e c u r i t y i n t e r e s t I n t h o p r o p s r t y.Thls ma y(nclude com p;stlnp t hs cons truo t lan. -'
<br /> L�nder'�fdlure to perform will not preciude Lendar irom sx�rol�lnQ my of!tt oth�r rlphte undnr the Inw cr thla dnad o}trwt. �aM_
<br /> :�:. -:.
<br /> Any�mount�pdd by Lender to prot�ct Lender'�escurity Inten�t wiil br s�cur�d by thle dwod ot tra�nt.6uah emnunt� wlll M du�on demenA
<br /> ';�:�' �nd wfll b��r Intere�t from ths d�t�of th�p�ym�nt untfl paid In full�t tl»inton�t nt�In�ff�at on thn�enurod M►ht.
<br /> �:;`,:.
<br /> ,�� ,.. ��_
<br /> ������`s �p, p�}� � p��N�ntlon. If Borrower hll� to m�k� �ny paym�nt w�n dw a► Ix��k��nV cownpnt�under thi�d��d of tru�t or �ny __
<br />`'"t�Y�.,, :. oWiy�tbn Recursd by thl�d�sd of tru�t o►my prbr mortp�pa or de�d of tru�t,L�nda maY�oaetMr�t�ths m�tutity ol th� t�cund d�bt end
<br />' ;:�`�, ..., d�m�nd Imm�dl�U paVm�nt�nd m�y Invoks th�power of�ale snd�ny oth�r nm�dl��p�rmittN!by applla�bla I�w. K•.._
<br /> � .�` ��'e4° �;,_;_:
<br /> .•�» r 11,p�qu�st fur NMIc�of Drtault.It b hereby requs�t�d th�t aapir�of th�notic�r o}d�f�ult�nd�eln ba unt to uah p�non wha is�p�rty __
<br /> R',�c'°S•'' h�nto,�t tM�ddreas of eech such penon,n�st forth hsreln. �-
<br /> �,.�.a�
<br />:-.-;��,��_:..,.,
<br />--' �"•'`'� _�,pa�.-=!Bslt.!!t1!e len�!���h�okea ths ows►of ula,th�Trutt�e �hNl ftr�t_ncord In ths ottl��a}the npl�t�r o}d��d�of ach county
<br /> �:_;�� whorefn tM trutt property or eome p�rt or p�resl th�rsai I�Ntu�t�d�notfa of a�t�uic coniainin tfiM Ir�i�iir:i�ua r:�t:lr:��!eW T!e!?r�set�e
<br /> .�a �hall d�o mail copiea of the notice of dsi�ult to tF►� Borrower,to naoh p�r�on who I�� p�rty�iento,�nd to otMr penom��pntC►�b�d by
<br /> applicabb lew. Not lesi then one month �fter th� Ttwte� �ecord� th� notic� of dofault, or two manth� it the tru�t prop�rty I� not In ��Y
<br /> -_-.�c�..�: incorpor�ted cfty a viti�ye�nd I�used In firminp opantlon�carrlM on by th�t►u�tor,th�Truetae�hell plve publlo notta�of�N�to th�p�rsom
<br /> � �nd tn the msnner pr�acribed by�appplicehte law.Tru�tu,without d�mend on 8arraw�r,shail�ell ths prop�rty�t puWlo�uetlon to tM hlphnt
<br /> "��'�� bldder.If requirad 6y tM Farm Homettead Proteotlon Aat,Trwm�sh�ll offe�th�pmperty In two�ep�nte ul�t u nquk�d by�ppllc�bl�lew.
<br /> -- ---- — Tru�t�e m�y postpon�ule oi ell or any percel of ths(xoperty by publio onnounc�m�nt�t the tlmn��d plaa�of�ny p��vloudY�cMdulW���s.
<br /> --'��� L�nd�►or its deRtgnee may purohaos the property�t any s�le.
<br /> �-R"`m Upon nc�lpt of peyment of tt►�prics bld,7nwt�s�h�ll detiwr to the pur¢h��er Tra�te�'e de�d aonvsyinp th�pro(�rty.1�h�►�altlal�contNn�d In
<br /> _,�;� TrustN'�tlMd�heA ba prlm�facN avidlanc�o?tM truth of the stat�mmts cont�in�d thusln.Tru�te��h�ll�ppiy tfN proc�of tM��N In the
<br /> -.___ rilrutit�emint 1eeie11b to ill�eum�iecu ed by thli�deed uf�t uct uend 1ol�thetb,linc�.�itinV tla the pe�son!Nyiliy�ntiN�d to nulvi It.f N� ��
<br /> -� 1�.FoneWsix�.At Lender'o aptlon, thf�de�d of uust may be forocloisd In the m�nnsr pravlde by appllo�bie law fat fonato�un o}mortp�0e�
<br /> oa nal proporty.
<br /> 14.�oNo�� L�nder miY�ntor th�property to In�p�ct It if L�nder pive�Borrowsr notto�bafarehand,The notic�mu�t�tat�th�n�son�We
<br /> � cw�s fa I..�ndir's Insp�ctlon.
<br /> _='=-•���' 18.Caid�nxMtlon•Bo►rower aul0n� s to L�nder the procsede of any award or afulm for dem�pne ccnn�ond wRh�cand�mnitlon or otMr t�kinp _
<br /> ,_i.�_.� of dl or my part of th�propertY•5uch proce�d�wIU be applied e�provlN�nl In Cavan�nt 1.Thla�eilpnmmt I�subJeat to the tum�o}�ny{xlor
<br /> ��r,urity Wn�ment.
<br /> 1a.YY�Iwr.By exeroisinp any remedy rvalitbie to Lsnder,Lsndsr doe�nat piv�up��Y riphte to I�tsr u�s�n9 otMr nm�dy.By nat�x�roltlnp
<br /> �ny ram�dy upon Botrowu'a deteult.Lender does nat waiv�eny rlpht to leter conrldsr the svent�defoult If It hsppm��p�ln.
<br /> 17. Jok�t �nd S�w�MLI�bWt+�, CaNpn�n; auoenso�� �rW AtNp►�BawKl. Afi dutb� undnr thl� dud ot trwt�rq Jalnt �nd uv�r�l. AnY -
<br /> rovwr who ao•tlpm thli ueed of truat 6ut do�s not co-sbn tF»und�rlyirq dsbt In�trum�ntle) do�e �o only to pnnt �nd conwy th�t
<br /> =- ; ��owK'�Interen In tM ptoperiy to tM Truetee undx ths term�of this do�d of trust.In edditian,auah�Rarrow�r�yrN�th�t tM l�nd�r�nd
<br /> debt wkhout thet�Borrowir c�coni�t ind wkhout�elei�iln0 thit 8orr w�e�hom the tsrmo o�ihli dtled ot nuit thl�dNd of trwt or tM r�aund
<br /> ! 7h�d�nirt and benefit�of thls d�ed of truat nhell bind end benefit the euccessern nnd�sslp�o of Lender end Borrower.
<br /> 'IS.Node�.Unlss�othera�iss requfred by lew,Any notice to Borrowsr�hall be piven by dellverinp it or by maillny It by aertlll�d m�ll�ddnn�d to -
<br /> 8orrowK�t th�pro rtY�ddre�s or�ny other eddreu th�t Borrower has DIven to L�ndnr.Borrower will pfw�ny notia�to Undsr by p�riHl�t
<br /> -`—� b��isnt to Lindsr''i�d`drei::e ai iedf on�p Ae 1 of thls deed of Vu=iy�r addrest whloh Lender ha�dedpnated.Any oth�r natlo�to L�nd��h��� _
<br /> y'.'.`.�'��� Any notic��hell be d�sm�d to h�ve 6een piven to Borrower or Lender when plven in the mannor atetod�bovo, ---
<br /> _�_:���.�':? _
<br /> ;;�r 19.Tnn�f�r of tM PrapMtY a�t�nMcial Int�rat In tl»Borrowar. It all or eny part of the property ar eny Interut In It 1��olcl or tr�mferred _
<br /> ��-.,•�� vrithout 4ender'e priur writtsn consent, Lendor mey dem�nd Immedlate peyment of ths eecured dabt. Lander mey N�o d�m�nd Imm�dl�t� ���_
<br /> "-�'�'�"� poyment If ths Borrowe la nat ■ naturat pereon end e beneflcld Interait in the Borro�rer le Qold or tramlerrad. Howewr, �rndv m�y rwt �`�:
<br /> �� ���� demand payrnent In tl�abov��Ituetlona If It Is prohibitod by tederet lew en o}the dAte of tt�la deed of trurt.
<br /> �.��.r:� ��_-
<br /> ;;c` '"'�` ' 20.R�eonwyana.When the obllpstion secured by thla deed of trust ha�been paid �nd Lender h��no turther obllp�tlon to mak��dv�nn�s ., _
<br /> ,�j���._- unclor tM inatrument�or�yrsemsnto�ecured by thlo deed of tru�t, ths Trustea�half,upon writtm roqua�t by tha L�nder, nconwy 1M ru�t r -.'
<br /> ro-•� �',�:' obi l peUon toesstlit cd�Borrow�rehelltpay eny ecordatlonB oate er's tuccei�ar In Interett. the truit de�d snJ th�not�or ath�r�vldenc�o�th�
<br /> , _,t,�,�.
<br /> �,4
<br /> ',„:;•:*+-��, 21. Succ�s�a TrustN. Londor, et Lender'r optlon, mnY removo Trustse snd eppolnt e tuoc��wr tru�t�� by flnt, m�lilnp � copy o1 liN .
<br /> --- � ...r...s.��.in.,.,�r.�,craa aa roaulred bv enultaahle law,end then,by fllinp the eubstitution of tru�tsa for rocord In th�alflae of th�nplttu o}dud�
<br /> ,-�_ _ • -�., �_.._.._.._. . __.. . ...._...---•-•--- ..�._r.....�.... .�..0 '
<br /> , ��I cucceed to e11 the power tdutles euthor�lt�y and title oft ho Truotee nnmed�n the deed of tr et e�id of any�eucni�or truiiai.�����r V�•••'��
<br /> • ;� i
<br /> �:
<br /> . .. . rp���?ol 7l
<br /> 1�"� ' �IINKEII!BY9TEMS.INC..ST.ClOUD,MN 66301 It•L00•]07•23�11 FOF1M OCP�MTO�NE EI181B�
<br /> � �
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<br />